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About JinxX

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  • Location
    Springdale, AR
  • Interests
    Programming, Gaming, Hip-Hop, Video Editing, Magic Tricks, Playing Harmonica, My Dog and peanut butter.

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  • Bio
    Grew up in Boston, Mass, raised in the Dominican Republic, moved to Springdale, Arkansas with my girlfriend about a year ago. Living the dream of a indie Developer.
  1. I read all of the post in here and first I'd like to thank everyone for the maturity thats being displayed I was expecting a lot less of a conversation and more trolling in here that's why I just ignored the topic after I made it. I'll just reply to a few of the posts that stuck out to me. I agree 99.9%, some players come in expecting fun to be instantly dropped into their lap and get frustrated with the consequences of trying to be friendly. Usually it comes in the shape of a bullet. I remember every single experience I've had with friendly players as well for this exact reason, thanks for pointing it out. Its really rare for the likes of this to happen, be it someone saving your life and a small journey ensuing or something even crazier like being dragged a good five minutes to safety by a complete stranger (Actual experience). Now I agree this really does take away from the game, sometimes its the only way new people can get immediate gratification with the game. The chat in game was removed to make it a really personal experience using Mic's and going at it with a complete stranger in game. =D some people have played this game for long periods of times each day! These are veterans, people that got a good 600 hours under their belt. Gear doesn't matter just experience. Overall I was just pointing out the reason I think new players can't seem to enjoy the game and seeing these posts I just gotta say one thing to these players that are thinking about quitting because of this, keep playing the game. You'll eventually start seeing completely random amazing experiences that are just your story like all the good ones you read on the forums. Bugs and Hacks aside that is. Time to get back to my studying.
  2. I'm going to keep it short, long winded posts are boring. I think its naive for all of us to assume that ALL players are getting so mad at dying they come on here to complain, of course it sucks to die but it really isn't all that bad. You can get most to all of your shit back within a few hours if you have any experience at all. What I really think is making players furious is the lack of a adventure. We've all (especially the veterans) have had amazing experiences with completely random players that where so awesome in fact we fell in love with the game right then and posted about it on the forums. Now yes some people do choose to attack players and run lone wolf banditry style, and that is 100% fine. For the most part you guys are in the minority and congratulations you have been releasing chaos like wildfire. This minority of lonewolf players added onto the fact that bandit skins have been removed (Which I wanted to happen before the flaming begins) have made people incredibly paranoid at the sight of anyone. This makes people group up and become even more violent and protective of their group mates because to them its this 'us vs the world' mentality. What these 'carebears' really want from the game is a completely random experience involving other or another player that is unique just to them. To further back my reasoning read any story in the forums and notice how up until recently only a few of them involved friends / clan mates. What do you think?
  3. While I may agree the community is crap I wouldn't let it embarrass me. The only people here that should be embarrassed are the self entitled idiots that roam these forums. That is not our problem as individuals though and more of a flaw of character, let them deal with it and their misery. As for us? We'll keep having fun with the game and life.
  4. Welcome TC to the forums, where any post that isn't directly sucking the dev's **** is responded with 'Carebear CODKid noob go play somethangelse'. Don't try to make suggestions, it hurts peoples feelings of stability and the snipers will come in force to protect their right to shoot at you from a mile away while safely cowering under their bush. Any change to this way to play will 'ruin' the game (true but just for them) and make DayZ 'stupid'. :D Enjoy your stay!
  5. Hey TC this topic has been done before. 1. Be more original. 2. You are not that good, get over yourself.
  6. JinxX

    Mk. 48 Trade?

    Doesn't matter if the trade is unfair or not. What really matters is how the idiot TC thinks a guy with a MK48 is going to willingly walk into the sight of '4' snipers to trade for a inferior weapon. Really? REALLY?! What kind of a idiot would do this shit.
  7. JinxX


    Shut up
  8. JinxX

    Dear Mum

    Thats awesome, the postal office is still alive and kicking during a zombie apocalypse.
  9. JinxX

    Grenade MULTIKILL!

    I'd totally stab people with a Katana if it was in DayZ. I'd scream quotes from the anime too.
  10. JinxX

    Grenade MULTIKILL!

    No he didn't if he did he would have been in shock for much longer.
  11. JinxX

    Grenade MULTIKILL!

    The only good part of the video was that guy football rushing your ass kamikaze style. That shit was hilarious it would have been better if he actually killed you, ultimate revenge style. Nice grenade chuck though I'll give you that. PS. I thumbs down cause Mugen is your name, and in Samurai Champloo he is a total bad ass you good sir aint as cool. (Personal preference I don't like ghillie suit sniper toting cowards)
  12. JinxX

    How did you find DayZ?

    I seen a very very unread post on PCGAmer about it LONG ago. Then they made another post talking about it and showing the popular CHKilroy videos. After watching a few of the videos I just had to get into it. My friend who plays everything with me is being a pussy about it and playing Diablo though, hes being a tool.
  13. Don't help them, let them suffer to learn. LET THEM SUFFER! PS. Your chubby aintcha Nom Nom :D