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Sterling (DayZ)

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About Sterling (DayZ)

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  1. Sterling (DayZ)

    How's The Game Lookin'?

    So its been a little over 6 months again, how's the game now?
  2. Sterling (DayZ)

    How's The Game Lookin'?

    Glad to see improvements! Still not quite ready for me to splurge on yet though. See you guys in another few months.
  3. Sterling (DayZ)

    How's The Game Lookin'?

    So its been another 6 months, how's the game looking guys?
  4. Sterling (DayZ)

    How's The Game Lookin'?

    Been a couple of months, figured I'd check back in and see what's up. Were these things ever added?
  5. Sterling (DayZ)

    How's The Game Lookin'?

    Came back because friend from Steam is pushing me to play this with him tonight and wanted to see if there were other responses, glad to see there are. I won't judge the game itself too harshly during this extent, at least not until months later (or next year) when vehicles are hopefully added and the population in game is similar to what it was in DayZ Mod's prime age. Interesting to hear about "persistent objects" being added towards the end of May. Hopefully tents are added to that. Checked out the change log, really cool to see that they're getting more blueprints and crafting going, as well as fixing (and at least acknowledging) a good portion of bugs that arise. EDIT: Also, what's happening in 5 months?
  6. Sterling (DayZ)

    How's The Game Lookin'?

    Fair response, appreciate it. Will come back either in a few months, or next Summer then.
  7. Sterling (DayZ)

    How's The Game Lookin'?

    Played the mod a lot on Arma 2 during its prime. Pre-ordered DayZ Standalone and played it a little bit, loved the enhancements that were made but decided that I'd basically stop playing it until tents and vehicles were added to the game. First off, were these things ever added? Secondly, how's the game looking in general ya'll think?
  8. Sterling (DayZ)

    Vehicles and Tents

    Rocket created a thread titled "Confirmed Upcoming Features for DayZ." A great many things were talked about with estimated release dates (late 2013 and early 2014 being the common time table for most things), but some things that I personally deem exceptionally important, to where it should almost be a priority over most of the things listed on that thread, are not spoken of at all. The implementation of Vehicles and the incorporation of the Tent system being some of those things.
  9. Sterling (DayZ)

    Hows performance on an i7 and GTX 770?

    Your game will run just fine. I'm running a Sapphire 7850 2GB Oc Edition, further OC'd to 1100 mhz, with a I5-2310 2.9ghz sandy bridge quad core CPU and I'm running the game at Normal Settings, 1920x1080 resolution, with "Very High" Antialiasing + View Distance, and I'm getting between 35 and 40 FPS at all times.
  10. Sterling (DayZ)

    Thank you from the people with terrible computers.

    I'm forced to run this on Normal settings (With Antialiasing set to Very High) at 1920x1080 resolution to acquire a steady 40 FPS. I know the struggle, I used to try to play World of Warcraft on a 1995 desktop, we're talking 5 FPS average on the lowest of settings back during Burning Crusade times... yikes.
  11. Sterling (DayZ)

    Bananas are evil in SA :(

    I now know what to do with myself when I'm in the fruit section of the grocery store.
  12. Sterling (DayZ)

    Devil's Castle loot isn't acquirable

    It's actually weird, one item out of the total loot might actually be acquirable from the vicinity window if lucky, but the rest of it usually isn't.
  13. It spawns just underneath each level of the map, standing on top of it doesn't allow you to pick it up.
  14. Sterling (DayZ)

    What I think the night should look like;

    This is one of those things where it comes down to: Realistic vs Fun. Is DayZ's goal to stand out as a "What could realistically happen if a Zombie Apocalypse occurred Simulator," or a "Let's make this as enjoyable as possible." I think they're trying to go for more towards the former, while keeping in mind the idea of enjoyment that can potentially be derived from the game. It's more realistic to have your vision limited from nighttime, so I don't expect for that to change at all anytime soon.
  15. Sterling (DayZ)

    What DayZ Truly Needs

    Fraternity attire.