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DayZ Mod Hotfix

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Does that mean you're done posting in DayZ forums with all your negativety??? THANK F*CKING GOD!

That's one down... we'll miss you.

eh learn to read I never said that!

As long as we have n00bs calling for dumbing down I'll be here.

Edited by trichome
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Learn to read? How about you learn to write.

"Quite frankly I'm enjoying the freedom of Arma 3 and honestly can't see myself going back to Arma2 mod included."

"...can't see myself going back to Arma2 ----MOD INCLUDED." (paraphrasing yOu smarty smart) This is the DayZ forums, correct? That is a mod for Arma 2, yeah? Ok, thought for a second the universe had imploded.

"The last round of updates has fucked up our server population and I just can't be bothered with all these stupid unwanted updates that ignored the biggest bugs in the game and just remove wepons(pandering to n00bs) or add stuff that causes a shitstorm(and backtracking on it)."

Yeah, sounds like you're in it till the end in that statement. Never would I have had any doubts in what you have so elaborately explained here.

"The community devs/updates are killing the mod."

Well said. I don't know how this could be taken any way other than A) the DayZ mod, B ) the DayZ mod dev teams sucks ballz as they're killing the mod.

So yeah, I guess maybe I should learn to read. Actually what I should learn to do is never reply to ignorant short-sighted impatient posts.

And you should maybe be a little more grateful for having a mod to play in the first place. Do you know how many unpaid countless hours other people put in to something so you can can come here and complain about it?

Just wow.

Edited by Cinnabuns
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since the last patch kept a bunch of useless shit (toilet paper, razors) and got rid of the useful stuff (cans)

Is this going to be the norm for all future patches?

if so can i have a cheese hat in the next patch please.

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Not sure if this is known but when the british assault pack is being shot at it can catch fire and be destroyed by burning to "death". This happened to me and on the mydayz.de community servers there have been multiple reports of this bug. Youtube video showing the bug:

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Hello there

we have to remember that the dev's are not deliberately ignoring certain bugs rather some things are quciker/easier to implement than others so those things get bundled in first.

There's loads of things they'd love to be able to insta fix. If you have serious ideas/knowledge on how to implement decent changes in code then by all means contact them.

If not then sit back and relax and wait for te next FREE update, to your FREE mod.

Did I mention the mod was FREE?

Come on chaps, give the dev's a bit of slack.



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Learn to read? How about you learn to write.

"Quite frankly I'm enjoying the freedom of Arma 3 and honestly can't see myself going back to Arma2 mod included."

Can't see yourself going back to Arma2 ----MOD INCLUDED. This is the DayZ forums, correct? That is a mod for Arma 2, yeah? Ok, thought for a second the universe had imploded.

"The last round of updates has fucked up our server population and I just can't be bothered with all these stupid unwanted updates that ignored the biggest bugs in the game and just remove wepons(pandering to n00bs) or add stuff that causes a shitstorm(and backtracking on it)."

Yeah, sounds like you're in it till the end in that statement. Never would I have had any doubts in what you have so elaborately explained here.

"The community devs/updates are killing the mod."

Well said. I don't know how this could be taken any way other than A) the DayZ mod, B ) the DayZ mod dev teams sucks ballz as they're killing the mod.

So yeah, I guess maybe I should learn to read. Actually what I should learn to do is never reply to ignorant short-sighted impatient posts.

And you should maybe be a little more grateful for having a mod to play in the first place. Do you know how many unpaid countless hours other people put in to something so you can can come here and complain about it?

Just wow.

Yeah learn to read!

Can't is not the same as saying not!

As for the rest when you learn to read we can talk until then I'm done with you, and congratulations you are the first to make it to my ignore list.


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also, chaps and chapesses if someone is being abusive/trolling/wearing the wrong footwear then please use the report button, don't rant and rave at each other in the forums.

We really don't care about nor want to read your dispute as they clog up threads.

*big hugs for all*

Now back OT please.


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I keep spawning in on a fresh spawn. I could play for hours just fine, but when I log out and relog on the same server, its like I did nothing, and I have to start from square 1. This happens on ALL servers. Public and private. I have tried about 50 servers, all the same result.

Things I have done:

Uninstall DayZ, then re-install it

Wipe any trace of Arma2 and Arma 2 OA of my computer and then do a fresh install.

I even tried to play on a different computer that didn't have arma on it, and even with a perfect, fresh install, the same thing happens.

Edit: Rolling back to 1.7.6 fixes the issue. Now if only the servers I played on were on that patch.

Edited by n1kkoFNG

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Its server side any server admin can change this.

... you mean as an private hive admin? I don't think I can do this on my whitelisted official hive server huh?

or am i completly stupid and wrong? :D

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Is the VZ 58 not spawning in loot? While I've managed to find a couple of G36's I haven't found a single VZ 58, nor have I heard of anyone having one.

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You mean Sa-58? I found a Sa-58V ACOG at NW airfield, northern barracks. Can confirm the spawn :)

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You mean Sa-58? I found a Sa-58V ACOG at NW airfield, northern barracks. Can confirm the spawn :)

The Sa-58 and Vz 58 are the same rifle, though I think your right on the ingame name. And Thanks for the confirmation ! :thumbsup:

Edited by Psylnz
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I would like to see fixed the offroad veichles speed issue. Too slow in my opinion... Taviana and Namalsk have fixed it...

Edited by lotec78

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can you please fix the battleye scrpit error when you try to add magazines to the side gunners on the helicopters

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Will DayZ be available for Arma III?

No, DayZ will be a standalone game.

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Major issue here.

When you click Escape - Abort, if Disconnect is clicked too quickly, bad things happen.

If you've put something in a tent, or picked something up, or most things immediatly prior, it doesn't seem to 'register'(for lack of a better word). I always leave myself a minute.

More importantly, if you get killed, and whip through Esc,Abo,DC... your body will hide automatically. That needs fixing. Needs some kind of delay once you've been killed.

Fed up of dirty little bandits, like the one we shwackked last night, using it to hide their bodies so no one can get their gear. It's on a par with combat logging.

PS - the water and meat sometimes dupe somehow when cooking/boiling.

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regarding the lastet update.. dear Mr. Rocket:

the zombie-spawn-rate is horrible. If you come in a gun-fight - you will go out of ammo, because there are horrible masses of zombies spawning! In the early versions it was possible to clear places for a while.. - now its impossible.

Edited by TiMEDANCE
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regarding the lastet update.. dear Mr. Rocket:

the zombie-spawn-rate is horrible. If you come in a gun-fight - you will go out of ammo, because there are horrible masses of zombies spawning! In the early versions it was possible to clear places for a while.. - now its impossible.

rocket isnt developing the mod... its the community dev team.

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regarding the lastet update.. dear Mr. Rocket:

the zombie-spawn-rate is horrible. If you come in a gun-fight - you will go out of ammo, because there are horrible masses of zombies spawning! In the early versions it was possible to clear places for a while.. - now its impossible.

Public or Private Sever, vanila or modified (if Private) ?

Just asking.

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Some vehicles will not repair, nothing happens but the part is wasted.

Huey is back got the fuel leak when a window is broken.

Get booted down to the bottom left corner of the map sometimes on login.

Edited by Bull001

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Some vehicles will not repair, nothing happens but the part is wasted. Will be fixed next patch

Huey is back got the fuel leak when a window is broken. Not fixed yet

Get booted down to the bottom left corner of the map sometimes on login. Fixed on next patch

Release Date for next patch: Soon

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Release Date for next patch: Soon

Cool man, I suppose you know about the broken Ai by now spotting you while lying down?

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