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31 Good

About nobody

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    Czech Republic
  • Interests
    Killing Zeds :D
  1. nobody

    Make this mod alive again!

    I would try this server for sure. thanks man. You should come check Europa servery, pretty awesome ones.. (almost constantly 50+ players) Anyways I still want more frequent updates, basiclly more people to get in to the mod again, I am sure there are lots of people that would enjoy the mod, seems like they just forgot about it. This is good example how hacking ruins the game.. almost killed it. And the SA release didnt help too... It's just a sad story of a great game. and I want it to make a comeback!
  2. More updates, more publicity.. make some people love the mod again! I miss the old days so much...
  3. nobody

    Armor/Planes/Mortars/HMG for standalone

    Almost every idea you post before... I liked. But this one? Dude, no :/
  4. nobody

    Zombie guts (SA idea)

    Cons: High chance of infection whilst zombie organs are in your backpack, slightly lesser chance of infection whilst wearing the organs, comes off when it rains exposing you to the Zombies/players due to aggro. Players have to walk (CTRL) to avoid aggro, Return to school, you can't read. ;)
  5. nobody

    Reset of character

    Cool, thanks for your replies guys :)
  6. Hello, I don't know why, but for some reason I am keep spawning with bandit skin I used to play on private hives and unofficial map, recently I cameback to official chernarus servers. But for some reason I am bandit, I did not kill anyone and I am mostly friendly guy and I am not enjoying killing other people instead of being friendly with them, my bandit skin simply doesn't allow me to be friendly cuz everyone who see me, just shoot my in da face :(.. I would like to start again with my normal humanity.. is that possible? Can you reset my character? Player ID: 60806AX Nick: Fox_Cz (Keep in mind, that I am not from english speaking country :D)
  7. nobody

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Why? I liked those cans :(
  8. nobody

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    CZECH LANGUAGE!! YAAAAAY <3 :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:
  9. Exactly same happend to my friends. No hacking, but they have been banned... so they bought a new ArmA and then got banned again... For any reason only I am still able to play...
  10. nobody

    Blind firing

  11. nobody

    [SA] Firearm Safeties

    Why do you guys have a problem with this suggestion it's simply, usefull and great!!! if you don't like safety.. just press a freakin' "F" to change a firemode... +1 for this suggestion .. Recently, I started to have kinda tendency to keep pressing LMB, dunno why :D .So yeah. I agree with this suggestion AT ALL!!!
  12. nobody

    Functional Glasses

    I am sure... Well, it could bring reallistic aspect into a game. However, I am not sure if I want this to be implemented :/