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What is the point of this game now?

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Now that the debug screen is gone, and I have no measure of kills, what on earth am I supposed to do?

I'm on Day 119, I have an L85A2, an AS50, a Ghillie Suit, an M9SD, all the toolbelt equipment and plenty of food and drink running in the forests.

I have no way of knowing if I've killed someone anymore, and the zombie kills are the only things counted on the scoreboard - but I don't need to go near zombies because I don't need to go scavenging in towns.

So what do I do? I could build a vehicle, but that just makes me a target, not to mention, most of the vehicles are hidden in the back of beyond. Even if I successfully built a car, what would I do with it? Go hunting in the forest with a Ute?

I'm really struggling to know why I should continue to play this. It was so much fun when I first got it, and I put weeks into playing, not always killing, but the scoreboard made it more measurable.

I'd suggest Debug gets returned until some sort of mission/quest system gets implemented. Until that happens, this is a game without a point.

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I dont see what the debug monitor has to do with any part of the game... maybe thats just me though.

To ease your suffering there are still servers that have debug monitor turned on on private hives.

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or note down your kills?

How can you not know if you've killed someone? Dont you loot em?

Or do just snipe away constantly?


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All that hate is going to burn you up.....

...Keeps me warm....

The goal is survival and player experiences...there are plenty of games for stat addicts out there. This is not one of those games.

I mean, no one after a TEOTWAWKI experience would be keeping track of how many players or zeds they have killed. Most people would be just trying to forget how many!

Personally, I empathize with you, however I dont think many people play this game for stats....i could be wrong, but the best times on this game have been survivig with mates and trying to build something that lasts but never does. lol.

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press 'i' to see your kill count etc.

only thing you cant see is humanity and number of Z's

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I dont see what the debug monitor has to do with any part of the game... maybe thats just me though.

To ease your suffering there are still servers that have debug monitor turned on on private hives.

It provides a scoreboard, a point to gauge yourself against. I understand the point of a survival game, but hiding in the woods and running around killing boar and making a fire isn't surviving. That's Stone Age Simulator.

I do play private hives, but those hives are limited to ONE server, and the beauty of DayZ is that it is(or was) playable across all servers. Private hives mean that once a server dies, it's as if an entire gaming community is gone.

How can you not know if you've killed someone? Dont you loot em?

Or do just snipe away constantly?

I haven't been killing anyone in the past few days because I have no need to. If I had friends with me still, I'd kill and then loot for them. Generally you can tell if a name comes up at the same time that you shot that you've got them, but sometimes they'll bleed or log, and it's not 100%, especially if multiple names are dying.

The goal is survival and player experiences...there are plenty of games for stat addicts out there. This is not one of those games.

I mean, no one after a TEOTWAWKI experience would be keeping track of how many players or zeds they have killed. Most people would be just trying to forget how many!

After a TEOTWAWKI experience, people don't have high powered military weapons and self-sufficiency in the wild. Which is exactly what I, and many other players, have got. There is no 'survival'. Zombies aren't a real threat once you have ammunition. Players are, but they're avoidable. There is no reason to visit towns.

Overall I understand the intentions in removing the Debug interface. The scoreboard when you hit 'i' still has Zombie kills, but a game has to have an objective of some sort. Or if it's a sandbox, then it has to be a proper sandbox where you can find a purpose. There is no purpose to DayZ that I can see.

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Stalk a new spawn, and do everything you can to keep him alive without ever making contact or letting him see you. That should be fun for someone like you.

Or hunt for some camps.

Or play on a new map.

Or drop your gear and go with just a hatchet, or nothing at all.

Or see how long you can survive only moving on paved surfaces.

Or run up and down the shore helping people

Or setup random tents everywhere and fill them with cooked meat.

Or kill as many people as possible with a side arm.

Or fortify Cherno or Elecktro with building materails.

Or find an aircraft and taxi people around the map.

Or try to get the hero/bandit skin.

There's endless possibilities, you just have to use your imagination rather than be a slave to some digital counters.

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humanity goes up = killed a bandito

humanity goes down = killed some poor sod who didnt deserve it

humanity stays the same = well im sure you can work it out

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The point of the game is to be a military simulator, you seem to be forgetting that it's a Mod built onto a whole game, if you no longer like to play the mod why not try the game.

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If you love killing so much, why don't you look at the other mods?

Like Wasteland or play Namalsk.

and if you want a pure PVP dayZ map Checkout UTES

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I'd recommend playing the Taviana custom map. By far the most unique and feature-packed + it has a very horror-esque feel about it.

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Or go download ACE2 and ACRE and do some missions on actual Arma. Seriously.... This game is a mod for a game. Play the actual game. Go build a mission from the ground up and become an internet celebrity.

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I'd recommend playing the Taviana custom map. By far the most unique and feature-packed + it has a very horror-esque feel about it.

How is Taviana horrific in any sense of the word? When I think of Taviana I think of cities, beaches, islands, mountains, and inactive volcanos, not much horror there in my eyes. Now I didn't explore the entire map, but I've been through what I'd consider the bulk of it and can't say I ever experienced anything creepier than most other DayZ maps. I asked a friend if he can think of anything "horrific" about it, and he replied saying that the numerous large-fields make it "horror movie-y." Still, would love to hear your input on this, maybe it's possible the areas I never explored were horrific to a degree (Mainly haven't explored the islands, the north eastern most areas of the map, and the south eastern most areas of the map).

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news flash:

there is no scoreboard, there never was..

if u think this game had or needs a scoreboard, your playing the wrong game.

this isnt Quake or any of a thousand other FPS games.

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You shouldn't need a scoreboard. Go find some glorious way to get yourself killed; satchel charges in Elektro should do the job.

Once that is over, install a custom map and join a server. I suggest Namalsk, as it's definitely added the most features and does so in a clean fashion (Aside from maybe the ER7 and bloodsuckers). The scarcity of residental areas brings the game back to fighting for beans and matches rather than guns.

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This is one of the main problems Day-Z standalone will face - the OPs question.

In my ideal Day-Z the need to survive will force you to keep going back to the cities, or force you to keep playing.

But yes, when you get to that point in the game the only thing you can do is die.

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Now that the debug screen is gone, and I have no measure of kills, what on earth am I supposed to do?

I'm on Day 119, I have an L85A2, an AS50, a Ghillie Suit, an M9SD, all the toolbelt equipment and plenty of food and drink running in the forests.

I have no way of knowing if I've killed someone anymore, and the zombie kills are the only things counted on the scoreboard - but I don't need to go near zombies because I don't need to go scavenging in towns.

So what do I do? I could build a vehicle, but that just makes me a target, not to mention, most of the vehicles are hidden in the back of beyond. Even if I successfully built a car, what would I do with it? Go hunting in the forest with a Ute?

I'm really struggling to know why I should continue to play this. It was so much fun when I first got it, and I put weeks into playing, not always killing, but the scoreboard made it more measurable.

I'd suggest Debug gets returned until some sort of mission/quest system gets implemented. Until that happens, this is a game without a point.

You're getting too attached to your gear. Of course the game is going to be boring if you avoid trying to find vehicles, players and avoid any confrontation at all -_-

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Hoard cars like a madman (don't drive them around, just collect them for the sake of others NOT having them), try new maps, try for a hero skin (takes much longer and is much more dangerous than receiving a bandit skin)... Make the game your own.

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So you need the debug just so you could brag about your kills? WTF?

Edited by TSAndrey

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Stalk a new spawn, and do everything you can to keep him alive without ever making contact or letting him see you. That should be fun for someone like you.

This actually sounds outrageously fun. Proper guardian angel.

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So you need the debug just so you could brag about your kills? WTF?

No. I wanted the Debug to track some progress because there isn't anything resembling objectives at all other than the tally.

This actually sounds outrageously fun. Proper guardian angel.

Yeah I was liking this idea best of the list.

You're getting too attached to your gear. Of course the game is going to be boring if you avoid trying to find vehicles, players and avoid any confrontation at all -_-

Vehicles are impossible to find. Players I'm trying to find. I'm sticking around Starry / NW, but nothing happens.

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I got to a similar stage ages ago. Once you get the good gear major paranoia hits and you almost become too scared to interact with anyone since you dont want to lose your good shit (i never use tents)

So what i did was die and respawn - and i havent looked back. I love roaming between Cherno and Elektro, hatchet in hand. You meet people (good and bad) and you just have fun. I dont think i have been further north than Pusta for 5 months.

Of course i have also tried other maps, which greatly add to the variety - my tip at the moment is DayZ 2017 - no military loot at all, hardly any tinned food - real survival. The Hobo Life.

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