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DayZ Mod Update

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Hah, hes a exploiting noob and he admits it. Look at that.

No, he just plays on a server that spawns you with them. It's not exploiting, just the admin being.. boring.

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I came to say that I like the "new" Zeds.

All those whining about that the Zeds are too strong, that it's too difficult to survive now, simply aren't cautious enough. I've played a lot since the update came out and I've successfully looted Cherno and Elektro a few times without aggroing too many zeds. As a Noob with nothing but a hatchet. (And died many times at the hands of other players)

If you proceed with caution and stealth, it's not hard to avoid the zeds. And if you get aggroed, do not shoot. Use a hatchet or try to loose them. Shooting a non-silenced weapon is the biggest mistake you can make.

The times of sprinting through Cherno and shooting at everything that moves with a Lee Enfield are gone, if you wish to survive.

You have my beans sir, is like i say they cry about it because they were used to logout do despawn zombies and now they cant do it, but for what im seeing r4az0r49 is preparing to dumb out things again like reducing aggro distance, communication, removing the chase combat log timer and decreasing the logout from zombies distance so i cant wait for standalone to makes things harder again, but even then i can see lots of kiddies crying about it and rocket in the end will dumb down things again to not loose sales. Its so sad that the casual gamers always win in the end.

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Never played the game only watched it over Twich. But the Zombies before were like window dressing, it looked nice having them about but they did nothing much. Players certainly were not the least bit bothered by them.

It was more a Zombie comedy flick than a horror movie! It was actually refreshing once in a game when some sad hacker spawned thirty Zed’s near a group of players as it put the fear of death in them and they had to think quick and react. For two seconds they thought about just moving server but stayed with it.

Crap move by the kiddie scripter all the same but great to see an actual threat from Zombies for a change. They even had to rescue a member of the group.

When I last played games I played BF2 Project reality mod as anyone who has played it knows it was BF2 Hardcore. IF you played like Rambo you lasted 15 seconds. You have to have skill and put a bit of thought. Used to cringe going back to vanilla BF2 and thinking very little skill was needs or on show.

Edited by sav112

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I am really liking the new update! I hope you really aren't planning on nerfing the zombies back from what they are. Because most people in this game have decided their end game is to murder every player they see, they can't be bothered by having to take their time around zombies. They want their military loots and they want them now! Its amazing how many people I see crying on servers because their DMR brought more zombies out of town than they could kill. You can still sprint through any city in this game and not have to kill a single zombie. People are just used to being able to freely fire their guns anywhere at any time. I think they just need practice in patience and using their heads instead of their guns. The one thing that surprised me, and that I like because of the added danger, is that even though zombies can't run inside, their aggro distance is so high that running into a building can result in the zombies pouring in any and all entrances to that building. People need to fear the zombies, not just laugh at how easy it is to avoid them.

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I think that everything they did to the zombies is great. AI pathing has been, and will be the issue holding zombies back in the mod. The problem with the update isn't that they aggro to easy. The problem is you can't shoot the damn things when they aggro. You basically have to wait until they're hitting you to kill them. Zombies would be perfectly balanced if they could fix the AI patching and slowed them down a bit. FYI I know that the patching is hard to fix. Also I think the high chance of bleeding and and breaking your legs is dumb, considering they slap you like a half retarded monkey, but whatever. Really zombies aren't scary or threatening...they're simply a pain in the ass. When a zombie attacks you, and makes you bleed or breaks your legs, you just get pissed off and annoyed, because you literally had no control over the situation. When you fight a player, your heart rate goes up, which Is what dayz was intended to do(your heart rate and being scared, not PvP lol). So really, zombies need a mechanic to put fear in players, like massive hordes, or special infected (ya I know rocket doesn't want to), because right now they're a pain in the ass rather than a fear inducing gameplay mechanic, hence why the game has such problem with bandits. If the as50 attracted hordes from really far away, they would think twice before shooting someone. I mean, look how scary blood suckers are in namalsk. They induce fear and panick, because you don't know how to really deal with them.


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Yeah zombies should be a threat not only players, but with the amount of QQing that is going on, the devs cant handle the pressure and are going to give the cheaters what they want, loging out to despawn zombies and shoot guns without the fear of consequece.

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Great Patch, but zombies should not aggro that bad when you are voicechatting, they are haering you from about 40 Meters away, or give a whispervoicechat funktion where your voice reaches only 3 meters or somthing like that.

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You made an AWESOME job with making all weapons doing exactly the same noise(Excluding SD's). Sad for such a great idea of a game I must say, I like it hard but seriously?

They don't all do the same noise. All the guns have different sound ranges, so if you're poppin' off AS50/M107 rounds a km away from any place zeds can spawn, they're probably going to come your way, it's happened to me before.

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I've been looking for a reason to come back to the game, and the actual threat of zombies might just be what I've been looking for!

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Yeah zombies should be a threat not only players, but with the amount of QQing that is going on, the devs cant handle the pressure and are going to give the cheaters what they want, loging out to despawn zombies and shoot guns without the fear of consequece.

except the devs said there was a bug with how the changes to the AI were implimented?

im always amazed at these people that can type on the internet but seem to not know how to read.

you seem to be taking rabid fanboy-ism to extremes, everyone that doesnt agree with your purer than pure interpretation of what dayz is meant to be is a cheat and you know better than the developers what was intended and what is a bug?

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except the devs said there was a bug with how the changes to the AI were implimented?

im always amazed at these people that can type on the internet but seem to not know how to read.

you seem to be taking rabid fanboy-ism to extremes, everyone that doesnt agree with your purer than pure interpretation of what dayz is meant to be is a cheat and you know better than the developers what was intended and what is a bug?

You learn to read you retard,im not talking about bugs, im talking about devs wanting to dumb down the game like removing the combat log when chased by zombies and decreasing the range that you can logout from zombies, this will make players cheat their way out of the game because they immediatly logout when they are chased by zombies or when they enter a zombie infested area (like they always did before and now that this cheat was removed they cant adapt).

Im not talking about ai bugs like zig zag,hitting trough walls and glitching trough objects, all of this i agree that should be fixed so you learn to read.

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Right, but then the other cars should be 55-65 L?

No matter what the numbers are, the humvee should have more fuel capacity than a pickup.

Should have more than 12 items slots also....

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Ok the nerf wont have too much of an effect it will only give small amount of time to gather your thoughts.

The zeds hearing will remain the same the aggro distance has been moved to around 80 meters we are still trying to find a nice number here down from 200 meters and view range down to 120 meters from 200.

The 2 min timer isn't going to have that much of an effect. This timer only kicks in once the zeds within 400 meters falls below 40-50 (this is run per client) once this happens the timer fires. Two mins later the building system runs spawning in new zeds. The important thing to remember two players standing next to each other can have two very different counts while one player can have 38 zeds and be 10 secs left on the timer the other could have 52 with no timer. (90 zeds within the area of the players with 10 secs of breathing room before the new spawn)

Where trying to make it so you can do that one shot have more then enough trouble to make you fall back a little but not be hammered to a massive degree. Also where trying to make it so the longer you sit firing the more pain comes your way.

Remember we fixed the hearing so the zeds should never be as easy as before this patch.

Sorry i cant always keep up with the amount of posts here :-(

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Ok the nerf wont have too much of an effect it will only give small amount of time to gather your thoughts.

The zeds hearing will remain the same the aggro distance has been moved to around 80 meters we are still trying to find a nice number here down from 200 meters and view range down to 120 meters from 200.

The 2 min timer isn't going to have that much of an effect. This timer only kicks in once the zeds within 400 meters falls below 40-50 (this is run per client) once this happens the timer fires. Two mins later the building system runs spawning in new zeds. The important thing to remember two players standing next to each other can have two very different counts while one player can have 38 zeds and be 10 secs left on the timer the other could have 52 with no timer. (90 zeds within the area of the players with 10 secs of breathing room before the new spawn)

Where trying to make it so you can do that one shot have more then enough trouble to make you fall back a little but not be hammered to a massive degree. Also where trying to make it so the longer you sit firing the more pain comes your way.

Remember we fixed the hearing so the zeds should never be as easy as before this patch.

Sorry i cant always keep up with the amount of posts here :-(

I really hope you dont nerf it to much man, this spoiled kiddies are to used to play a cod game with some zombies only posing for the background and now that all that changed they dont stop QQing,

Edited by Kumando

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will the standalone also include these changes?

The DayZ mod is separate from the work that goes on in the standalone I believe.

I really hope you dont nerf it to much man, this spoiled kiddies are to used to play cod and really need a wake up call.

Its not about spoiled kiddies, its simply about game balance lol

Edited by Maxgor

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Ok the nerf wont have too much of an effect it will only give small amount of time to gather your thoughts.

The zeds hearing will remain the same the aggro distance has been moved to around 80 meters we are still trying to find a nice number here down from 200 meters and view range down to 120 meters from 200.

The 2 min timer isn't going to have that much of an effect. This timer only kicks in once the zeds within 400 meters falls below 40-50 (this is run per client) once this happens the timer fires. Two mins later the building system runs spawning in new zeds. The important thing to remember two players standing next to each other can have two very different counts while one player can have 38 zeds and be 10 secs left on the timer the other could have 52 with no timer. (90 zeds within the area of the players with 10 secs of breathing room before the new spawn)

Where trying to make it so you can do that one shot have more then enough trouble to make you fall back a little but not be hammered to a massive degree. Also where trying to make it so the longer you sit firing the more pain comes your way.

Remember we fixed the hearing so the zeds should never be as easy as before this patch.

Sorry i cant always keep up with the amount of posts here :-(

And what measures are you doing to keep players from loging out to despawn zombies?

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on the first page it says to use the latest beta patch 101480, why is that??

the latest patch is 101747

could someone explain that to me???

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Guest Dwarden

because 101747 wasn't released when came out and 101480 was stable enough, but now it's best to move on 101747 because i would help us detect any issues and fix them before 1.63 RC

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This update seems to have made tents break again oh well........

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Ok the nerf wont have too much of an effect it will only give small amount of time to gather your thoughts.

The zeds hearing will remain the same the aggro distance has been moved to around 80 meters we are still trying to find a nice number here down from 200 meters and view range down to 120 meters from 200.

The 2 min timer isn't going to have that much of an effect. This timer only kicks in once the zeds within 400 meters falls below 40-50 (this is run per client) once this happens the timer fires. Two mins later the building system runs spawning in new zeds. The important thing to remember two players standing next to each other can have two very different counts while one player can have 38 zeds and be 10 secs left on the timer the other could have 52 with no timer. (90 zeds within the area of the players with 10 secs of breathing room before the new spawn)

Where trying to make it so you can do that one shot have more then enough trouble to make you fall back a little but not be hammered to a massive degree. Also where trying to make it so the longer you sit firing the more pain comes your way.

Remember we fixed the hearing so the zeds should never be as easy as before this patch.

Sorry i cant always keep up with the amount of posts here :-(

yeah i realised the zs are much much harder. i logged on at one stage to test how good my new PC would run it, and running in anywhere attracted more zombies than usual. i got kill alot more by zombies rather than players.... THIS IS A GOOD SIGN, ZOMBIES NEED TO BE HARDER TO BRING BACK THE SNEAKING. beans to you good sir :D

but please dont nerf it too much

Edited by camycamera

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yeah i realised the zs are much much harder. i logged on at one stage to test how good my new PC would run it, and running in anywhere attracted more zombies than usual. i got kill alot more by zombies rather than players.... THIS IS A GOOD SIGN, ZOMBIES NEED TO BE HARDER TO BRING BACK THE SNEAKING. beans to you good sir :D

but please dont nerf it too much

I like the new zombie's alot people where alway saying how zombies are more of an anyoyence well now they well now they are an actual threat and really adds to the experience of the game! So yeah dont nerf them too much please.
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Guest Dwarden

oh ok, thanks

when will the 1.63 RC release???

when ready :)

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