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this is for all you dayz loving cotton headed ninnymuggins

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Edit; And, my vote goes for The Graveyard. OP is an elitist, and the conversation isn't going anywhere, and never will.

just because his opinion is different and you guys can't take the accusation that you do play "ezmode"? i say no, as i find this discussion interesting, and would love to hear more about the reasons why people like the 3rd person look around corners and above walls camera more. oh, did i give the answer already?


I'm so hardcore that I only allow my character to run and sprint for short distances before slowing down. If you don't also play this way then you're a scrubdummy and I hate you. I gave up jumping in real-life because you can't in DayZ, which is more realistic than reality, so obviously jumping is some kind of exploit for n00bs.

bad try. his points about the camera which magically hovers 1 meter above your head, behind or in front of you to allow you to look around corners without being seen are 100% valid. and you know it, that's why you're butthurt.

Edited by spliff

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just because his opinion is different and you guys can't take the accusation that you do play "ezmode"? No, everybody are free to voice their opinions. I for one have very different opinions to some, oddly enough it's because I'm so open-minded and see things from multiple views.(even though it doesn't seem that way.) All I'm saying is that because HE doesn't like third-person view and HE can't find servers that don't have it, that WE are NOT SUPPOSED to use an option that is available for us. As it stands, Rocket has said himself that the reason he kept third-person in the mod is because of the very limited field of view in first person. i say no, as i find this discussion interesting, and would love to hear more about the reasons why people like the 3rd person look around corners and above walls camera more. oh, did i give the answer already? They do it because it's possible, and easy to do. Trust me, if people found a way to walk IN the ground, but still be able to shoot people above-ground and it was a simple thing to do, people would use it. Maybe not originally because it's just there, but because everybody else are doing it as well. If you can peek around corners with zero risk of being seen or shot, why would you risk going around that corner and potentially lose everything you have?

Edit; I want to add (again) that I have, and still on occasion do, play on 'hardcore' servers with literally every possible setting off.

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man
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Guys 3rd person is not the issue here, the issue is what the hell is a ninnymuggin and why should it offend me?

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I use 3rd person not to look over walls, but because I enjoy 3rd person, and so does everyone else who plays ArmA II. Go join any server, and I bet 90% of players use 3rd person when moving around.

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If Rocket is going to eliminate the UI icons completely (I believe he said he wanted this), then there is no reason why 3rd person wouldn't also be eliminated to help achieve "authenticity." I personally don't like third person and only use it when I run out of painkillers and have the shakes, otherwise I get a headache from watching the screen.

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Guys 3rd person is not the issue here, the issue is what the hell is a ninnymuggin and why should it offend me?

A human who accidentally got into santa's bag, and was raised by elves, who because of his human form, cannot make toys as fast as the elves and is inferior.

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bad try. his points about the camera which magically hovers 1 meter above your head, behind or in front of you to allow you to look around corners without being seen are 100% valid. and you know it, that's why you're butthurt.

My butt feels just fine, thank you very much.

And his points aren't 100% valid because in real life my only option for seeing what's on the other side of a wall isn't to stick my entire head and half of my upper body out. I could jump. I could climb and hide in a tree. I could use a mirror. I could find a hole in the wall. I could throw something and see if it gets shot at. In real life I can do more than stand, crouch, go prone, and lean. A wall should be a huge advantage, not something that funnels me into a sniper's scope.

The end result is that in real life, I could find a way to see what's on the other side of the wall without pressing E to stick my head out and die. Sure, it's a quick and dirty solution, but 3rd-person gets me to where I'd be in real life. First-person does not.

If they give you lifelike control over your body, then yeah, get rid of third-person, but until then, stop being a slave to game mechanics and technological limitations. That doesn't mean you're playing a more realistic simulation. That doesn't make you hardcore. That makes you a cotton-headed ninnymuggins.

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A human who accidentally got into santa's bag, and was raised by elves, who because of his human form, cannot make toys as fast as the elves and is inferior.

So basically...this guy?


Doesnt seem so bad.... haha

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Guys 3rd person is not the issue here, the issue is what the hell is a ninnymuggin and why should it offend me?

Sounds like a diseased muffin.

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"Stop playing the game how YOU want, play it how I want!"

Also, Predicting the fact you're going to get flamed doesn't make you appear smart/correct in any way, it merely means you are already aware how stupid your post is.

I would like to nominate this for forum post of the year. Pretty much sums it allllll up.

To the OP, you seem to be unable to understand why people don't like to play on merc servers. Well, let me explain my reasons behind it. First off, I get that the idea is realism. However, there are things you simply cannot compensate for in a video game. Because of this, I find the ability to go third person quite useful. Not for looking around corners, either. When I'm in a pvp situation, I tend to stay in first person, so that my hip shots are actually accurate. And no, I'm not talking about my crosshairs, because most of the time my breath is going too much for me to even see the crosshair.

The next reason is because this game renders graphics and resolutions weird. As a result, first person tends to give me a headache and occasionally make me feel a bit sick. Not right away, but prolonged periods of playing and it'll set in bigtime. And it's not really reasonable or practical to play this game for short periods of time.

Now for the next argument for third person servers. If there are only about 3-4 people on every merc server, that should be a testament to what the desired preference is. If every server went merc, can you imagine what the reception this mod would get would be? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, there is a reason why those servers are hardly populated. I'll let you figure that one out for yourself, though.

And call the peeps who play on third person servers scrubs all you want. I bet I could still step into a merc server and hand your ass to you with ease.

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You sure you don't have a medical condition or something OP? I always see myself from outside even in real life. If you can't then maybe it's time to upgrade to a higher power, gnomesayin?

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his post is not stupid. he is right when he says 3rd person camera is a cheat. because it is. and i love how he uses super mario 3d as an example. it's very fitting. oh, and crosshairs are a cheat, too. dayz should be as realistic as possible, so i hope mr. hall disables those cheats for the standalone version.

It is stupid, same with this post. 3rd person is not a cheat, because a cheat would mean something that was put in the game with the intention of giving the player an unfair advantage over everyone else and literally nothing else. For a start, it's openly available to everyone, meaning nobody is at a disadvantage.

That's like saying if a load of friends and I went around on Call of Duty not using kill-streaks or attachments, everyone else using them is "cheating" and they should be removed from the game because it makes it way too easy to kill us. I'd like you to explain the difference between 3rd person and literally any killstreak or attachment. They both ease the task of doing something (attachments make it easier to either kill or not be killed, and 3rd person allows you to either locate or avoid a target, essentially helping you kill or be killed), they were both intentionally added into the game with the expectation of being fully used for those reasons, and literally anyone can access it through the same methods.

Secondly, they were not put into the game with the intention to allow you to "cheat". Some people do not immerse themselves into to a game by imagining they were there. I personally do, I shape my avatars after myself and I act as I would in the situations and I personally prefer 1st person throughout it.

However, plenty of people like to create a person completely unlike themselves (And is the reason most people play as bandits; they'd never do it as themselves, so they experience that through an entirely different virtual person they create and design that would do it) and would instead follow their story. It would then make sense to follow this person from a 3rd person perspective, since you are not them and thus don't see through their eyes, instead you are following their story, thus following the person from a 3rd person perspective.

There is no logic to the claim that 3rd person (or to a lesser extent crosshairs) are cheats. The only thing that ever replaces logic in an argument is stupidity. Throwing around your personal opinion would be stupid. Accusing me of anything and/or attempting to insult me is also stupid and will just make me (And likely others) laugh at you. But just in case:

"Stop telling him not to express his opinion!"

I'm not. I'm just expressing mine.

"You're just mad!"

Not at all. His complaints will not have any impact on it; if it's gonna be removed, it would've been removed regardless of this thread. Vice versa.

"You're obviously one of the n00bs who exploits 3rd person!"

Nope. I don't have a numpad and my controls are all default. I couldn't use 3rd person if I wanted to. Which I don't; like I said, I like first.

Edited by Rage VG

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If 3rd person was a cheat 90% of players would be banned for cheating.

You may not think its fair and you are totally entitled to your opinion but lets not get it twisted its NOT cheating. So please, lets curb the cheating accusations you elitist cotton headed mcmuffin face.

Edited by Mr Nasty

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I wish I could give so many more beans for the topic title.

If he had put as much thought in the post than the title, this thread might not even exist.

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just because his opinion is different and you guys can't take the accusation that you do play "ezmode"? i say no, as i find this discussion interesting, and would love to hear more about the reasons why people like the 3rd person look around corners and above walls camera more. oh, did i give the answer already?


bad try. his points about the camera which magically hovers 1 meter above your head, behind or in front of you to allow you to look around corners without being seen are 100% valid. and you know it, that's why you're butthurt.

No he was crying and insulting people who use 3rd person. If anything hes the butthurt one cause people are having fun playing how THEY want to not how HE wants to

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The real issue with 1st person vs. 3rd Person is Field of View... In First Person mode, your player's field of view is only about 40-60 degrees, which is pretty much like walking around with a giant dog cone on your head...Beans for you... People prefer 3rd Person because the FOV is more natural, closer to 160 degrees...Can it be manipulated by jerkoffs? Yeah, but what in DayZ can't? If you are so concerned about people taking advantage of the game mechanics, play chess...

Edited by luxifergrim
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I wanted a picture of a rock in an open field but I guess this works.


I'm sure I missed one or two. Gosh, super hardcore first person is hard!! Players could be waiting at any corner or doorway!! Better polish up on your reflexes! Twitch gameplay is awesome!


I could have just spammed red arrows for third person and it would have been far more accurate. A player could be watching from ANYWHERE and that adds more tension, pressure, and paranoia.

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I play in 1st person for the immersion but feel that if you like 3rd person than you should be able to play in 3rd.

That said I would prefer a fix that would change the engine so that in 3rd person you only see what you can see in 1st.This would be ultimate and I would think that most people would agree to this.Then again the Ninymuffins probably wouldn't.

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I can't tell if youre trying to prove a point or make a complete ass out of yourself. It seems more likely to be the latter.

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