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Why DayZ sucks, is unrealistic and needs to get fixed!

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Reasons why DayZ is garbage:

This is my opinion and if you don't like it which I'm sure you won't i couldn't care less

1. It's just a deathmatch

You get murdered quite a lot in cold blood. At first it was pretty neat how it made me always feel like i was on the edge and made me not trust anyone, however as the time went by the random killing got worse. people started playing just to kill. People started camping the best loot spots just for useless kills, people went on raiding sprees, killing everything in their path.. And of course the sane people that played Arma before the mod became awful, and it became harder and harder to trust people thus leading to more people becoming bandits, like a domino effect.

If you think about it, in a real zombie outbreak this would never happen, I'll talk about that more later. I know some people will just tell me "Oh you just suck at PvP noob lelelelelleel" or something stupid like that proving you're a brainless kid.

It's just frustrating that I can't live for 5 minutes before being shot in the head by a sniper 800m away, and let's not start talking about how easy sniper rifles are to use.. It's redicilously easy.

2. The community is bad.

First of all, most people that play DayZ didn't even have ArmA 2 before the DayZ mod even came out. That says something. Second of all, a lot of the players are pretty much whiny kids. Don't think so? Just look at the "Suggestions" board.

The community isn't really rockets fault, I for once blame the idiot youtubers that invited all the 12 year olds to the mod. *Cough* frankie, jackfrags, pewdiepie, and pretty much all the unfunny youtubers out there *Cough*

3. This game is NOTHING like a zombie apocalypse!

Pretty much everyone's first impressions with the mod was "Wow a real zombie outbreak! Cool!"

Really there's nothing realistic (zombies) about DayZ at all. First of all, where is the military!? There's military bases everywhere! What happened? Don't tell me some zombies beat an entire armed army that has all sorts of vehicles, not including your drunken uncle that keeps 40 guns in his closet. Second of all, pretty much how you start and the objective is retarded. Apparently you're shipwrecked or something and your only goal is to survive?

How come there's no way to reclaim towns? Make blockades? Make a safeheaven? If you're trying to simulate a real zombie outbreak at least try to be realistic. Just surviving should not be a goal. Third of all, people would not start randomly killing each other like I said earlier.

Think about previous times in human history where civilization looked like it was falling: ex. 9/11, San francisco 1905, the spanish flu epidemic, etc.

Countrary to popular belief, when those things happened, we didn't become insane murderers, we helped each other out.

If you still don't see my point, I want you to do this:

The next time you go outside around a bunch of people, just find someone and look at them.. If they're carrying something, imagine that is something you need very desperately at that moment. Would you honestly murder that person in order to get it? If yes, you are an insane individual that should never touch video games again.

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Geez, you want someone to hold your hand and protect you from all the scary bad people in the world?

Pewdiepie isn't a part of our community because he has one video on the game. I've drank Diet Coke before, that doesn't make me a fan of it. The fact that people buy a game purely for an addon it has would prove it doesn't suck.

FYI, the very idea of a Zombie apocalypse is unrealistic. Any time you tell me "This wouldn't happen in a REAL Zombie apocalypse", I'll just laugh at you.

If you ignore the zombie aspect, the game is essentially spot on in everything, and pretty darn close on the things it isn't accurate on, considering it's not only a video game, but merely a mod of a video game.

No, I wouldn't kill someone for what I needed, but then again, I don't live in an apocalypse, do I? There's nothing in this world that I desperately need that isn't plentiful.

I'm not going to bother replying to the rest, this thread will probably get locked before I could type it all up. It just sounds like another "omg i keep getting killed booboo" story.

Edited by Rage VG
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Geez, you want someone to hold your hand and protect you from all the scary bad people in the world?

Pewdiepie isn't a part of our community because he has one video on the game. I've drank Diet Coke before, that doesn't make me a fan of it.

FYI, the very idea of a Zombie apocalypse is unrealistic. If you ignore the zombie aspect, the game is essentially spot on in everything, and pretty darn close on the things it isn't accurate on, considering it's not only a video game, but merely a mod of a video game.

No, I wouldn't kill someone for what I needed, but then again, I don't live in an apocalypse, do I? There's nothing in this world that I desperately need that isn't plentiful.

I'm not going to bother replying to the rest, this thread will probably get locked before I could type it all up. It just sounds like another "omg i keep getting killed booboo" story.

First of all I don't give a single damn about that pewdiepie guy, I unlike you don't watch immature screaming blondes for hours and hours. I just heard he played DayZ.

Of course the whole aspect of a zombie apocalypse is unrealistic since it will probably never happen, and how is murdering people just to get their stuff spot on real life? Where do you live? On mexico's streets?

Edited by banditkilla92

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Hello, my name is 'banditkilla92' (cool, innit!?) and I made a Dayz forum account just to insult people and post longwinded nonsensical walls of text about how I don't care about Dayz.

No wait... that is you.

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3. This game is NOTHING like a zombie apocalypse!

Tell me about the zombie apocalypse you were at?

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Murder as a mean to obtain their posessions isn't unheard of nowdays in policed societies and murder for fun, thats completely heard of across the world right?

Also this isn't some crumbling civilization, it's gone, there is no government to keep people restrained, that being said the ability to reclaim an area (albeit temporarily would be cool).

Finally please don't compare 9/11 to an disaster that killed over 50 million people, especially in the context of civilization ending events.

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Hello, my name is 'banditkilla92' (cool, innit!?) and I made a Dayz forum account just to insult people and post longwinded nonsensical walls of text about how I don't care about Dayz.

No wait... that is you.

I don't see any nonsense in my wall of text.

I think it all makes sense, maybe you didn't read it.

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I'm sorry, but I don't think you have the right to bring in a 'realistic' zombie apocalypse idea when there is no such thing as a Realistic as it's never happened before.

But this is just my opinion, and don't see how one can make it like a real zombie apocalypse. But I'm not going to start a discussion.

Edit: Is this a Suggestion?

Edited by Legacy

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Why isn't this in the Graveyard yet?


I think it's more of a rant or something like that

Edited by Fachii

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Ok! i get it! This game isn't for you and that's cool. I'm not quite sure why you're so angry with everyone though? I've played plenty of games in the past that I don't like, here's what I do: Remove the game from my HD and move on.

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I LOVE these threads with no basis of their beliefs ! *Grabs pop-corn*

Edited by Zarniwoop
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I don't see any nonsense in my wall of text.

I do.

You can't say 'This is NOTHING like a zombie apocalypse', I highly doubt you have been there.

There is nothing much you can do about PvP either. If your that bothered about it don't play and don't come on the forums to whine.

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Seriously your questioning the authenticity of a zombie apocalypse? The mere idea is ridiculous, it's a game you just accept its ridiculous that the army was beaten by unarmed mindless zombies ( you don't question why mario is a actually climbing inside pipes do you? Plumbers don't do that in real life it must mean the game is terrible) anyways I do agree with the extreme amount of kids on the game but then again it is a game kids play games.

And you say that people wouldn't be like bandits in a real apocalypse? I can assure you I would be, I would not be going around in big groups of people discussing the morality of killing other people I'd shoot first ask questions later! After all it's my ass on the line. I wouldn't get my self killed for someone else's stupid mistakes. And to finish it off its a game get over it and why join a forum about it if you don't like dayz?

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I rolled my eyes when I read


but I'll still respond

1. It's just a deathmatch

You get murdered quite a lot in cold blood. At first it was pretty neat how it made me always feel like i was on the edge and made me not trust anyone, however as the time went by the random killing got worse. people started playing just to kill. People started camping the best loot spots just for useless kills, people went on raiding sprees, killing everything in their path.

All true. This is because there i no point except to survive. To survive in the game all you need is an axe, matches, tin can, and a canteen. Stay away from everyone and you can survive in the game pretty much till the end of time

. And of course the sane people that played Arma before the mod became awful, and it became harder and harder to trust people thus leading to more people becoming bandits, like a domino effect.

This is human behavior

If you think about it, in a real zombie outbreak this would never happen, I'll talk about that more later

In a real world event you would be dead, the majority of the people would be dead. People like to think they would survive zombies but thats just not true

. I know some people will just tell me "Oh you just suck at PvP noob lelelelelleel" or something stupid like that proving you're a brainless kid.

Maybe you do maybe you dont. I dont know nor care. PvP in this game is a certainty, adapt or move on

It's just frustrating that I can't live for 5 minutes before being shot in the head by a sniper 800m away, and let's not start talking about how easy sniper rifles are to use.. It's redicilously easy.

If you cant live past 5 minutes you are on the wrong server. Sniper rifles in this game are more difficult than most games, so lets drop that BS there

2. The community is bad.

All gaming communities are bad. Its the internet

First of all, most people that play DayZ didn't even have ArmA 2 before the DayZ mod even came out. That says something

Yeah, it says people are more interested in a zombie apoc game than another military sim game

. Second of all, a lot of the players are pretty much whiny kids. Don't think so? Just look at the "Suggestions" board.

This is both true and not. Most people that complain on the gaming forums are whiny little bratz who think they can do better than game programmers, however that does NOT mean that most of the people playing are the same.

The community isn't really rockets fault, I for once blame the idiot youtubers that invited all the 12 year olds to the mod. *Cough* frankie, jackfrags, pewdiepie, and pretty much all the unfunny youtubers out there *Cough*

Very few real players post on community boards because they are too busy enjoying a game they love. This community is on par with almost every other game community out there. Though I will agree that nearly all youtube broadcasters are idiots

3. This game is NOTHING like a zombie apocalypse!

Its a game, not a forecast model >.>

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Pretty much everyone's first impressions with the mod was "Wow a real zombie outbreak! Cool!"

No, I think everyones first impression was "Wow, a zombie outbreak game! Cool!"

Really there's nothing realistic (zombies) about DayZ at all.

Thats because zombies are NOT REAL!

First of all, where is the military!?

Dead or gone, you think they would stick around. and lets face it ... this isnt a 1st world country we are dealing with

There's military bases everywhere! What happened?

They were killed and/or ran off to safer areas

Know the area you play in. This was a country in civil war that went through a coup and ended up being invaded by US and Russain forces and a host of other places

Don't tell me some zombies beat an entire armed army that has all sorts of vehicles, not including your drunken uncle that keeps 40 guns in his closet.

You think they cant? My drunken uncle would go down pretty easily and he really does have about 40 guns. Problem is ... he's a drunk

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Second of all, pretty much how you start and the objective is retarded. Apparently you're shipwrecked or something and your only goal is to survive?

What would you do in a REAL zombie apocalypse?

How come there's no way to reclaim towns? Make blockades? Make a safeheaven? If you're trying to simulate a real zombie outbreak at least try to be realistic.

Do you have enough people in your group to reclaim a town and keep it safe?

You can make blockades

You can make a safehaven (some servers have a base building feature)

I think they were trying to make a game that was both challenging and mimicked what a real zombie outbreak would be like. However they were not trying to simulate a REAL outbreak as there is NO SUCH THING.

Just surviving should not be a goal.

but .. ist that the goal in a real outbreak? What do you think people would actually do?

Third of all, people would not start randomly killing each other like I said earlier.

Actually ... they would. When faced with a shortage of supplies (Food/water/ect) in a horror that would be a zombie outbreak you bet your sweet ass people will kill for basic things like a can of beans

Think about previous times in human history where civilization looked like it was falling: ex. 9/11, San francisco 1905, the spanish flu epidemic, etc.

Countrary to popular belief, when those things happened, we didn't become insane murderers, we helped each other out.

Dont forget about other examples ... Salem witch trials, the Black Plague, or howabout the Donner Party which is a prme example of just how far people are willing to go

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If you still don't see my point, I want you to do this:

The next time you go outside around a bunch of people, just find someone and look at them.. If they're carrying something, imagine that is something you need very desperately at that moment. Would you honestly murder that person in order to get it? If yes, you are an insane individual that should never touch video games again.

If I was starving and needed food or if I had to feed family. I wouldnt hesitate to kill someone. Your issue is you look at the game in a confused manner and dont completely think it all out. Would I murder someone for something now? No ... but you are talking about a real event in which the majority of the people are dead or undead and im trying to live. There is no law, there are no rules. If you are threat or become a threat or if I think you MIGHT become a threat .... my life is worth more than yours. Thats just human nature. Deal with it

BTW .. this is just a game.

I dare you to try and survive it as it was a real outbreak ... see how quickly you get bored

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emotions, emotions...

...others would just have thought: "Oh, this is not my kind of game...I'll try another one"

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Ok! i get it! This game isn't for you and that's cool. I'm not quite sure why you're so angry with everyone though? I've played plenty of games in the past that I don't like, here's what I do: Remove the game from my HD and move on.

I'm not angry at people, but they reply with no respect so why should they get any respect back?

It's like these people on the forums live in front of their computer screen and hasn't seen daylight in years

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It's like these people on the forums live in front of their computer screen and hasn't seen daylight in years

*peeks between blinds, waves at hetstaine and sausage king across the driveway doing the same*

To soon for me to go outside.

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I'm not angry at people, but they reply with no respect so why should they get any respect back?

It's like these people on the forums live in front of their computer screen and hasn't seen daylight in years

Well don't come on the forum and whine then!

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I'm not angry at people, but they reply with no respect so why should they get any respect back?

It's like these people on the forums live in front of their computer screen and hasn't seen daylight in years

Hello there

I think it was the attitude you conveyed in your first post that probably put folk's teeth on edge.

Imagine if I had posted something similar on the BiS forums? There'd only be a crater left where my room once stood.

Let me answer your points one by one.

Reasons why DayZ is garbage:

This is my opinion and if you don't like it which I'm sure you won't i couldn't care less

Boom. in your first sentences you negated the point of your first post and alienated many members of a DAYZ fan forum.

1. It's just a deathmatch

You get murdered quite a lot in cold blood. At first it was pretty neat how it made me always feel like i was on the edge and made me not trust anyone, however as the time went by the random killing got worse. people started playing just to kill. People started camping the best loot spots just for useless kills, people went on raiding sprees, killing everything in their path.. And of course the sane people that played Arma before the mod became awful, and it became harder and harder to trust people thus leading to more people becoming bandits, like a domino effect.

If you think about it, in a real zombie outbreak this would never happen, I'll talk about that more later. I know some people will just tell me "Oh you just suck at PvP noob lelelelelleel" or something stupid like that proving you're a brainless kid.

It's just frustrating that I can't live for 5 minutes before being shot in the head by a sniper 800m away, and let's not start talking about how easy sniper rifles are to use.. It's redicilously easy.

I've been an ofp/arma player for over 10 years, I dont think I became "awful" and many other old vets I know have also not become "awful"

Yes deathmatching is prevalent, but you simply have to make the effort to find a server which encourages other forms of play yet still includes PVP as a vital aspect. it was the same in arma, you had to find a decent squad/community to play in that suited your play style.

Hopefully simple PVP will be addressed in future editions of the mod and SA

2. The community is bad.

First of all, most people that play DayZ didn't even have ArmA 2 before the DayZ mod even came out. That says something. Second of all, a lot of the players are pretty much whiny kids. Don't think so? Just look at the "Suggestions" board.

The community isn't really rockets fault, I for once blame the idiot youtubers that invited all the 12 year olds to the mod. *Cough* frankie, jackfrags, pewdiepie, and pretty much all the unfunny youtubers out there *Cough*

"The community is bad" rather a sweeping statement. The massive sales of A2 to dayz players probably has really assisted in the creation of A3 and future software. Look at the bigger picture. I too am not a fan of many popular 'tubers but some of them did help the virality of dayz, so credit where it is due.

3. This game is NOTHING like a zombie apocalypse!

Pretty much everyone's first impressions with the mod was "Wow a real zombie outbreak! Cool!"

Really there's nothing realistic (zombies) about DayZ at all. First of all, where is the military!? There's military bases everywhere! What happened? Don't tell me some zombies beat an entire armed army that has all sorts of vehicles, not including your drunken uncle that keeps 40 guns in his closet. Second of all, pretty much how you start and the objective is retarded. Apparently you're shipwrecked or something and your only goal is to survive?

How come there's no way to reclaim towns? Make blockades? Make a safeheaven? If you're trying to simulate a real zombie outbreak at least try to be realistic. Just surviving should not be a goal. Third of all, people would not start randomly killing each other like I said earlier.

Think about previous times in human history where civilization looked like it was falling: ex. 9/11, San francisco 1905, the spanish flu epidemic, etc.

Countrary to popular belief, when those things happened, we didn't become insane murderers, we helped each other out.

If you still don't see my point, I want you to do this:

The next time you go outside around a bunch of people, just find someone and look at them.. If they're carrying something, imagine that is something you need very desperately at that moment. Would you honestly murder that person in order to get it? If yes, you are an insane individual that should never touch video games again.

As others have pointed out the game isnt really realistic, just nods towards it. But you DO have a point in enclave building and cooperation, I just think you didnt word it well.

I think if you had a nice cup of tea and remade your post you would find that you do bring up some interesting topics to debate upon, as it comes over at the moment you sound like a ranting and somewhat selfish person. That does not mean you are in any way, rather thats the feeling your post gives across and hence the harsh replys.

Why not try again? Everyone deserves a chance.




It's like these people on the forums live in front of their computer screen and hasn't seen daylight in years

I do suffer from Agoraphobia, so I don't get out much. It doesn't make me less of a human though. Although bigoted attitudes sometimes make me feel that way. I know you probably didnt mean your comment in that way, just try to remember not everyone lives an ideal life.

Edited by orlok
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I'm not angry at people, but they reply with no respect so why should they get any respect back?

It's like these people on the forums live in front of their computer screen and hasn't seen daylight in years

Maybe you should follow your own rules. You expect us to respect you when you came on the forums, complaining and actively insulting the community. Also, you posted a topic the community has seen at least one hundred times. Use the search function.

Edited by colekern

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