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About duncandun

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. this is a silly argument, vehicles/tents out of bounds should not be allowed period. It effectively removes an item from play(specifically a player or vehicle). Allowing indefinite safety is I think out of the realm of what Day Z was meant to be.
  2. So, now that the group I'm with has our own server some of the mystery of the time-bug has deepend even more than my previous understanding of it, which wasn't much(and still isn't much). It seems to happen literally every time the server is restarted, it just never advanced time server-side. Why the hell is this? The worst example was last week some time when the server was restarted around 5 PM, and it was still 5 PM for people logging in the next morning around 3-4 AM. I know the server should also be restarted more often but yeah, sometimes no ones on to do that. What I really want to know is if there is a fix for it? It seems like I've been on servers which advanced time for everyone(including people just logging in hours after a restart), though It's hard to know for sure being just a player. I feel that this bug should be a major focus of arma2 beta patch fixes or DayZ if it is a dayz issue(feels like an arma one). Just the fact that some people can be playing in complete darkness and others in daylight at the same time is completely game-breaking, especially now that nights are stupid dark.
  3. dont think its xray vision, I think its just super loud player noises. They always seem to run to a place i WAS at in a city when I ran over wood or something, weird. However they still seem to hear me from 50 meters or so, its kinda nuts.
  4. servers still crashing? seems like it
  5. bump people need to see this
  6. duncandun

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    so those of us that had stuff inside our vehicles just lost all of it?
  7. duncandun

    configuring servers

  8. duncandun

    configuring servers

    thanks. however, my general question was what option makes it so that names are displayed when people disc/connect to the server in the chat window?
  9. it's not disabled in the latest arma beta, there is a bug if your running the latest beta on a server that isn't up-to-date then you wont be able to use the global channels.
  10. can anyone tell me how to configure a server so that it will show players name when they join/disc.? makes it very difficult to tell who is hacking when someone joins and immediately sets of the "pirated copies will degrade" alarm but no name ajoined to it. thanks guys.
  11. So I'm losing like 2-3 blood every 2 seconds or so. I'm not bleeding, I'm not hungry or thirsty or low on temp etc. What the hells the deal? :(
  12. duncandun

    Developer Interview

    pretty simple/small question. does he plan on adding more weapons various types(From base arma2 or OA in general) or more civilian modded in weapons? Or is he happy with the amount in the game now?
  13. Could a feature be added to allow it to run via the steam EXE? I miss having the steam overlay.