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What is the point of this game now?

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Join only fully populated servers, go to the north west airfield... Chances are high you can start all over again.

Edited by DieBrotmafia

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Join a clan,group up and then you and your squad will figure out what to do. :)

Edited by VldZ

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You're getting too attached to your gear. Of course the game is going to be boring if you avoid trying to find vehicles, players and avoid any confrontation at all -_-

Yup, this dood hit it. That gear is making you forget what the game is about ... start venturing into cities, find a group to roll with, camp a heli-cash, etc.

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I haven't read this thread. I just saw your first point, LordHussyPants and decided to comment on that. The fact that you are asking what is the point now you can't see how many people you have killed, in myview, shows you should not be playing this game but something more PvPer like CoD. This is not a player v player game. It's - and for the love of god I'm sick of saying it - is a survival game set in a sandbox environment where you can play as you choose with the tools available to you. As it's an alpha those tools may change. (That means you can kill players if you like but that is not the purpose of the game. The purpose is different for everyone. If you can't imagine other reasons to play then perhaps you should think about that.)

And that's true for everyone. We are not all killers wanting high kill scores, which is good as that information isn't part of the game. Many of us don't shoot other players ever. I died last night helping a little shitbag with food and water, killing the zeds who attacked him and then got a bullet in the head for my efforts but that's the risk I choose to take.

So there's no point complaining that you don't know how many people you've killed. That information has never been available except in the developers' debug monitor, which is clearly temporary (unless they choose to add it to the standalone) because it's an alpha test mod.

And to everyone who says this is boring or that is boring - you are wrong. If it makes someone happy then it's right for them. It doesn't have to be right for you. If you're happy with the way you play fair enough but stop whining because we won't play the way you want the rest of the world to. Real life isn't like that and neither is dayz.

Edited by Sula
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It doesn't matter how many players you've slaughtered, how long you've been alive for.

What matters is the amount of players you've saved.

Edited by Inception.
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It doesn't matter how many players you've slaughtered, how long you've been alive for.

What matters is the amount of players you've saved.

If thats what your into. Or he could join a private hive such as CA1 where you have a debug screen, extra points for bandit kills, more vehicles, sidechat, more weapons and generally a much more fun and interesting game :)

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This actually sounds outrageously fun. Proper guardian angel.

Yeah but what if the person you're trying to protect spots you and decides to (try) kill you?

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If thats what your into. Or he could join a private hive such as CA1 where you have a debug screen, extra points for bandit kills, more vehicles, sidechat, more weapons and generally a much more fun and interesting game :)

Well generally a bandit is known as a murderer/fresh spawn killer, so...killing a bandit [which is what gaining "Extra points" for bandit kills encourages] could ultimately save/avenge a fallen Survivor.

But yes I see the flaw in my post.

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Well generally a bandit is known as a murderer/fresh spawn killer, so...killing a bandit [which is what gaining "Extra points" for bandit kills encourages] could ultimately save/avenge a fallen Survivor.

But yes I see the flaw in my post.

Plus, you need to study the body to claim the kill. It deters campers that are too scared to come out into the open. With a cry of help in side chat the antibandit patrol can attempt to flush out a bandit invested area! but it comes down to choice but apart from that the loot/zombies also spawn while in vehicle, and more often. Its nice when hovering down and seeing the loot spawning. Come and see ;)

Edited by Captain_Jonno

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the only thing limiting you is your imagination tbh.. you have the equipment of an end of level boss, so go off and be one? stop hiding? go back to the coast? what lies beneath the wookie suit? bandit? hero? - there is no score in this game, at the end of the day it's all about social interaction and having the balls to engage other players other than camping half a mile away and shooting them with your as50.. imho.. try building a camp fire and inviting a few randoms round it and sit for 5 mins for a chat, see what their up too & if you can help them.. course if you're a socially inept moron, looking for some validation through a "score" this might be a difficult concept to get your head around..

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Or you could have a dance party at the NEAF. Some of you guys know what I'm talking about.

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Debug is great.

How about trying to form a group of 5/6 people to work together helping/ hindering others on the server

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Times like this when I get situated and have literally all I can really need, it's player killing / helping time. And when I say player helping, I mean I NEVER help players, but it's at this point in time where players can choose to help others or hurt others (I hurt others). Then when you finally die, it's time to regather the loot you've lost.

Edited by Sterling

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Plus, you need to study the body to claim the kill.

No you don't. All you have to do is simply enjoy the game and not worry about who killed whom or who has killed most players. No one needs to "claim" a kill. Not part of the game.

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Yeah, we need the 'scoreboard' back. While we're at it we should probably implement kill streaks and have electric guitar riffs playing when you die or shoot somebody too.

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I'm on Day 119, I have an L85A2, an AS50, a Ghillie Suit, an M9SD, all the toolbelt equipment and plenty of food and drink running in the forests.


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Pain is weakness leaving the body.

Revel in it.

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Shame on you guys for not seeing what this post was really about. He has been surviving for 119 days, OMFG that is unheard of!...is the type of response he is looking for.

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Bored well your not taking risks such as cars etc you should kill as much as possible while having fun the main point is survive i dont know how you play this game do you have god mode on every body gets killed

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humanity goes up = killed a bandito

humanity goes down = killed some poor sod who didnt deserve it

humanity stays the same = well im sure you can work it out

Humanity staying the same must be kill a poor sod who is also a bandito.


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Go on Namalsk and kill bloodsuckers.

Is it 119 days in-game time?

Edited by Khoysta

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How about you try and find a Mountain Dew? Then you can tell me you've pretty much "completed" DayZ :thumbsup:

There are plenty of options for you on this thread, try one out and see how it goes :)

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The debug monitor has absolutely no effect on the game, except if you want to go to the forums and brag about killing newbies with no weapons.

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