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DayZ Standalone Discussion

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There has been an increase of about 20,000 new players on DayZ over the past week or so. With this I feel that Bohemia is involved with the delay of the DayZ SA.

Edited by Rick bon Dock

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That's our web dudes ideas. He's not working on the game.

Hes got some clean looking ideas.

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Hes got some clean looking ideas.

Some are quite bad. Especially on a HCI bases.

They look pretty but the overall problem is that it overloads the user with information, this is a problem when the mechanics operate on real-time. You'll spend more time focusing more on the interface than the actual environment and those extra seconds you waste could potentially get you killed. Arma 2 is already clunky enough as it is.

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Some are quite bad. Especially on a HCI bases.

They look pretty but the overall problem is that it overloads the user with information, this is a problem when the mechanics operate on real-time.

I'd have to agree with this. From what I've heard about the standalone, they're very much looking to strip confusion out of the game and simplify things, which includes interface UI and inventory etc. I'm expecting something far more streamlined and easy on the eye, but I guess only time will tell.

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Today I heard a pretty outlandish rumor, and I'm not sure at all if it's true or not but it would make perfect sense in a profit oriented way. Anyway to the rumor- I heard today that the standalone could already be complete (I have no idea how close it is to be released- no more than what i hear from rocket doing his video interviews/conferences). And the reason that it is not being released is because Arma2+Arma2 Operation Arrowhead is still selling quite well. Someone mentioned it would be bad business to release a finished polished product to compete with your old product that continues to sell well to this day.

Now I know this sounds pretty far out- but if im honest, I dont think anyone really has any knowledge of how complete the game is, and from a business perspective it would make perfect sense to delay the release of rockets game when the mod is still attracting many many players to purchase Arma2+Arma2OA to play DayZ.

Anyway this all could be conjecture and hear-say but I'd like your opinion, and if possible any news/progress on the standalone.

Anyhow lets hope they're wrong and rocket and his team are workin their *** off to get this finished and completed for us loyal fans.


Edited by evil.piggeh

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I think the vast majority of people who are interested have probably already bought ARMA2. When they do release the stand alone it will be a fucking money cow.

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I think its possible. The sales end what? Jan 5th?... something like that... wouldn't be surprised to see a release date then or shortly after... wouldn't surprise me if BIS applied a little pressure to old Rocket, to keep him quiet until the statics of the downloads slow down for this reason...

Perhaps... *chin rub*

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I think its possible. The sales end what? Jan 5th?... something like that... wouldn't be surprised to see a release date then or shortly after... wouldn't surprise me if BIS applied a little pressure to old Rocket, to keep him quiet until the statics of the downloads slow down for this reason...

Perhaps... *chin rub*

Yeah i couldn't help but ponder it myself when someone mentioned it to me. I think it'd be fairly easy for BiS to keep Rocket quiet for a while. You know what companies are capable of when it comes to profits... but who knows.

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I think the vast majority of people who are interested have probably already bought ARMA2. When they do release the stand alone it will be a fucking money cow.

Even today i came accross a youtube comment on a video which said they were buying arma2 combined ops today- so i know it is definately still selling- but once the standalone comes out... whos gonna buy it then?

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Arma II is still the 19th top seller of ALL games on Steam... that says a lot in itself right there... :|

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Could they be delaying the launch due to WarZ getting absolutely slated in the various internet media?

Anyone who knows what they're on about knows the difference between the two games, but perhaps the general public are still seething, and DayZ is waiting in the shadows for things to calm down. The name is similar, so uninformed folk might think DayZ is another WarZ, when we all know it's very much the opposite. WarZ has slightly ruined the genres reputation with their big public mess and I imagine Rocket and co aren't too happy. It''s put a scar on the genre, unnecessarily.

Anyway, all assumptions.

Edited by Mr Mouse

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So your complaint is people buying Arma 2 CO for $15 and DAYZ SA alpha for $30 still being cheaper than a POS console game for $60 is a rip off?

Arma 2 is no means the greatest game in the world in my mind (I got it in June and have just barely begun to play it), but between the armory and a few of the challenges I feel it is a great steal for that price. You are getting 2 games for the cost of ordering takeout.

PLUS, I'm going to assume with all the work on SA they probably don't have extra features like the armory from Arma. Where else are you going to hone your piloting skills? Last night I was flying around chernarus with an alt of 20-30 going at least 100km until i hit a power line telephone pole . GREAT FUN !!!

Edited by Charb

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Arma II is still the 19th top seller of ALL games on Steam... that says a lot in itself right there... :|

Makes alot of sense from a BiS business perspective to delay the standalone doesnt it?

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Could they be delaying the launch due to WarZ getting absolutely slated in the various internet media?

Anyone who knows what they're on about knows the difference between the two games, but perhaps the general public are still seething, and DayZ is waiting in the shadows for things to calm down. The name is similar, so uninformed folk might think DayZ is another WarZ, when we all know it's very much the opposite. WarZ has slightly ruined the genres reputation with their big public mess and I imagine Rocket and co aren't too happy. It''s put a scar on the genre, unnecessarily.

Anyway, all assumptions.

In my opinion now wouldve been a great time to release DayZ standalone if it was in a completed polished fully optimized state because all of the people dissapointed with WarZ would instead get the refund they deserve and instead spend it on the DayZ stand alone, so i dont think this factors into their decision of when to release. But extra profit definately would be a factor. Plus with 1+ million anticipating a launch and those people telling everyone else how much fun it is, they could get another 500,000+ ARMA2+OA sales if they keep putting it back a few more months. With DayZ videos being spread all over youtube and DayZ being talked about it probably thousands of sites they could easily make that number. Remember, companies care about one thing- PROFITS. - and whether we like it or not Dean Hall is not the owner of BiS.

Edited by evil.piggeh

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So your complaint is people buying Arma 2 CO for $15 and DAYZ SA alpha for $30 still being cheaper than a POS console game for $60 is a rip off?

No complaint, but it would be pretty sneaky if its true. I was also told a different price was going to be set for the standalone at deans discretion but i guess non of this is set in stone.

Edited by evil.piggeh

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In my opinion now wouldve been a great time to release DayZ standalone if it was in a completed polished fully optimized state because all of the people dissapointed with WarZ would instead get the refund they deserve and instead spend it on the DayZ stand alone...

I think the problem lies with how he was considering releasing the game. As far as I was aware (things might have changed) he said they were considering simply getting the game out there and adding onto it here and there over time. Now that (the game that will not be mentioned) released an 'alpha' game to the public, flopping tremendously, things might have changed over at DayZ headquarters; they might be making sure that the game has more polished aspects and added features before the game is released.

You're right though, what I'm saying could be nonsense, and the decision could be purely based around profit. I'm no mind reader.

Edited by Mr Mouse

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Today I heard a pretty outlandish rumor, and I'm not sure at all if it's true or not but it would make perfect sense in a profit oriented way. Anyway to the rumor- I heard today that the standalone could already be complete (I have no idea how close it is to be released- no more than what i hear from rocket doing his video interviews/conferences). And the reason that it is not being released is because Arma2+Arma2 Operation Arrowhead is still selling quite well. Someone mentioned it would be bad business to release a finished polished product to compete with your old product that continues to sell well to this day.

I think you're grossly overestimating what the standalone is meant to contain. It's a recoding of the engine to run DayZ more optimally, not the entire finished game. That's still a year away at least.

Now I know this sounds pretty far out- but if im honest, I dont think anyone really has any knowledge of how complete the game is, and from a business perspective it would make perfect sense to delay the release of rockets game when the mod is still attracting many many players to purchase Arma2+Arma2OA to play DayZ.

That might have a slight correlation, I agree with you there. But I would not speculate quite like that to the promise made earlier this year to get the standalone out by the end of the year. He'll release it when it's ready for release, and even then it'll only be an alpha build.

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I think the problem lies with how he was considering releasing the game. As far as I was aware (things might have changed) he said they were considering simply getting the game out there and adding onto it here and there over time. Now that (the game that will not be spoken) released an 'alpha' game to the public, flopping tremendously, things might have changed over at DayZ headquarters; they might be making sure that the game has more polished aspects and added features before the game is released.

You're right though, what I'm saying could be nonsense, and the decision could be purely based around profit. I'm no mind reader.

Ahhh right I get what you're saying now. Theres was an interview- or something I had read and im paraphrasing but dean said something like- "after working tirelessly all year, me and the team feel we need a bit of a break and we couldnt make the schedule in time, but on the plus side we have more time to fix bugs and polish and optimize the game to a fuller potential than if we released and built on it".

I apologise if thats completely inaccurate but i vaguely remember it was something like that. Also wouldnt be suprised if it had something to do with 2 of the BiS employees being arrested in Greece.

I dont re-call if it was here or somewhere else he said it, I really cant be sure. But rocket always comes accross genuine- but even if you are genuine person and your lifes work is at stake you will say anything to keep the ball rolling. So who knows.

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