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About Jonsse

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  1. Jonsse

    Night time gameplay

    There seems to be a misunderstanding to what it's like to play during the night without gamma/brightness adjustment. Chemlights, the flashlight and flares enable you to see something during the night, but they make you a huge target of opportunity, even to zombies. Without them there is no gameplay, not during the dark nights. That's the problem, it means that when the server is dark, no-one that does not have NVG's can play. You have to turn Gamma and brightness way up just to see a well 2 meters in front of you. And because you can fix the vision hindrance externally, playing without it means you're at a huge disadvantage. That does not encourage people to play, and that is never a good feature. What's wrong with NVG's is that they're not goggles, they're darkness removal filters? The NVG's should provide vision similar to binoculars, just without zoom. They should not just remove darkness and tint everything green. And they should not work in 3rd person view. It goes against the reason why games like Arma2 have third person mode, for spacial awareness. Something that can not be simulated on a computer screen in first person. When you're wearing night vision goggles you should have no spacial awareness. They have low field of view, just like binoculars. All this stems from Arma2 being a single player game. The NVG's are designed to be too powerful of an advantage for multiplayer.
  2. Nerf rocks, they're too OP.
  3. Jonsse

    Night time gameplay

    The problem with nighttime is that it's a game. In real life circumstances you would not wander around woods and towns in complete darkness, you would find a place to sleep, or wait out the night. But in a game you're supposed to play, and having the game pitch black just means that you can't play right now. That's not very fun. It's counter intuitive regarding game design. Taking real life as a comparison; human eyes get used to the dark pretty quickly. It's nowhere near as good as some animals like cats see, but you can make out shapes and get proper depth perception. So even on a cloudy night with no lightpollution from city lights you're able to see something, not much, but something. So adjusting gamma and brightness is not cheating because there is no function in the game to emulate true vision in the dark. Or a function to facilitate nighttime gameplay. We have to make our own. And because it's a game, the darkness affects zombies hardly at all. If zombies saw as much as you, they would not be able to distinguish you from other zombies even if they bumped in to you while walking. So in a lot of ways, nighttime gameplay is very broken. It has great atmosphere, but in regards to gameplay it just doesn't work. It's clearly designed for singleplayer.
  4. Jonsse

    Learning to fly

    Hilarious, a roughly similar incident happened with my squad when we found our first working helicopter and tried to fly it next to a gas tank to refuel it. It promptly crashed not 1 minute from takeoff in to nearby trees. --------------------------------------- I've found the default controls to be extremely unintuitive. You can fly with them no problem, but landing without auto-hover is dreadfully difficult. My controls: Mouse-Y: Nose down/Nose up Mouse-X: Roll W/S: Throttle Q/E: Rudder A/D: Turn Then only downside to this is that looking around with the mouse becomes slightly more difficult since you have to get out of mouse look to control the heli. I've crashed a few helis when mouselook gets toggled by accident, have since removed that option. Would be awesome if you could turn your head in the heli and it would stay at that direction. Since if you want to land without auto-hover as I prefer to do, 3rd person is almost mandatory. You can't see anything from the default look direction.
  5. Jonsse

    New tweet from Rocket

    That is awesome! Hope we can see some gameplay footage soon. Can't wait!
  6. Jonsse

    DayZ SA system requirements

    Standalone: - Less client side calculations - Zombies have much less polygons - Many multi player oriented optimizations Arma 2 is designed to be a single player game. So it shouldn't be that hard to optimize it better for multi player performance. I wouldn't worry about it, worse case scenario: it works as well as DayZ Mod, best case scenario: Valve/Blizzard level orgasmic performance.
  7. My idiot moment(one of many): I was about to give my buddy a transfusion and accidentally shot him in the leg with my CZ550 when the options menu disappeared. After this I was "encouraged" to bind the menu select button to another button since my middle mouse button does not work and I had used mouse1 for the options menu.
  8. I believe the situation is like this. (This has been said before, everyone knows and agrees that the gun damages are grossly unbalanced) In Arma 2 players have 6000 health, for DayZ it was doubled for gameplay reasons. And all the damage values of the weapons are built around Arma 2. Lower caliber weapons have lower values because in Arma 2 by default every target is wearing a bullet proof vest. So for dayz health is doubled to prevent assault rifles from killing you with 2 shots, and higher caliber rifles from being one shot kills. This unfortunately made some of the lower end weapons very inefficient. The fix for this would be to change the damage values of the weapons. But since that hasn't been done yet it's reasonable to assume that it's either impossible to do or at least extremely difficult. So in short, weapon damage will probably be much more uniformed in the standalone.
  9. Answer: No Not because of what happened this week. But because we don't deserve anything, we're privileged to receive devblog updates. If the devs don't have anything new to say, then why should they bother. If they do, what would community drama have to do with the dev blog.
  10. Jonsse

    Hatchet and the main weapon.

    I feel your concern. It's a powerful weapon against zombies, but made unnecessarily difficult to use. But that's not because of the weapon itself. It's very nicely coded in to the engine already considering. The problems inherent in the hatchet have a lot more to do with Inventory and how weapons are managed in the Arma 2 engine. So there's a disconnect with how the Hatchet should work and how it can be made to work within the confines of the Arma 2 engine. I'm not sure if it is possible to change the Hatchet to be a sidearm, I'm not a modder. It would be a feasible course of action to just remodel a sidearm as the new hatchet. That is if it's not possible to morph the current one to take up the sidearm slot instead of the main weapon slot.. The hatchet is also tied to another feature in the game, that's probably why you need to be able to put it on your toolbelt. No-one would haul around a melee weapon that takes 10 inventory slots just so they could gather some wood from the forest.
  11. Jonsse

    My criticisms of DayZ mod/Standalone

    I think you're about 6 months early giving any critique on DayZ SA. A lot of your points are just unnecessary criticism on features perceived to be in the Standalone rather than what is. We've basically seen one video, a couple of screenshots and a lot of text explaining some of the development. Standalone isn't out yet. They've barely started internal testing. The reason you know even this much is because Rocket want us, the fans, to be kept in the loop. At this point in any normal game development you would barely even know the title of the game, let alone have a 10minute video showing of a few recently implemented features. So you can blow out hot air all day long, but it won't change anything. If you feel you'll be dissatisfied when we eventually get to play DayZ SA, then you can do us all a favor and GTFO now.
  12. Jonsse

    Any tips on how to keep a helcopter?

    Don't hide helicopters. There's only one per server normally. If you hide it too well, you deprive other players of their endgame. Fix it, fly it, have fun with it and then leave it or destroy it. So someone else or you can find it fresh and do the same thing.
  13. Jonsse

    Am I going to be banned?

    I find this troubling. There are so many anti combat logging measures implemented in to the game. Then people give advice to others that when something like hacking happens, you should just in essence, combat log. I hope everyone sees the irony of advice like that. And by that measure the absurdity of implementing such features in to the game when the client-server architecture is what it is.
  14. Jonsse

    Weapons/combat suggestion

    It's not a perfect system. Aiming an MP5 versus aiming an M107 is virtually identical. Some kind of system to make gun handling difficult with longer barrels is not a bad idea. A system that improved gameplay would be a difficult one to invent. Just having movement clunky with a longer barrel would not be very fun for players.
  15. Jonsse

    The Reason your a Hero/Bandit?

    I'm neither, because I never survive long enough to take on an endgame role.