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Look at this man go. Will test as soon as I devoured lunch.

Might want to save that food :P

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Has anyone found any spawned food or is it not spawning at all?

I have found no food what so ever after going through the 5 appartment blocks in Chernogorsk.

Also instances of, for example 3x watches in same block, 2x knife in same block, you see the pattern.

3x axes in outbuilding near staired tower just south of said appartments.

Also about 15 Zeds killed and not one instance of loot on bodies.

Server fl 2 patched and up to date.

Chin up !

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This thread seems to have a lot of new people that don't understand the playing a game years before its actually out is a privilege. Would you rather hear about DayZ and never get to play it, wonder what the experience is like? Would you prefer Valve wait times for a game?

Me, I prefer to be able to experience something early and help shape it if I can. It worked amazingly well for minecraft.

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Tents also seem to be bugged, when you pack them up they don't actually delete themselves from the database it seems, so they just re-appear after a server restart.

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I can proudly say. If I had the power to be anyone' date=' I'd be you. Making a zombie game is just a feat upon itself.

I worship you more then god. (If he exists). If not. He does now, hence you.


...Riiiight. Don't go over the top to much...

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female skin doesnt work, you get the option but it doesnt change

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I did notice the abundance of Hatchets last night, I walked around a bulding and found a total of 7 hatchets inside it ;P

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1) Yep, played for a good 5 hours in a row, 4 small to medium towns visited, no food or drinks but i found a bug. Every time you disconnect and connect back you thirst and hunger meter reset itself to full green so if you are about to die of thirst or hunger just dc and connect back. Problem solved for the moment.

2) Of the 4 towns visited only 1, the last one, had a gun with only 1 clip. Maybe i was just unlucky.

3) No bandages nor morphine but plenty of painkillers. Had to go to a hospital for the first 2.

4) 90% of the loot is junk like bent tin cans whiskey bottles etc. Useful for when you don't have a weapon cause you can lure the Z away from the spot you wanna check but useless after that.

5) Some Z spawn inside inaccessible buildings. Sometimes they pass through the wall, some other they stay there. Zed spawn inside loot able buildings too, and more often than not. Kind of a big deal if you are still unarmed.

6) Plenty of the new double barrel shotty, but the Winchester seems to have become really rare now (at least during my gameplay).

7) Found 3 backpacks in the same building, as well as 3 watches(another building), 2 knives in the same room and 4 hatchets( for the 3 barns in berezino) a bit strange.

Overall i'm happy. The behaviour of the Zed is much better than yesterday (1.7.1) which for me was unmanageable and still better than 1.7 .Somewhere in between i guess. Which makes it balanced.

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Z now spawn inside buildings? Was killed by 3 that was in a Building...

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Starting to wish at this point that you can create more than one character for patch testing.

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Maybe the Zeds got a taste for beans...

They seem to love peeling the labels off too.

I had great fun with this patch last night - just wish food and drink was a tiny tiny bit more common and that when you log out and in you reappear in the same place.

I had FPS issues so I logged out and then in, but I re-logged into a military tent I had visited 5 mins ago, right in someones face, and he blew me up :(

Also I had my first experience of Ghillie Suit teleporting into sea. And apparently I was wearing 5 layers of clothes, as I dropped 5 sets of civilian clothing when I put the Ghillie on.

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Where is the food and drink. I was dead and respawned near Elektro. I found weapons, weapons, very much watches in bags, binoculairs, ammo, ammo and ammo. a tent in the market, much empy cans, again more weapons, but never found yet a drink or food. Where is it?

Btw, i found drinks, but had so much ammo that i just killed zomies for drinks...

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Where is the food and drink. I was dead and respawned near Elektro. I found weapons' date=' weapons, very much watches in bags, binoculairs, ammo, ammo and ammo. a tent in the market, much empy cans, again more weapons, but never found yet a drink or food. Where is it?


Made very scarce by the newest patch.

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I think everyone on the DayZ team is overloaded and stressed out from the bugs I've seen, and I would really love to glance over the code base and report or even fix bugs, but it seems the team is so hush-hush about everything, a volunteer coding veteran wouldn't know where to apply to begin with.

(hint, I am one, I'd contribute for free, I don't want any rights or credit)

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"Anyone else still encountering FPS problems?"

Yep, I've never had any MAJOR FPS problems before this patch, but now I get 10FPS max.

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Also I had my first experience of Ghillie Suit teleporting into sea. And apparently I was wearing 5 layers of clothes' date=' as I dropped 5 sets of civilian clothing when I put the Ghillie on.


Interesting. Here's a thought: did you perhaps die and/or respawn 4 times or so without completely disconnecting from the server? Maybe your old outfits were left due to a bug/oversight leading to multiple sets of clothing being worn. I can envision something like that triggering a cheat detection mechanism once you changed to another outfit.

Pure speculation at this point, of course.

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"Anyone else still encountering FPS problems?"

Yep' date=' I've never had any MAJOR FPS problems before this patch, but now I get 10FPS max.


I had around 40 FPS in Elektro, Now it's around 15-20 max.

I love this game, but I really can't play it like this.

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I think everyone on the DayZ team is overloaded and stressed out from the bugs I've seen' date=' and I would really love to glance over the code base and report or even fix bugs, but it seems the team is so hush-hush about everything, a volunteer coding veteran wouldn't know where to apply to begin with.

(hint, I am one, I'd contribute for free, I don't want any rights or credit)


Yeah I would love to see some kind of expansion of cooperation, but this is very likely. We just need to once more show a little patience, which is showing to be a useful skill in- and out of the game.

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From a 'realism' perspective I guess this works. However' date=' the chief way to heal blood is to eat food. Many players, including myself, don't trust other players and wouldn't be able to get a blood pack unless it's from someone you know and play with IRL.

I think food spawns need to be left alone so there's a realistic chance of being able to heal yourself and play again. That and raise the darned spawn rate on matches.[/quote']LOLWUT?

You mean you actually heal yourself with beans? Use meat for this, man. And as far as i know spawn rates of animals are as they were.

And talking about realism, there is nothing realistic in healing yourself with food or blood.

I know there's nothing realistic about healing yourself with food, I didn't say that there was. It's just what the system is at the moment. I was saying food being rare is realistic, but since we need it to heal it's not right to make it uber rare. And I would eat meat, but apparently Chernarus families would rather have multiple hatchets and Lee Enfield rifles in their homes than a single box of matches.

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The issues are an interesting source for testing:

  • 1. Missing food and water:
    Since we start with nearly nothing, the survival aspect is actually right in our face. The first 5 minutes I was like "I need a gun". Then it was "I need a new bandage!". After not being able to find food at all, the priority list started to change till a point where I would trade my gun (if I had one) for food and water. Suddenly I stumbled over a Makarov and I was as happy as I've just found some NVG's. Also ANY weapon would make me happy.
    Conclusion: If loot would be more scarce, we would be glad about the basic goods and basic weapons. Goal: Find best weapon +NVG's Find Food
    2. No weapon at re-spawn:
    While not an "issue" in form of a bug, it seems like lots of people don't like this.
    Not having a weapon at all made point 1 possible in the first place.
    I had the best time for quite a while, being forced to avoid the zombies knowing if I screw up I'll be dead.
    Conclusion: Like or dislike is personal preference. Needs to be long term tested if people adapt. (I am sure they do)
    3. Zombies inside Houses
    Brilliant idea. My first barn was occupied by 1 zed and I could see a gun. Chose to look for more barns instead of looting it - Brilliant :-)
    It seems not to work well at the moment. Zeds tend to spawn in clumps. Conflicts with point 2 if they always spawn inside (without moving or a % chance they spawn at all. Can't confirm nor deny if there is already a % chance in place) barns and stuff.
    Also there are certain "industrial" buildings where Zeds spawn in between of 2 enter-able rooms. Leads to being killed without seeing them at all.
    Conclusion: Fixing wrong spawning Zeds inside walls and ensuring not every building is occupied = win.
    Works like a charm as far as I can see. Both server side and client side.


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most of the servers is killing my FPS. most servers I get 10-15 fps.

and some servers I get around 50 to 60 fps. (I have 60fps normaly).

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Food is damn scarce now, as in none to be found. Hatchets etc are in abundance. Must have been Lumberjack weekend or something! :p

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Yes, zombies need a random spawn chance, meaning that not all buildings have zombies inside or outside, and not all of them are occupied.

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