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DayZ Mod Update

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* [FIXED] - Bloodbag glitch fixed

Does this mean, you can now give blood transfusion to yourself? Tried it and it saved my character's life , LOL!

Awesome Work! by the DayZ development community as this new update brings more challenges in dealing with zeds...... 8-)

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"* [FIXED] - Variable spelling mistakes hsould be corrected now."

-I see what you did there

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Two things.

1. I guess server admins need to re-install for this rather huge fix to affect their servers, right? If so: is this being properly communicated? As far as I can tell the official name for the patch is (For anyone not aware of the "hotfix" or what you wanna call it, I'm talking about the bit of code that took care of infinitely spawning zombies and lowered their aggro and communication abilities)

2. Would it be possible to make the hatchet a handgun class item so that we can switch between it and a rifle the same as we can a rifle and a hand gun? The inventory management here is driving me nuts.


Edited by Droidlife
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* [FIXED] - Bloodbag glitch fixed

Does this mean, you can now give blood transfusion to yourself? Tried it and it saved my character's life , LOL!

Awesome Work! by the DayZ development community as this new update brings more challenges in dealing with zeds...... 8-)

Is this confirmed? If so I spent a day exposed in fields hunting meat for no reason :/
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Is this confirmed? If so I spent a day exposed in fields hunting meat for no reason :/

I don't believe the glitch was that you couldn't give yourself one. I think it was giving people who administered the transfusion an infection.

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The new update is unplayable for my crappy PC, at first it was kinda bad but now it is super bad. Am i the only one who has this problem

Not unplayable, but I play DayZ on relatively low settings and with the massive aggro of zombies that can get pulled to one spot, it started to really lag me up the other day. Game plays fine other than when that happens it seems.

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Just wondering since playing new patch i keep coming across zombies inside buildings, just me or anyone else had this?

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Is this confirmed? If so I spent a day exposed in fields hunting meat for no reason :/

I can say this is confirmed as did it twice in my character as the Zeds are a lot persistent and aggressive now, but of course i might be possibly infected now.... 8-(

gotta find some antibiotics........

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The new update is unplayable for my crappy PC, at first it was kinda bad but now it is super bad. Am i the only one who has this problem

I have the same problem.

With v1744 and the v175 betas, my framerate was 14FPS in the countryside and 9 FPS in cities. Only just playable.

Now I'm getting 10 FPS in the countryside and 5 FPS in the cities, and I'm thinking that it's time to move on.

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i think it was something like 8-10 meters, so not a great deal ^^

i remember to everyone that with this sistem we avoid duping too

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well am i the only one who havent seen any heli chrashes... since this new update...

nope :( , wish it goes back to spawning them all on server restart... even tho this dynamical thing is better but I seem not be finding any -,-

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I seem to be getting lots of lag when I'm going over a certain speed,flying for example.I can deal with it as long as I'm not kicked but at the end of the day it's a game.I don't get stressed when I die lol

Overall I like the new patch,I do think the zombies attacking vehicles is a pain if you're trying to escape in a helicopter though.They smashed the hell out of my chopper just while the rotors were spinning up. Glass always seems so hard to find. Got plenty of anti-biotics though haha

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Doesnt matter why a game exploded. If rocket just wanted to make a popular game/money then yeah im sure he could go along the line of pandering to the lowest common denominator. But that is the arch-enemy of creativity. He has a vision, he will stick to it. People can like it or fuck off basically.

Rocket making the game how he wants it is Jimi Hendrix holding 2 mins of savage feedback by chewing his guitar next to some stadium speakers, whereas doing what the general public wants you to do is Justin Beiber holding his crotch and blowing kisses at 12 year olds.

Lmao. If rocket ignores why a game is successful and goes after an idiotic vision, he will be out of a job. Bohemia did not hire him to sit around jacking off. You get paid on the success of your game, not on having a "great" vision that no one cares about.

If you think you are right, go try to get a job with a great vision? It won't be easy. And if you are lucky and stumble onto something that people like and then ignore it, for sure, you do not deserve any future success. The above has to be the dumbest post I have seen on these forums and thats saying alot.

Edited by boatie

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Dayz is rocket's experiment that bohemia is supporting Boatie. You obviously have no idea how this started or developed.

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You get paid on the success of your game, not on having a "great" vision that no one cares about.

When your Vision sells a million copies of Arma II, you have already proven your success and your vision suddenly becomes more interesting.

As you compare DayZ with other games of the gaming-industry, it seems you misunderstood what dayZ is. DayZ is not a Blockbuster game.

It's purpose is not to be the best selling game. It is to create a unique experience, no other game managed to create before.

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Lmao. If rocket ignores why a game is successful and goes after an idiotic vision, he will be out of a job. Bohemia did not hire him to sit around jacking off. You get paid on the success of your game, not on having a "great" vision that no one cares about.

If you think you are right, go try to get a job with a great vision? It won't be easy. And if you are lucky and stumble onto something that people like and then ignore it, for sure, you do not deserve any future success. The above has to be the dumbest post I have seen on these forums and thats saying alot.

The above has to be the dumbest post I have seen on these forums and thats saying alot.

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am I the onlyone who thinks that this patch made more bugs than it fixed ?

My Server was running very well with its buggy as hell. crashes every day. Players join as a raven....."something went wrong" message on and on.

I updated it a couple of times manually and via my game hoster. nothing changed.

as I look in other game hoster forums or go on other server, I feel that hey having the same problems.

Its very frustrating.

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The above has to be the dumbest post I have seen on these forums and thats saying alot.

Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. Thanks! If you guys think that making a game that is geared for servers with about 5-25 ppl is a sign of great success, then good luck. That's what all these "dayz is a mountain man survival simulator guys" are talking about. Even chernaus at 15x15 with 50-60 ppl is overcrowded. You can not go almost anywhere without running into people. If there are people interacting, there is chance for pvp. Yet, the mountain simulator ppl think that you can be on a your own with 50-60 ppl around, forget it - unless you are hiding on the extremes of the map and/or never go into any cities.

Most of people playing this as a survival simulator are playing on low pop servers because if they are consistently playing on 40 pop servers or above, there is almost no way they can get a character to live past 30 days. The hackers, bugs, and bandits will kill you for sure. As a bandit who plays only on high pop servers, I am feeling pretty lucky if I live past two play sessions.

Because of the success of dayz as a mod, Rocket has a chance of living a dream - the modder becoming a game developer. If his vision did not "click" with people and they liked it, he would not be living a dream. But he has to recognize and build on what the vast majority of people liked about the game. If he doesn't, his game the "standalone" will not be as successful as his mod. At its peak, dayz had 200k players playing at once. That's the standard that the standalone should aim at. Anything less, then his "game" is not as great as his mod. Who thinks thats Mountain Man Simulator can reach 200k players at once?

Building a game that is geared for servers with between 5-25 people is not, imho, a vision for success. And in fact, in the developer blog post, Rocket's test servers had a top pop of 150 ppl using a tweaked Chernaus map. There is currently rampant pvp on servers with just 40-50 ppl right now. How do you think 150 ppl playing on this same map will be, no matter how hard you make the simulation? Will it be Mountain Man simulator? Or will it be PvP heaven? I am thinking of the latter.

But the pvp has to be fun, for both beginner and expert. It has to be fun for douche bambi snipers, bandits, and heroes. That's where I think the community mod developers are failing badly. None of the recent changes have made the game fundamentally more fun (more challenging/difficulty does not, by itself, equal more fun) for a wide range of people, playing dayz for different reasons and with different playstyles.

Also, patches have to follow the golden rule: never introduce more bugs than that which currently exists or don't introduce your changes at all. This latest patch failed badly on meeting the golden rule.

Edited by boatie

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Also, patches have to follow the golden rule: never introduce more bugs than that which currently exists or don't introduce your changes at all. This latest patch failed badly on meeting the golden rule.

List every bug currently found. (New Post just bugs)

The main issue is AI behavior and we know about this issue.

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you guys need to learn to change your (bad) habits. if you don't like the log out timer, don't log out around zeds

players cried and cried for solutions to combat logging issues, specifically asking for features like a log out timer, and now everyone's dumbfounded like "why's there a log out timer? :blink:"

I'm sorry, but what else am I suppose to do when each building spawns 3-6 zeds and they all are sprinting / clipping through walls / knocking out / breaking your legs super zombies that you can't run through and each have like 4k blood? The only option is a) Die which is extremely frustrating and game-breaking B) relog to lose aggro.

I don't even want to play Chernaus since the new update and have only been playing the other mods. Until they remove zeds breaking your legs and knocking you out, lower their blood a bit or make ammo more common (they made ammo less common) and make them less glitchy where they can clip and hit you through walls I wont be playing it anytime soon. They took the zeds from annoying super zombies to really fucking overpowered broken AI.

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