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DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

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@BeachGaara you are 100% right dude exactly my point!

@Hosty I have 2 questions.

1. Did you understand that I offended the WAY he criticised my opinion?

2. Do you think that a person sitting in the forums and posting about the other posts has a life and the others Don't?

I don't get your offence about a comment ON a thread about release date when my topic is release date and yours is "it won't release faster".

Edited by kanars

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Just don't get the delay, yes delay the full game, get that polished etc, but we're waiting for an alpha, just chuck it out, it's an alpha, its meant to be broke, its going to be broke, just let us get cracking on it and coming up with solutions and problems.

I don't care what the UI looks like or if the lunging animation is off, again it's an alpha.

Agree... but as i understand dayz is just a lot of words .... blah blah blah here, blah blah blah there ... and even alpha just broke as sh%t

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Unfortunately this is like saying we picked a month it can be June or April or September so it is not useful but nvm news are better than silence. I hope they will keep up the good (and hard) work so we will get the Alpha soon.

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@BlindOMan ...Go back to your cave xxxxxxx........no one asked your lower criticism

Hey guy! Really NEVER call me a xxxx!!! xxxxxxxx was a xxxx/ a politican of the xxxxxx!

I hope you will get a ban for that! Just reported you! Nothing I said is worth to call me a xxxx!

Edited by BlindOldMan

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You see you little chumps I have a life unlike you.

You claim to have a life via a video game forum? I don't even have to explain that one.

At this point THEY LIED AGAIN. Six Months HAVE GONE BY AND STILL NOTHING. Sure release it in mid July, I really hope people still give a crap by then I know I'm bored with Chernarus map regardless of how good the stand alone is.

How can they lie when they never set a specific release date?

From Dean himself - "It'll be done when it's done."

Producing a game isn't some walk in the park. It takes a great deal of time and effort; especially when the dev team is small, which is the case with the SA. Of course though an obvious CoD kiddie such as yourself expects games to come out in mere months.

You jock minecraft yet that game completely sucks ass, maybe you should look for a game to model Dayz after with a little more ADULT crowd.

Yeah, a game that has sold over 11 million copies must totally suck ass.

A more adult crowd you say? Go look on YouTube, almost if not all popular Minecraft channels are by adults.

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@BlindOMan Yeah the truth is that I was very angry and I am sorry. I truly want you to excuse me for the racist comment BUT you have to understand that this was defence to a blind verbal ambush I wasn't expecting while expressing my opinion.

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Do not insult members in such a manner, ever again !

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In my opinion shut up NOW or play the standalone NEVER. >:(

Your opinion is worth a bullshit! Did you ask more than 90 % of the community? I guess no. So please, just wait and keep on playing with your sand toys. :P

You too, do not insult people like that, ever again

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@kanars: So I'm finally sorry, too. But I was upset about the recurring comments about release, Dean's journey to the Mount Everest, etc. I understand it is hard to wait for all off us, but there is really nothing else we could do?

Edited by BlindOldMan

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Yeah I understood your point but I got mad with the WAY you expressed it. I know that my posts were recurring and I am sorry about them but we had a conversation with other members. Nvm we are all sharing the same Hobby no matter what are our countries our level of patience our status our religions etc. Sorry for this verbal fight :D and I hope we will meet in Chernarus. Now let's return to our on Topic posts :D ;)

Edited by kanars
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Srsly this forum is a cut above the rest of the Internet somehow :D

Good , now that everyone is friends again , i maay suggest you all to try some dayz mod mods if you havent already?

Like Origins is really great , long term fun.

Buildings houses , customizing cars etc.

But there are more than enough threads on this elsewhere on here...

The SA will come out within the next 2 months imo...

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I played Origins, too. It is really funny, but I am not so happy with the background of that mod. Making money, stealing code...

I am playing Dayz just about a few weeks.

Shooters are very hard to play for me, because there is some truth in my nick :rolleyes:.

My eyes are that worse, so that I just can see a small piece of my monitor at once. So I can see the enemies in shooters or the walkers in dayz most time just too late. So I get hurt again and again and run out of bullets soon :lol:.

And their sounds driving me crazy, when I hear them and can't see them.

But I really love games with zombies. Since I played on Commodore 64 and saw Dawn of the Dead in the early 80th. So I keep on trying my best.

One thing I am asking me again and again: If such a scenario would get real, would the people really fight each other or would all stay beside against the walkers? Would it be worth trying to survive or would it be the better sollution, using the last bullet for the own head?

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Well people would start a war and then they would try to get power and at the end after so much death they would deal with zombies if the human kind still existed. This is human nature unfortunately...... Kill if you don't want to be Killed

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I've been on a few forums but its nice to see the moderators actually moderate and try to keep the forums as friendly as possible. Nothing wrong with debates, its just that so many people want the damn game that tensions are high.

Edited by Muromets
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Not on topic but good to see members cutting out their differences and apologizing to one another.

It somehow makes me happy. :thumbsup:

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Bit of recent chatter from the man himself relating somewhat to what's been discussed on the past couple of pages.

Sure, but there is a difference between buggy and playable. The DayZMod was (well, mostly) playable. Because new additions right now can COMPLETELY break the build, I have been reluctant to make people pay for it until such time as we have something fairly stable that has some playable content.
Pre-alpha we add all the fundamental changes to the engine. Once that is done, we start alpha and functionality gets added/expanded. But until we're finished the groundbreaking changes to the basics of the engine, we're really doing you and us a disservice by pushing it out.
Server/Client is done. As an example, over last few days been adding in battery consumption, calculating environment temperatures, interacting with terrain and objects, all sorts of stuff. Much of which breaks the build, causes crashes, performance issues, etc...

When asked if the 1 week (post E3) to 2 months' statement still stands.

He replied

E3 was two weeks ago. And yes it does.

*Updated with any new information to save people from trawling through that Reddit link.

Edited by CapricornOne
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Bit of recent chatter from the man himself relating somewhat to what's been discussed on the past couple of pages.

When asked if the 1 week (post E3) to 2 months' statement still stands.

He replied

cheesus ...... obviously its mean that we must wait till september .....

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cheesus ...... obviously its mean that we must wait till september .....

Not sure where you've pulled that from but anyway..What I want to know is if the whole streamer's only alpha phase is still happening? I could have sworn I read somewhere that that was scrapped but going off various soundbytes from Sacriel et all, it's still planned. Surely when/if a playable version (deemed acceptable enough to be openly streamed) is released, we won't be looking at more than a week or two after for general release?

Does anyone know if that's still the plan or not?

Edited by CapricornOne

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New month new thread!

We wanna day z! we wanna dayz! we wanna dayz!

screaming peasants with torches*

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I really hope we have a basic melee system ready for alpha.

If not it's going to make survival impossible for any real decent period of time, Unless you are really lucky and stumble upon a gun.

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I really hope we have a basic melee system ready for alpha.

If not it's going to make survival impossible for any real decent period of time, Unless you are really lucky and stumble upon a gun.

In all fairness the whole point of an "alpha" is to sort out bugs within the basic foundation. People that buy into it thinking they'll have hours upon hours of fun with it day one are deluded. In reality it'll more than likely be hours upon hours of frustration, whilst communicating respectfully via the forums/bug tracker/etc. In other words - there's no point in bitching if it doesn't play how you want it or how you expect it to be; we'll only get to that point with feedback and patience.

Edited by CapricornOne

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I think Dean is clearly underrastimating the DayZ community. He wants just the DayZ core gamer to play the Alpha, but I can garantee that after 2-3 DayZ they gonna be a hell of a lot more than 50.000 players.

1. Every gaming news site will report about the beginning of the dayz alpha, they will also say it is better to buy it now because the price is low

2. Dozens of youtubers like Frankie or JackFrags will post about the DayZ Alpha, and in the buisness of youtube the faster you post the better

So that means that in the first 5 dayz they gonna be probably more then 500.000 people aware of DayZ Standalone (just with youtube) and like 2 Million other players with other medias (I actually think there will be way more people). But lets say there are 1 Million people aware of DayZ SA at day 2. Let's say 50% of them played DayZ before, let's say all of then know that the alpha is way cheaper to buy than the finished version. So there will be like 100.000-200.000 people at day 2 who bought the SA.(probably way more) Of course they want to test it. Think about it, how should Dean manage 500.000 people at day 5 who all want to play DayZ SA?

I bet there will be a disaster, server crashes etc.

In my opinion Dean is forced to limit the DayZ SA access, at least of the first 1-2 weeks. If he does not... well he will learn from his mistake.

Edited by Wayze
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In my opinion Dean is forced to limit the DayZ SA access, at least of the first 1-2 weeks. If he does not... well he will learn from his mistake.

That was originally the case. However things have since changed.

One of the main reasons for the delay was that Dean has said he wants the launch to go as smoothly as possible. I'm sure he's well aware of potential worst case scenarios. We'd be playing the game right now if he wasn't :lol:

Edited by CapricornOne

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