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Hotfix Build Rolling Update

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My framerate seems to have gotten worse at times as well. When looking at a town, it plummets, yet GPU and CPU usage doesn't go up or max out. Probably Arma2 engine related.

Yes, I agree after the loot spawning is fixed, this will be a great patch. Also, the zombies need some tweaking. Spawning in the floor is quite common. Attacking through walls and walking through walls still occurs as well.

I did lose a zombie by running around a corner, so LOS seemed to have worked well.

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If your goal with this patch was to make the game insanely hard' date=' then mission accomplished. However, I can see this level of difficulty driving a lot of new players away very quickly. Simply getting off the beach to somewhere to find loot is an absolute nightmare, and you've instantly made the learning curve almost vertical.

My suggestion is to either give out the starting mak but limit it to two clips or something, or to make the zombies dumber so at least your garden-variety noob has a chance. I've seen a lot of rage disconnects right away from new players complaining that they're sick of the slightest misstep earning them a quick death, and I can understand the frustration.


Exactly my thoughts. I just can't play without getting killed, there's no way. At least if we had a melee weapon we could survive. Now without a weapon and without food and water, it's impossible to play. There's simply no learning curve, there's nothing to learn. You die if you don't have a camp with supplies there. Simple as that.

Oh come now. It is easy to survive but tedious to do so.

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Well ... i get the point why its good to start with no gun ... the zombies still spot me very easily but it seems to be possible to escape ... even though its tough and takes minutes of running away like crazy ... i feel like i HAVE to crawl .. otherwise they run at me from anywhere ...

But its hard to find any food or a gun and its kinda annyoing to crawl around because it seems to be too dangerous to walk ...

The possibility to find food or a gun should be increased ... the game was tough before and i dont see the point to make it so much tougher ... a lot of new players will be frustrated and deinstall quickly ...

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Anyone noticed high watch spawn rate? I was able to "find" 10 watches in less than 3 minutes...

In the last 2 hours I played I logged what I could loot. the top 4 were car wheels , wire, matched and watches. Took me an hour to find my first gun not sure if it is a loot spawn issue or if the area was picked clean by other players.

Oh I did find a bike and 2 atvs but no food yet.

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Guys and girls. If everyone posts the same stuff a million times, I can't find out the unknown issues.

There is an unknown issue with tents, can anyone explain any more detail other than HURRR DURR they don't work.

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a lot of new players will be frustrated and deinstall quickly ...

Let's hope for them they won't stumble upon 'I wanna be the Boshy' ... other than that, good riddance.

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Another problem also being that if you eat meat to regain blood' date=' log out, and log back in later, your blood is the same as it was before you ate the meat, with the difference being that the steaks are now gone. I ate an entire cow this way.


I had exactly this problem and could only fix it by respawning from my 1.7.0 char. With a fresh 1.7.1 char it all worked fine. I suspect it may have messed up because I joined a 1.7.0 server after the update by mistake.

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I think you guys should add melee weapons as common spawns. And reduce the running speed of zombies. It'd give the game more of a creepy/scary feel rather than the 'One zombie saw me' date=' time to D/C and rejoin another server' feel.


Melee weapons are difficult to implement I think.

Nah you do it Duke Nuke em style. Melee weapons are ranged weapons with a really short range. Sure it is cheesy but it works.

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Well ... i get the point why its good to start with no gun ... the zombies still spot me very easily but it seems to be possible to escape ... even though its tough and takes minutes of running away like crazy ... i feel like i HAVE to crawl .. otherwise they run at me from anywhere ...

But its hard to find any food or a gun and its kinda annyoing to crawl around because it seems to be too dangerous to walk ...

The possibility to find food or a gun should be increased ... the game was tough before and i dont see the point to make it so much tougher ... a lot of new players will be frustrated and deinstall quickly ...

get inside to the closest treeline. then locate the closest barn and run for it. Barns are (there are online game maps and your location is shown at hud when you spawn) great source for weapons and equipment. Also deerstands. they only have 2-3 infected around and once they spawn, they will walk AWAY from the structure. so just observe at distance then get in and get your weapon. Now you are ready to go into a supermarket for other basic tools like knife or compass. Once you have yourself a hatchet / matches / knife, you can hunt down animals and food problem solved. there are lakes and wells to refill your canteen.

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Yeh just some custom swipe animations or the duke "boot" animation with a range of 1 meter would be fine.

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Dunno did someone write about it, but after when u take knife or watch or any item in that slots, u automatically drop everything from slots for bandage and magazines and u need to recollect it.

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Food Water to be fixed in a hotfix released tonight. Along with maybe some other goodies...

PS. Don't stress guys! Someone people get really upset the direction of the game is destroyed... trying things out here' date=' and things break occasionally... such is life in the zone, man!


My game crashed while I was on a ladder in the elektro school and now I spawned in a room in the school that has no exits, I am unable to get out. All I have for food and drink, is one can of pepsi, get me out of the room please rocket!!!

I am glitched in there.. :(

I guess that's what rocket meant by life in the zone.

But seriously rocket, what's with the game not saving where you were anymore?

Another problem also being that if you eat meat to regain blood, log out, and log back in later, your blood is the same as it was before you ate the meat, with the difference being that the steaks are now gone. I ate an entire cow this way.

Also, the hotfix did not fix the audibility and visibility counters for crouchwalking and prone.

You are playing on a borked server. Check if you have your debug menu, if you do not either you did not install the beta or the server you are playing on did not update correctly. I have noticed myself it can be a pain to find a decent server.

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Guys and girls. If everyone posts the same stuff a million times' date=' I can't find out the unknown issues.

There is an unknown issue with tents, can anyone explain any more detail other than HURRR DURR they don't work.


You can deploy tents but you need to push forward while spaming the use tent button and also when you do deploy the it depkoys 3-4 tents at the same time. cheers

lol miss typs but i think you understand =P

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Rocket, I could tell you how tents don't work, but that would presume that I can actually survive long enough (and have enough time to play when I'm done just narrowly escaping death by super-sense zombies) to use one. Not to be snide, but frankly, as much as I understand the "hardcore" players' sentiments about meticulous survival, I also intend to have fun when I play this game, and right now, that's pretty much damn near impossible. That isn't even about the food or no starting weapon - it's about the fact that in order for me to safely get into some sort of lootable building, I have to prone for about three times as long approaching the building to get there. With the amount of time in the day that I have to play and the risk vs. reward of doing it, I'm pretty much referring to my respawns as "suicide runs" because, ultimately, my chances of survival are effectively zero unless I'm incredibly lucky.

What exactly was the point of this patch? Clearly, you wanted to make the game more difficult, thus making it more difficult to achieve the ultimate objective of the game - survival. However, isn't the game also supposed to be fun? Community-oriented? Reasonably difficult? 1.7 gave us a chance to focus more on the fact that we were playing with other people, not simply avoiding NPC mobs. I can't even think about who else is playing at this point because, frankly, I don't have the ability to even think about whether I should trust someone or not when I am frantically running away from 10 zombies chasing me without a weapon attempting to LOS them, only to find that when I have finally done so, they still linger about, forcing me to wait even longer to resume my futile struggle.

Bottom line - can we get some clarity about what you're attempting to accomplish here? I'm not having fun right now with this game, and as someone who plays alone during the day, I'm not seeing it as being very worth my time.

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Guys and girls. If everyone posts the same stuff a million times' date=' I can't find out the unknown issues.

There is an unknown issue with tents, can anyone explain any more detail other than HURRR DURR they don't work.


I don't know if there's something I'm doing wrong but I'm also fairly certain they don't work.

The details: You can't place them anywhere. I tried to place a tent for an hour on various surfaces and terrains, it never got put down.

Sometimes the area was completely void of objects and nothing was anywhere even near the tent.

Not sure if this helped, but either way...I want my tents D:

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Guys, this alpha's horrible, as a tester I'm gunna totally post what I did in this patch and how I failed horribly because that's exactly whats going to help the dev team if I constantly repeat obvious problems.

1. I remade my character because I wanted to test out the difficulty of the new patch without all my amazing gear, started off next to Komarovo. Been a while since I've played and was quickly punished for my evil lack of movement knowledge and had to hide on the docks from the small horde I had collected while I got my bearings. For the first time in this game I was genuinely frightened, what with the complete lack of gear I suddenly realised I had in my backpack after a joyful run across the beach like I was on bay watch. I figured I didn't really have much chance sitting on my ass watching the new animations attempt to flail at me, so I bolted into the nearby building, circled around the group and sprinted out not being followed.

I then got to Balota, learning from my previous mistake I took sneaking a little more seriously, with the new mechanics I had to check where the zombies were looking before moving myself, rather and side strafin' crouched everywhere to ensure zero visibility and sound. Scared and losing hope from the forums constant bashing from the lack of loot and new reaper zombies I scanned the small military base beside the airfield from afar, and took to my usual sweep of the towers. Much to my suprise in the first tower I came across? Your typical beans and soda, as well as magazines to a weapon I wish I had.. This place was bound to have someone else near with a 50 strong server population.

Next tower? an M1911, with clips to match. Next came a whole pile of flares and chem-lights, and finally a flash-lighted Remmy, not exactly my choice of weaponry but who am I to complain. I left the base a little too suddenly it seemed, attracted a small pile which forced me to sprint into the airfield control tower with more gathering from every step, this time trying to circle around them left me in a sandwich of Zeds. I swallowed my conservationist attitude and cleared my back and front, taking a fair few hits through the stairs I hid under, though quickly moving from floor to floor to avoid an overall onslaught.

Food consumed, my Remmy now Remmyless and a single mag left slid into my firearm, I seemed to have left before looking back to see a new horde take the place of my last shooting gallery, and with my food consumed and gun reloaded I moved onto Cherno.. God knows what lay ahead for me there, but it was what I needed to do to guarantee a survival or a quick death, I hadn't had so much fun in DayZ since the Bandit hunts months before the initial horde of players.

.. Wait, I think I did the whole 'complain story' wrong.

TL;DR? How about 'Cant read? real shame.'

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Guys and girls. If everyone posts the same stuff a million times' date=' I can't find out the unknown issues.

There is an unknown issue with tents, can anyone explain any more detail other than HURRR DURR they don't work.


It is quite difficult to place tents, but I've been able to place them in basically every single version of the mod.

the technique is to open your gear, then start moving around with your gear open and meanwhile spam the place down tent button.

however, somtimes the character starts to do the place tent animation, but no tent spawns.

also, spamming the place tent button causes the tent to duplicate in your inventory.

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Guys' date=' this alpha's horrible, as a tester I'm gunna totally post what I did in this patch and how failed horrible because that's exactly whats going to help the dev team if I constantly repeat obvious problems.

1. I remade my character because I wanted to test out the difficulty of the new patch without all my amazing gear, started off next to Komarovo. Been a while since I've played and was quickly punished for my evil lack of movement knowledge and had to hide on the docks from the small horde I had collected while I got my bearings. For the first time in this game I was genuinely frightened, what with the complete lack of gear I suddenly realised I had in my backpack after a joyful run across the beach like I was on bay watch. I figured I didn't really have much chance sitting on my ass watching the new animations attempt to flail at me, so I bolted into the nearby building, circled around the group and sprinted out not being followed.

I then got to Balota, learning from my previous mistake I took sneaking a little more seriously, with the new mechanics I had to check where the zombies were looking before moving myself, rather and side strafin' crouched everywhere to ensure zero visibility and sound. Scared and losing hope from the forums constant bashing from the lack of loot and new reaper zombies I scanned the small military base beside the airfield from afar, and took to my usual sweep of the towers. Much to my suprise in the first tower I came across your typical beans and soda, as well as magazines to a weapon I wish I had.. This place was bound to have someone else near with a 50 strong server population.

Next tower? an M1911, with clips to match. Next came a whole pile of flares and chem-lights, and finally a flash-lighted Remmy, not exactly my choice of weaponry but who am I to complain. I left the base a little too suddenly it seemed, attracted a small pile which forced me to sprint into the airfield control tower with more gathering from every step, this time trying to circle around them left me in a sandwich of Zeds. I swallowed my conservationist attitude and cleared my back and front, taking a fair few hits through the stairs I hid under, though quickly moving from floor to floor to avoid an overall onslaught.

Food consumed, my Remmy now Remmyless and a single mag left in the chamber, I seemed to have left before looking back to see a new horde take the place of my last shooting gallery, and with my food consumed and gun reloaded I moved onto Cherno.. God knows what lay ahead for me there, but it was what I needed to do to guarantee a survival or a quick death, I hadn't had so much fun in DayZ since the Bandit hunts months before the initial horde of players.

.. Wait, I think I did the whole 'complain story' wrong.

TL;DR? How about 'Cant read? real shame.'


See, I'm glad you found this so fun, but what I find funny is that you could have done all of this on your own private island single-player game seeing as you had zero player interactions whatsoever. Not everyone finds the idea of solely interacting with server spawn in some desperate rat race that leaves you with one bullet in your shotgun, likely banged-up and probably without a bandage to be "fun" in any way, not to mention if it ends up being obnoxiously time-consuming.

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Some quick notes from a short afternoon session:

-Made a new character (in the main menu), but did NOT get the option to select gender for it.

-Shot some zombies outside a barn. They respawned within 1-2 minutes, literally faster than I could shoot them and sneak past to get inside the barn. It's impossible to clear an area now, and it looks silly when 5-10 zombies spawn out of thin air in front of your eyes.

-Ran inside said barn, pulling 5-6 zombies with me. Most of them followed me up the stairs, where I shot them. One lost track of me, and later responded to a thrown can just outside the door by walking over to it so I could shoot him. The can also pulled in three other zombies that had spawned outside in the 30-40 seconds it took me to shoot my entourage and toss a can on the ground.

-One of the zeds above went behind some crates on the bottom floor, and lost sight of me. It started making the usual idle sounds, walking slowly into the open, where it spotted me and aggroed again - very nice!

-crouch-walked behind a wall to avoid zombie LOS, which seemed to work well. Was surprised by a zed coming around the corner of a house, but I immediately went prone, and he walked past me, 4-5 meters away, without noticing. Nice.

-Went inside a store, found a revolver, some matches and lots and lots of binoculars and watches. Other than that, every loot pile was empty cans.

So, aggro and the following behaviour seems to work very well, as does LOS (from my limited experimentation). Loot seems broken, at least I didn't see any food or water, but this was a limited sample. Zombie spawn rate is INSANE - they literally spawn faster than you can knock them down.

Frame rates were as good as 1.7 or better throughout my playing session.

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Food Water to be fixed in a hotfix released tonight. Along with maybe some other goodies...

Yay for food fix. Though I admit I do kind of like the need to kill zombies for food just a bit. Maybe think about it in future and limit food spawns to major settlements and specific buildings as a regular thing, rare outside of that. Everywhere else you have to scavenge off zombies where you can. Since it is now feasible to hide from them and de-aggro yourself if you get in over your head.

But... other goodies... kind of irks me. In my experience hotfixes should be all about the fix and not add new stuff since you can maybe break something else. Which frequently happens. Not telling you how to do your job, man. Do it if this is not going to break anything.

Also... if it is giving us baseball bats, a new melee use for hatchets or a Duke Nukem kick attack then by all means, good sir. Ignore my misgivings and proceed to shower us with goodness. :p

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Food Water to be fixed in a hotfix released tonight. Along with maybe some other goodies...

PS. Don't stress guys! Someone people get really upset the direction of the game is destroyed... trying things out here' date=' and things break occasionally... such is life in the zone, man!


My game crashed while I was on a ladder in the elektro school and now I spawned in a room in the school that has no exits, I am unable to get out. All I have for food and drink, is one can of pepsi, get me out of the room please rocket!!!

I am glitched in there.. :(

I guess that's what rocket meant by life in the zone.

But seriously rocket, what's with the game not saving where you were anymore?

Another problem also being that if you eat meat to regain blood, log out, and log back in later, your blood is the same as it was before you ate the meat, with the difference being that the steaks are now gone. I ate an entire cow this way.

Also, the hotfix did not fix the audibility and visibility counters for crouchwalking and prone.

You are playing on a borked server. Check if you have your debug menu, if you do not either you did not install the beta or the server you are playing on did not update correctly. I have noticed myself it can be a pain to find a decent server.

No, I've seen other players reporting the bugs I have just listed, along with the fact that I have tried changing server, re-installing the Arma 2 Beta and the mod multiple times, all with the same results.

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You miss the point of what I was trying to say. I took the patch head on, rage in the bowels of my stomach ready to hence forth and join the pack of people who seem to be throwing more problems at the screen in such strange and abnormal ways than actual time to appreciate the game. You also missed the quirk at the start of the whole read, which I thank you for reading and thank you for appreciating my own enjoyment.

I picked up the game to look into the problems all of you had been facing, not for my own enjoyment, the bonus was that I had fun doing it. I checked for the noise and zombie problems, range and loot which many people had been recycling in complaints across the whole board all weekend despite the multiple attempts and clarifications that they have been taken into account and are being fixed. Yet because people don't 'read' and simply complain, we are met with a million of the same question, just in poorer and poorer formalities.

True, this is supposed to be fun, but if you want fun maybe you should stick to the forum, wait for the game to finished, then play it rather than attempt to test it.. Which in my story I did, with a lot of things. I'd be the nice rocket's little helper and post all the problems I found, but everyone's already mentioned them, and I personally have no problems outside of the ones i acknowledge and at the current moment am living with. Try asking yourself if you are here to play, or to test, maybe then people can realise that it may be better to side a passenger seat to the alpha process and wait for a more complete and stable modification.

Food for thought.

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