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Build Rolling Update

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The streetlight change should never have been put in, it will be removed in a hotfix.

Actually this was one feature I was really looking forward to implementing on my server. perhaps this could be optional in configs. especially for the private hives

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We dont need the AS50 and L85 reduced/removed what we need is a hive wipe to undo and the duping that was sooo easy for months.

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I have a couple of questions for the dev team:

Is the development of the standalone going to be community driven like we have seen in this update, or will it be developed purely by Rocket and Co.? If the latter, is there a danger (or benefit, depending on how you look at it) of the two versions of DayZ going in completely different directions?

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So... was this intended? ==> http://imgur.com/a/utxZ4#0

I've counted 4 Battleships so far. Last I remember, they weren't there. Pretty hilarious though!

I pretty much laughed when i seen the ship but when I seen your character salute the ship I nearly lost all my Dr. Pepper through my nose.
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Someones mad they dont have easy mode anymore.

Easy mode? The l85 was a terrible gun for anything related to PVP or CQB against zombies. The only reason people used it was as a overwatch weapon, and even then it was limited in its purpose. Hence the reason no one picked the thermals in vanilla or ACE.

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* [NEW] (*.2 Hotfix)Added some Anti-cheat.

Any clarification what type of anti-cheat?

Why? So the script kiddies can get a head start?

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Instead of removing items make them optional, I was looking at running rMod to get the street lighting up which is just another download for people which it shouldn't have to be.

I have a 7kw solar system on my roof, so do a lot of people up my street and if anything happened I could easily find some lead acid batteries (there's a battery world down the road) and be powering my house 24/7 as well as a few neighbors. Yes I understand that the system would shutdown when it detects that the grid has dropped off but that can be modified, it's only a software setting.

Power is essential to life, I think you'd find people working together to put something together.

We did run 24/7 daylight, however I hated it and reverted back. I enjoy the night time but that and having to run whitelisting killed off our server, now we are lucky to have a handful of people playing, we used to have 50+

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Why? So the script kiddies can get a head start?

No they put in a script block so you can't put on a ghillie or camo suit you find... lmfao.

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I have a lot of friends getting the script restriction #45 thing.

This seems like a real issue, please check it out.

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Getting script restriction #45 as well, have hero skin.

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Updated files on CDN.

dayz_anim was missing from the "patch only" file .

Updated the thread title from to the actual that says on dayzmod.com frontpage.

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Servers are crashing a lot with this update...

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 681DAFD9

Allocator: C:\Games\DayZ\Expansion\beta\dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll

Fault address: 681DAFD9 01:00019FD9 C:\Games\DayZ\Database.dll

I'm using beta 99202, DayZ and latest Hive.

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Keep getting #45 kicked, also chick on gender selection screen looks pissed off! :)

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If servers crash:


- Downgrade to 99153 or even the recommended stable version.

- Re-download the DayZ patch files (make sure dayz_code and dayz_anim is up to date).

- Make sure serverside & hiveext is updated, including the DLLs included in the package. ( Database.dll, tbb.dll, tbbmalloc.dll )

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Thanks Ander, I will try this.

Regarding Script restriction #45:

It's easy to fix for server admins. Unfortunately many admins are not capable of doing their job.... But I'm sure it will be updated by Dwarden soon.

In the mean time:


Find: 5 setHit

Add: !"[player,\"legs\", (_fractures select 0)] call object_setHit;" !"[player,\"hands\", (_fractures select 1)] call object_setHit;"


Add also this for setHit: !"z\addons\dayz_code\compile\object_setHit.sqf"

Edited by BTK
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