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Hotfix Build Rolling Update (was

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Hey Rocket' date='

I am thinking it might be a good time to split your code into channels, one called stable and one called dev, this lets you put out a stable release for people that want to just play, and the rest that want to report bugs and test can run on dev. The whole "it's alpha" thing doesn't work when you have such a large userbase that just wants to play. From the sounds of it you are struggling with code management too, having to release big fixes with new features because you can't separate the new code. Proper version control systems such as git make this stuff pretty easy to manage.

I know this might seem like an early step to take at this point, but making the leap to stable/dev channels will make everyones lives easier.


I like this idea, players that just want to play can do so while people who want to help can test. Complaints should minimize and testing should be faster and more concise.

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love it!

it totally gets the heart going navigating round zeds and keeping in mind to stay out of their line of sight

loot seems well balanced

my only gripe... zeds do just a tad too much damage for my liking, but hey ho

still love the mod :cool:

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man this aint super zombies, its like you are on chuck norris's island and trying to sneak passed his minions. those are chuck norris's zombie's.

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Yea, zombies are broke as hell right now, last patch they were PERFECT. If rocket would have added the " still look around for you after you lose then " It would have been an AMAZING ZOMBIES AI. At the point they are at now, they are so broken it's amazing. Just like everybody else said, they aggro from no less than 50-100m away while crouch walking and even farther when normal running.

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Yeah' date=' indeed, its impossible to play.

They never go away, they can see you from 300m away, they can see you through buildings, walls, they can hear you from 300m away, they can hear you through buildings and they keep looking for you.

In 5 minutes i have to had 40 of them killed and hided in a barn, when i left the barn still had 12 of them outside and, obviously killed me.

And the hatchet is bugged. When you get it you need to do something like reload it. And in despair times the last thing you wanna do is reload your hatchet.


So you approach a barn full of zombies while crouch running and dont expect to be detected?

AND EVERYONE WHINING "whaa zombies saw me" LEARN TO SLOW THE FUCK DOWN, HOLY FUCK. I had no problems at all

Oh yeah, you're the master.

Teach me how to be as god as you are.


I'm not whining about 'whaa zombies saw me'. I'm saying that things are not right this way.

If you like it this way, ok man, make your own reply and say ' yeah, things are harder but i rather this way '. Dont use mine to make me a little sissy because everyone knows that eighter walk-crouching is making too much noise or the zeds are way too sensitive now.

That's just what i tryed to show here with this reply.

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ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) insert rapeable women?

Rape = +Blood +Warmth

someone warn this guy - comment is so not nice!


EDIT: reported

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I also think that Zs are way too sensitive to hearing. I got some really really weird moments today.

I think they are too sensitive in general. Try to play on a night server. They react way to abnormal and too sensitive for the low amount of sight that I have during night.

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The fps slow down a lot whenever zombies present now. Even more if they are actively engaged in the player.

On the flip-side it runs much better when there are no zombies.

Same here. My fps goes from solid smooth to unlayable after 5-15minutes of playing. Didnt notice was it zombie related. Could have been, since if I visit lobby and get back in game its smooth as butter for some time again.

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Hey Rocket' date='

I am thinking it might be a good time to split your code into channels, one called stable and one called dev, this lets you put out a stable release for people that want to just play, and the rest that want to report bugs and test can run on dev. The whole "it's alpha" thing doesn't work when you have such a large userbase that just wants to play. From the sounds of it you are struggling with code management too, having to release big fixes with new features because you can't separate the new code. Proper version control systems such as git make this stuff pretty easy to manage.

I know this might seem like an early step to take at this point, but making the leap to stable/dev channels will make everyones lives easier.


I like this idea, players that just want to play can do so while people who want to help can test. Complaints should minimize and testing should be faster and more concise.

Yeah it would be a good idea.

And seems like the script that removes script spawned weapons isn't working, i lose my G17 and M4A3 CCO and got a makaroni instead, and both of them were picked from the militar tents by my self, oh! also lost my GPS and Stretching tools.

Edit: Oh! and the zombies can spot you from like 50m away even if there are building between you and him and no LOS.

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Alright, so I'm not sure what changed since last night, however I ran into the following:

crouched zombies run as fast as I do. can't lose them or get to a point where I can hide.

Finally ran into a case of zombie supervision. I was running from two crouched zombies on a hill far above a town, and suddenly I see one of the random zombies in the town run straight for me. I believe I was in Kaminka, in the forested hill overlooking the town.

Zombie speed may be excessive, but the detection radius was definately so.

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BUG REPORT: If I stand near a hatchet and bring up the gear menu' date=' the hatchet does not show up.

BUG REPORT: If I stand near a hatchet and choose "get hatchet" I get a message that says I don't have enough inventory space followed by my binoculars being auto-selected. Reproed it several times

BUG REPORT: Tried to pick up hatchet with 6 free inventory slots and still get the message indicating I don't have enough room in my inventory to pick it up.


Me too. Can't seem to pick up a hatchet at all now even with should be enough open inventory space. Afraid to drop my sidearm and ammo to try picking up hatchet first since I'd be really toast with no firearm OR melee.

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Hey Rocket' date='

I am thinking it might be a good time to split your code into channels, one called stable and one called dev, this lets you put out a stable release for people that want to just play, and the rest that want to report bugs and test can run on dev. The whole "it's alpha" thing doesn't work when you have such a large userbase that just wants to play. From the sounds of it you are struggling with code management too, having to release big fixes with new features because you can't separate the new code. Proper version control systems such as git make this stuff pretty easy to manage.

I know this might seem like an early step to take at this point, but making the leap to stable/dev channels will make everyones lives easier.


I like this idea, players that just want to play can do so while people who want to help can test. Complaints should minimize and testing should be faster and more concise.

Sry, but: no. This is an alpha. This might be okay during a beta, but seriously it's an alpha version. We are supposed to test it!

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I just saw one zed running through a wall from inside a building like 50m away to attack me and when i got inside' date=' zeds started to spawn around the building and coming inside and, obviously, nothing to defend myself.

We should know how to kick them at least.

You, sir Rocket, just brought the hell to earth.

If that was your intention sir, then, you succeded with your crowd of super-zeds-spawing-from-nowhere.

Not fun on testing anymore.


yeah the zombie spawning issues juts make it unfair. and obviously making zombies appear out of thin air isn't realistic. it just eliminates many legit strategies. I should be able to approach an zombie infected area, observe the zombies routes, and then plan my route. but I can't even do that when zombies are magically appearing all around me.

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I am diggin the new patch thanks for the quick updates/hotfixes.

The only infected I have aggroed that were 50-100m away was from firing my weapon. I was able to maneuver thru Berezino withhout attracting attention and multiple times I was within 10-15m of an infected.

On a down side I am getting some lag that seems to stem from when more infected are spawned in my general area, but I will be monitoring my PC to make sure it is not on my side.

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zombies have crazy visual range and xray vision again, also there hearing/noise you make when crouched is stupidly high. is this ment to be or is is a coding issue as i kinda makes the game really really hard and not very fun

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dont think its xray vision, I think its just super loud player noises.

They always seem to run to a place i WAS at in a city when I ran over wood or something, weird. However they still seem to hear me from 50 meters or so, its kinda nuts.

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Some things i noticed today..

1) People with weapons etc hunting down new spawners on the beach. Really sucks being defenseless but makes sense so its like hmmm...

2) Noise and Sight are WAYY too touchy. I dont want the zombies to be bumbling idiots like before but now they have superman senses(ok maybe thats a bit too exaggerated) but still, personally i feel it needs some new tweaking.

3) Gender select menu pops up EVERY TIME i spawn for some reason. Maybe bug, maybe not.

4) Zombies dying inside buildings. Perhaps it was because there was 12 zombies chasing me but they all entered the house i was in(black/drk brown house) and then 4 of them died. I assume its because of the hallway they were in, all bunched up. Just wanted to report that.

Now some ideas that may be great or shit...everyone else can decide.

1) Make the flashlight a melee weapon. I know its somewhat absurd but have you ever held a maglight(yes i know the flashlight in this game isnt one but im sure it could be). I get the need for stealth in a Z apoc but leaving noobs defenseless is just...well...a little too mean? People are out for blood in this MOD and the new ones should at least have a minuscule fighting chance.

2) Obviously just tweak the values. IMO zombies are attracted to SCENT and SOUND. Perhaps a new mechanic? I dont know...i jsut think thios may be tweaked a bit too high.

#) and most important...the hostile survivors. I get people are going to troll for fun and kill for no reason but something NEEDS to be done. The server max out at 50 people. There's no reason 45 should be hostile and not be hold somewhat accountable. I understand that the heartbeat feature was supposed to...i dunno..help? I just think its somewhat counter productive to have to place my crosshairs on someone to see if they are friendly or not. The bandit skin auto change was bad, but good in a way. At least there was no question.

Personally i dont want to play this game like its the next FPS, thats what i go to ArmA 2 for(domination and insurgency). It's really fun to meet people and survive. In an apocalypse i have to assume peopel would work together a little more than this.

Hopefully if the zombies are going to stay the way they are it will encourage people to work together but perhaps there needs to be better incentive to band together. Perhaps an adjusted spawn rate on items if in a group. Perhaps a better lobby to assign actual groups. That way if a "group" is near loot thers a 5% better chance or something?

I dont know. Hopefully my rambling makes sense or at least inspires something, although im sure it will jsut get lost in the suckers going "Game is bad pl0x, CoD noob"

Thank you, and goodnight!

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Correct me if im wrong but....

There is a hell of a lot of servers that are not even running the latest Arma2 Beta.

When testing this patch please only join servers that have properly updated server files.

Disregard what it says in the server description. Look in the bottom right hand corner at the required box - It should say 1.60.93825

If it says 1.60 then i don't think your gonna have a very good experience - debug areas, spawning with equipment missing etc...

It was stated that DayZ patch 1.7.0 + NEEDS the latest Arma2 Beta to run correctly. On your computer and the actual server your joining.

Why are some people having all these problems , and others seem to log in just fine and the only bug they report is zeds having super senses ? ... i think its the Beta problem.

EDIT - Cleared up by Rocket - http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=15967&pid=147206#pid147206

I was on the right track - kind of hehe ...

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Constantly stuck on character creation.

Tried various different servers, restarted the game.

Pretty much done everything under the sun.

Also sometimes when I put objects into my pack they disappear.

And the range zombies can see/hear you from seems further than usual.


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Played for a couple of hours on, and I did not really enjoy it. I understand the idea of making the game more stealthy, but having to crawl everywhere just seems a tad too much. Crouch running seems to alert zombies within a huge range, and zombies often hear you way too easily. Even walking in crouch alerts zombies with their backs turned sometimes. (But I think you get the point on this)

I have frame rate drops when ever there are a lot of zombies aggroing at me (which is all the time due to their new super ears).

Spawning seems fine, didn't notice any huge changes. Could not pick up hatchet (no room in inventory) but that might just be because I don't know how they work yet.

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Hey Rocket' date='

I am thinking it might be a good time to split your code into channels, one called stable and one called dev, this lets you put out a stable release for people that want to just play, and the rest that want to report bugs and test can run on dev. The whole "it's alpha" thing doesn't work when you have such a large userbase that just wants to play. From the sounds of it you are struggling with code management too, having to release big fixes with new features because you can't separate the new code. Proper version control systems such as git make this stuff pretty easy to manage.

I know this might seem like an early step to take at this point, but making the leap to stable/dev channels will make everyones lives easier.


I like this idea, players that just want to play can do so while people who want to help can test. Complaints should minimize and testing should be faster and more concise.

Sry, but: no. This is an alpha. This might be okay during a beta, but seriously it's an alpha version. We are supposed to test it!

Because finding bugs with a server full of 50 people is somehow harder than foisting obviously untested changes onto 50,000? If rocket actually wanted to get the bugs fixed he could just get 10 servers running off the master server list with easily accessible weapon/vehicle/loot storage and spawns. Nothing transfers over so you can bugtest away. Hell, it's what Eve Online has been doing for half a decade.

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I've had a pretty decent time so far. Crawling around town and being careful is time consuming yet, I have avoided all zombies except one who sat outside the building I was in. I waited until he roamed away again and got out of town with little trouble.

I have yet to try a melee weapon. Nor have I found a main weapon(I believe I have just been unlucky). Everything is playable as of this time, but you need to be very careful, only crouching when required(entering a building etc).

Keep up the good work Rocket! <3

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So Rollback to and wait for

Awesome work so far Rocket!!, except for some AI problems we have more fun then ever :)

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Don't know if this is server-specific, but I'm having a lot of problems with lag and picking things up in general. Can't loot two bandages off the ground right now without waiting about 4-5 minutes for it to register.

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