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Serova (DayZ)

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174 Excellent


About Serova (DayZ)

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    Belgium, Ostend
  1. Serova (DayZ)

    Drop ID card / drivers license / testament on death

    Dude, no. Thats so out of character.
  2. Serova (DayZ)

    Morgan Freeman brings salvation to DayZ. [VIDEO]

    Lol, nice.
  3. Serova (DayZ)

    Why are freshspawns now referred to as "bambis"?

    Nobody knows, it's a mystery. As we speak top-notch scientist all over the world are trying to figure out why and how but there is no answer in sight.
  4. Serova (DayZ)

    Well Its been fun Dayz

    "Rust has more viewers on Twitch therefore I want my money back." Wait what? Do you realize out of 6000 people viewing Rust on Twitch nearly 5000 of them are viewing one streamer? I don't even ..
  5. Serova (DayZ)

    Am I a psychopath?

    Dude, it's only a game relax lol
  6. Serova (DayZ)

    Severe FPS problems

    The answer is: Alpha.. (I hope)
  7. Serova (DayZ)

    The Soviet Connection.

    le not bad le b-b-but it's le alpha!
  8. Serova (DayZ)

    Build 113953

  9. Serova (DayZ)

    Framerate is Bad, Need New Hardware

    You need an entire new desktop it's too old and outdated.
  10. I encourage you to stop playing and everyone who thinks like you should do the same.
  11. Serova (DayZ)

    Can't chamber the mosin?

    It doesn't matter in the end everybody shares the same destiny. You can only buy some time.
  12. Serova (DayZ)

    Do we get the beta?

    lol imagine.
  13. Serova (DayZ)

    Can't chamber the mosin?

    You can load a few, just take the Mosin in your hands switch to inventory and drag the bullets on an empty square beneath it then hit the reload key and normally your character should start loading the gun. Also what the guy above said if that is the problem ^^
  14. Serova (DayZ)

    I want to get a better CPU

    i5-4670k, You don't need an i7 unless you plan on video rendering etc..