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DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

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How long did Duke Nukem take? 10 years or so wasn't it? Kind of puts things in perspective.

10? Try 15! It started development 1996.

To put that in perspective: Quake was release 1996. Tomb Raider too. Playstation was 2 years old.

Two years later, Half-Life was released.

Edited by Terrorviktor

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Wow, that's amazing. Well I hope we're not sitting here in 15 years time waiting for a devblog, I'll be reading them through bi-focal lenses.

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Duke Nukem Forever should have been cancelled a LONG time ago, but nobody was willing to give it its coup de grace.

Don't even joke about it. DNFism should legitimately strike fear into the deepest reaches of your soul!

If it happened to DayZ, we still wouldn't realise it. We'd be too busy anticipating. :lol:

Well I hope we're not sitting here in 15 years time waiting for a devblog, I'll be reading them through bi-focal lenses.


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Ah, a new devblog would've been great. But if there is none, I give them the benefit of the doubt, that they are simply busy with working on the project. And to all guys saying that development takes too long: Guys, you seriously don't want to have a rushed out game. And so do the developers. Better make sure that the first release is stable and delivers a great experience than having to catch up with all the flame and trouble after release. First impressions are super important. Check out WarZ (I don't have the game, but found the online flamewar entertaining) and RO 2 (where I come from). 2 years after release, RO 2 has improved a lot, but still has to fight with rushed out design choices and bugs that will not allow this game to ever recover because developers shot their own community in the knees. Multiple times.

I rather wait another 12 months and have sth playable that is fun and gets a lot of great feedback from players and game magazines, than a game that only keeps 50% of its promises and has to fight with bugs and the shitstorm that's sure to be followed. Patience, friends. Patience is all we need.

Edited by Sensemann

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Did anybody find my patience? I know I need it, but I lost it...

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Hopefully we'll get a tweet sometime this week. :P

Damn, am I excited for this game!

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We need to get the guy named anal_fister_of_men on reddit to tell Rocket to hurry up again... apparently, that scares Rocket into doing anything we ask... but who could blame him?

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MY game, War-D, has been in development for 2 years.

It's the first dinosaur island MMO.

OMFG I was laughing so hard when I read this. I hope this forever becomes a saying. Ive been working on War-G for 2 years its a survival horror girls gone wild MMO

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To all of you talking of a rushed game, please, explain to me how it would be rushed even if it releases tommorow? It will be in alpha, while functional it will be nowhere near a complete or bug free experience. It will be in development for the next year or so still before its "official" release. So how is beeing given a buggy test item (which this will be no matter what, it is an alpha after all) rushed?

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To all of you talking of a rushed game, please, explain to me how it would be rushed even if it releases tommorow? It will be in alpha, while functional it will be nowhere near a complete or bug free experience. It will be in development for the next year or so still before its "official" release. So how is beeing given a buggy test item (which this will be no matter what, it is an alpha after all) rushed?

rocket has replied to some of these inpatient comments on reddit:


Long story short: bugs and lack of features in alpha is fine. A bad fundamental architecture is not! :)

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:/...so no devblog? i guess they do have more problems than expected.

Edited by joe_mcentire

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I wonder if there will be a ArmA II mod for the SA....

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We're all victims of our expectations and assumptions.

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rocket has replied to some of these inpatient comments on reddit:


Long story short: bugs and lack of features in alpha is fine. A bad fundamental architecture is not! :)

in this case...

Reading the same weak-minded posts about relase dates, dev blogs lacking quality etc again and again, really starts to ruin the whole comunity thing for me more and more. I think it would be better for Dean to stop making regulary devblogs and instead provide just a few screenshots, an official trailer and some interviews from time to time ( like all the other publishers do). The masses are simply to dumb to handle such a close and authentic way of communication.Testing should also not be done public and only by people who know what they are doing (like Arma and DayZ veterans, mods and modders).

Last but not least I think we really need an official BI/DayZ/SA forum, which should be the the first place to search for information and anouncements and to meet the devs. Alpha feedback could be handled there as well the same way as they do with Arma 3.


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in this case...

Reading the same weak-minded posts about relase dates, dev blogs lacking quality etc again and again, really starts to ruin the whole comunity thing for me more and more. I think it would be better for Dean to stop making regulary devblogs and instead provide just a few screenshots, an official trailer and some interviews from time to time ( like all the other publishers do). The masses are simply to dumb to handle such a close and authentic way of communication.Testing should also not be done public and only by people who know what they are doing (like Arma and DayZ veterans, mods and modders).

Last but not least I think we really need an official BI/DayZ/SA forum, which should be the the first place to search for information and anouncements and to meet the devs. Alpha feedback could be handled there as well the same way as they do with Arma 3.


Mate, you should untie your shoes if you intend to crawl up peoples ass that much..

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Last but not least I think we really need an official BI/DayZ/SA forum, which should be the the first place to search for information and anouncements and to meet the devs. Alpha feedback could be handled there as well the same way as they do with Arma 3.


my thoughts were recently why not simply hire a trainee (maybe on service contract) with some english skills. A short weekly list with things they try/want/look forward to work on and/or if they encounter some problems, have debugging ongoing etc.

ppl will permanently be fed with small info-packages and ppl will be more/less happy AND dev-blogs would be much more appreciated i guess...


i know Dean was trying to argue reasonably and tried not to pack too much emotions into his statement, anyway you can read (not only) between the lines that he is annoyed...but they could do something against this, after all, "positive" annoyance ;)..

Edited by joe_mcentire

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Oh the irony. :lol:

stop it for the sake of lasting peace. we all can feel the ever growing tension

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Why are people getting all pissy and demanding over the devblog update?

It'll be released when it gets released... asshats.

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It'll be released when it gets released... asshats.

Heeeey...nothing wrong with being an asshat!

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stop it for the sake of lasting peace. we all can feel the ever growing tension

lol alright but it was an almighty provocation (being one of the masses and all).

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