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About Tabris07

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    Zombie games/movies, and Penguins. :)
  1. Tabris07

    What is the playstyle people would give you.

    Sometimes I'll watch people and track them from a distance. Not to hunt them but to be able to easily avoid them. I'm always willing to help someone however, especially if they are in obvious trouble. But if you enter a building that I am in with weapons drawn and I have no way out, I will probably fire at you.
  2. Tabris07

    My first murder.

    You killed him for his things and will make good use of them I'm sure. That form of banditry is completely fine and I don't think you should regret what you did at all. Now if you took those things and proceeded to murder the defenseless, then there's a problem.
  3. Now I'm aware the the conditions of some items are important, like weapon parts and such. I've also encountered items that you don't seem to need to worry about (a badly damaged can of food is as good as a pristine one). What items should I really be paying attention to? Does it matter that a med kit or backpack is damaged or even ruined? Do rags not work as well for bandaging if they aren't pristine? I always swap out items for ones in better condition, but do I absolutely have to? My bayonet became ruined once and I dropped it, immediately regretting my decision because it may still have been able to open cans.
  4. Tabris07

    Time to be a bandit.

    Make sure they have their fists and weapons put away if you're going to make contact with them at least. Just because you want to help someone doesn't mean you have to needlessly put yourself at risk in the process. If anyone draws after you tell them to put their weapons away, then they may intend to harm you and you can act accordingly.
  5. Tabris07

    M4A1 accuracy setup, help me please.

    ACOG is my favorite at the moment. I normally find them in the tents on the South end of Balota Airfield. I've rarely seen scopes in the storage units by the apartment complex Northeast of Cherno as well, but I don't know what kind they were.
  6. Tabris07

    Time to be a bandit.

    Don't become part of the problem. Most of the people who KoS now are people who were murdered by someone in the past. It's a chain reaction that won't end if you think like this. One of the biggest things about being a hero is having the willpower to stay one even when faced with situations like this.
  7. Tabris07

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Not entirely true, I have all that and even though I look like a killer, I've only helped people. I don't doubt a lot of KoS people wear this, but there are fully kitted heroes as well as lightly kitted bandits. So please don't go around killing someone because you assume they're hostile.
  8. Tabris07

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    I like not being able to tell what someone is. In real life, you wouldn't be able to know unless they were an obvious psycho or something. The way it is now, any contact you have with another player can be very tense because you don't know if they'll help you or try to shoot you in the face, and I really like that.
  9. Tabris07

    Finding Weapon Fustration!

    Usually a quick run through the Balota barracks and the tents on the south end scores me an M4 along with a few sweet attachments.
  10. Tabris07

    Found a server hopper in Balota [VIDEO]

    There have been moments when I lose connection to a server while looting places like this, and decide to just log into a different one to maybe have better chances of staying connected. To think I could have been instantly ambushed by someone and labeled a "server hopper", yikes.
  11. Tabris07

    DayZ Parkour

    I think this was extremely badass and I'm going to be doing this everywhere now.
  12. I'm aware that they're supposed to be "infected" but I still just call them zombies or Z's anyway.
  13. Tabris07

    A Range Of Behavior

    I change my playstyle up all the time. I can be the friendliest guy around, but if I happen to feel like it, I have no problem KoSing people. Sometimes I just want that rush. I think sticking to one style is boring. Don't get me wrong though, I wouldn't betray another friendly player that I had met up with. That's a little bogus. I stick to killing the strangers.
  14. I logged into a random server and immediately saw a heli sitting near the coast. I got in to check it out, it was in perfect condition and had max fuel. I checked the guns on the side and they had full ammo, then I realized the suspicion in all of this. After exiting the heli and studying it a bit, I turned around to see a player standing there behind me. All of a sudden there were vehicles appearing everywhere. Another fresh spawn arrived, saw what was happening, and ran away towards Cherno, but I was far too amused to go just yet. Then the guy got into one of the helis and took off..along with most of the other vehicles. I hopped on a bicycle and began to peddle towards Cherno while still watching the fleet of helis and buses shoot off into the distance. I then looked forward, but it was too late as I smacked into a tree. :huh:
  15. Tabris07

    my gaming rig and dxtory

    I have dxtory, but I'm curious as to why the file size of my videos are just so huge it's ridiculous?