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jona (DayZ)

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About jona (DayZ)

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  1. jona (DayZ)

    Clever animals

  2. jona (DayZ)

    Clever animals

    Two year old thread I made on dayz mod section posting it just for the sake of it. Its complex as fuck and I don't think any dev team would ever pull off or consider anything like this lol but you know some decent ideas here :) Before you read IVs means individual values like a group of stats. When i say IV it means im talking about 1 stat not a group of stats. Dayz will eventually be adding in wolfs, bears and other eurasian species wich is a very good idea due to it being in survival game. But i was thinking is it gona be like red dead. Where you go to bear claw camp and get destroyed by 40 bears that are all identical in attacks and looks and there primary use in the game is just to kill the player? Well any ways i hope not i was thinking of a clever ai system for animals because this game is a simualtor in a appoclypse situation and needs to be realistic in most aspects. Say for instance for a quick back story for animals that they cant get infected and they can eat infected as a last resort for hunger due to infected aren't rotten dead corpses like in other zombie games in this game there more like 28 days later they are just rabid humans that still need to eat to survive. Ok with that in mind say for example a bear top predator, say if like 5-10 bears are spawned in the game when the server first starts and in remote areas far away from each. Ok now that bear has spawned and also with something called IVs wich mean individual values. Which would determine sex, size and temperament. Now why IVs should be in the game well gender so animals can repduce and have off spring and replenish population of killed animals. Size well size is firstly determined by gender then size difference in that gender. Wich will make animals more individual in there species and will make them stronger in health and damage compared to smaller animals in the same species also. Also if killed more rescourcse like meat fur etc is collected from the animal and maybey trophys if its bigger then usual for your underground base =P. Temperament to decide if the animal is passive or aggerssive wich can also be determined by gender and if it has offspring. Also for predatory animals in the game If there hungry more likely to be aggresive and try to eat you and be passive if its just eaten. Purpose of the animal should be to survive like you and i it will need to eat, drink, poop and repuduce. With all this said and you added predators and herbivorous the game would have a thriving ecosystem were animals kill each other and eat each other and reproduce. Features from a advanced ecocsystem crafting, food from animals and plants and medicines. other stuff like maybe farming and collecting seeds for your undeground base to plant food. Many unscripted random scenario wich will bring the most remote parts of cherno to life with danger and make you think twice on how you deal with a certain species. Like for example if you came across a big male aggressive brown bear. Wich ive heard most civilan calibers wont even pierce its thick huge hide or even skull. And if you tried to shoot it with anything lower then a 50 cal or 12 ga slugs all your gona do is make it mad and possible bleedout if you gun is fairly powerfull. But even if you hit a vital organ like its heart that bear can still stay alive for tops 10 mins wich all of this ive heard in real life btw. Then you have 1 raged fueld pyscho bear that cun run 35 kpm chargeing your way certian death unless your packing some huge milltray hardware wich ive also heard there going towards more civilan wepons in standalone so you gona get killed in other words. But now what if you found some bear spray and that aggressive bear wouldnt be as rage fueled was when you shot it. And nows it comes fairly quickly but not at 35 kpm you spray a big cloud of bear spray wich sends it to a retreat. From what ive said and what it offers to the game is if you retreat to the woods there a different set of challenges to the species in the woods and also with an ecocsystem players arent forced to head into cites and can surive off the land and mange a plot of land if the choose to controll the population of animals they want in there land. Maybe alot of predators so its a deterrent to under equiped players. Maybe they want to kill off all predators in there plot of land and have a food socurce for there 30 strong clan and the herbviours flourish there under there protection but also butchered for food. Species list Eurasain brown bear Eurasain wolf Eurasain Elk (looks like a moose) Red deer (looks like american elk) Roe deer Red fox Badger Eurasain lynx Wild Boar Brown hare Europeon rabbit Eurasain beaver (affect to land scape trees falling down) Rats&mouse (species doesnt matter too small to tell difference) Stouts or polecats (players can domesticate and use it to catch rabbits/hares) Owls egales hawks falcons ducks pigeon goose chickens cows/bulls horses dogs fish and many more. Those are most of the species that would bring cherno to life. Another IV should be like age say you get a bird of prey from an egg you can do falconary and lower the age easier the animal becomes to tame. One cruel scenario i can imagine from what features i mentioned is a rooster fight with your mate over new gun you found. Reason im suggesting this idea is because i think there should be two path options if i was in a real apocalypse you can run through the cities and towns or you can surive on the land and deal with the animals that live there, And if you dont like the animals and think the populations gone up kill them wipe them out. Craft loads of items from there dead bodies trade the meat make weapons to clothing from the pelts claws antlers bones feathers etc. Well firstly a new IV i thought of is speed. would most likely be determined by size and age of the speed IV. Ok so this is how IVs would affect you in the game you would selective breed your animals to do better for what job you wanted them to do for example your dog. So say if you wanted a guard dog for your camp or base you would find two machting pairs of dogs that are big in size for there gender and aggressive temperament. One of those dogs have puppies and the puppies have a 20% chance of random IVs in size, speed and temprament. So the procces is done 3 times for each IV wich breeding affects (size speed temperament) IVs. And now have a 80% chance of inheriting of nealry same IV of the parent wich is done 50/50 between the male and female. Now say if that animal is in the 80% mark it has a 3/10 chance of getting only 1 better IV then the parent but if it doesen't hit the 3/10 chance it will ethier have the same IV level or lower of the parent dog. Also the special 3/10 chance is only located to speed or size. But how the 3/10 chance is located to the IV is by the match of the dog. So if you wanted a big dog you would need two big dogs were there size IV is greater then there speed IV and so the 3/10 chance of a better IV is located to size. And thats how you would make a bigger dog wich we will call dog x, or you could breed any two dogs to get a dog as big as dog x but it would go through the random procces, so your puppie would have to hit the 20% chance of inherting no IVS from the parents then it would be random if the dog got as big as dog x. So very rare Ok now say if you wanted a dog wich is as big as dog x but faster it would be through the random process e.g freaks of nature. But by selective breeding you get dogs similar to the parents or a chance of a bigger or faster dog. And if you wanted a dog as big as dog x but faster breed freak of nature dog Probably flaws with the process of breeding. But you know if this was adding to the game you could have dog breeders who trade dogs for weapons lol not just dogs but other domesticated animals. Would add new features to people who would want to breed better dogs for them selfs or trade. Items list from this topic/features Bear spray Bear trap Snares Animal Bait Cages Rope/chains Sadles&reins Specialised hunting arrows/bolts Falconry gear, gloves leashes perches etc Game bags to carry meat Hunting knife Nets Rods Harpoons Clothing Animal remains teeth,claws,bones,meat,feathers,hides,antlers etc Laso Box traps Net traps Hi was just thinking what if some animals i listed could learn and smell, very complex on how it would be in the game but just trying to hit atleast real bear behaviour on the head here. For example say the game spawns in a bear or bred into the game and its a young mature male and you kill a moose. Now it smells your kill due to bears have a sense of smell 7 times better then a bloodhounds. Now it runs up to your kill you fire a warning shot it runs away now if the bear encounters this problem a few more times again it learns not to be scared of the warning shots and then can also links shots to kills as they have been knowed to do in real life. Now shooting the bear wouldnt work you would make it super mad like i said before bear spray would work but what if you didnt have bear spray. Now if these features was in place theres a few options firstly read the bears body language. If its a passive bear and not too hungry it can wait for you to leave the kill it will probably just have a walk/jogg up to a certain point then just lay on the ground faceing your kill untill your done skinning/ gutting your kill. Secondly if could be a very hungry aggressive bear and depnding on your location like a feild you will notice it running as fast as a race horse now play dead and it will lose inetrest from you and start eating the moose remains then slowly prone away. Well by playing dead saved your life when there is food about or if a bear was being defensive like a mother bear with cubs. If there is a bear on the server who hunts humans and starggler infected that end up in the woods, Its a different story your only chance is bear spray if you have some or shoot it and pray you kill it or run and die, playing dead would just make it easier for it to rip you to shreds. Also quick fact if you some how tame a bear to guard your base on a chain brown bears or for your pit of death. Bears can see in great detail and may recognize a specific person from 200-300 feet away. What ive said would definitely give individuality to every bear and how you deal with them. Also quick scenario from features. You could have some 1000 pound monster bear thats a man eater and only people who are accrurate with guns and are skilled hunters would dare try to kill it if a player offers them a reward for it.
  3. jona (DayZ)

    Clever animals

    Bump two year old topic with bad grammar why not =D
  4. jona (DayZ)

    Amur Tiger in dayz?

  5. jona (DayZ)

    NE AIRFIELD WIPEOUT - DAY 4 - ☆ Hardcore DayZ Standalone ☆

    I told my m8 about this series he enjoys it aswell, great job on the content anyway would recommend any dayz fans to watch this series aswell
  6. jona (DayZ)

    Rocket discusses Smoking and Cigarettes in Day Z

    gta 5 has somking so should dayz there nothing wrong in adding it into the game it can be used by role players i guess and maybe if your addicted to it in game it can reduce shock values or something but ofc smoking should have its defects
  7. jona (DayZ)

    Amur Tiger in dayz?

  8. jona (DayZ)

    Amur Tiger in dayz?

  9. jona (DayZ)

    Amur Tiger in dayz?

  10. I support animals but not undead I hate the idea of undead animals because if you about it how an earth would a crazy human with no weapon (infected) be able to do any physical harm to something like a bear and even break its skin so it bleeds and gets infected. I guess you can say the bear ate a infected but I think since us players cant get infected animals shouldn't be able to aswell.
  11. Well I think changing underwear or cleaning them is serious because you can get infection from it and dayz soon enough will be all about infection and disease. And for socks I found this online Socks keep our feet warm and dry, but what else can they do? Socks can help collect and filter water, which, as we've learned, is crucial to survival. Socks won't purify water, but filtering it through fabric can help remove the more visible sediment and creepy-crawlers. And if you've managed to build a fire, you can now boil the water, making it safer to drink. Pour water through the sock and into a container. (Ladies, you can also use your bra for this step.) Allow the water to settle so any remaining sediment can fall to the bottom of the container. If you happen to have any iodine (perhaps you have access to a first aid kit), use a few drops to purify the water. Add the iodine, and let the solution sit for 30 minutes before drinking it. Cotton socks can also provide you with a source of fire-starting tinder. Rub or pick off as much lint as you can. The resulting pile of fuzz will quickly catch a spark when you're trying to light a fire. Also in the winter when you get cold people wearing socks because body heat comes in from your feat so when you wear socks your feet are warm and it makes your body warm aswell. For putting socks in peoples mouths i agree its silly but there's alot of hostage situations dayz so a sock in the mouth could stop you from speaking in direct com.
  12. Its not the most thought out topic but its not shitty suggesting something realistic as removing clothes, washing them and zipping and unzipping a jacket when its either too hot or cold. Why do you click on this so called shitty topic and reply? If I ever see bad topic I ignore them why don't you do the same as your not suggesting anything to this topic like the post above you did? When I post a topic on these suggestion forums here I don't do it to let off steam so other players that play dayz can read it ''crying for attention'' I do so there's a chance that a dev might actually read and might get a tiny bit of inspiration from it. Which probably never happens but you know don't hurt trying as what I believe this suggestion section on the forums is for.
  13. Also you could put your dirty sock in someone's mouth so they cant talk =D
  14. jona (DayZ)

    Amur Tiger in dayz?

    50/50 :o would have thought more people would be in favour of the tiger in dayz but I understand why people are against it. Cherno isn't exactly the taiga forest its more farmland more then anything. I think dayz dev team should make a huge wilderness up north the size of today's map that has no sign of civilization so no zombies but lots land marks like lakes rivers mountains etc and lots of animals there for you to interact with and maybe build a shelter of some kind and just survive the elements like what Yukon people do. Then i think a tiger wouldn't be so much of a bad idea to some people if there was a area like that for it to live on the map.