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jona (DayZ)

AA-12 in dayz?

AA-12 for dayz?  

75 members have voted

  1. 1. AA-12 or Saiga 12 in dayz for a auto shotgun

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Reason why! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k80j4_hwU6E

Lol never knew so many people hated this weapon but its very reliable watch this a fps russia vid of the weapon in real life but this gun would combat the features in standalone reliability and durability.

Ok the movie was a joke i linked =P. But people say its too overpowerd your playing on a 225 km2 map not some arena style cod map. The likleliness of encountering some one with it is very slim if its a very rare weapon, Remove HE rounds and its just slugs and buckshot at 300 rpm 32, 20 or even 8 round magazine and its not very accruate the max effictive range would be like 100 yards tops. But imo at close range all shotguns should be a force not to be reckoned and should be dominant in citeis. SA is haveing a new health system and wouldn't be the AA-12 everybody hates in arma2. But the use of the gun in dayz is not to constantly kill players what your used to in cod or bf. But to help you surive you would have a very reliably weapon wich is water proof and is very durable. That being said it would be a perfect zombie killer in a tight pinch and i would enjoy this weapon being in the game for end game content if the rarity of the weapon is controlled.

More info about the gun!

Edited by jona

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I don't think it's realistically modelled... seemed way too easy to take out people at extended ranges in singleplayer. The sights suck too.

And "The Expendables" isn't exactly what DayZ is aiming to emulate...

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It can be added :) It's called AA12_PMC

After watching that video i might add it to our server :D Hope it's really really loud

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This gun is very over powered. If it was to be brought into the game it would need to be one of the most rare guns in DayZ.

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Hate this weapon.

Hate any mission that has this weapon available.

Perfect Rambo weapon and it's absolutely deafening playing with someone, who uses it.

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Laser guns in DayZ

Railguns? Mac Guns? Coilguns? Gyrojets?

Plasma Rifles?

Beam Snipers?

Orbital Strike Platforms?

B2 Spirits?

Robot Armies?


Power Armor?

You tell me bro

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Oh wait i forgot one, how could I be so foolish.

Active Camouflage. CoD has that in singleplayer so it must be real!

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*cough* Namalsk *cough*

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Everyone who says they hate that shotgun are BF3 players without a doubt. Too many germans are using frag with it there.

Beside games and more to the actual real world. It's an awesome automatic shotgun. Weapons are all about effectively taking out your target.

When this point comes to games, peoples moral go awol. They will cry over how unrealtistic it is that you can jump abit too high meanwhile they are crying over how an M107 is killing them with one shot.

So these guys will start going "It's overpowered because I got killed with it!!!" ofcourse they don't mention the part "because I got killed with it!!!". I would love to see the AA-12 in the game.

1. way too overpowered

2. this ins't expendables

3. why would a gun made in the U.S be in a soviet country?

1. So are all other weapons in DayZ if that's what you are saying. Let's make them remove firearms and let's all run around with machetes.

2. No this is a game where Zombies roam the world.

3. Same reason there are AK-47's which btw are made in Russia in gunshops in US..

Edited by Snilex
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@Snilex: I don't care about it being overpowered, I care about it being... stupid.

Who even uses it? Pretty much no one except that annoying bald guy on Future Weapons... I heard Blackwater had a few... some testing models... that's it. You're not going to find one in Chernarus, and you wouldn't find one in the US either.

Silly weapon.

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1. So are all other weapons in DayZ if that's what you are saying. Let's make them remove firearms and let's all run around with machetes.

2. No this is a game where Zombies roam the world.

3. Same reason there are AK-47's which btw are made in Russia in gunshops in US..

1.if there are already overpowered weapons in day then lets not add anymore

2.yes that is why you shouldn't use movies of completely different genres as reference

3.can't say anything about that

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@Snilex: I don't care about it being overpowered, I care about it being... stupid.

Who even uses it? Pretty much no one except that annoying bald guy on Future Weapons... I heard Blackwater had a few... some testing models... that's it. You're not going to find one in Chernarus, and you wouldn't find one in the US either.

Silly weapon.

Stupid? Maybe, you either hate it or you love it. I can without a doubt say that it would demolish your collection of my little pony to dust faster than you could blink.

1.if there are already overpowered weapons in day then lets not add anymore

2.yes that is why you shouldn't use movies of completely different genres as reference

3.can't say anything about that

1. I'd love to see you in the army. "Fucking terrorists are using to overpowered weapons.. Devs, please nerf!!" haha.

2. Does it matter the genre? AA-12 would probably do just as much damage in a zombie movie as in an action movie. The Expandables though is old school brute force action. But the realism in the two are pretty much the same.

Edited by Snilex
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@Snilex: I don't care about it being overpowered, I care about it being... stupid.

Who even uses it? Pretty much no one except that annoying bald guy on Future Weapons... I heard Blackwater had a few... some testing models... that's it. You're not going to find one in Chernarus, and you wouldn't find one in the US either.

Silly weapon.

Pretty much agree, they added it to video games because of the 'OMFG THAT'S SO FUCKING AWESOME WE NEED THAT IN OUR GAME!' Factor. That aside, I'd rather not have a gun that can blow through ALL my ammo in less than 30 seconds. I'd prefer if they added the Saiga 12 if they were going to add an automatic shotgun in.

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Pretty much agree, they added it to video games because of the 'OMFG THAT'S SO FUCKING AWESOME WE NEED THAT IN OUR GAME!' Factor. That aside, I'd rather not have a gun that can blow through ALL my ammo in less than 30 seconds. I'd prefer if they added the Saiga 12 if they were going to add an automatic shotgun in.

You don't want an AA-12 but you want a Saiga pretty much the same, Saiga just got more recoil and it's made in Russia. Other than that they are both the same. Meaning, both are stupid.

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I dont see how it would be OP, it fires the same 12 gauge 00 buck or slugs your trusty double barreled shotgun fires, just at several hundred rounds per minute.

Wouldnt really fit the setting, but as extra rare loot it might be interesting, no frag rounds though please, they can wreck an APC in vanilla due to weirdness.

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Ok the movie was a joke i linked =P. But people say its too overpowerd your playing on a 225 km2 map not some arena style cod map. The likleliness of encountering some one with it is very slim if its a very rare weapon, Remove HE rounds and its just slugs and buckshot at 300 rpm 32, 20 or even 8 round magazine and its not very accruate the max effictive range would be like 100 yards tops. But imo at close range all shotguns should be a force not to be reckoned and should be dominant in citeis. SA is haveing a new health system and wouldn't be the AA-12 everybody hates in arma2. But the use of the gun in dayz is not to constantly kill players what your used to in cod or bf. But to help you surive you would have a very reliably weapon wich is water proof and is very durable. That being said it would be a perfect zombie killer in a tight pinch and i would enjoy this weapon being in the game for end game content if the rarity of the weapon is controlled.

Edited by jona

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Yes, because a SHOTGUN is unbalanced...

I mean, it's not like we have a 10-round, clip-fed, semi-automatic rifle capable of killing someone with a single shot from ranges out to 800 metres with perfect accuracy and two minutes of practise.

But a military shotgun? FUCK NO. THAT SHIT'S UNBALANCED BRO.

What the FUCK are you all smoking?

It would be an anti-zombie weapon AT BEST.

And if you're going to scream 'balance', HURR AS50. NOT BALANCED.

DMR. 20 round mag. Doesn't kill you in one shot, but one shot puts you on the deck, unconscious.

FAL does pretty much the same. They all have decent amounts of rounds in their mags.

I'm not saying I want it in the game, but fuck me. Arguing 'balance' in the current state of the mod is a JOKE.

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