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About skilfuleric

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. skilfuleric

    Friendly ? I don´t give a shit !

    The video is fucking glorious itxt.
  2. skilfuleric

    People shooting freshspawns

    No one robs anymore...anyone that still does usually doesn't get the gear because the person just logs....You can't call someone a dick because of the their actions in a video game.
  3. skilfuleric

    Some dude rapping in Taviana

  4. Tell me about the zombie apocalypse you were at?
  5. skilfuleric

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    There you go.
  6. skilfuleric

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Rocket, you should develop something that the people want. What's the point in making it for yourself and what you want? Selfish if you ask me. It would be like walking into a store that only sells one type of pop and you asking "Hey why isn't there any other types here?" and the owner says "because I only like this kind." You could and would increase profit/popularity if you develop what the PEOPLE want not what you want.
  7. skilfuleric

    CD key question

    I would reinstall everything. Try not to download any free hacks off youtube again ;)
  8. skilfuleric

    Why do you shoot unarmed players?

    I kill everyone no matter what. Unarmed or not :P
  9. skilfuleric


    Windows 8 is awesome.
  10. skilfuleric

    changing main weopon to hatchet?

    Too bad it's a video game
  11. skilfuleric

    When is it Okay to KoS?

    It's okay to KOS every time.
  12. skilfuleric

    Define what a "Bandit" is.

    I don't try to piss other players off..I play the game the way I want to play it and if that includes killing others for no reason then so be it, I don't see why you would think I intend to piss others off I could care less about what they think and how they feel when I kill them. If you don't classify me as a bandit then I guess you can classify me as a murderer, because I will come out victorious when you try to talk to me in game and tell me your friendly.
  13. skilfuleric

    Define what a "Bandit" is.

    Why do that and get no loot when you can just simply....kill them and get all their loot?
  14. skilfuleric

    Define what a "Bandit" is.

    I've tried that...Hold them up...they just end up logging out...So it's better you kill them and get the gear instead of wasting time and getting nothing