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About sk-

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Hello All - long time no updates (We've been busy playing!) After a few players complained about items not persisting on Ashes #2 (Hosted by Vilayer) and some back and forth with Vilayer, I finally tested for myself. Placed a backpack, bounced server, logged in, backpack gone! This explains the missing tents, vehicles, etc. Ashes #1 is hosted on Fragnet and overall it's been working well. We're now moving off Vilayer and getting a new persistence server on Fragnet. Details to come. Finally, apologies to anyone that lost items. Nothing more I can do besides move the business to another provider. Sorry! Thanks Trev - been fun gaming with you! http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/37492408382057395/B414AE87B315BF3E613165C527235E705EE85840/
  2. Hmm I mean that sounds great, but you think it's a bug or possibly a result of some tampering / hacking? Fun times regardless!!!
  3. Fun night - lots of rain though - had to keep the fire burning and clothes dry, heh. Being chased by a zombie around Novo (I think...) area (had been wandering the woods) and as I'm prep'n to axe him as I back into the firehouse, I hear rapid "friendly! friendly!" over direct - As I'm axeing the zombie I'm now assessing this new threat - (thinking, damn I'm about to die) but he never takes his axe down to swap for a (flare) gun ... so we chat for a few seconds and on our way - Good fun, no KoS crap. (Osb) well, at least not on _our_ servers, heh. Shot from tonight, captioned "Exploring what's left" http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/37489242702928714/8E8ED23199A3ECB4EED8CD251A9CF765329EF90B/
  4. NEWS: March 23 2015: We are moving Ashes2 (Persistence) OFF Vilayer and onto Fragnet. Details should be updated in the next 24 hours! First off, thanks for stopping by this thread! ‘Ashes of NYC' is run by old school dayz mod lovers that have moved to SA. We have two servers on two different providers - you should always be able to find an ‘Ashes’ server up. Homepage: NYCDayz.com Host: ashes.nycdayz.com:2402 IP:Port: Provider: Fragnet Type: Public Host: ashes2.nycdayz.com:2802 IP:Port: Provider: Vilayer Type: Public Persistent TeamSpeak: ts.nycdayz.com:10012 We welcome everyone; hop on TS to really get the full experience! We try to promote fun and if we stumble into bambies we’ll often provide them some supplies. So come travel, fight and pound tactical bacon with us! Also, don't forget to join our Steam Community: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/NYCDayZ
  5. sk-

    Balota Defence

    Looks fun man -- good times. Nice shooting.
  6. sk-

    Evil Gamers is recruiting!

    Been ages since I played with Oink and Satan - two great guys on the server now. Just submitted an app as well.
  7. Not sure - I was on two nights ago seemed fine just the usual crew wasn't around ... ?
  8. Hey Guys, Sorry I was AFK for a bit - had some shit to take care of. Back on last night on US 174 but didn't see the usual crew. Hope all is well SG!
  9. You are delusioned. Hah - Java is a perfect example of software that runs on Billions of devices and is totally fucked. We've had two 0days in less than 2 months that have been used in the wild for a LONG time. Or look at Android OS - totally fucked from a security perspective. Name any website, server or client technology or application - anyone, and I'll point you to NUMEROUS exploits that can be leveraged to run code remotely. If you know anything about security, there is no silver bullet - it's about layers of defense and balancing useability VS security. For example, want to protect your PC from network attacks, don't connect it to the internet. ........... but that's not REASONABLE. So you have to understand the risk of getting "on-line". Anyways, hacking will always be a problem, but there are NUMEROUS things the SA can do to combat this. A great example of hackers going "all the way" is the 2010 (IIRC) Blackhat talk about beating the Warden in WoW. These hackers basically built a hypervisor to hook *everything* in the OS. Pretty insane amount of work, but somebody will do it. Securing anything is an arms race.
  10. Fun night last night - Played some Takistan Life w/the crew, (sorry about that Cardio =]) then jumped to 174 and took over Cherno for a bit. Things were going great for an hour till a hacker stopped by. We had multiple admins working on it and they got banned quickly. We had to rollback and hopefully everyone continued to have fun. Nice work last night admins - that's some damn fast hacker response.
  11. Hell ya! Will be on this weekend gentz!
  12. sk-

    The BlackBanidts private hive

    Server details ... ?
  13. hehe yeah well that is frustrating. Sorry dood, next time you come through we can go on a gear-run and I'll make sure no SG guys pop you, heh.
  14. heh - well, some might - I didn't. I was the guy in the UAZ (when you had the yellow sedan) and I didn't engage you...I said "sup" and kept on driving ... however you did follow me for a while and because I was rendezvousing with my team, they decided to open fire. Sorry about that! Next time don't follow someone unless 1) you're trying to jack & kill me 2) you want to get killed. hehe