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About Fenixx

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  1. Fenixx

    LFG Aussie AEST :)

    All good, Im in! I play more on weekends, but during the week i recon ill be on. 5pm tonight for sure ;) Hopefully everyone has a mic so we can either TS or use direct effectively. Im generally a solo player, so this could liven things up a lil.
  2. Fenixx

    LFG Aussie AEST :)

    Duno man, with a name like trickster, can we trust you?? ;)
  3. Hi Ilumination, just thought id add my opinion.
  4. Fenixx

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    This. just the latest idea trying to force the rest to play as you would like. Just an idea, not trying to force anything. But instead of hijacking this thread, i thought it best to create one specifically for it. So please direct any comments or criticisms there :) http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=17004
  5. Fenixx

    Player Sanity Meter

    Skeffington had an idea for a Sexual anxiety meter, when i read it, i though about modifying it as a sanity meter and people seemed to like it in the other thread. That thread is about the hotfix, so i thought id give the idea its own thread. Hears what i originally said: I also thought your player could randomly scream and make maniacal laughter, wich if at the wrong time would attract players and Zombies to their location. Others have suggested hearing random gunshots aswell. Others have said they dont like it and like being alone from time to time. I agree there as well, but it wouldnt have to be a fast thing, im talking weeks of alone makes you go crazy, not just a few hours traversing the land alone. What do you all think?
  6. Fenixx

    Night Time Not Fixed.

    It only doesnt effect it because its so dark.
  7. Fenixx

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    I dont know about sexual anxiety meter, but perhaps some kind of loneliness meter that effects your sanity? The more time you spend alone, the lower the meter gets and you could start hearing random zombie noises when there are none, Zombie agro noises when they are still all calm, possible hallucinations ect. Could help promote co-operation since to keep the level up, youd have to spend some time close to living players. The higher a players humanity that you are near, the quicker the level would go up. Meter doesnt go up when around players with low humanity.
  8. 297 with broken legs. Managed to crawl around Vybor for a while and found a morphine injector and 2 cans, made my way to a Cow, killed it, cooked the steaks and repeated.
  9. Fenixx

    The entire patch...

    Seems some of the servers have installed the DayZ update, but not the beta patch. Im guessing this is the source of a lot of the reported bugs with this release. Ive had NO problem playing on the one local server i found with everything installed. Other servers however seem to give me many issues from unable to get past character creation or being instantly kicked by BE for a script violation to Terrible FPS and Zs still seeing through and hitting through walls.
  10. Fenixx

    Having problems with servers

    I just click OK and it proceeds with out a problem. However while playing and a player comes with in range with certain items, it will say "no entry in bin/config.bin/weapons/tactia l_glasses/" or some such thing. Again click ok and it continues along as normal. I read some other threads on it and reinstalled battle eye as suggested. It fixed the problem, however a few days later the issue returned.
  11. Fenixx

    No flashlight/torch?

    Its some kind of bug i think. They seem to work sometimes and not others. I havnt extensively tested it, but I notice that when its "on" and not actually showing a beam, if i switch to map, then back to game, it'll be on. Other times, this doest make a difference. Also I have seen it where I switch from torch to weapon although the torch light was off, when im putting it away and getting the rifle out, ill see the torch light flash wildly around like im putting it away.
  12. I don't necessaries think the bandit skin should have been removed entirely, but the Idea should be improved apon a bit. Its relitivly easy for people who spend along time in the world to know who has a reputation as a bandit but not for the more casual player. I think a modification of the humanity system could work. As you murder and loot more people, your humanity gets worse and worse, and the color of your name and tag change depending on how good/evil you are. Eventually leading to the bandit skin and tag in red. If you only murder 1 or 2 people a day, then youd be always green / orange, but a persistent bandit would be always orange or red. It kind of simulates "word of mouth" of people talking about a player whos playing dirty.