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Global Age verification system for servers

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It is not so much about being capable of being or acting immature, everybody can do that.

It's about being capable of being mature and acting mature when it matters that makes the big difference.

I mean, i can swear, 13375P34K and be a total fuckwad at any time i want. I don't care what random people on the internet thinks of me.

I can backstab, be mean, flame, be condescending, act superior and be a "know it all" just for fun.

I can also behave myself, show my maturity and not stoop to other peoples level if it actually matters to me. Even if some random douchebag is being childish in any situation i can be mature and just walk away or provide a mature counter argument to anything he has to say if i have anything to gain from that and feel i have the energy to even bother.

Can you maintain such a level of maturity for extended periods of time or will you eventually fall prey to your inexperience and/or lack of patience and eventually "lose" the argument by saying or doing something silly, childish or derogatory to get back at the other party?

Like i said before, it's not impossible for a young person to have this experience and composure but it's still highly unlikely.

If you feel you need to defend yourself then that too is a sign of immaturity, if you are mature then you are also confident enough in yourself to know it's not actually directed at you personally and is a generalization. A group of people that make up the majority that you luckily aren't a part of.

Does this mean I am immature for claiming most people under the age of 21 are immature? Well, yes and no. I am stating a well known fact of life but of course I am being harsh in a rather immature way for speaking out about it. Sometimes you just have to do that though, even if it's lower down the "manners" scale.

yes but I'm pretty sure I've met ALOT of 12-18 year olds who don't lose their composure...your generalization isn't what you say it is it's an accusation based of some kids on a YouTube (that's a guess) video and a stereotype that isn't very accurate...not all children are immature there are tonnes of mature children.

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New studies show that 88% of skiddies use mommies credit card so it would show up as them being over that age but in reality they are well below it.

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If you feel you need to defend yourself then that too is a sign of immaturity.

My brain just died.

Like i said before, it's not impossible for a young person to have this experience and composure but it's still highly unlikely.

First of all; I feel bad for you. You must have lived a very sad life around a lot of immature people.

Because people are not the same everywhere. Just because the area(s) you've been to have had kids that act childish/immature in real life, that doesn't mean that everybody acts that way no matter where you look.

If your examples come from real life; Then here's a fun thing. Immaturity grows in numbers among younger people. (Even some adults.) While adults are forced to act mature and "as an example" to the kids in public. It's peer pressure by standards and publicity.

If your examples come from gaming experience, the guess what? Games are meant to be played FOR FUN. You don't have to take things seriously nor do you have to show your mature side while online. It's not a class room, nor a business meeting. (Thanks for that example, random poster.)

Edit; Did you know that a lot of people use gaming to vent their real life pressures? If someone has a lot of stress, they might grab a controller(or a mouse and keyboard), put their headset on, and play some violent, high-action video game while shouting at EVERYBODY for the slightest mistake they do, because they can, and it helps them get some of that excess pent up energy out. Just because you heard some guy call you a faggot on Call of Duty while repeatedly shooting your corpse in the face with a shotgun, that doesn't mean he's overly aggressive in real life situations. He might be the most quiet person in class or the most efficient worker in the company when the game is turned off.

If you feel you need to defend yourself then that too is a sign of immaturity, if you are mature then you are also confident enough in yourself to know it's not actually directed at you personally and is a generalization. A group of people that make up the majority that you luckily aren't a part of.

Like I said before, I cannot fathom where your logic comes from. Even for the definition of 'generalization' you have. You are putting a standard on EVERYONE in a VERY vast category with VERY different situations and conditions, based on a few conditions and the majority of people. Generalization is NEVER a good thing. And calling someone immature for disagreeing with you when you do, is in fact, idiotic. (And no, saying that does not qualify in me being immature.)


1. "A general statement or concept obtained by inference from specific cases."


1. (of a person or their behavior) "Having emotional or intellectual development appropriate to someone younger."

Does this mean i am immature for claiming most people under the age of 21 are immature? Well, yes and no. I am stating a well known fact of life but of course i am being harsh in a rather immature way for speaking out about it. Sometimes you just have to do that though, even if it's lower down the "manners" scale.

It's not really a case of maturity. It's a case of narrow-mindedness, which applies to you greatly when it comes to the topic of the maturity in people.

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man
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My brain just died.

Lucky you...

As for your other replies, I have been around and it's the same in most places. I think your area would be the exception to the norm then.

But you seem rather angry and hateful so i will just leave you to your own thoughts.

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But you seem rather angry and hateful so i will just leave you to your own thoughts.

Not really. I'm just rather opinionated, hence my forum title above my avatar.

Edit; Like a friend of mine said, after showing him this thread;

"It's funny how in this day and age, intellectual = angry and hateful."

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man

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This threat needs to die. Everyone is saying the same thing just rewording it slightly.

Was a dumb suggestion anyway.

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I would like to see an age verificationsystem with maybe creditcard micropayment or idscan f.e.

So you can setup a server where people have to be f.e. at least 21years old to play on it.

I think that would have multiple benefits for the players.

1. I hope mature players mostly have some more morale. So cheating might be less often used.

2. You just can play with people in your age if you want.

I hope this comes one day...on the other hand there are also a few immature adults.

What i think you want to say is "Games to those who are PEGi enough" ???

Edited by Enforcer

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I would like to see an age verificationsystem with maybe creditcard micropayment or idscan f.e.

So you can setup a server where people have to be f.e. at least 21years old to play on it.

I think that would have multiple benefits for the players.

1. I hope mature players mostly have some more morale. So cheating might be less often used.

2. You just can play with people in your age if you want.

Do you think hackers/cheaters wont find a way to beat age restriction by maybe, using other people's ID card? Or simply their dad's?

Edited by GeneticFreak

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