Eldo (DayZ) 7 Posted July 4, 2012 It's always fun when bandits are killed at their own game.If they played "our own game" then would they really be any "better" than us?If you kill a bandit you're not a bandit. You're a hero.I've killed bandits, am I a hero just like you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeathSSquad 0 Posted July 4, 2012 It's always fun when bandits are killed at their own game.If they played "our own game" then would they really be any "better" than us?If you kill a bandit you're not a bandit. You're a hero.I've killed bandits' date=' am I a hero just like you?[/quote']Das Hero. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arkaeus 17 Posted July 4, 2012 It's always fun when bandits are killed at their own game.If they played "our own game" then would they really be any "better" than us?If you kill a bandit you're not a bandit. You're a hero.I've killed bandits' date=' am I a hero just like you?[/quote']No. We can't all be heroes. We need people like you to sit on the curb and clap as I drive by. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeathSSquad 0 Posted July 4, 2012 It's always fun when bandits are killed at their own game.If they played "our own game" then would they really be any "better" than us?If you kill a bandit you're not a bandit. You're a hero.I've killed bandits' date=' am I a hero just like you?[/quote']No. We can't all be heroes. We need people like you to sit on the curb and clap as I drive by.Everyone is a bandit until they kill a bandit.Than their a hero. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rick Grimes (DayZ) 0 Posted July 4, 2012 lulz------------- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hitback 2 Posted July 4, 2012 So.. I spawned at airstrip and promptly found a m14, and came across a guy who after talking to me in comms axed me to death, but thats not the interesting part..I respawned at Otmel and immediately became aware of a glowing flame lie graphic on my screen and right in front of me was a Huey crashed on to the ground with a dead and highly geared player on the ground, you name it he had it, NVG's AS50, map compass, gps, rangefinder etc. Soooo I grabbed everything and went inland but when I turned around the whole horizon was filled with the flame graphic that was on the helo crash. Only way I could get rid of it was to switch servers, (no it wasn't an alt f4 escape, no-one was around, I checked). So i respawned on another server, no more graphical glitch but now I have early onset of stress becauseof my gear and also, I have an empty feeling because I have nothing more gear-wise to strive for..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted July 4, 2012 Stay where you are i'll come and help you out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kHoussian 0 Posted July 4, 2012 I'd like to start this post off by saying that I don't consider myself a bandit and more often than not I'd rather help a person than shoot a person' date=' but today I ran into an opportunity at revenge I just couldn't pass up.A little bit of backstory: A week or so ago I had broken my legs near the shore around Electro and so my friend Vylent grabbed the ATV from our campsite and made his way to my location with morphine in hand. Along the way he had the misfortune of wrecking and flipping said ATV on a bridge and while he was trying to get it unstuck a couple dudes roll up in their own ATV and pop him in the back of the head and strip him of his gear.Fast forward to present day, a week later. I'm running along the shore and I encounter a fresh player, no weapon, flashlight... ect ect, and he has a mic and so we get to talking. He seems like a pretty friendly guy and one thing leads to another and we end up sharing skype information and forming a group of six. 3 of his guys, and 3 of mine. We're chatting it up for an hour or so when he tells me a story about how he killed some guy wrecked on a bridge in a flipped ATV and after checking some facts with his story I confirm that this guy was in fact the asshole who had killed Vylent last week. This revelation alone wasn't enough for me to want to kill the guy, but then he goes on about merging camps, and "Hey where's your base located" and other shady shit, and It becomes clear to me that this guy and his friends are going to rob us if we give them the chance.So we pretend that we're going to show this guy where our base of operations is. We tell him that it's located far up north about a two hour trip on foot and so he offers to give us a ride in a car he found. We have him meet us a ways away from town for the pick up; north of Berezino and OF COURSE he brings friends and there's not enough room for all of my group in his car, and only one or two of us can squeeze in.Sounds like a one way trip to me. Sounds to me like he's going to shoot us in the back when we arrive and take all our stuff, and how convenient that the number of pals he brought along for the ride matches the number of vehicles I told him we have back at camp.Once the car stops we tell the would-be-bandit that Vylent is low on blood and he needs a blood pack and when Mr. Bandit gets out of the car to heal him I say the code phrase that lets my group know that shit's about to go down: "Vylent can I have that Ghillie suit back?" Instantly my group lit them the fuck up. I pumped a guy's face in the back seat so full of lead that my AKM ran out of ammo and the fight was over before they even knew what had happened.Skype blows up with yelling, you can hear some guy in the background screaming like a psych-ward patient "I FUCKING KNEW THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN, I FUCKING KNEW THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN!", they're shouting real life death threats at us, saying they know where we live IRL and that they live 15 minutes away and blah blah... all the while we're stripping their bodies clean and loading our new gear into our new car. I was laughing so hard that my eyes were tearing up.God I love this game.[/quote']once in a lifetime chance XD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Puzzleb0x 0 Posted July 4, 2012 Threads like this show exactly how Day Z gives unique gameplay experiences, keep up the good work.P;s: the kids who got worked over appear extremely butt-hurt. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeathSSquad 0 Posted July 4, 2012 Threads like this show exactly how Day Z gives unique gameplay experiences' date=' keep up the good work.P;s: the kids who got worked over appear extremely butt-hurt.[/quote']lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boneboys 7988 Posted July 4, 2012 Good story.So I'm going to move it to the Story section.It is becoming a trend to post storys in the general forum.Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Korppi (DayZ) 0 Posted July 4, 2012 Me and hatchets: Balota airstrip seems to be my curse, I've been there two times now and both times there's a hatchet waving around my face the first time this happened was the first time I ever saw an airstrip I immediately went prone when I saw the hangars and the control tower and crawled into the nearest forest and crouched up to scan the area for I knew that where there's possible loot there are players and already at that early point in my Day Z career I'd learned to not trust those double-faced survivor "Comrades" of mine.I did a half circle on the north side of the strip to get the layout in and didn't even see any survivors so I started to crawl up to the main gate (west side if I recall right) and was very pleased that I still haven't encountered even a zed yet. I managed to get into the control tower where I found some ammo and not much else (I was kinda PO'd that I couldn't loot the dozens of dead soldiers), after that I decided to check the hangars and while I was going to the back of the hangars after clearing the first one I started to hear steps and thought to myself "Wait a minute... Zombies don't make that kind of a sound..." I turned, and HOLY SHIT! There was a guy 4 feet away from me crouch running at me with a fucking axe! But what he didn't count for was that I had an axe of my own so we started to cut each other apart right then and there and as my life was dripping away from my veins I swung one last time and he went down.Wounded from my battle I started to crawl away from the scene in case he had friends around, after 10 feet I passed out and that is the last thing I remember before waking up at the shore... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thorgold 91 Posted July 4, 2012 It's amazing what you can do with smoke grenades, a CZ550, and a hill. I was raiding NE airfield with a dude I was with when we found a CZ with 60 rounds (two piles full!). With nothing better to do on a 7 pop server, we decided to fuck with zed. We aggroed a dozen or so zeds with 3 smoke grenades, then ran off to the hill. We traded the rifle as we competed to get longest kill. I got to 1km or so before they despawned. He got more than me, though.It just must be me, but I run into a lot more friendly survivors than the "ZOMG everyone kos!" stories suggest. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hollowfication 0 Posted July 4, 2012 my self not really much i cant seem to stay on batteye server cause they fking hate me, Anyways i am on russian server none the less. The game start normally i die i manage to get to the hanger which i said alright plane so i could get fuck out of here.nothing only dead army dudes then i manage get killed horde of zombie got mebut before that i manage to get attack in barn find my self gun i shot 6zombie in it cause they heard the sound and chased me. i was almost at death door on it but taking painkiller did shit all. i trying to check on dead bodys but then zombie appear kill me i had no bullets shit way to go injury & no bullets Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
draigan 0 Posted July 4, 2012 I was playing with a mate of mine last night both of us on a fresh spawn, on the way to meeting up with him i managed to get an enfield with 1 clip, we manage to meet up just outside of cherno with the idea of hitting the airstrip to the west and while running pretty derpy down the coast we spot movement in the tree line about 100 metres ahead of us so we cross the road and sneak up into the hill behind and follow the rough direction he was heading to the edge of a clearing where we spot him and a friend trading weapons and items so i lied down next to a tree and 3 shots later down they go ( my first player kill other than close range self defence ) my friend sneaks out there and scores himself an ak with 2 clips an some useful tools feeling pretty good about our new acquisition we move onto the airstrip hangers to which i attempt to open a door that has debris behind it and somehow snap my leg feeling pretty stupid and knowing we had a long an almost certainly doomed crawl back to cherno for meds all of a sudden 2 more guys with even better gear happen to stumble into the hangar right where me and my mate are pointing our guns. i'm not sure who shot first but 10 seconds later they are dead on the ground i have morphine for my leg and we have a full set of tools each 1 alice backpack each and enough supplies to last us a good while :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
milt0r 0 Posted July 4, 2012 Running with two friends tonight, we found ourselves hitting the hospital in Berezino, then both supermarkets and finally the apartments on the northwest side of town. Then we heard a shot and froze in the building. Then we heard drinking. We sat in the building for at least 10 minutes, waiting, looking, and hoping somebody would walk in or by. I was equipped with a DMR, watching the market, one had a Bizon SD, the other a crossbow and sidearm, both watching the stairs and NW side of the building. Then, we saw him move. We heard another soda crack open. Several minutes later, a third. We were convinced he was trying to bait us out...Then he made his mistake and showed his feet while moving around. He was prone, watching the exit from the NW corner of the building. I went up to the roof, over to the NE corner and peeked over the edge. He was looking toward the door, oblivious to me. Three DMR rounds and some zombie clean-up later, I was helping myself to his ALICE pack and gear. Thanks, Aggressor! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vanchrian 2 Posted July 4, 2012 So today was a pretty uneventful day. Just raiding some houses and barns in... god knows where I am...I come across a large town with a Grocery Store in it. Sure enough, there's no gun in here that can replace my shitty Makarov, but I snag myself a compass. Just as I was making my way out the back I aggro'd a single zombie. "No biggie," I thought to myself, "I'll lure it in and take it out with my Makarov". But, for some inexplicable reason, my avatar decided that this zombie deserved to be kill by my LEE ENFIELD instead! With the zombie chewing on my face, I panicked and fired, taking him out and "ringing the dinner bell".15 minutes later, I'm picking through the remains of roughly 20 zombies littered inside the Grocery Store, desperately looking for food, bandages, and more ammo for my Makarov. I'm surprised that no bandit came to investigate all the gun-fire I was spewing around.I really need to fix this mouse. The mouse wheel bugs out sometimes... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vesmo 21 Posted July 4, 2012 My initial feelings on Arkaeus' story: Wow that is amazing. My initial reaction to the oppositions "defense": wow they are idiots. My reaction to Arkaeus' and co's childish response and the flamewar that ensued: both sides are idiots, why couldn't you just keep it as it was, an entertaining DayZ story for the community -.- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lukio (DayZ) 24 Posted July 4, 2012 Communication is vitalUnder twilight I woke up a bit west of Elektro near the Gas station, quickly ran through Elektrozavodsk, grabbed some medical supplies, a revolver and some food, then decided to bug out. Next best place to go was Castle Rog, because it usually has something like a backpack and other useful things. Upon arrival I saw some dead infected and I put my guard up. Used directional to announce my arrival. No response. Right behind the Bergfried I heard someone frantically running away, I never saw him. The castle was completely empty, only a canteen, tin cans and bandages left over.After making a brief stop at Topolka dam for a refill, the next step was to move to Pusta, then Mogilievka. In both towns I barely found anything, just a hunting knife, soda and another empty canteen. This was very disappointing. Nearly through with Mogilievka I spotted one lonely survivor leaving towards the northern treeline. I tried calling him out on directional but to no avail, he was too far away.After looking at everything I had found, equipped only with a hatchet and my trusty revolver I decided to make a final stop at Castle Zub, as it was really close. On the way out there was a boar near the forest which provided me some meat. Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to cook it yet, but I kept those delicious steaks for later.Upon arrival at Castle Zub there were only very few infected which was a good thing. In the gate house I only stumbled upon empty tin cans and some road flares. Hoping to have more luck in the tower I moved up when I heard steps from inside the tower. Again I called out, said I mean no harm, that I am friendly to others if they are friendly as well. No response. Believing it was the same person I saw before I said "I think I've seen you at Castle Rog and Mogilievka before". As an answer I just heard some feet shuffling - else wise silence. "I'm approaching the tower entrance, don't shoot me ok?" Nothing. When I was in front of the entrance I saw the barbed wire, blocking the passage. "Is that your barbed wire? I do not intend to hurt you!". Again no answer, just some more footsteps and suddenly a crunching sound. Finally I saw the refugee, probably with broke a leg and being unconscious from the steep fall. He was bleeding. "Look if you hadn't set up the barbed wire I could've helped you but now you are going to die a slow, painful death." I tried somehow stepping over the wire, a last chance to save the poor guy in the tower. When I finally made it, it was too late, the flies were buzzing. His name was sn0Rk. I picked up what I could find and then upon inspecting sn0Rk I was assured that it must have been the same survivor I had seen before hand. Beans, Pasta, Sodas, Ammunition, a 1911 and even a Winchester Rifle were on him. Matches, toolbox, compass, map, binoculars were on him as well. No wonder everything was picked clean.Dear sn0Rk (and everyone else!), next time someone tries to talk to you, maybe at least respond, it could have saved your life. Not everyone is out there to get you! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Markedgun 15 Posted July 4, 2012 Ok I got a story of my group (Or well me and my friend) using me as bait for a sniper deciding to ruin our beef steak campfire.Basically me and my 2 friends (I will call them K and T for short) are running around the areas around Stary and such, and we decide to head to Berezino for a medical run. We are a bit east of the NWAF when we decided to do this so it took us a few good minutes as well as a few breaks to look into towns and check if anyone or anything was in them. So we get to the round going north of Novy and one of us spots a cow, so him and the other member decide to go get some food while I watch our front. After they killed the cow and got a fireplace start is when shit goes down. I'm prone in a bush when I hear a big ass bang behind me, turning around I noticed T was dead and K was running away to avoid death. So I am sitting here trying to decide what to do (Our usual thing to do when we get into these situations) and he comes up with this WONDERFUL idea that I should keep the sniper on me while he goes south into Novy and flank the sniper.So I am sitting in a bush waiting for K to get into position and he gives me the word. I start running around between bushes and trees as this sniper (To the sniper, you have the worst aim in the world...) continues to shoot around 20 bullets to the area around me. So after a bit of this K tells me he can't get an exact location due to the sniper being in a ghillie suit. So I decide to take my chances and look for him (I feel that I am the lookout for the group because I usually spot things before others) and spotted him a few times before taking on more fire. Again I am running around and finally K says he has a shot so I ran behind a tree watching as bullets flew past me and then I heard a mass of AK fire. I looked back towards where the sniper was to discover that out plan worked!And that my friend is how my usual day in DayZ got turned into me being bait. I also have claimed his sniper, an M107, as my own and would later use it for a 600m shot that ends with a bandits head being split open after a big firefight inside the NWAF ATC tower... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eldo (DayZ) 7 Posted July 4, 2012 My initial feelings on Arkaeus' story: Wow that is amazing. My initial reaction to the oppositions "defense": wow they are idiots. My reaction to Arkaeus' and co's childish response and the flamewar that ensued: both sides are idiots' date=' why couldn't you just keep it as it was, an entertaining DayZ story for the community -.-[/quote']Because it was a lie, not an entertaining story. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TrUsT 2 Posted July 4, 2012 snipFFS, let's just leave this shit alone already! Points were made, opinions were shared, now let's get back on topic and post some more fun stories :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vylent 0 Posted July 4, 2012 o.O i was wondering what happened to our story.Also, I really enjoyed the story at the start of this thread. Great stories all around though. XD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
akranes 0 Posted July 4, 2012 I'm sure if this is a story as such but here goes.On the outskirts of Cherno, I found what I was looking for - freshwater.I had read what another member had posted about living in the forest of water and meat and thought that I'd like to give it a go, as I'd just got some nice loot (by my standards). I made my way up a small peak nearby and upon reaching it, I heard gunshots. Repeated gunshots, which I could clearly tell was coming from down below. My initial reaction was just to run towards the sound, I have no idea why, but I did. I approached the edge of the woodland and had a nice view of the surrounding area... and a nice view of two survivors making their way cautiously across the plain.I shot, not once or twice, two whole mags of my pistol... I hid. They hadn't spotted me. I shot another whole mag. Too late for me now.They saw me, recognised I had a pistol, and also recognised that I was f**king awful at the game. I died within two minutes.Ok ok the story was utter ****. My point was that, this game is incredible. God knows why I started shooting. God knows why I even followed the sound, but I did. I was out numbered, poorly equipped - though had ample supplies and yet I wasted it all.In summary - I'm f**king insane. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 19 Posted July 4, 2012 MOST FUCKING INTENSIVE MOMENT OF MY LIFE OFMG.I was on low blood on the hill above the military camp in Stary Sober, luckily one of my mates was already heading to me and soon arrived and provided me with a blood transfusion. Fit like never before we went into the camp and loot but weren't able to as we suddenly got eyes on 2 enemies passing the supermarket in the city, we head over to a better position and i get a good 5 shots on one of them (the server was lagging hard so not sure if it really hit him), they went into the market and camped.Couple of minutes later 2 smoke grenades on the right side of the shop, they head out run from house to house, one is tagged by a zombie and falls, seems like I fucked him up hard with my m16, the second one is running west, I just knew he wanted to flank us and so I countered that and after a mag of lagging he went down.We proceeded to the camp where we heard alot of what sounded like DMR shots, 2 dead bodies, no sign of the shooter, SNAP SNAP 2 shots hit me and my mate good but we got away, we checked to see anything but the hill where he was (opposite of the hille behind the camp in north direction) was clear, seemed like he was gone, then suddenly 10 minutes later a player passes by, SNAP 2 shots in the back and hes down, bandit kill so it was okay, he had a m107 on him BINGO, I put it in my back and retrieve then the server crashes.Back in my m107 is gone, fuck you server, just fuck you, suddelny my second mate arrives and as we proceeded to head to the camp we spot an enemy group of three heading towords us from what I think had to be devils castle, everybody lays down, nothing happens for 5 minutes.I decide to flank them and suddenly spot a 4th player heading their way and I get behind a tree and decide to see whats happening, AK shots, 2 enemies down it were 2 of the 3 that we saw earlier, I decide to take the risk and go in, I get the one the shot the others down. We see where the last one headed but couldn't shoot him over that distance, we stayed there and looted the bodies, suddenly one of my mates bam down, second one down, I look down and see the guy went to another server, ran here, and came back and reconnected right below me, headshot down, now on 3 bandit kills and 3 murders.I go to the second hill on the west side of stairy and meet up my 3rd mate who is equipped with an ak and some meat and we decide that he gives cover and I give it a shot and loot the camp, after the server crashed again the tents are empty and the loot disapeared, great, suddenly SNAP my mate down someone from behind shot him, I run for my life out of the camp to a secure location on a hill north east of the camp, stay there for 5 minutes but the enemies which seemed to be equipped with an AS50 didnt proceed into the camp ore towards me, I, mentally broken after all that action decide to give it a rest and just log out as my heart was pounding with 180 beats per second for about 1 1/2 hours (thats how long this intense moment lasted) and went down for a cool coke as I felt like this moment lasted for a week without any breaks.It was so unbelievable you feel even though you know its a game. So sick.4 murders 4 bandit kills right now and still alive ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites