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About captain_jonno

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    On the Coast

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  1. captain_jonno

    Question about FPS and Performance? Sorry =(

    I also have a GTX 690 and its a great card. But only 1 of the gpu's is working for Dayz so it runs pretty crap at 2560x1600. Either nvidia or dayz need to get that sorted. While they slowly update Dayz SA maybe try Arma 3 - Breaking Point mod. Both gpu's run close to max, get smooth 60fps and BP has lots of guns, vehicles, tents, zombies etc :)
  2. captain_jonno


    Agreed SLI needs to be implemented soon! I have a gtx690 and only 1 gpu running. my res is 2560x1600 so the other gpu is very much needed
  3. In real life when you donate blood you regenerate it. So, I assume eating and drinking will speed that process. Did you eat and drink enough so there was nothing being said (thirsty, hungry etc even if green) when your in the gear menu?
  4. captain_jonno

    So is this the beginning of the end for the Dayz mod?

    Arma 3 breaking point is pretty damn good. Improving every day
  5. captain_jonno

    What is the point of this game now?

    Plus, you need to study the body to claim the kill. It deters campers that are too scared to come out into the open. With a cry of help in side chat the antibandit patrol can attempt to flush out a bandit invested area! but it comes down to choice but apart from that the loot/zombies also spawn while in vehicle, and more often. Its nice when hovering down and seeing the loot spawning. Come and see ;)
  6. captain_jonno

    What is the point of this game now?

    If thats what your into. Or he could join a private hive such as CA1 where you have a debug screen, extra points for bandit kills, more vehicles, sidechat, more weapons and generally a much more fun and interesting game :)
  7. captain_jonno

    Crazy Zombies

    Well It has to be challenging and maybe DayZ zombies have evolved into superer zombies with mad skillz.. Though with zombies it would be nice if their movements were a little less jumpy; unable to clip through and attack you through a walls/doors; they actually opened doors rather than walk through them and it slows them down a some; climbing ladders werent as easy.