Aimstrong 50 Posted April 22, 2013 Give the guy a break, there is still a whole team working on the game.And the impressive thing is that they aren't many of them, but if you watch a SA video you will notice that the right people are working on this game.For Battlefield 4 they are working 150 people for that game and if you watch the 17min trailer you'll see that they use some same animations like in Battlefield 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inception. 9443 Posted April 22, 2013 There seems to be a rather naive nature in dealing with obvious valid concerns for the games future. If people didn't like the game at all they wouldn't post on the forums, or why else would they. I've been doing a lot of DayZ bashing, because it's sad to see something not realise its huge amount of potential.But, the general COD, counter strike crowd are NOT patient and that, along with some other stuff is why DayZ will fail.1. No one is going to spend 2-3 minutes loading into servers, which judging by the length of time the mod has been out and the fact this still hasn't been fixed will be a problem in the SA too.Hmm. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
liquidmind 320 Posted April 22, 2013 My theory is that most will loose their interest before SA releases. The few who know what they are actually waiting for will still buy it, it will still be successful but buggy. like expected. Over the month following that, more and more content will be added and people remembering that there once was something like DayZ they have been waiting for might look into it, fall in love again and start playing. So the community starts to grow again.All in all, that's a good thing. The patient Playerkillers will be gone. The servers wont be that crowded and when everything is stable and full of content, people will come. If 1 million people buy standalone on the first day it's out, then it's going to fail. Because the 750.000 who don't understand how the game will be when it's released will be so pissed about it, that they wont play it again.But that's just my personal theory. I hope it doesn't release before September, so school-vacations don't spoil all the servers in the beginning. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drewsta 74 Posted April 22, 2013 I rarely ever respond to these forums because most people couldn't care less what I think and that's fair. Occasionally I read a post that makes me laugh and this one did. Dayz original concept was survival, that became a lot easier when people worked out how to deal with zombies. Once they fled to the woods and camped out for a time etc, the spark they first enjoyed "for a lot of players" was gone and they needed a new spark. Kill on sight became popular and the excitement returned for some followed by hackers, cheats and the rest is history. I'm not talking about bandits robbing, kidnapping or terrorizing you, I'm talking about spawning in and running down the beach only to be shot dead at your first encounter with someone with the means to do so. The original concept I think is still there but somewhat lost amongst many who just couldn't care less about others or only have 45 minute window to play so they want to create as much havoc in that time as possible, hence kill on sight. Lets face it, a lot of COD players and the like are more than likely not going to be stimulated in anything less than a faster pace action scenario. A couple of minutes to join a server is not going to end your world is it? 5-10 minutes or so is ridiculous I would agree. The original post for this thread reads as an angry individual who is having a crack at the developers because of having to wait for something that simply isn't finished yet. From what I have seen and read about, Dayz stand alone is ready for alpha right now but the coding to have everything server side is not complete yet. Once it is, it's going to be released in alpha. Rocket is taking a break climbing Everest while that is being completed. Personally I don't see that as any major crime. If you have better things to do while waiting impatiently for the stand alone to be released, I strongly recommend you go do them and let the chips fall where they may. I say that because your pissing and moaning about it allows you to vent your anger sure enough but will do absolutely nothing to bring the release date any closer. The stand alone will surely have many improvements over the current version and hopefully bring back and keep that initial survival concept "spark". I have no doubts there will still be kill on sight because that's just the nature of some players and Dayz allows you to play how you want. That doesn't mean it has to be liked by all though. To predict that the standalone game will fail because it hasn't been released on the correct date or the developers are rubbish because they are not doing what you think they should, is a pretty bold statement considering the massive following and interest it has. The game as a standalone isn't going to fail because YOU have lost interest. This thread is just another angry vent in a sea of many just like it. My 2 cents worth which I know nobody asked for. 16 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fluxley 2228 Posted April 22, 2013 Drewsta, you should share your opinion more often mate. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
intensity 157 Posted April 22, 2013 To be honest I agree with some of the things you said such as the release date. But what you have to remember that Dayz does not have the Dev team lke EA or Bungie.Bungie was great until Reach. :c 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terminal_boy 860 Posted April 22, 2013 I hope that the SA has paragraphs. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dallas 5195 Posted April 22, 2013 (edited) This discussion will not further the development or the standalone of further the release date.DayZ came out of nothing and went viral from nothing. People were willing to put up with it's bugs. loading times and they were willing to buy ArmA, a game they hadn't been interested in before, why?Because Rocket wasn't making a game that would please everyone, he weren't making major compromises in gameplay and difficulty, because his marketing department told him: "If it's too hard, we can't sell it to everyone." He was making the game he wanted to play, which appealed to a lot of players, who were sick of being treated as incompetent morons by a gaming industry. The industry has dumbed down difficulty so much, they had to invent artificial challenges. You used to headshot monsters to save bullets and you used to take cover to survive, but if you as much as pause now, your health starts regenerating to full in less than five seconds, because if it takes much longer, casual players will lose interest and go outside and throw a ball instead.If they had released the standalone in December, the primary different was that you had to pay for it. They hadn't solved the hacking issues, but WarZ also clearly demonstrated that if you have to charge money for an unfinished product, you have to be crystal clear in your communication. WarZ's decision to copy the term "foundation" and change the definition into: "No content and false advertising" also meant DayZ were better off distancing themselves from the clusterfuck WarZ was.The mod like the standalone was developed as a rolling snowball. From a cut little mod to a monster succes, from a few basic changes to a complete engine overhaul.It's very clear that the people, who're still stuck and upset about the 2012 December delay is simply living in the past. What we expect in December wasn't much, it was simply our hopes that it would prevent the rampant hacking. As the devs began working on the standalone and passed off the mod to the community, the community used admin tools and whitelisted servers to decrease the hacking themselves, which meant that the urgent need for the standalone disappeared.Now a year after DayZ took off, we all master the mechanics, which diminish some of the challenges that made DayZ so great. We know that the standalone has to offer more than the mod, it has to be hard, unforgiving and leave players confused and scared about drinking the water and going into the population centers, where zombies, bandits and disease lurks around every corner.The standalone has to place you back at step one on the learning curve and that takes a Mount Everest effort. I bet Rocket's trip is exactly what we need. Just as the mod spawned from Rocket starving himself to death in south-east Asia, I'm sure Everest will push him to his limits again and with a fresh memory of despair and hardship, we might relive some of it in the standlone(obviously if he doesn't manage to kill himself this time). Edited April 22, 2013 by Dallas 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michaelvoodoo25 3120 Posted April 22, 2013 How have they failed? Yes we have been given the run around but as far as I see n hear, its all for the best!Take a chill pill, if not, there are plenty more games out there, the SA will be new for the most part! With redsigned towns and additions a lot of it will have us feeling like we all did the first time we played it! With this complex a game we will relive it all again! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
r4z0r49 4761 Posted April 22, 2013 Drewsta, you should share your opinion more often it would be nice to get less hate for a day or two. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted April 22, 2013 There seems to be a rather naive nature in dealing with obvious valid concerns for the games future. If people didn't like the game at all they wouldn't post on the forums, or why else would they. I've been doing a lot of DayZ bashing, because it's sad to see something not realise its huge amount of potential.The whole point for me is that it's way too early to see if it will reach that potential or not.The reason I highlighted the fact that the OP made a post saying he feels it's ok to hack because the game is too frustrating for him is because maybe the game isn't aimed at people like him and he'll never like it whatever they do. It's a niche game that appeals to a very specific type of gamer, it's never going to please the masses. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
badluckburt 974 Posted April 22, 2013 I've seen many people call Rocket irresponsible for going to Everest and I'm getting sick of it. Try doing some research to see what goes into such a trip and what kind of investments you have to make to even have a chance at going there. Rocket is NOT on your payroll nor does he owe you anything. If you can not understand why Bohemia has allowed him to go, you have a thing or two to learn about trust, loyalty and friendship. Some things in life are bigger than playing a freaking video-game because as great as DayZ may be, at the end of the day that's just what it is. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heiduk 265 Posted April 22, 2013 OP - Care to explain why you have another account in which you admit to being a hacker and explain in boring detail why you think hacking is ok in DayZ?The reason I highlighted the fact that the OP made a post saying he feels it's ok to hack because the game is too frustrating for him is because maybe the game isn't aimed at people like him and he'll never like it whatever they do.What happened to no personal attacks? Why don't you just come right out and call him a 12 year old COD kiddie?As for everyone complaining about Rocket going to Everest, if any significantly sized project comes to a standstill because it temporarily losses 1 person that project has much bigger problems than just the loss of man power. Rocket may get all the glory but I have little doubt that all of the people working hard on the game for Bohemia will continue to make it better while he is off playing. Ultimately it will be their hard-work that makes the game what it is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted April 22, 2013 Chill out. I'm making a fair point. Since last August the OP hasn't made one positive post about the game. Every single post is "f**k this and f**k that". I'm saying it may not be the game for him, that's not a personal insult. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
_Anubis_ (DayZ) 139 Posted April 22, 2013 (edited) Priceless, now we have even mods writing hate posts and then not even having the balls to admit it...First post "the OP *admits* being an hacker" [so he is worthless PoS and his opinions are equally worthless] and then the minor detail "the OP *feels* it is ok to hack" so "maybe the game is not for him" [so let's not listen to him].Fraggle do you realize you are saying 2 completely different things and tap-dancing pitifully around it just for attacking a guy whose opinion you dislike without reading what he wrote and inciting other to do the same?What does it mean for you to be a MODerator ? I feel I need a Picard picture facepalming..._Anubis_ Edited April 22, 2013 by _Anubis_ 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted April 22, 2013 (edited) :/I'll leave you guys to it then, you seem very angry, you're putting words in my mouth and then replying to these imagined words.I didn't say tthe OP's points aren't valid, in fact it's good to have a discussion about it, so do carry on. Edited April 22, 2013 by Fraggle Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dallas 5195 Posted April 22, 2013 (edited) To be fair the OP is filled with wrong assumptions, came off as a giant whiny baby and repeated every stupid point from RC's last video.Here's the thing climbing Mt. Everest isn't just something you plan to do in a couple of months and the cost of climbing Mt. Everest means that climbing Mt. Everest isn't just something you cancel or postpone for a couple of weeks. So no, Rocket's trip to Mt. Everest isn't an 8.848 meter tall fuck you to OP.The standalone got delayed because of a decision to make DayZ more than the mod in a pretty box and because of that decision the development of the standalone has been prolonged long enough to conflict with an already planned trip. This is not up for discussion, it's just the way it is and you can either deal with it in a dignified manner or cry like a baby about it.Anyways we've had these predicting failure threads before, nothing's new and the tone of OP does not inspire any sort of new or intelligent discussion. Edited April 22, 2013 by Dallas 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
floogy (DayZ) 25 Posted April 22, 2013 I just don't understand why someone with so much dislike for the game would stick around to bitch about it. It's a game, if it was something important then get out and fight for it. But it's just a game, if you don't like what it is or where it's going just walk away. I don't get it. I'm taking a break from dayz since I'm playing other games ATM, kind of waiting for SA. I keep up with the SA development though.I wonder if this kind of rage carries over to other entertainment as well, books, movies etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
applejaxc 2500 Posted April 22, 2013 -snip-Not to play devil's advocate...1: I completely agree with BFs stance on no modding, from the business point of view. You know what? I'm tired of singing into TF2 (or was, before I stopped playing altogether) and having to look at a naked woman or a penis every time I got to the, "Welcome to our server" screen. There are other games with other actual gave-changing mod problems, but that's probably one of the worse outcomes of private servers, other than DayZ's PHs.2: I remember when I heard about dogs being added, I was... not delighted. I am a dog fan. I love dogs. My ultimate dream-goal, aside from multitrillionair whatever, is to have some kind of well-domesticated wolf-German Shepherd type dog, and fvck whatever Homeowner's Association doesn't like it. :) The only thing I look forward to about dogs in a zombie apocalypse survival game, is shooting one that someone else tries to sick on me, sadly; I just couldn't take care of one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
terrvik 2409 Posted April 22, 2013 What happened to no personal attacks? Why don't you just come right out and call him a 12 year old COD kiddie?How is that a personal attack? It is just a question, which in the context makes sense. I a not being sarcastic, please explain.Priceless, now we have even mods writing hate posts and then not even having the balls to admit it...First post "the OP *admits* being an hacker" [so he is worthless PoS and his opinions are equally worthless] and then the minor detail "the OP *feels* it is ok to hack" so "maybe the game is not for him" [so let's not listen to him].Fraggle do you realize you are saying 2 completely different things and tap-dancing pitifully around it just for attacking a guy whose opinion you dislike without reading what he wrote and inciting other to do the same?What does it mean for you to be a MODerator ? I feel I need a Picard picture facepalming..._Anubis_Eh? How is it a hate post to ask why he tries to ruin the game then ate the same timecomplaining about how the game is, or will be, ruined? Fraggle makes a very fair point about how you lose your right to moan the moment you join the dark side. Why should we take anything the guy says seriously if it turns out that he is one of the sources of poison infecting the game right now? Maybe I am just to dense to get what you (Anubis) are trying to say but I don't see how he (Fraggle) is saying two completely different things. If he (Machine) is a scripter his opinions ARE worthless, kinda like how the input of a pedophile on how to run a children care center is worthless. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted April 22, 2013 *calls a taxi* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sausagekingofchicago 4711 Posted April 23, 2013 You rang? 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PracticalTactical 164 Posted April 23, 2013 (edited) Well if you've been here long enough you'll know why R went climbing at this time. You're better than this.I realize organizing a trip like that takes tens of thousands of dollars and years of training, paperwork, organization and waiting I can understand that. The issue here is that he first said the game would almost surely be out just after christmas then it was april (I think) now its summer...and hes going climbing for months after flip flopping around and playing with my heart strings. The mod has gone from a very hard, survival game to a 225km2 deathmatch with zombies rife with scripters and abusers of all sorts. But even then I still had hope and yearned for the supposedly weekly devblog updates (what a farce that was). Now what? No mod fix, hardly any new news on the standalone, more than a month between the previous devblog and the last on the 15th, delays, people losing interest, servers with no challenge whatsoever, scripters rampant and now hes leaving on a climbing trip. Ive been here since the start (not on the forums but playing DayZ) and am very saddened and feeling somewhat betrayed and used by how things are going at this time. I haven't played DayZ in months and I STILL had some I have very little hope and my interest is quickly waning. I hope I am wrong, I do. Edited April 23, 2013 by PracticalTactical Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted April 23, 2013 Hello thereI think you are overinvesting in the game. I too hope its a good 'un. And from what we know it will be. There is always that chance though.There's no way he could(or should) cancel an experience of a lifetime for us guys and girls. Yes, there is a lack of communication on a level many of us want but that does not mean things are not happening. Im privvy to very little info but can assure you stuff is moving both on the SA and the Mod.Your other issues can be sorted, I too lament the advent of servers that hand everything out to one, i dont "get it" but each to their own, there are good whitelisted servers out there.As to folk losing interest? Sod em.The games being made regardless of fair weather fanbois/streamers/tubers (thats not aimed at you) hitch along for the ride or not.As to the xmas thing, well thats been covered umpteen times.If I were you I'd try to focus on a different game/hobby (as this is obviously affecting/frustrating you) and just keep half an ear out for updates and news, that way you'll be happily surprised when things do start to move along. I mean this all in the nicest way possible and not in a typical "internet£ sarcasm way.There's nothing any of us can do to push the game along faster. If there were Im sure we'd both be working on it :)RgdsLoKPS a tidbit for you. Today i was killed outside of Cherno by a horde of infected in Arma3..... 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted April 23, 2013 PS a tidbit for you. Today i was killed outside of Cherno by a horde of infected in Arma3.....Oh no, you aren't getting away that easily.............details please! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites