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Hotfix Build Rolling Update (was

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Ignore the crybaby carebears. Zombie AI seems to be working extremely well--the best I've seen yet.

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Intended or not?

Might be subjective though.

-Zombies coming at me from around 400 metres away now, also noticed increased visiblillity?

-Although zombies are looking in a different direction (body) they suddenly aggro without any noise made. Visibillity shouldn't

matter in this case?

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So tell me

How am I supposed to go even remotely near a building without the need to go prone for the entire length of the trip?

What am I? A snail?

Crouch walking gives you 4 visibility bars, wasn't really a problem with new LoS system

But 4 audio bars too? What?

I just aggroed zombies that were looking in the opposite direction 150m away from me

In every other version, even when zombies were able to walk and see through walls, they would've just ignored me

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So tell me

How am I supposed to go even remotely near a building without the need to go prone for the entire length of the trip?

What am I? A snail?

Crouch walking gives you 4 visibility bars' date=' wasn't really a problem with new LoS system

But 4 audio bars too? What?

I just aggroed zombies that were looking in the opposite direction 150m away from me

In every other version, even when zombies were able to walk and see through walls, they would've just ignored me


Good, it's been too easy.

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Tents, they need to be fixed completely. Duplicating, not properly being removed, placements, or please fix tents.

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Good' date=' it's been too easy.


Oh shut up

You know something is wrong when crouch walking gives the exact same audio and visibility levels as full sprint does

Might as well do the running man and abuse the LoS system....who cares about stealth

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While the increased zombie aggro is whatever, let Rocket decide, I do think it is a bit bugged with regards to buildings? I will habitually aggro zombies from more than 50 meters away while in doors crouched and shift walking. There does seem to be some wall issues re-occurring. Other than that thanks for the fast melee fix.

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Been playing the new patch for a while now. Things I have noticed:

-Zombies aggro from a mile away, even if you are crouch walking (not crouch running). Maybe this is intended? I was quite far outside of a town in grass/trees crouch walking and still got aggro. You basically HAVE to prone everywhere. If this is intended then it can be worked with, just wanted to point it out.

-Very bad FPS drops. Mostly in larger cities such as elektro and cherno. Not sure what might be causing it, but it is definitely server-side.

Other than those 2 things everything seems to be working well. Thank you for all of your hard work Rocket, I've been an avid player of your mod for a long time now and plan on continuing to support/follow it through all of its stages.

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Logout of DayZ earlier ( with


log in and my inventory looks like



I lost good stuff and gained compass and maps and stuff' date=' and the only thing i did was log out, watch WWE RAW on tivo, eat some dinner and log in.


Oh god another hot fix! I can't....I can't keep up....my head...heart....can't....../dies

Dude same exact thing happened to me. I thought I started playing in my sleep and changed my gear. Glad I wasn't the only one.

Ditto lost my m16a2 pretty pissed about it.

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Exactly. No one even bothers to stealth anymore. It's just full sprint to the nearest building and move on.

Revert the sight/sound bars to and we'll have a playable hotfix.

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Ditto lost my m16a2 pretty pissed about it.

That is not constructive feedback. Don't come in and say "I'm pissed about this." You are an alpha tester whether you like it or not. Deal with it. I logged in and fell over dead yesterday with 2 silenced M4's, coyote backpack, NVG's, 2 mountain dew on me, but I accepted it and moved on/started over. Things are going to happen while the game is being developed. Just have a good time and provide feedback they can use to make it better.

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BUG REPORT: If I stand near a hatchet and bring up the gear menu, the hatchet does not show up.

BUG REPORT: If I stand near a hatchet and choose "get hatchet" I get a message that says I don't have enough inventory space followed by my binoculars being auto-selected. Reproed it several times

BUG REPORT: Tried to pick up hatchet with 6 free inventory slots and still get the message indicating I don't have enough room in my inventory to pick it up.

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Just played, everything went perfectly except for the fact I "had no inventory room" for a hatchet. Oh well. Other than that, WOO HOO

Loot spawned fine, zombies spawned fine, LOS works, hiding works...as far as I see, everything you updated (besides melee) works.

ALSO: I wouldn't change the sensitivity of zombies, it makes anything intense and I find it very, very fun.

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FPS were very good at the beginning, up to 60-80.

Then, after 20 minutes they suddenly dropped to about 20.

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BUG REPORT: If I stand near a hatchet and bring up the gear menu' date=' the hatchet does not show up.

BUG REPORT: If I stand near a hatchet and choose "get hatchet" I get a message that says I don't have enough inventory space followed by my binoculars being auto-selected. Reproed it several times

BUG REPORT: Tried to pick up hatchet with 6 free inventory slots and still get the message indicating I don't have enough room in my inventory to pick it up.


Hatchets are considered melee weapons now that take up your Primary weapon slot. Did you already have a primary weapon?

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OK, i've testing for some time and let me give my impressions:

1 - Crouching visibility and hearing seems WAY TOO HIGH compared to last patches, almost the same as running in full-speed. (Even in the grass, while holding shift, zombies can still detect you)

2 - Zombies seem to see you from miles away, it gets even worse due to the high level of visibility and hearing you get from crouching

3 - Zombies are glitching inside houses and other buildings. They go after you and get inside really fast, running. They start to walk for a few seconds, and sometimes they keep running again chasing you inside the room, making it impossible to fight them

4 - The FPS seems to be degrading after some time, i don't really know why, but i had to close/open the game after some time due to the huge fps-drop i was getting

I hope this points can get reviewed for future hotfixes :)

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Ok just... what the hell is fus ro dah -melee in the context of this game?

Mention to Skyrim.

When u hit a zed with a hatchet (i say hatchet because i tryed a hatched, not a crowbar) he flies way up in the sky and then fall down after 5 seconds like the Fus Ro Dah from skyrim.

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1. Hatchet has the icon of 12g slugs.

2. Hatchet beeing duplicated on pickup if there's no room for it.

3. Need choice to pickup hatchet as weapon or utility, thus either beeing placed in utility slot or mainhand slot. (or just the option of moving it from main to utility freely)

4. Zombies still not spawning 30m away it seems ( I could be wrong)

5. Amount of zombies spawning inside buildings sometimes far to excessive( went in a barn and there was a zombie on every ledge and two on the floor, for a total of 6 zombies).

6. switching stance causing massive noise? (unsure)

7. Not sure loot tables are back to normal, seeing a ton of emty tin cans (intentional?)

8. only beeing able to fire d-barrel shotgun when aiming down the sight (unsure)

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* [NEW] Significant loot rebalancing

What does this exactly mean? Can someone give feedback on this?

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OK' date=' i've testing for some time and let me give my impressions:

1 - Crouching visibility and hearing seems WAY TOO HIGH compared to last patches, almost the same as running in full-speed. (Even in the grass, while holding shift, zombies can still detect you)

2 - Zombies seem to see you from miles away, it gets even worse due to the high level of visibility and hearing you get from crouching

3 - Zombies are glitching inside houses and other buildings. They go after you and get inside really fast, running. They start to walk for a few seconds, and sometimes they keep running again chasing you inside the room, making it impossible to fight them

4 - The FPS seems to be degrading after some time, i don't really know why, but i had to close/open the game after some time due to the huge fps-drop i was getting

I hope this points can get reviewed for future hotfixes :)



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Ignore the crybaby carebears. Zombie AI seems to be working extremely well--the best I've seen yet.

but its not. its a problem when they do start running at you from 400m away and you cant lose them for whatever reason. i was sneaking to find a weapon and i was making noise standing still. run. when i do find a weapon there isnt time to pick it up as i start bleeding from one hit, and i already used my bandage from the first time i got hit. ran into a nearby building, looked out the window and saw 19 zeds standing around, turned around and had 11 more inside. (took screenshots if you want to see) all that from standing still, (crouching) to running 25 feet into a building. its not carebearish, its overboard. i do like the new starting supplies though, we just need to tone down the zombie's senses. funny how they can tell the difference between me stepping on a stick and another zombie from the other side of that building on the other side of town.

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Ok just... what the hell is fus ro dah -melee in the context of this game?

Mention to Skyrim.

When u hit a zed with a hatchet (i say hatchet because i tryed a hatched' date=' not a crowbar) he flies way up in the sky and then fall down after 5 seconds like the Fus Ro Dah from skyrim.


sounds more like the Skyrim bug where when giants hit things with their clubs, whatever they hit goes into orbit

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More observations-

1) Zombies chasing you causes the framerate to drop down to unplayable level, usually in the 20s or below.

2) Zombies see you from insanely far distances away when crouching or standing, and are next to impossible to lose without running through a building

3) Zombies will stand still once you lose them (i finally lost my tail by running onto a pier)

4) Ax cannot be picked up. Gives me a message saying my inventory is full, even though I literally dropped everything I had when trying to pick up several different spawned axes, still wouldn't work

5) Zombies can still hear and see amazingly well through walls

6) Crouching walk is very slow. Maybe it could be sped up and the Visibility bars nerfed a bit?

Love the direction the game is going Rocket. Keep up the great work. Hope I helped.

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Hatchets are considered melee weapons now that take up your Primary weapon slot. Did you already have a primary weapon?

I did have a primary weapon. That explains it -- I was thinking it was an axe to cut wood.

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