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Hotfix Build Rolling Update (was

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Yeah, i'm noticing that my detectability drastically changes alot. Yeah, i disagree with all the increased detectibility for all stances, but im also noticing that it changes alot despite the kind of ground i'm on. For example, i could be sprinting . . . . and then somehow i'm a ninja for a minute. Maybe its lag but maybe its not and i just thought its worth mentioning.

Also, the game is unplayable with the increased detectibility. Maybe some of these guys are leet ninjas, but u can't possibly expect new people to learn to play the game when they spawn with only a flash light and not now how to stealth past zombies. I thought i was pretty good at it and now with the patch, i can't even loot a single house without getting swarmed.

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There is one bug I found that was in

I spawned and randomly had 14 hatchets and another melee item (can't remember).

I couldn't use them unfortunately hahah. I dropped them all. But it was weird.

And another bug I had, I hid in a house and these zombies walked straight through 2 doors without even opening them!

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I said it earlier but I'll say it again...HOTFIXES SHOULD NOT HAVE NEW CONTENT OR NEW THINGS.....HOTFIXES should be to ONLY fix whats broke. Everytime he's done a hotfix and added new things in there just to get them in then we end up with 4 more things wrong. I'm losing motivation to test when all my stuff keeps getting deleted.

Hot fixes should have what they decide to add. You are too attached to your stuff at this stage.

I think calling them hot fixes is the mistake here. Just call them updates.

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So far so good. I haven't noticed any major problems aside from:

*the hatchet trying to replace my primary

*Zombies seem to still 1-hit bleed me all the time

*I haven't gotten hit through walls as much, but when I stop moving, sometimes the z's stay in that place and just start swinging, even though I'm 10ft away.

*The flashlight is finicky at best when it works. I usually have to aim at my feet to be able to turn it on/off when standing, and at the sky if I'm prone.

*I keep getting kicked out by BattleEye (it's 5.16 I think) for random reasons. Donno if that's server or your hotfix, just figured I'd mention.

*The sounds seem to be very up and down. There have been times I've fired an AK and gotten no response, but I've shot my m9 and gotten 4 z's from down the street.

*speaking of guns, idk if you altered the damage tables, but I had to put a clip and a half of m1911 into a zombie to get it to go down. It seems to be really random when you actually one-shot a zombie or not.

Now that that's out of the way:

>Mfw this patched up and worked well


I love the way the zombies work now. I really just wish their attraction to flare noise was greater, or at least had a pronounced affect. Right now, I haven't seen them paying much attention to it.

HOLYJEEBUSFUCKINGGOOBYGODS I almost pissed my pants trying to survive for the first 30 minutes in the dark after I respawned from the debug plains. It was some scary shit crawling around, hearing zombies and not being able to turn on your flashlight because you don't want to attract them. Job well done, but looking back at it, it's making the learning curve for newbies almost vertical if they don't know what to do.

A small suggestion would be to have the hatchet go back into the tools section, and make it a gear menu option.

Also, how long do you think it'd take you to write a teleport code so that anyone that is stuck in the debug plains/forest/ocean can just enter that and get put back on land? I mean, you could make it a limit code where if we're 1 meter beyond X/Y negative and positive we can put that in and get sent back to the beach or something. I ran for two hours (I taped down my w key) and still never hit the map. And yes, I was going in the right direction. Just a thought is all.

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I spawnd in, all my weapons i had were gone, and i had a makarov, with 3 clips, Map, GPS, knife, and binocs.... Also, FPS has gotten alot worse, cant seem to move 10 feet without the game freezing for a split second.

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I just played 93825 for a few hours. I don't know what everyone is complaining about. It is not too hard. I like it' date=' it is challenging. I spawned and yes, I was swarmed by zombies, but i ran around a building and then inside and hid from them. It was awesome. I did this numerous times until I found a weapon.


that's part of what people don't like. it favors running around and hiding as apposed to actual stealth

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Just killed someone near Novy Sobor who had a Ghillie suit and ALICE backpack, my game freezes and stops working whenever I try to open his gear, though I can open his backpack just fine.

Not sure if something to do with cheats or just a bug. I also crash if I press G anywhere near his body.

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Just killed someone near Novy Sobor who had a Ghillie suit and ALICE backpack' date=' my game freezes and stops working whenever I try to open his gear, though I can open his backpack just fine.

Not sure if something to do with cheats or just a bug. I also crash if I press G anywhere near his body.


thats sketchy id stay away

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I have to say that the zombies absolutely need to be fixed. This breaks the game many times over, having a zombie spot you from 60 yards away when crouch running. Not a fan of it personally. I do like being able to hide/outrun zombies but attracting 10 of them from all around just from standing up and taking one step is pretty much BS.

I won't even start on the fact that we don't get weapons any more and can't even communicate with anyone. The game really feels more detached from the player community than I've ever seen it, grouping is darn near impossible if you aren't on steam chat or teamspeak.

I guess I'll just end my wee little rant here, hope someone listens...

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Is anyone else still having infinite spawn zombie issues? I thought they were suppose to not spawn within 30 meters of players or something anymore... My and 2 others were just in a town and killed literally over 100 zombies, but they just continued to spawn endlessly, often within 5 meters of us.

I honestly love the no weapon spawns and every other update, but this infinitespawnzombie thing is just awful.. ._.

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I've had no problem with the many difficulty increases throughout this game's development. However, this latest round of patches introduced an element of frustration that was not present in the game until now.

There is nothing more unfun and frustrating than having no weapon and being aggroed by a distant zed. This forces one to attempt to evade the zed in two ways - by running through the forest and hoping it somehow loses interest, or by trying to lose it in a building. The former seems close to impossible, and I've tried it a few times. The latter runs the risk - the probability - of aggroing more zeds, unless you happen to be in a town with many large buildings you know well. If you are not in such a town, then more zeds inevitably pile on as you search for a barn to run through. And as one continues, the attempt to evade them becomes more and more helpless as more zombies join the train.

There is one way that this can be seen as an opportunity for cooperation, for the kind of cathartic desperation that is what makes this game so compelling. But most of the time, when aggroed without a weapon, you end up dying, simply dying alone. It becomes repetitive and frustrating. And with, it's so EASY to aggro a zed without a weapon. I've wasted three lives being attacked by zeds with no recourse other than a mad dash to try to break line of sight, which ends in failure.

Just now, I was successfully running through the woods to my favorite inland town, moving between deer stands and isolated buildings. Except suddenly, a lone zombie sees me in the distance and starts shambling towards me... just one. I try to run away from it, see a building I can run through to break its line of sight, and aggro another en route. And another. And I failed to break their line of sight and make them forget about me. Ultimately I had to let myself die.

If I had spawned with a hatchet, I could have dispatched the lone zombie, perhaps with bleeding and injury, but I wouldn't have had this boring death.

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I completly agree about the complain with the zombie behaviour. From my playing experience during this afternoon, I could say it's a lot harder to sneak throught towns, even the small ones, like Mysta (or something like that) where I had been today.

It makes the necessity of been using the throwing function a lot more, to draw the zeds away with sound. (One nice thing now, though, is that they slipt up more earlier when they met). But even that it's not sufficient, since the detection radius became bit overpowered in my opinion. I can easily say that I had a lot of fun (and deserved rewarding) planning my actions towards the infected , in terms of movement, with the last patch

I mean, some little epic situations, in which I could pass without alerting any of them (and believe me, I like to be cautious, there's the real fun!) but in other times I would alert some, making me worry about a place to lure them, or use the terrain... but thinking smarty could potencially leave you out of a bad situation (like, it was possible before to run from the zombies, turn behind a building and right stop in a crouch instance, advancing slowly. It was an applicable way to flee from some of them in a city without alerting a lot more during your flee.)

-Anyway, I guess a little more sound awareness from the zombies of wouldn't be bad, so the ones whom aren't looking you could be some threat if you move noisy near them... but I think the LOS awareness of them was pretty balanced.

* This is the humble feedback from a player whom began to play in the late build.

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Sir, I do not like it...no sir. The zombies are far, far too sensitive to anything... I bet if a cat quefed (spelling), that they would rip that pussy apart. I was creeping into the TeC building in electro on my belly and zeds were inside, around the corner...and upstairs. As I crossed the threshhold of the doorway it stood my character up (thanks arma engine) and aggroed the whole fucking lot of them. On top of that, I am none too impressed with the hatchet and its melee capability.

The zombies have so far broken my bones 3 different occasions on two surprisingly short lives, leaving me to crawl around, with no morphine. I think they could use a little bit less bone breaking ability.

On another occasion, I was up in the woods near staroye, watching some guy fight off a few zeds from about 40 yrds away, and as I crouch ran up to a tree to just observe, one of the zeds broke off and came after me. Are U serious? I mean, the zed wasnt even lookin at me AND I was behind a tree for christ sakes.

Flame away if you need to inflate your egos, but there really needs a bit of tweaking. I'm a sneaky player and have had my scrapes, but this is really torturous, and reduces the fun factor by a bit.

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Here's a bug I experienced:

I placed a tent in the forest and it insta knocked me unconscious; broken bones, bleeding luckily I was able to Alt F4 and join another server where I wasn't trapped under a tent. Luckily I came too and was able to bandage and heal up. The only problem is now whenever I join a server I and unconcious with the hourglass counting down - takes a couple of minutes and I get up. Anyone else have this problem or know how to fix- PM me please.

Thanks for the awesome game xoxoxo

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Same thing happened to me. The night before I just found a crashed heli and got a ton of good stuff...all lost to the patch.

I also don't really like the new zeds much...

All fun of aplha though. This is how the game takes shape - try new things.

I spawnd in' date=' all my weapons i had were gone, and i had a makarov, with 3 clips, Map, GPS, knife, and binocs.... Also, FPS has gotten alot worse, cant seem to move 10 feet without the game freezing for a split second.


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[FIXED] Massive lag and desync on some servers (mostly caused by the invisible replicating magazines)

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I can't pick up the ax or hatchet. I've updated the files multiple times and am running the 93825 beta. Tried multiple servers. Tried completely empty inventory too.

So, question from before that I don't think anyone responded to yet (sorry if I missed it), but has anyone glanced at their monitoring programs during DayZ? Anything wierd happening? I've had VRAM usage at +2000MBs after playing a little (when I start it stays at ~900MBs for a while). Then, when using a single GPU, usage is maxed but the framerate, even though there's not much on the screen, drops down to around 30fps (without any aggro'd zombies on me).

Are these issues from the Arma2 engine or new to DayZ?

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Zombies at times seem like they randomly aggro(even while crawling) when they are a good distance away. I have picked up on the range with the buff to zombies, so I can avoid them easily enough, but every now and then I get randomly attacked by a zombie that I can usually sneak by since the update.

They do not seem to swing through walls anymore (Yay), however they do just sit there at times as if they are stuck on something trying to attack you while you are across the room.

I noticed a lot less clipping through walls, except the barn with a blocked back door. They like to pass through that from time to time.

Zombies do not cause me to bleed on hit anymore, however I noticed some still complain about it, either I'm luck or they are unlucky?

The LOS hiding seems to work real well, I've noticed zombies do come and look for you.

The hatchet seems a little buggy, not talking about the animations, the hatchet wasn't doing dmg to a zombie, so I don't know if that was the zombie bugging out or the hatchet. I had to pull out my pistol to kill it. Just thought I'd mention it. Didn't use the crowbar so I can't say anything about it. (personally don't like melee, although I understand as a last resort we could use something to defend ourselves.)

The wildlife, did seem more interactive and more populated.(saved me a few times after being shot and then attacked by a lot of zombies)

All in all a decent update

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[sTRANGE] On logoff zombies disappear, yet, SOMETIMES, I log in unconscious for 2 minutes, but sometimes not.

[bUG] Standing zombie model blinking over dead zombies corpse. (Military zombie, Kamenka Airstrip).

[bUG] Monkey zeds do not go in to the rooms, they are sometimes still standing on the fence, albeit same crawlers had found me on third floor 20 minutes earlier.

[DISBALANCE] Is it realistic that the guy I killed (self-defense) took ~6 chest hits from my AKM ? I am quite sure for the number of hits (I might boast, but I am good at shooting things.).

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Here's a bug I experienced:

I placed a tent in the forest and it insta knocked me unconscious; broken bones' date=' bleeding luckily I was able to Alt F4 and join another server where I wasn't trapped under a tent. Luckily I came too and was able to bandage and heal up. The only problem is now whenever I join a server I and unconcious with the hourglass counting down - takes a couple of minutes and I get up. Anyone else have this problem or know how to fix- PM me please.

Thanks for the awesome game xoxoxo


Just to expand from what I can gather it is caused by me logging off whilst under shock..

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ya the odds of them breaking your legs is kinda high, seems to happen like 2/3rds of the time or so. I don't know if this can be tweaked, but if it can, maybe it should be looked at. broken legs prior to finding morphine somewhere is a death sentence, literally a one hit kill for zed.

Of course, maybe its working as intended, similar to being bit and catching the virus or something.

Also, I'd like to see a chainsaw developed. It could use fuel as ammo, and be really noisy, but also be some kind of super effective close range weapon, as a trade off for the stealthy axe/crowbar weapons.

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