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DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

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"Encoding done now uploading :)"


Edit: m'bad for reposting.

Edited by AnarchyBrownies

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Encoding done now uploading :) - Rocket

Tease. Do I stay up... To sleep or not to sleep that is the question

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about 10-20 minutes left... depends on his internet speed and video size... Though, I don't worry about the speed, I am pretty sure it is fine :P

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about 10-20 minutes left... depends on his internet speed and video size... Though, I don't worry about the speed, I am pretty sure it is fine :P

I think I might be able to hang on for another 20 mins, just :P

You cant beat Smash to the punch guys.

Nope you can't. Or to a link, he has a link for everything Edited by Toxiclegend
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Rocket should publish his Google Analytics stats for the Tumblr or Twitter site tomorrow ... I bet there's a lot of traffic!

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Can't wait! I don't know if I'm allowed to talk about drugs on the forums (if you can even consider the green a drug) but I have a stash of pot in my drawer for quite some time now and I never have the chance or time to actually have a puff, but... I might hit it now, just to get my mind even more blown by the video! :D

Edited by Misterio

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@Toxiclegend, I thought you were off to bed! ;)

I was! On my last refresh before going to bed there was all of this and I thought I'd caught Santa coming down the chimney. So now I'm waiting xD (Like a kid on christmas eve) Edited by Toxiclegend

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Having a stash of pots and pans in your drawer isn't a problem as far as i know. Best keep it your little secret.

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Having a stash of pots and pans in your drawer isn't a problem as far as i know. Best keep it your little secret.

I'm burning. Geddit? Because I'm smoking the greenie and also I'm covered in shame because of your clever reply? Geddit? Anyone? :(

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With a beartrap in the fireplace for Santa?

With a beartrap in the fireplace for RocketSanta ;)

I only keep body parts in my drawers.

So that's where my pinky ended up, please can I have it back I can't hit my enter button properly without it =[
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Processing.... #DontFailMeYoutube

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I'm one step away from collapsing at the keyboard. Nearly 6am here. *Got to see the video. Don't sleep yet* :ph34r:

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So near but yet so far.

Shame it's by delays and errors though =[ But honestly I would like to wake up to an update, not have to stay awake for one ;P Wanna swap? :P

Edited by Toxiclegend

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