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I want the time it took to read through all these pages of bullshit back in my life!

From experience of killing people on other games on the internet I have seen 99% of the people I've killed rage just like was talked about in the very first post of this thread. I am sure that if I have experience this so has the rest of this forum community. So knowing that I can see why people believe the first part of this story without hearing any of the other side. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck then its a damned duck!

What would have been sweet was to see this all go down in a vid.

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I want the time it took to read through all these pages of bullshit back in my life!

From experience of killing people on other games on the internet I have seen 99% of the people I've killed rage just like was talked about in the very first post of this thread. I am sure that if I have experience this so has the rest of this forum community. So knowing that I can see why people believe the first part of this story without hearing any of the other side. If it walks like a duck' date=' quacks like a duck then its a damned duck!

What would have been sweet was to see this all go down in a vid.


this.truth = true.Duck;

PS. As generic and popular your name may be, I like it cause I'm a toker ya digg.

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Here's a short story: Finally made it to the military airfield near the NW corner of the map. Got shot multiple times in the back by a suppressed M9 without warning. Had the ALICE pack, a lee enfield, 1911 with 7 mags and enough food and water for a week. Also had every tool except GPS and military flashlight. Fuck. Everyone.

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I want the time it took to read through all these pages of bullshit back in my life!

From experience of killing people on other games on the internet I have seen 99% of the people I've killed rage just like was talked about in the very first post of this thread. I am sure that if I have experience this so has the rest of this forum community. So knowing that I can see why people believe the first part of this story without hearing any of the other side. If it walks like a duck' date=' quacks like a duck then its a damned duck!

What would have been sweet was to see this all go down in a vid.


That would of been sweet and would of been the best source.

Only reason I came here to "rage" like everyones been saying, is because they sent us the thread link on skype after they tricked us out into helping them, and they shot us. Than they make a fake story about how they got revenge and how we raged, well this is one of those 1%, doesn't really matter but its always fun arguing and watching complete idiots on these kind of subjects. Well, call it what you want when you get 20 and 30 year olds acting like 12 year old trolls and go so far as posting shit on fourms, its fucking funny as shit to see people suck up to them so hard on forums lmao. Not saying you are but, hey, its the internet after all lol.

I think this topic might have made US128 extremely popular' date=' i'll be playing there sooner or later now seems like a good server.


The server generally has been topping out now with 50 people on both the last two days, we just added a third server a bit more hardcore with 3rd person off.

We are glad people are enjoying it and look forward to killing people and being killed ourselves.

Happy Hunting/Surviving Everyone.

UCBS servers are fucking awesome. Always using them as home bases.

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You understand that the fact that you're currently raging on the forums and the fact that you admitted that your "Friend" called Vylent's house pretty much proves that my initial post is true. If you weren't pissed off you would never have gone through the trouble to locate his personal information and harass him. Seriously, you sound like an idiot right now.

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You told them that you ran up on a guy and shot him in the back of the head while he was fixing his ATV, and we are supposed to believe that you were trying to help these people? Even though they already had vehicles and a camp?

seems legit

Arkaeus, I thoroughly enjoyed that, please trick more bandits in the future.

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I'm not into all the quoting of quotes sooooo ....


Now I'm not saying you are saying that I am one of the ones "sucking up" but please do not take my reply as "sucking up" to anyone. I do not suck up to people. Most people are not worth my time much less my sucking abilities.

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You understand that the fact that you're currently raging on the forums and the fact that you admitted that your "Friend" called Vylent's house pretty much proves that my initial post is true. If you weren't pissed off you would never have gone through the trouble to locate his personal information and harass him. Seriously' date=' you sound like an idiot right now.


I never went and looked up his info idiot, and the friend wasn't even involved in the game, he was just in the call derping, and he just joked around so what he did was not my problem. Please go read if you want to prove something instead saying more ignorant shit most of these idiots are posting too.

If you don't believe my side of story that's fine lmao, no one cares but me, and I'm not raging, I'm simply explaining, but that's to hard for people like you to understand obviously :) . If you're accusing someone and they try to defend themselves their instantly wrong and raging?

Please use some logic before posting thx.

I'm not into all the quoting of quotes sooooo ....


Do not take my reply as "sucking up" to anyone. I do not suck up to people. Most people are not worth my time much less my sucking abilities.

I wasn't taking your reply as sucking up, I didn't make myself clear on that.

I was just ranting/explaining more lol.

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You understand that the fact that you're currently raging on the forums and the fact that you admitted that your "Friend" called Vylent's house pretty much proves that my initial post is true. If you weren't pissed off you would never have gone through the trouble to locate his personal information and harass him. Seriously' date=' you sound like an idiot right now.


How many times must we tell you that DeathSquad and I did not call your friend, we don't control what other people do. So stop blaming us for other peoples actions, especially when we repeatedly tell you it wasn't us.

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You understand that the fact that you're currently raging on the forums and the fact that you admitted that your "Friend" called Vylent's house pretty much proves that my initial post is true. If you weren't pissed off you would never have gone through the trouble to locate his personal information and harass him. Seriously' date=' you sound like an idiot right now.


How many times must we tell you that DeathSquad and I did not call your friend, we don't control what other people do. So stop blaming us for other peoples actions, especially when we repeatedly tell you it wasn't us.

Let them.

The whole purpose of us explaining was to make a big deal over nothing, and see how far this thread got anyways.

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You understand that the fact that you're currently raging on the forums and the fact that you admitted that your "Friend" called Vylent's house pretty much proves that my initial post is true. If you weren't pissed off you would never have gone through the trouble to locate his personal information and harass him. Seriously' date=' you sound like an idiot right now.


I never went and looked up his info idiot, and the friend wasn't even involved in the game, he was just in the call derping, and he just joked around so what he did was not my problem. Please go read if you want to prove something instead saying more ignorant shit most of these idiots are posting too.

If you don't believe my side of story that's fine lmao, no one cares but me, and I'm not raging, I'm simply explaining, but that's to hard for people like you to understand obviously :) . If you're accusing someone and they try to defend themselves their instantly wrong and raging?

Please use some logic before posting thx.

You might reconsider the type of friends that you keep as company, if indeed it was your "friend" that called. Either way you invited him to skype and he was your responsibility from that point forward. There is only one side of the story that matters and that is the truth. Before you came onto the forums and posted on my thread no one even knew who you were. I never once used yours or your friend's name in my story, so the fact that you're being perceived as an idiot right now is on you. You never needed to "defend" yourself until you identified who you are, but like someone else said it's not to late to change your gamertag and disappear.

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You understand that the fact that you're currently raging on the forums and the fact that you admitted that your "Friend" called Vylent's house pretty much proves that my initial post is true. If you weren't pissed off you would never have gone through the trouble to locate his personal information and harass him. Seriously' date=' you sound like an idiot right now.


I never went and looked up his info idiot, and the friend wasn't even involved in the game, he was just in the call derping, and he just joked around so what he did was not my problem. Please go read if you want to prove something instead saying more ignorant shit most of these idiots are posting too.

If you don't believe my side of story that's fine lmao, no one cares but me, and I'm not raging, I'm simply explaining, but that's to hard for people like you to understand obviously :) . If you're accusing someone and they try to defend themselves their instantly wrong and raging?

Please use some logic before posting thx.

You might reconsider the type of friends that you keep as company, if indeed it was your "friend" that called. Either way you invited him to skype and he was your responsibility from that point forward. There is only one side of the story that matters and that is the truth. Before you came onto the forums and posted on my thread no one even knew who you were. I never once used yours or your friend's name in my story, so the fact that you're being perceived as an idiot right now is on you. You never needed to "defend" yourself until you identified who you are, but like someone else said it's not to late to change your gamertag and disappear.

Lol, why you send link to the thread then?

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You might reconsider the type of friends that you keep as company, if indeed it was your "friend" that called. Either way you invited him to skype and he was your responsibility from that point forward. There is only one side of the story that matters and that is the truth. Before you came onto the forums and posted on my thread no one even knew who you were. I never once used yours or your friend's name in my story, so the fact that you're being perceived as an idiot right now is on you. You never needed to "defend" yourself until you identified who you are, but like someone else said it's not to late to change your gamertag and disappear.

Geeze Arkaeus don't stretch his butt hole out so far. He needs that to please his Boyfriends later on in life.

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"Lol, why you send link to the thread then?"

What does it matter if I sent you the link? Does that identify you in some way? Is there something I'm missing about the anonymity of reading a forum post?

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You might reconsider the type of friends that you keep as company' date=' if indeed it was your "friend" that called. Either way you invited him to skype and he was your responsibility from that point forward. There is only one side of the story that matters and that is the truth. Before you came onto the forums and posted on my thread no one even knew who you were. I never once used yours or your friend's name in my story, so the fact that you're being perceived as an idiot right now is on you. You never needed to "defend" yourself until you identified who you are, but like someone else said it's not to late to change your gamertag and disappear.


Geese Arkaeus don't stretch his butt hole out so far. He needs that to please he Boyfriends later on in life.


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You understand that the fact that you're currently raging on the forums and the fact that you admitted that your "Friend" called Vylent's house pretty much proves that my initial post is true. If you weren't pissed off you would never have gone through the trouble to locate his personal information and harass him. Seriously' date=' you sound like an idiot right now.


I never went and looked up his info idiot, and the friend wasn't even involved in the game, he was just in the call derping, and he just joked around so what he did was not my problem. Please go read if you want to prove something instead saying more ignorant shit most of these idiots are posting too.

If you don't believe my side of story that's fine lmao, no one cares but me, and I'm not raging, I'm simply explaining, but that's to hard for people like you to understand obviously :) . If you're accusing someone and they try to defend themselves their instantly wrong and raging?

Please use some logic before posting thx.

You might reconsider the type of friends that you keep as company, if indeed it was your "friend" that called. Either way you invited him to skype and he was your responsibility from that point forward. There is only one side of the story that matters and that is the truth. Before you came onto the forums and posted on my thread no one even knew who you were. I never once used yours or your friend's name in my story, so the fact that you're being perceived as an idiot right now is on you. You never needed to "defend" yourself until you identified who you are, but like someone else said it's not to late to change your gamertag and disappear.

The truth? Ironic, I was trying to tell the truth the whole reason I posted on your thread. You sent us your thread link on skype to all of us involved and made it public, you are the reason we're here trying to straighten the story out. It has nothing to do with gamertags and shit, I'm not here trying to protect a easily changeable gamertag. I just came here to fix your story. Do I not have that right? I never used any of you or your friends names or gamertags either, but your friends did. If I was responsible for my friend, be responsible for yours.

"Lol' date=' why you send link to the thread then?"

What does it matter if I sent you the link? Does that identify you in some way? Is there something I'm missing about the anonymity of reading a forum post?


You cry about us replying to the thread we would never have seen but yall sent us a direct link.

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You understand that the fact that you're currently raging on the forums and the fact that you admitted that your "Friend" called Vylent's house pretty much proves that my initial post is true. If you weren't pissed off you would never have gone through the trouble to locate his personal information and harass him. Seriously' date=' you sound like an idiot right now.


I never went and looked up his info idiot, and the friend wasn't even involved in the game, he was just in the call derping, and he just joked around so what he did was not my problem. Please go read if you want to prove something instead saying more ignorant shit most of these idiots are posting too.

If you don't believe my side of story that's fine lmao, no one cares but me, and I'm not raging, I'm simply explaining, but that's to hard for people like you to understand obviously :) . If you're accusing someone and they try to defend themselves their instantly wrong and raging?

Please use some logic before posting thx.

You might reconsider the type of friends that you keep as company, if indeed it was your "friend" that called. Either way you invited him to skype and he was your responsibility from that point forward. There is only one side of the story that matters and that is the truth. Before you came onto the forums and posted on my thread no one even knew who you were. I never once used yours or your friend's name in my story, so the fact that you're being perceived as an idiot right now is on you. You never needed to "defend" yourself until you identified who you are, but like someone else said it's not to late to change your gamertag and disappear.

The truth? Ironic, I was trying to tell the truth the whole reason I posted on your thread. You sent us your thread link on skype to all of us involved and made it public, you are the reason we're here trying to straighten the story out. It has nothing to do with gamertags and shit, I'm not here trying to protect a easily changeable gamertag. I just came here to fix your story. Do I not have that right? I never used any of you or your friends names or gamertags either, but your friends did. If I was responsible for my friend, be responsible for yours.

My story doesn't need any fixin' son. It exists as intended. I didn't miskey or mistype or fail to recall anything. I don't understand what you're not getting. I'm not putting you on blast here. You did that to yourself. Stop shooting helpless people wounded in ATV wrecks if you don't like getting punked a week later.

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No one is complaining about you posting... its that your short term memory prevents you from being able to recall the event correctly.

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No one is complaining about you posting... its that your short term memory prevents you from being able to recall the event correctly.


Yall are delusional if you think that happened.

Get a brain scan asap.

You understand that the fact that you're currently raging on the forums and the fact that you admitted that your "Friend" called Vylent's house pretty much proves that my initial post is true. If you weren't pissed off you would never have gone through the trouble to locate his personal information and harass him. Seriously' date=' you sound like an idiot right now.


I never went and looked up his info idiot, and the friend wasn't even involved in the game, he was just in the call derping, and he just joked around so what he did was not my problem. Please go read if you want to prove something instead saying more ignorant shit most of these idiots are posting too.

If you don't believe my side of story that's fine lmao, no one cares but me, and I'm not raging, I'm simply explaining, but that's to hard for people like you to understand obviously :) . If you're accusing someone and they try to defend themselves their instantly wrong and raging?

Please use some logic before posting thx.

You might reconsider the type of friends that you keep as company, if indeed it was your "friend" that called. Either way you invited him to skype and he was your responsibility from that point forward. There is only one side of the story that matters and that is the truth. Before you came onto the forums and posted on my thread no one even knew who you were. I never once used yours or your friend's name in my story, so the fact that you're being perceived as an idiot right now is on you. You never needed to "defend" yourself until you identified who you are, but like someone else said it's not to late to change your gamertag and disappear.

The truth? Ironic, I was trying to tell the truth the whole reason I posted on your thread. You sent us your thread link on skype to all of us involved and made it public, you are the reason we're here trying to straighten the story out. It has nothing to do with gamertags and shit, I'm not here trying to protect a easily changeable gamertag. I just came here to fix your story. Do I not have that right? I never used any of you or your friends names or gamertags either, but your friends did. If I was responsible for my friend, be responsible for yours.

My story doesn't need any fixin' son. It exists as intended. I didn't miskey or mistype or fail to recall anything. I don't understand what you're not getting. I'm not putting you on blast here. You did that to yourself. Stop shooting helpless people wounded in ATV wrecks if you don't like getting punked a week later.

I never shot helpless people. I was just defending my side of the story that was it.

Everyone else took it out of hand and continued to simply to correct the mistakes.

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It's always fun when bandits are killed at their own game.

If they played "our own game" then would they really be any "better" than us?

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It's always fun when bandits are killed at their own game.

If they played "our own game" then would they really be any "better" than us?

If you kill a bandit you're not a bandit. You're a hero.

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Killing a bandit in the same manner they killed you as an act of revenge is an art. It's beautiful really.

To answer your question: YES. They are infinitely better than you.

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Killing a bandit in the same manner they killed you as an act of revenge is an art. It's beautiful really.

To answer your question: YES. They are infinitely better than you.


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