DemonGroover 8836 Posted January 17, 2013 Yep, bored again. I probably need another job.Anyway, as the title you run, try and talk, try and shoot, drop to the ground, shit yourself? 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Creep- 569 Posted January 17, 2013 After my heart has stopped racing I stalk for a few mins and shoot 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beastoverlord 574 Posted January 17, 2013 I drop prone and watch to see if they saw me first.If they didn't see me:If they are geared, then I'll kill them.If they aren't, then I'll let them go.If they see me:If they have an advantage, I'll run.If they don't, I'll open fire. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted January 17, 2013 I jump in the nearest bush and try to figure them out. I generally play friendly so It may lead to me trying to make contact, usually though they just move on unaware of my prescence. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dancing.Russian.Man 1631 Posted January 17, 2013 (edited) "Fuck."And then quickly change direction.This is why I don't live very long.Edit; Unless they have a bandit skin. Edited January 17, 2013 by Dancing.Russian.Man 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted January 17, 2013 Mine is definitely hide and then i am always too tempted so i follow.Sometime it gets me killed as no one seems to like being stalked by a man wielding an axe. Very odd. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SmashT 10907 Posted January 17, 2013 (edited) Play the "ghosting" game. (Not to be confused with ghosting between servers) Try and get as close as possible to them without them noticing, you win by taking things out of their backpack and getting away undetected. Bonus points if you manage to give them a ninja bloodbag. Edited January 17, 2013 by smasht_AU 20 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beastoverlord 574 Posted January 17, 2013 Play the "ghosting" game. (Not to be confused with ghosting between servers) Try and get as close as possible to them without them noticing, you win by taking things out of their backpack and getting away undetected. Bonus points if you manage to give them a bloodbag while still remaining undetected.If you make a montage of this, I am sure that you will have all the YouTube moneyz (or views) in the world. 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Conkykillz 791 Posted January 17, 2013 Uncontrollable Shaking, Sweating, Paranoia, Flatulence, and Death 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darkwater (DayZ) 63 Posted January 17, 2013 (edited) Depending on if he/she has seen me and what skin they are. First thing I do is lie low and see what they do from a distance. If it's obvious that they've seen me and aim in my direction, I back off to the nearest point where I'm out of any possible danger from them. Then I either back down completely or I start going after them if they are a bandit. If I'm severely outgunned and outmatched I run the hell away in the opposite direction.But, if I'm in a town, I avoid all form of contact until I can either shoot them in the back (bandit) or until it's clear for me to get away. If they go inside the same house, I sadly shoot them regardless of skin with the exception of Hero. If I'm lucky and only knock them out, assuming it's a Survivor skin, I bandage them up and then get out. If it's a bandit, I don't cheap out on bullets.But as for me, I get hella nervous, make no mistake about that. Rather close to shitting myself for most part, infact. Edited January 17, 2013 by Darkwater Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dragonkatol 135 Posted January 17, 2013 Play some weird ass music. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rage VG 4033 Posted January 17, 2013 Yep, bored again. I probably need another job.Anyway, as the title you run, try and talk, try and shoot, drop to the ground, shit yourself?I do a mixture. I Run at him, whilst Trying to talk shit, But then I Shoot the ground.Then I explode into rainbows. 10 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
squarebox 7 Posted January 17, 2013 If playing alone, I run/hide away and monitor. If the player is hostile/bandit, kill him if not leave them alone.If playing with buddies, scream player and direction. Everyone hits the deck and monitor. If the player is hostile/bandit, kill him if not leave him/her alone. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Olisonera 126 Posted January 17, 2013 Depends on the situation: If I am, was recently or moving to support allies in a combat situation I engage all unknowns on site, even fresh spawns. War is hell, collateral damage is inevitable. It's entirely possible an unarmed, newly spawned person is acting as a scout or informant for our enemies.If I see a sniper or other such person camping somewhere I announce their location to the team and we concoct hilarious plans to f**k with themIf I see a player new to the game I let them join up with us for a while. Sometimes they join our group or become allies.Most other folk I simply observe and disregard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Conzolax 16 Posted January 17, 2013 Get breathless, and start shaking.Hit the dirt, get spottet anyway, firefight commences, i get shot.I usually lose a fight, probably because i get too nervous :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xiroth 191 Posted January 17, 2013 First instinctive reaction?Determine whether or not they've seen me or are aware of my presence. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xiroth 191 Posted January 17, 2013 On a side note, sometimes I've managed to spot someone trying to follow me discretely so I continue on as though I haven't seen them, and lure them into ambush. That's always fun Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ratsmon 131 Posted January 17, 2013 He shoots first, I shoot back.He has no gear, I dont shoot.He has better gear than me, I shoot.He's a bambi, I dont shoot.He didnt see me,and has good gear, I shoot.He sees me and has good gear, I run :) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sausagekingofchicago 4711 Posted January 17, 2013 Rather complicated question don't you think? It really depends on where I am, what the player is doing, where he's going, what weapon he has, what skin, whether or not he's seen me, and a whole host of other things. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 5 Posted January 17, 2013 Drop to the ground, observe what they have and where they are going.After that I'll decide if it is worthwhile to kill the guy. Unless he saw me, if he saw me I wil shoot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Angryofficer 89 Posted January 17, 2013 "I WILL FEAST ON YOUR SOUL"Wait you meant in-game? Oh.No sidechat on server? KOS, always. If there is sidechat, I'll usually say I'm friendly, announce what weapon/pack I have, and leave or sometimes make friends. I tend to KoS bandits if they have any weapon that can kill quite effectively, even common ones like enfields and winchesters. If people, survivor, hero, or bandit are packing a double barrel or hatchet etc, I will never shoot unless they get close. I treat heros like survivors, as I've been killed by them before. If I see someone with something I want, or if I need something like matches, I'll kill them. If a group, I'll try to make sure they're all out in the open if I want to shoot them, if they have low-tier weapons, I'll join them or let them pass. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Matteh 63 Posted January 17, 2013 I watch their movement, we have a camp in a pretty obvious spot but also it's the last place someone would look for a camp, been there for 3 weeks and not been looted so far.Anyway I log in at our camp the other day and there was a heli crash not too far away so I scouted it out but zeds had spawned there, I was too far to have spawned them myself, then I see a guy crouched in a bush about 20m away, suddenly he moves and begins to come right at our camp, I flank and watch as he runs towards me, then straight past me and getting worried about our camp, I pop him right in the chest, killing him.I generally only shoot if I'm shot first, but that was an exception, but that's the closest so far someone has come to finding us, I usually just hide from players until I am shot at and then react depending to my surroundings and how many are shooting me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jaymacca 52 Posted January 17, 2013 If he doesn't see me and I have a tin can, I throw that then hide and see what happens, or if no tin can then I'll sneak around watching to see if he kneels for no reason as that's usually a sign someone is checking their map, then I creep in and steal beans from pack, gets the heart racing, especially hilarious at night when the victim has no goggles or chem lights etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tacticalbanana 38 Posted January 17, 2013 I just make sure I have a good aim on them and that I am ready to shoot to kill at any moment, then I tell them I'm here and not to turn around. Most of them do turn around because they're stupid and end up getting shot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites