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About jamesfrankfreeman@live.co.uk

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. jamesfrankfreeman@live.co.uk

    Much rage ensued.

    This isn't even being a bandit.. it's just being a dick.
  2. jamesfrankfreeman@live.co.uk

    FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

    Also the auto ban for "server hopping" is just annoying, i spawn in the middle of the ocean, and the only way for me to fix that is either kill myself quickly or abort and join again, i've been banned numerous times because of it, its caused more problems imo..
  3. jamesfrankfreeman@live.co.uk

    FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

    More of an annoyance than a "thrill". Its caused a whole tone of confusion and inconvenience in my group, having name plates off is fine, but taking away "X is dead" is just silly.
  4. jamesfrankfreeman@live.co.uk

    FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

    Why have you taken away death messages?
  5. jamesfrankfreeman@live.co.uk

    FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

    Player GGGYT with a bison SD, we have video proof, we were shot from every direction with a bizon sd, i die, my friend whos recording sees a circle of bullets around him and dies from 5 meters, my other friend hickery just saw him appear, he shot him and rocks were shot out of him, he then dissapeared again. Ill post the video later. Edit: He just appeared, half face blue half face white, teleported to my friend with a hatchet, attacked with around 500 hacks per second. Also he's invincible second point of view of him hacking also going to be uploaded later. It appears he changed his name to "Ice", same skin as what we saw as GGYT
  6. jamesfrankfreeman@live.co.uk

    Vanilla vs Private Hive

    I disagree, I have better FPS on private hives then I do public.
  7. jamesfrankfreeman@live.co.uk

    Long time fan and player, faith in SA and Rocket is gone.

    Lol, bye, we all know you'll buy the SA anyway.
  8. jamesfrankfreeman@live.co.uk

    Flups Private Hive - 500+ Vehicles - Active Admins! Supported by TSW and Gotcha!

    Added 11th April 2013: Auto fueling More vehicles
  9. jamesfrankfreeman@live.co.uk

    FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

    Can i talk to an admin via private messaging please?
  10. jamesfrankfreeman@live.co.uk

    FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

    I've been banned, why?
  11. jamesfrankfreeman@live.co.uk

    FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

    Player legion just Combat Logged the second i came near him on sniper hill, can he have a warning or a ban?
  12. jamesfrankfreeman@live.co.uk

    Banned from server US 4477 with Reason(Hacking)

  13. jamesfrankfreeman@live.co.uk

    Make private hives come under same rules as public for abuse

    Oh god, you're serious arn't you? Haha oh wow.
  14. jamesfrankfreeman@live.co.uk

    Why DayZ sucks, is unrealistic and needs to get fixed!

    This guy deserves everything he gets but this kinda defeats the purpose of a "throwaway" no?
  15. jamesfrankfreeman@live.co.uk

    Make private hives come under same rules as public for abuse

    Ok, you're not getting it, ITS. YOUR. CHOICE. TO. PAY. The admins aren't 'forcing you' to pay, you could just play on the server, see if they have paid weapon spawns and go 'nope, don't want to play here'. You're blaming admins for your own lack of responsibility to find a decent server or just not pay for weapons. Seriously. Nobody will pay for it if they don't want it, it's not hard.