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DayZ Standalone Discussion

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As long as people keep their settings relatively the same, they should be alright. The only new thing that deals a really big hit is the volumetric clouds. Depending on your setting, it's easily 5-15 frames less. In TOH you can completely disable them so hopefully that will be an option in DayZ SA as well.

Not in Arma 3 it isn't. I don't lose a single frame between low and ultra.

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Many people will be dissapointed on the release as they think it's a completely new game, it's going to be exactly as the current DayZ mod just with a few extra features and reduced lagg (?) and rocket will add new features in the future. So give them all the time they need, releasing it now would result in a total failure and many dissapointed people. Those saying 'release it now!' are the first who are going to complain when they encounter a bug. Give rocket and the development team a break, you got the current mod to keep you busy, be thankful.

Actually, as far as I can tell from all the current interviews/panels, SA on public release is actually going to have less features than DayZMod. We're going back to barebones DayZ while they play catch-up with the new engine. And with the MMO style client/server architecture, there is a higher chance at more lag (with different behaviour to current) until it is refined and ironed out. I'm actually really interested to see how they handle client/server communication, MMO style in FPS is something generally avoided afaik.

Once all the foundation is complete, I imagine things will start rolling pretty fast and hard, but alot of people will definitely need to brace themselves for at the start, it may be nothing like they imagined. There are good reasons why they are talking about releasing limited amount of keys and trying to downplay the alpha release as much as possible.

Edited by Kra

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Not in Arma 3 it isn't. I don't lose a single frame between low and ultra.

You have my beans for making my Arma 3 experience even prettier :D

It seems that they did some cloud-optimization between TOH and Arma 3. In Take On, going from Very Low to High on cloud detail eats up 15 frames on my machine so I hope they'll use the Arma clouds.

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Actually, as far as I can tell from all the current interviews/panels, SA on public release is actually going to have less features than DayZMod. We're going back to barebones DayZ while they play catch-up with the new engine. And with the MMO style client/server architecture, there is a higher chance at more lag (with different behaviour to current) until it is refined and ironed out. I'm actually really interested to see how they handle client/server communication, MMO style in FPS is something generally avoided afaik.

Once all the foundation is complete, I imagine things will start rolling pretty fast and hard, but alot of people will definitely need to brace themselves for at the start, it may be nothing like they imagined. There are good reasons why they are talking about releasing limited amount of keys and trying to downplay the alpha release as much as possible.

Can you post the source to where they talked about limited keys?

By watching all the recent videos about DayZ SA and reading up on the latest info, some people will probably get a better understanding on how it will be. Atleast that happened to me.

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Couldn't remember, but this could be from awhile ago, I'm sure I heard him in a video recently talk about it, I will see if I can find it.


I do remember that stream tho, and it makes sense. Now mind you, of course never is anything solid, maybe they'll think of a way to float 100's of thousands of people all at once and he'll cave to demand lol :]

EDIT: And found here in joystiq from pax, still don't know where that video is :/

Edited by Kra

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"limited keys" missled me. That they will probably send the keys in batches is something i also have read or heard. Thought you meant only a certain amount players allowed totally in the alpha release.

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Oh you're right, I did use a poor choice of words lol. I meant to write "limited keys at a time", still poor. Funny how you think one thing, type another and not even realise sometimes... >_>

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To caught up to put down the words in your mind on a screen that you miss some. 1 habit of mine

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I'll be getting the game the same day it gets released on steam.

It is my understanding that you can choose your clothes in main menu/whatever. What will you look like once you get low enough humanity to get the bandit skin or high enough to get hero skin?

Do you get fancy clothes as a hero and weird looking clothes as bandit? Will humanity return?


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You find clothes and put them on. No bandits and Heros Anymore. As far as I can tell you find seperate pieces of clothing like a pair of trousers or a jumper / boots etc etc

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I'd like to see clothing parts of the hero skin in the SA, so you'll be able to look like a hero if you found the bullet proof west, the pants and the shirt :)

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Think it was in a youtube interview with Matt Lightfoot where he hinted that the humanity system would still be around but in a more subtle form such as blood on your hands if you're a murderer.

but he also insisted nothing had been decided yet so who knows.

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Some of the DayZ Dev blogs talk about how the different skins will work.

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LOL You gonna fresh spawn in the white boxers ?!

Nope. You'll start with a default set of clothing. Possibly randomized later on.

But of course, you CAN drop your clothing and run around in your undies. I know I will.

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Apparently humanity in the Standalone will use a much more "Subtle" system. I suppose that means you can't look at somebody from 600m away and instantly tell their intentions.

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I'd like to think that you could have the option to spawn in the Hero Skin (Minus the Bullet Proof Vest) if you reached a certain 'humanity'.

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You find clothes and put them on. No bandits and Heros Anymore. As far as I can tell you find seperate pieces of clothing like a pair of trousers or a jumper / boots etc etc

I'm hoping for clothing along the lines of dead rising ;)

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The 2 suggestions I liked most were:

- facial expressions. - positive or negative to show if a player is friendly or hostile.

- coloring - showing positive players more colorful and bandits a bit darker.

Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but I'd prefer the facial expression, combined with the gear the player selected.

I will not trust a hero, coming along with a bullet proof vest and a mk48. That's not hero-gear, I will not trust him to be a hero.

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I'd really like to see the devs add the ability to make a splint if you break your legs with a stick or any other strait object combined with a bandage, that way you could at least get back on your feet and limp at a slower speed than walking, but faster than crawling.

Also the ability to add attachments to your weapon. E.G you find a knife in a house and some duct tape. You can tape the knife on your rifle as if it were a bayonet, allowing the user the ability to shoot with normal mouse button or lunge/stab with a melee button.

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- coloring - showing positive players more colorful and bandits a bit darker.

I like that - positive players will be easier to spot :) while bandits will be invisible in bushes

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So, rocket is climbing mount-fucking-everest, that's another 2 months we can assume there's no chance of a release on the standalone.

I know the suck ups will bitch me out for even saying this and call me entitled etc.

But this is beyond a joke.

Not that the game is taking so long to release, we'd rather have it late and in playable state than early and buggy.

The JOKE is that neither Rocket, or BI are being honest with us about when the release date is, they obviously have some idea.

It's almost like they don't want to just say 'Ok, it'll be released around january 2014', because that'll put a real damper on the 'buzz' (that's died down now anyway) or so they think,

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So, rocket is climbing mount-fucking-everest, that's another 2 months we can assume there's no chance of a release on the standalone.

I know the suck ups will bitch me out for even saying this and call me entitled etc.

But this is beyond a joke.

Not that the game is taking so long to release, we'd rather have it late and in playable state than early and buggy.

The JOKE is that neither Rocket, or BI are being honest with us about when the release date is, they obviously have some idea.

It's almost like they don't want to just say 'Ok, it'll be released around january 2014', because that'll put a real damper on the 'buzz' (that's died down now anyway) or so they think,

We've already been told June is the month where the next internal review on release is going to be, which just happens to be the better part of 2 months away.

Seeing all these posts where people are so bent out of shape on processes they have zero idea about is completely beyond a joke.

I don't care either way whether DayZ SA comes to fruition or not, and I can spend the 5-10mins necessary to find all the latest news and know these things. Maybe I just don't want to end up posting stupid shit that wastes everyones time, when it was already explained again and again even in the same thread.

Tell me something, how you do delegate your projects? Do you know exactly how long its going to take an individual to complete their individual task? How about 30 people? Do you even know how long its going to take to finish your homework tonight? EXACTLY?

The only fanboy I am a fanboy of, is common sense.

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The JOKE is that neither Rocket, or BI are being honest with us about when the release date is, they obviously have some idea.

They have said that they are waiting on the client-server architecture to be completed, once that is done they will release. They are reviewing the progress made on that in June and hopefully announcing a release date.

Edited by smasht_AU

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