compydad 3 Posted January 13, 2013 On 1/7/2013 at 4:16 PM, rustledmyjimmies said: You included a screenshot of a guy in underwear and a shirt, we are finally going to be able run round half naked axing people!FTFY Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lordopeth 274 Posted January 13, 2013 Can't wait for "Mad Max - THe Road Warrior" mod for Dayz standalone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NonovUrbizniz (DayZ) 137 Posted January 13, 2013 I'm sure I'm one of a million asking, but I'm unemployed, 35 responsible and play CONSTANTLY. I admin 2 servers for the Mod (one public hive one private) and would do ANYTHING to be one of the testers... Seriously I will do nothing but test boring stuff all day long. I will write concise clear bug reports, not break any of the rules, and generally be giddy to help.Seriously I'd be a great asset to you guys if you give me a shot! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ovation 52 Posted January 13, 2013 Mods and devs gone a little quite again..Not complaining it's actually exciting! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jockeyvt 0 Posted January 13, 2013 not so sure about porting to xbox it will be fun for the console players but I hope they focus on the pc version first. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted January 13, 2013 They will as confirmed by Rocket. Any console release will be an afterthought, there's a whole thread already dedicated to this subject including Rockets thoughts on the matter. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
burritoman259 593 Posted January 13, 2013 Keep in mind current generation console's hardware is in no way able to support arma, so day z standalone on console is off the tables until the next generation of consoles arrive. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted January 13, 2013 (edited) For clarification it's probably best to quote Rocket on the matter:"If it was developed concurrently cross platform then yes, it would impact (i.e. Skyrim, XCOM). I would be, ahem, very unhappy with such a thing.But if independently of PC, it gets released on the Mac, iPhone, casio wristwatch, tibetian-ceremonial-balsa-wood-entertainment-drums ... who really cares? 2012 is the year of the PC game, the console manufactures know it, and they need to deliver for 2013 and beyond. We make the PC standalone development the best it can be... and if that translates well to another platform, cool! it means more players, and ultimately more customers.""It's just basic maths really. Anyone in the video game industry would say the same thing, once a game reaches a certain point - the likelihood of some kind of console port becomes quite high. Cross-platform releases are about maximizing sales. I care about zero for consoles, personally. I have an Xbox 360 they gave me with my tv, I played for about a few hours and it just wasn't for me. I used to work at Sidhe interactive and that really reinforced for me I don't like console GAMES nor the DEVELOPMENT of them. But many people do, so I would personally not have anything against a DayZ console port - although I struggle to see how I would personally be involved in such a development. I mean, I really couldn't care if there was a current gen console port. Anyone thinking my comments constitutes news really bemuses me, it's seems very obvious to me: certain number of sales = console port = more sales?""DayZ was/is made to be the game that I want to play, not that makes the most money. I don't enjoy console games, I don't like the controller and the lack of options they currently present from a design perspective. There's not really any redeeming features for me, currently, for a console that would make me drop the PC. I've worked in console development before, didn't care much for it."(cheers Smash, I nicked these from one of your posts on the subject) Edited January 13, 2013 by Fraggle 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
white 44 Posted January 13, 2013 bohemia should give the new stand alone for whoever is buing arma 2 for dayz right now. btw i wouldnt be included since i got arma 2 before dayz but that would be way more fair to the newer about the stand alone, will infected have proper animations? and do you guys need help from a freelance 3d artist for new ingame models/textures?was also reading about it being heavily optimized but with fps being taken from the gpu aswell, so the stand alone will have a lower cpu performance hit? that would be good news for amd users (like me with a x6 @3,6ghz) since per core performance sux and i endup with 15-25 fps inside big cities. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
osallivan 74 Posted January 13, 2013 (edited) absolutely agree. :thumbsup: I don't think that such a game as ArmA can even be played on a console... I mean, maybe DayZ SA, but not arma :P there's just not enough controls Edited January 13, 2013 by osallivan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted January 13, 2013 (edited) On 1/13/2013 at 7:53 AM, white said: bohemia should give the new stand alone for whoever is buing arma 2 for dayz right now. btw i wouldnt be included since i got arma 2 before dayz but that would be way more fair to the newer about the stand alone, will infected have proper animations? and do you guys need help from a freelance 3d artist for new ingame models/textures?was also reading about it being heavily optimized but with fps being taken from the gpu aswell, so the stand alone will have a lower cpu performance hit? that would be good news for amd users (like me with a x6 @3,6ghz) since per core performance sux and i endup with 15-25 fps inside big cities.DayZ is a free mod for Arma2, there's many others too. When you purhase Arma you have already purchased a complete game (Arma2) and have access to all of the free mods including DayZ. DayZ has never been advertised, it has become popular via word of mouth alone, if you chose to buy Arma to play the free mod DayZ then that is your choice. DayZ SA will be a completely separate game backed by BIS and developed with Rocket as project lead with a team of professional artists, coders and everything else needed. If you're intersted in helping then I'm sure that the community dev team that will continue to work on the mod seperatly from the SA release would be happy to look at your work.For more info in the development of the SA please read here, it'll answer many of your questions: Edited January 13, 2013 by Fraggle 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
burritoman259 593 Posted January 13, 2013 (edited) On 1/13/2013 at 7:53 AM, white said: bohemia should give the new stand alone for whoever is buing arma 2 for dayz right now. btw i wouldnt be included since i got arma 2 before dayz but that would be way more fair to the newer fanbase. 18 euro's is not too much for something so good, Edited January 13, 2013 by burritoman259 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
white 44 Posted January 13, 2013 (edited) On 1/13/2013 at 8:23 AM, Fraggle said: DayZ is a free mod for Arma2, there's many others too. When you purhase Arma you have already purchased a complete game (Arma2) and have access to all of the free mods including DayZ. DayZ has never been advertised, it has become popular via word of mouth alone, if you chose to buy Arma to play the free mod DayZ then that is your choice. DayZ SA will be a completely separate game backed by BIS and developed with Rocket as project lead with a team of professional artists, coders and everything else needed. If you're intersted in helping then I'm sure that the community dev team that will continue to work on the mod seperatly from the SA release would be happy to look at your work.For more info in the development of the SA please read here, it'll answer many of your questions:, thanks for the reply,maintaining 2 different versions of the same game surely will be unortodox, and i think what i suggested would ensure a bigger fanbase for the stand alone, all while respecting the players that unknowinly buy arma 2 solely for dayz a few weeks prior to the "full game", since its pretty clear that those arma 2 sales are for DayZ. again im not one of those, but would be amazing if bohemia did something like that intead of just lowering prices on steam/gog. or simply just start with the preorder of dayz already, that would also pretty much make it clear to the consumers while not letting the uninformed (ones that dont come to the forum and such) be surprised by it and basicly having to pay twice for the full dayz experience (best avaiable) they would expect, in that way maintaining the consumer perception of quality for the franchise. personally, in my opinion, since dayz is becoming a franchise, having a lower quality counterpart with the same name can get confusing and lower the consumer perception of it in the long term.well maybe i´m just thinking too much and i just underestimate the inteligence of consumers, and in reality none of that happens. rocket obviously started something really big, i just think that issue undermines dayz itself in a small way. On 1/13/2013 at 9:04 AM, burritoman259 said: 18 euro's is not too much for something so good,i agree, but theres a lot of competition for games out there, and on sale season you can get 2 AAA titles for that, the question would be if consumers would pay that for a "batman arkham asylum" game or a second copy for the same game they already play (while dealing with all the frustrating issues everyones aware of) and payed for. to me, it hurts the brand in the long run.on another note, you guys should hire frankeionpc to make an official dayz series or something, his dayz videos are amazing. Edited January 13, 2013 by white 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted January 13, 2013 (edited) At the risk of repeating myself, DayZ as a mod has never been advertised or asked for any money, in fact they've turned down many offers of donations. In response to your post, yes, DayZ and it's development is unorthadox. In fact, what has happened in the last year is unheard of in the gaming industry. The SA will be released at a heavily discounted price and will continue to be heavily developed for at least a year. As I said people that bought Arma2 to play DayZ have already purchased a full game, a big one too with lots of content. If they only bought it to play DayZ based on the hype it has attracted via positive feedback then that is their responsibility. It's up to the consumer to know what they are purchasing. When you decide to play DayZ it's pretty hard to miss that fact that what you are actually buying is Arma2.Almost every gaming site makes it very clear (and so do we) that a separate SA is being developed, if people are ignorant of that then there's not a great deal that can be done about it.If there's one criticism that can never be levelled at the DayZ devs it's that they're in it for the money. It really is a black & white issue. You buy Arma2 to play a free mod, the same as any other mod in the past (think Counter Strike) and as a result of that you already own a full game (Arma2), wether you choose to play it or not is up to you but the simple fact remains that what you have purchased is Arma2. The SA is a completely separate game and will be sold and developed as such. The mod has been handed over to the community and will continue to be developed by them for free.Edit - In response to your edit, DayZ has proven that many gamers are sick of the usual AAA flashy titles being spewed out by the big developers with their cynical approach to game design based purely on maximising the amount of money they can prise out of your wallet, that is why it's been so popular, it's even been called an anti-game. So yes, if the development for the SA is done correctly, people will happily choose it over many of the other monotonous titles being released that have nothing original to offer in terms of gameplay. Edited January 13, 2013 by Fraggle 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
white 44 Posted January 13, 2013 On 1/13/2013 at 9:17 AM, Fraggle said: At the risk of repeating myself, DayZ as a mod has never been advertised or asked for any money, in fact they've turned down many offers of donations. i understand that, what im arguing about is the consumer perception of dayz as a product. i´m not saying theres any foul play in any way, far from that, i´m just trying to make a point that might be valid to reasses in order to make it more clear to new consumers of the game and improve the establishment of dayz has a brand. well thats only my opinion of course, i might also be wrong. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted January 13, 2013 (edited) I think if you read any gaming press currently it's hard to miss the fact that a separate game is being developed, everyone in the gaming press is waiting patiently for it's release and much has been written about it over the last couple of months.Anyhoo, there's already been LOT'S of discussion about this and the fact remains that the SA will be charged for as a separate game.It'd be nice to move off of this topic as there's already a few threads about it. Cheers for sharing your views though. :) Edited January 13, 2013 by Fraggle 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
torokfremen 8 Posted January 13, 2013 (edited) On 1/13/2013 at 9:28 AM, white said: i understand that, what im arguing about is the consumer perception of dayz as a product. i´m not saying theres any foul play in any way, far from that, i´m just trying to make a point that might be valid to reasses in order to make it more clear to new consumers of the game and improve the establishment of dayz has a brand. well thats only my opinion of course, i might also be wrong.i overhyped all my friends about dayz mod since the first time i played it and more on last summer, and so they wanted really much to buy it but i stopped them, because i knew that they wouldn't pay for the game twice when SA would come out, because none of my friends even knows what mod means and they aren't that much into gaming to make such a buy, this way i hope they'll eventually end up buying occasional's DLC which may come from what i've read.i need help restraining this bunch of monkey-hyped friends just waiting for the standalone, any tips? :) it's gonna be a hell of a blast of sales!sorry for english, just wanted to share what i think about casual casual casual gamers too, they wouldn't pay for the "same product" which ofcourse we all know is not, twice, but good luck explaining them! people who can't even play with WASD... actually i'm joking on this but you got the point right? :D Edited January 13, 2013 by torokfremen 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted January 13, 2013 I am actually looking forward to playing/watching the progession of the mod even when the SA is out and in full swing. Being community based and with all the differing types of maps and mod varieties (i am currently engrossed with DayZ 2017) it will be interesting to see if the mod and SA keep similarities or in fact diverge to completely different experiences.DayZ started as a mod and with all the community updates may in fact outlast the SA itself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
white 44 Posted January 13, 2013 (edited) On 1/13/2013 at 9:46 AM, torokfremen said: i overhyped all my friends about dayz mod since the first time i played it and more on last summer, and so they wanted really much to buy it but i stopped them, because i knew that they wouldn't pay for the game twice when SA would come out, because none of my friends even knows what mod means and they aren't that much into gaming to make such a buy, this way i hope they'll eventually end up buying occasional's DLC which may come from what i've read.did something liek that with a couple of friends aswell, a few asked me about what i was playing when they saw "arma 2" on my steam, i explained about dayz since my arma days are long gone, and recently arma 2 went on sale on steam and gog, a couple of them asked me about it, if it was worth it for dayz, and i told them to wait till the game itself came out, they arent hardcore players and i knew they would easily get frustrated with an alpha mod, and also, they would get angry if the proper game came out a couple of weeks later. but, the game has been delayed and they probably already forgot all about it. ill remind them when the time comes.i just really hope the stand alone will have way better cpu optimization. Edited January 13, 2013 by white Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Embroil 27 Posted January 13, 2013 On 1/13/2013 at 9:46 AM, torokfremen said: i overhyped all my friends about dayz mod since the first time i played it and more on last summer, and so they wanted really much to buy it but i stopped them, because i knew that they wouldn't pay for the game twice when SA would come out, because none of my friends even knows what mod means and they aren't that much into gaming to make such a buy, this way i hope they'll eventually end up buying occasional's DLC which may come from what i've read.i need help restraining this bunch of monkey-hyped friends just waiting for the standalone, any tips? :) it's gonna be a hell of a blast of salesGot a couple of friends, mostly STALKER and Fallout3 players who like the postapocalyptic idea, but are bored with constant straightforward shooting and quest runing and want something more freeplay like. So I showed them DayZ (the early survival part not the NVG, DMR, skin wearing crawling killing machine), and they loved it and began constatnly asking me about it and the SA. So I just gave them link to this forum, reddit and devblog. Works for them, they read all af it and now patiently wait for the release of SA. In my opinion the only way to restrain is to give them information about what they should expect and with that information make them understand, that patience is the only option. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NonovUrbizniz (DayZ) 137 Posted January 13, 2013 I can't believe people are even suggesting that Bohemia should give away the SA... lol. This MOD was free, and the single best thing that's happened to PC gaming since DOOM... I can't even begin to emphasize what a powerful statement that is for me personally.I had forsaken PC gaming as lost... hadn't updated a PC in YEARS... saw DayZ on youtube and ordered a video card within weeks. Do people not realize if this was an xbox title it would have cost 60 bucks up front (not 20-30 like it is for Arma OA combined ops) then EVERY map that's come out since would have been DLC for 5-10 bucks EACH???Now you want the completely redesigned/engineered game for free?Get real people, I've been almost constantly shocked at the level of entitlement this community (and tech/gaming communities in general) has of what is a SMALL team of people who basically revolutionized PC gaming forever.Why do you lazy couch potato whiners deserve ANYTHING from these guys?? much less a free game lol.Rocket/DevTeam - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET ME TEST THE SA I WILL WORK MY ASS OFF IN ANY DIRECTION YOU ASK!!!!!!!!! 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted January 13, 2013 On 1/13/2013 at 9:06 AM, white said: on another note, you guys should hire frankeionpc to make an official dayz series or something, his dayz videos are amazing.You should read this entire thread: I'm not discussing it here, with risk of getting warned. It's a shame we lost that space of discussion after Griff locked it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Findo (DayZ) 0 Posted January 13, 2013 Looks great thanks Rocket!!!!!!Can you tell us when the Standalone version may be released for the public, if not i understand. Thanks anyway, keep up the good work. :) :D :) :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blackadder (DayZ) 5 Posted January 13, 2013 On 1/13/2013 at 5:02 PM, NonovUrbizniz said: I can't believe people are even suggesting that Bohemia should give away the SA... lol. This MOD was free, and the single best thing that's happened to PC gaming since DOOM... I can't even begin to emphasize what a powerful statement that is for me personally.I had forsaken PC gaming as lost... hadn't updated a PC in YEARS... saw DayZ on youtube and ordered a video card within weeks.Do people not realize if this was an xbox title it would have cost 60 bucks up front (not 20-30 like it is for Arma OA combined ops) then EVERY map that's come out since would have been DLC for 5-10 bucks EACH???Now you want the completely redesigned/engineered game for free?Get real people, I've been almost constantly shocked at the level of entitlement this community (and tech/gaming communities in general) has of what is a SMALL team of people who basically revolutionized PC gaming forever.Why do you lazy couch potato whiners deserve ANYTHING from these guys?? much less a free game lol.Rocket/DevTeam - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET ME TEST THE SA I WILL WORK MY ASS OFF IN ANY DIRECTION YOU ASK!!!!!!!!!What you are forgetting is the Mod was broken and full of bugs, so nowhere near a "proper game" and for that reason it was free and I would not have paid any money for it.Also, to play the mod wasn't free either, you either had already purchased Arma 2 or had to buy it, which will have cost money, so a lot of people have already invested cash in Bohemia/Rocket's direction.What I think people are a little hot under the collar about is the higher than expected initial cost of the first release, especially considering it will not be complete and many important issues have not been address yet,I wouldn't have expected a "free" game, but I just think the price initial price point is a tad too high, whould be £7/€8/$11 max. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites