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Reactions to Banditry

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Right, so I was just running around Cherno with an AKM, when I notice a bandit running in front of me. I decide to open fire, firing 7 rounds at him in total. I only wanted to cripple the guy, I wasn't actually certain I even crippled him. I figured he probably went prone, so I decide to run towards him. As I do so, the poor old kid lets out this almighty scream through his microphone. I think he was so surprised to actually be shot at, he wasn't expecting me at all. The screaming only lasted for a second or two, to which he died. I've been running around Cherno for a good twenty minutes or so after this happened, and I can't stop thinking about it. It sounded so.. real. I usually play as a Bandit too, it wasn't a personal attack towards him being a Bandit, but I haven't killed anyone in quite some time, so I decided to kill him.

What reactions have you had to your Banditry/generally attacking people?

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it wasn't a personal attack towards him being a Bandit, but I haven't killed anyone in quite some time, so I decided to kill him.

Damn..bandit mentality :o

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It was only yesterday I teamed up with a new guy who had only had the game for a week, teaching him some of the ropes. I had to go for a dinner, and decided to spare him. I just told him I needed to go, good luck out there. Admittedly I did want to kill him, but I didn't. I can be nice too. ^^

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Back in the side chat days I'd usually say something in the side chat, hoping to provoke a reaction, so I would get the killer's name.

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I've had a guy (bandit) claim on side that a cease fire had been in effect on the server and that i'd broken it by shooting him. His mates then came after me. I shot them too. That's not banditry to me though.

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A little OT but I'll never forget my first online kill was playing Everquest. My little gnome magician hiding up and the woods while my earth elemental rooted and pounded on this poor elf. What a rush! :)

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Killed a guy at Object A2 yesterday and while it looked like I was camping the entrance I had literally just came up the ladder to hear a guy running around. He complained about it but then another player came and started whispering "bandits are horrible people," and "all bandits must die." I ran out of the compound hoping to catch him but he had a 203 and murdered me at the wall with a well placed shot, had to laugh at the guy hunting me down and murdering me over my bandit ways.

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Target terminated.

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I kill fresh spawns with my shotgun.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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My best DayZ story ever.

I was in Balota an found an axe. Walked to the deer stands, saw another player. A friend of mine who doesn't own the game shouts, "Kill him!!" I don't usually, but eh... Why not. Smash him. Find an AK-47 in a stand, and immediately after, karma strikes and a zombie knocks me out. Reviving with less than 2k blood and a stream of it pouring out of me, I sprint to Cherno for bandages.

I see a new-spawn in the grocery store. I NEVER do this, but I needed his bandage, so I lit him up. He didn't have one. Panicking, below 1k blood, I run out the back and see a hero with a hatchet. He asks, "Did you shoot a guy??" I yell, "I didn't want to, I needed a bandage! I'm going to die, please help!" "Yeah, sure!" We run into the fire station. I crouch, wait for that bandage. He yells, "That was my friend!!" and gives me the axe.

I made a hero murder someone in cold blood through banditry. And it was goddamn hilarious.

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I'm not a bandit, but playing on Namalsk last week I had an interesting encounter. I was about 15 minutes into a life but I was armed to the teeth with that light machine gun that uses ak clips (yay for spawning next to like 5 military installations in the mountains) and was crossing the super long rail bridge on the south part of the map, I was about halfway accross when me and a new spawn who was working his way from the other side noticed each other and he started flipping out over direct "noooo please nooo don't kill me please" while I was trying to shout over him that I was friendly and had no desire to bust a cap in his ass... and then he ran to take cover behind one of the little alcoves on the bridge and logged. Wonder what the guy was so afraid of as he looked like a fresh spawn >_<

On the reverse side of things, I don't bitch and moan on side chat when I get killed and I try to talk my friends out of doing so; sometimes it just happens, no use raging about it to the guy who killed you.

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I guess I'll chime in. I am constantly being reported as a hacker on my server. I will switch profiles once in awhile just to stir up some fear.

Although my banditry is more along the lines baiting and ambushing. I've mastered the art of misdirection so they think I am somewhere else, while I am really placing a satchel charge up,(on a bait car) or positioning myself to kill them.

I hear all sorts of stories of deeds I've done, even though it wasn't me. I feel all tingly inside knowing they fear him so much that anything bad that happens is him!

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