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Top 10 Features to Remove

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Most of the discussion about standalone has been about new features that players want added. How about a different question:

Which features of the mod would you most like to see removed?

My Top Ten:

  1. Hackers
  2. Excessive bloom1
  3. Recon by zombie2
  4. Nametags3
  5. Death messages
  6. Peripheral dots
  7. Third person
  8. Weapons with magnified optics
  9. Fuel & fly helos
  10. Crosshairs

Please disagree, just don't tell me they should all be server settings.

1For example, the window in this screenshot from standalone: http://24.media.tumb...d90z0o9_500.jpg

2Unless that zombie has been trained and is on a leash.

3In their current form. Some of the ideas for consensual tags and IDing familiar players have potential to make nametags interesting.

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1. Arma was built for scripts, the SA won't

2. I like it

3. Wha...

4. Agreed

5. Either way is fine

6. ...


8. cause armies don't have that

9. Wtf is a helos

10. Definitly

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Hackers arent exactly a feature, lol. But yes. There is a very bad hacker problem and It should be dealt with. most of the other stuff you can easily fix by joining a veteran server.

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Why exactly should helis be removed?

He meant heli's and fuel? So what would cars run on then Heiduk?
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Hackers arent exactly a feature, lol. But yes. There is a very bad hacker problem and It should be dealt with. most of the other stuff you can easily fix by joining a veteran server.

lol. This was good.

Anyways, I would like to keep HELI(copters)s. I think they are a fun end-gamish thing. I would like to have them harder to pilot though.

On top of this, I think everything should just be more hardcore, hence I liked your no-crosshairs, no nameplates, peripheral dots, third person, etc.

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I think he meant heli's that don't need to be repaIred, just fueled.

I think everything should stay but hackers. I hate running in first person

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lol. This was good.

(...) I would like to keep HELI(copters)s.(...)

Yeah, it's heli like in helicopter.. Just as ammo(nition).. Wait, something's not right there..

Anyway, enough trolling. To give a real answer:

  1. Hackers (really? That's security and they are working on it. It's not even a discussion. Nobody is saying, I quite like hackers. Let's add some hackers to the game.)
  2. Excessive bloom1 (At least has to be serverside. Would be unfair if I can't see something because I deactivated it.)
  3. Recon by zombie2 (You are talking about being seen by Zeds? Well, needs a few improvements.)
  4. Nametags3 (They don't have to go. They have to be improved. But you already mentioned that with your index number, so I agree)
  5. Death messages (Yap, don't like death messages. But it's not the most important thing ever)
  6. Peripheral dots (Those showing you animals, players and Zeds? Guess they are simulating peripheral field of view. Discussable)
  7. Third person (I like to see it gone, but there are a view very valid points for it in Rocket's CH removal discussion)
  8. Weapons with magnified optics (I can imagine people having scopes. CZ550 for instance. Think that should stay)
  9. Fuel & fly helos (simply make it harder. If you practise it, you aquired skill. Some people simply can fly choppers)
  10. Crosshairs (valid points are made in Rocket's CH removal thread. I like them gone, though)

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1. well derp

2. bloom is part of your vision. If you're in a dark room/building and look outside, chances are it's gonna look rather bright.

3. wut

4. again derp

5. yeah why not

6. again peripherals are part of your vision, humans don't have a rigidly defined field of view like it's portrayed in many first person shooters. the dots should stay but not be set off by something 200+ meters away behind a bush

7. ehhhhhhh no, in real life our field of view is somewhere around 180 (bear in mind peripheral vision and such). I believe in arma 2 you are given something less of that while in first person and given 180 in third. As dumb as it may sound 3rd person is more realistic.

8. no, keep getting killed by snipers? too damn bad, this is DayZ. Get used to things being unfair.

9. chances are during a zombie apocalypse there would be some perfectly working choppers left behind at airfields as well as some not working ones.

10. yes of course, like I said in rockets thread there should be a laser attachment/ PEQ box that you can find and attach to your weapon

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Most of the discussion about standalone has been about new features that players want added. How about a different question:

Which features of the mod would you most like to see removed?

My Top Ten:

  1. Hackers
  2. Excessive bloom1
  3. Recon by zombie2
  4. Nametags3
  5. Death messages
  6. Peripheral dots
  7. Third person
  8. Weapons with magnified optics
  9. Fuel & fly helos
  10. Crosshairs

Please disagree, just don't tell me they should all be server settings.

1For example, the window in this screenshot from standalone: http://24.media.tumb...d90z0o9_500.jpg

2Unless that zombie has been trained and is on a leash.

3In their current form. Some of the ideas for consensual tags and IDing familiar players have potential to make nametags interesting.

Point number 9:

How about we eliminate high tier military grade vehicles (helicopters, offroads, ect) from spawning as wholes entirely. We should have to build these from "scratch" with a limited number of "base" (vehicle bodies) parts that we have to find and connect other parts to in order to repair/build the vehicle. That way, we can mostly prevent server admunz from hoarding all the vehicles at the top left corner of the map and give other players a fair chance at getting something that doesn't break down every 2 miles. Now, many people might disagree with me (and with valid reason, so rightfully so) but hear me out. I think it would make vehicles a much more coveted commodity than they are currently, would semi-eliminate server hopping to find vehicles (rare ones), and it would also make them much more devastating to lose.

Of course the "hacker" problem is a first and foremost issue and various ESP maphacks would generally waste most people's efforts to build these things as they would be stolen the moment some lucky douchebag with a few social connections logs in and decides to steal it. However, ESP maphacks can be inhibited easily and the remote script execution exploits could be patched almost to the same degree ease as well SO if these two problems could be fixed by BI then it would mean that this idea could be feasibly implemented.

Also, I generally don't mind helicopters but I do mind armed helicopters.

Edited by Tigerbeetweenie

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My goodness, people are still complaining about things in first person they can so easily change. Blue, double tapping - on the numpad will increase your first person FOV to well above regular third person, and it's virtually the same as third person after double tapping -. The headbob is easily changed, People say first person is clunky, which i admit can be true, but the real reason most people use third person is to look around walls.

And the OP means looking for zombies in an area to indicate the presence of a player when he says "Recon by zombies".

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Sorry I should have made the question more specific. Criticism of my list is fine, but I'm more interested in your list.

As for #9, every place I've worked the things you fly in that make ridiculous amounts of noise are helos. Calling them a heli would probably get you laughed at only slightly less than calling them a chopper, it's probably a cultural thing. I'm not opposed to having them in-game but using them should require an appropriate amount of skill and effort.

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For point 3 do you mean being able to tell a player is around by zombie spawns?

If so i agree - if there is a viable way there should always be a minimum amount of zombies around towns etc - spawning more when players approach (increasing the spawn range would be nice too)

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Weapons with magnified optics

Remove the most popular weapons? That's gonna be popular!

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11. Rain.

12. Day/night cycle.

13. Fun.

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1. well derp

2. bloom is part of your vision. If you're in a dark room/building and look outside, chances are it's gonna look rather bright.

3. wut

4. again derp

5. yeah why not

6. again peripherals are part of your vision, humans don't have a rigidly defined field of view like it's portrayed in many first person shooters. the dots should stay but not be set off by something 200+ meters away behind a bush

7. ehhhhhhh no, in real life our field of view is somewhere around 180 (bear in mind peripheral vision and such). I believe in arma 2 you are given something less of that while in first person and given 180 in third. As dumb as it may sound 3rd person is more realistic.

8. no, keep getting killed by snipers? too damn bad, this is DayZ. Get used to things being unfair.

9. chances are during a zombie apocalypse there would be some perfectly working choppers left behind at airfields as well as some not working ones.

10. yes of course, like I said in rockets thread there should be a laser attachment/ PEQ box that you can find and attach to your weapon

I like the cut of this man's jib. Beans to you for understanding that many of the things that seem like arbitrary game design choices (3rd person, HDR and peripheral dots) are actually intended to better mimic human experience, whether or not they succeed, become exploitable or downright gamebreaking is another matter. These things were included to increase immersion, not to break it.

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Please disagree, just don't tell me they should all be server settings.

Why not?

What suits me, may not suit others and visa versa.


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Most of the discussion about standalone has been about new features that players want added. How about a different question:

Which features of the mod would you most like to see removed?

My Top Ten:

  1. Hackers
  2. Excessive bloom1
  3. Recon by zombie2
  4. Nametags3
  5. Death messages
  6. Peripheral dots
  7. Third person
  8. Weapons with magnified optics
  9. Fuel & fly helos
  10. Crosshairs

Please disagree, just don't tell me they should all be server settings.

1For example, the window in this screenshot from standalone: http://24.media.tumb...d90z0o9_500.jpg

2Unless that zombie has been trained and is on a leash.

3In their current form. Some of the ideas for consensual tags and IDing familiar players have potential to make nametags interesting.

agreed except for lines 5,8 its a game after all , there is a line between HC game , Authentic game and just challenge game with no real meaning for the high difficulty .

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Number 3 has already been removed if you mean Zombie spawning due to player vicinity.

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Most of the discussion about standalone has been about new features that players want added. How about a different question:

Which features of the mod would you most like to see removed?

My Top Ten:

  1. Hackers
  2. Excessive bloom1
  3. Recon by zombie2
  4. Nametags3
  5. Death messages
  6. Peripheral dots
  7. Third person
  8. Weapons with magnified optics
  9. Fuel & fly helos
  10. Crosshairs

Please disagree, just don't tell me they should all be server settings.

1For example, the window in this screenshot from standalone: http://24.media.tumb...d90z0o9_500.jpg

2Unless that zombie has been trained and is on a leash.

3In their current form. Some of the ideas for consensual tags and IDing familiar players have potential to make nametags interesting.

Remove this that and the other without reasonable explanation why ? Ahh ok .

BTW, nametags and xhairs are a server side option.

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