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Global Age verification system for servers

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I would like to see an age verificationsystem with maybe creditcard micropayment or idscan f.e.

So you can setup a server where people have to be f.e. at least 21years old to play on it.

I think that would have multiple benefits for the players.

1. I hope mature players mostly have some more morale. So cheating might be less often used.

2. You just can play with people in your age if you want.

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It is impossible to do. And for the people who see this post, please, not all 18- years old are annoying(I had more fun playing with kids than I did by playing with adults because they think they are soooo mature and so much better than the others.) Let them have fun and don't generalize, you are insulting like 99% of the kids who play just because of the bad experience you had with the 1%.

Pardon me if I made some mistakes english is not my main language.

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Kids can use their parents card, This has been brought up many times before, search like it says in the sticky before posting again.

Edit: Read this, like you're meant to: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1522-please-read-before-posting/

Edited by MacabreLlama99

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even a four year old is smart enough to lie to the age checking thingy. Also I know plenty of kids who games games and aren't annoying.

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1. people could lie and 2. im 15 and i can tell you im not some squeaky little kid, infact i'd say im a lot more mature then alot of players on dayz

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Age is no indicator of maturity. Regarding the Credit Card system it's not practical.

Edited by Fraggle
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Age is no indicator of maturity. Regarding the Credit Card system it's not practical.

What I was trying to say +to read the sticky thing. :)

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Would be about as successful as those age verification pages where you have to input your birthday before access a website.

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Sure, i have met some "mature" 18-21 year olds but to be frank, that is the exception to the norm. And ALL of the youngsters i have met say they are "so mature for their age" but when it comes down to it they never are. Especially when they say they are! In the case of <18 year old i just can't take them seriously, i mean they can be fun to play with at times but it doesn't take long for their immaturity to shine through whether they like it or not.

That's not to say there aren't any immature 21+ year olds too, heck i am one of them at most times when gaming because i play to enjoy myself in any way i see fit. What differs me from the "kids" is i CAN be mature if needed and stay mature for extended, tedious, boring periods of time. That's not something i expect anyone fresh out of college or who hasn't had his own home and life with full responsibilities and financial stability for a few years. That is what makes you mature, by becoming completely self sufficient and having "been there" without your mother coming around every other day to do your laundry or otherwise help you when you have the slightest problem like a overdue rent.

You grow up when you learn to take responsibility for your own actions.

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1. people could lie and 2. im 15 and i can tell you im not some squeaky little kid, infact i'd say im a lot more mature then alot of players on dayz

That's what they all say.

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You grow up when you learn to take responsibility for your own actions.

And many are forced to do that before they are 18. Not everyone grows up being spoon-fed.

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And many are forced to do that before they are 18. Not everyone grows up being spoon-fed.

That is true, like i said i have met some mature 18-21 year olds. The problem with teenagers is they are still in a transition phase. It comes with the territory so to speak.

And in any other case, this picture is still very true!


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Hello there

Regardless of whether "kids" are mature or not, how would this be achieved, controlled and enforced? AFAIK it just cannot be done.



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Sure, i have met some "mature" 18-21 year olds but to be frank, that is the exception to the norm. And ALL of the youngsters i have met say they are "so mature for their age" but when it comes down to it they never are. Sort of true. If you have to specify something about yourself, yourself, it's probably not true. (A lot like rappers calling themselves "real." The ones that don't say that of themselves are the real "real" ones.) Especially when they say they are! In the case of <18 year old i just can't take them seriously, i mean they can be fun to play with at times but it doesn't take long for their immaturity to shine through whether they like it or not. And now I couldn't disagree with you more. Although yes, there are a lot of immature kids, which is rather natural. But some of the most mature people I've met are underage. Sometimes even by a couple years. It's really quite amazing how a 16 year old can be more mature than those in their 20s, 30s or 40s.

Edit; For comparison; Back when I was 14(and just turned 15), I asked from an online friend of mine(who was completely unaware of my actual age) to estimate my age based on how I acted around her. She guessed 40. Fucking. Forty. At fifteen. And this was someone I had been around for a good year before asking. And no, she wasn't some kid, either. She was 22.

That's not to say there aren't any immature 21+ year olds too, heck i am one of them at most times when gaming because i play to enjoy myself in any way i see fit. What differs me from the "kids" is i CAN be mature if needed and stay mature for extended, tedious, boring periods of time. That's not something i expect anyone fresh out of college or who hasn't had his own home and life with full responsibilities and financial stability for a few years. That is what makes you mature, by becoming completely self sufficient and having "been there" without your mother coming around every other day to do your laundry or otherwise help you when you have the slightest problem like a overdue rent.

"Maturity in psychology has little to do with age, but with the ability to react, cope and reason in an appropriate way for the situation. Maturity is learned through experiences and comes from healthy growth, just like a strong body. A parent gives a child food, rest and exercise for the growth of a strong body. Guidance in coping with emotional situations is what is needed to grow in maturity. The way a person deals with a crisis or makes decisions are good clues about their level of maturity."

You grow up when you learn to take responsibility for your own actions.

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man

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It wouldnt seem like a scam at all that you have to input your CC info to confirm your age, rite guys?

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1. there are teens who play dayz more maturely than 20 somethings.

2. most 20 somethings act 14 yrs old.

3. this would be good for the 40+ guys (and mature ppl in general)

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I really do hate this discussion...

Yes, not every 12-15 year old is immature...as said before...

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3. this would be good for the 40+ guys (and mature ppl in general)

I'm 40plus and not very mature at all.



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i'm 17 and i feel kinda offended by this post... D:

what is so bad about akting "childish" from time to time? you never stop being a child... even thou i'm a "little <18" i play alot with older people and everyone makes stupid jokes on teamspeak and stuff... what is the fun part of being mature all the time? it's a game and not a business meeting. if i play games i want to have fun.

in fact, for you, what exactly means "mature"?

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people who think that all children are immature and annoying is in fact less mature than the people you are insulting and i can see others think that kids are mature enough i mean even if so whats going to stop a server accessing your credit card?

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It looks little bit like discrimination or something..

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i'm 17 and i feel kinda offended by this post... D:

what is so bad about akting "childish" from time to time? you never stop being a child... even thou i'm a "little <18" i play alot with older people and everyone makes stupid jokes on teamspeak and stuff... what is the fun part of being mature all the time? it's a game and not a business meeting. if i play games i want to have fun.

in fact, for you, what exactly means "mature"?

It is not so much about being capable of being or acting immature, everybody can do that.

It's about being capable of being mature and acting mature when it matters that makes the big difference.

I mean, i can swear, 13375P34K and be a total fuckwad at any time i want. I don't care what random people on the internet thinks of me.

I can backstab, be mean, flame, be condescending, act superior and be a "know it all" just for fun.

I can also behave myself, show my maturity and not stoop to other peoples level if it actually matters to me. Even if some random douchebag is being childish in any situation i can be mature and just walk away or provide a mature counter argument to anything he has to say if i have anything to gain from that and feel i have the energy to even bother.

Can you maintain such a level of maturity for extended periods of time or will you eventually fall prey to your inexperience and/or lack of patience and eventually "lose" the argument by saying or doing something silly, childish or derogatory to get back at the other party?

Like i said before, it's not impossible for a young person to have this experience and composure but it's still highly unlikely.

If you feel you need to defend yourself then that too is a sign of immaturity, if you are mature then you are also confident enough in yourself to know it's not actually directed at you personally and is a generalization. A group of people that make up the majority that you luckily aren't a part of.

Does this mean i am immature for claiming most people under the age of 21 are immature? Well, yes and no. I am stating a well known fact of life but of course i am being harsh in a rather immature way for speaking out about it. Sometimes you just have to do that though, even if it's lower down the "manners" scale.

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i have to agree with you, but i don't get this

If you feel you need to defend yourself then that too is a sign of immaturity

if i think i'm right i will defend myself and my opinion, does this make me immature?

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