Silent_Bob 0 Posted June 30, 2012 Shoutout to Hero, you could have been like 90% of the dicks who would kill and loot my passed out body on sight but instead you carried me out of a z infested barn to safety. Even assisted me in looking for something to drink unfortunately we didnt find anything and i died but.. :( Moral of the story.. People like you give me hope for humanity.-Stay sexy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tranzsforma 11 Posted June 30, 2012 I have been playing Day-Z for about a week now, and I am really enjoying it. I am not able to survive too long on my own as I keep getting killed by other players while searching for food or drink, incredibly persistent zombies, and doors. I just had my first opportunity to end another players life. I had just spawned outside Cherno. I was sneaking around at the factory looking for loot in the red apartment blocks. I found myself a Winchester with some ammo, a water bottle, a box of matches, a watch and some soda... Not bad for the first two buildings I entered! I saw someone creeping around outside from one of the windows, he was holding a pistol so I wanted to stay out of his sight to avoid any gunfight. I went up onto the roof of the block I was in to see if I could get a better view. Looking off the roof, I couldn't really see anybody but I did hear a gunshot so I decided to get back down to ground level. I quietly crept down the stairs and out of the front door. Seeing no other survivors I thought I'd check the block next door. I entered, slowly climbed the stairs to the top floor, and as I turned into the first room there was someone crouching with their back to me, crowbar on his back and a pistol in his hand. I didn't want to run as he probably would have heard me, but I also didn't want to shoot because there were a number of zombies outside, not to mention the added possibility of attracting more survivors. I decided to take a look in his backpack as he wasn't actually moving, and found myself two morphine injectors (bonus), then behind my inventory I see the end of a rifle come around the corner in front of the dude I just stole the morphine from... Assuming that they were working together I turned around and slowly made my way back down the stairs, shitting myself wondering if they had any suspicions that there was someone else in the building with them. I made it outside, got up and ran like a maniac into the woods. By this point my heart was pounding (not my character, actually me) and I had a big grin on my face. I got somewhere safe, logged out and had to come and share my experience with you all. No other game has ever made me feel that way.I know PVP is a big part of this game, and I am glad that it is. I have been killed by players while doing really well, and I have also been killed just after spawning with nothing worth taking. I could have easily blasted that poor guy in the back of the head and looted him, but after looking, he didn't have much that I wanted, and I took what I did without any harm done, and without him even knowing. To me, that is way more satisfying than killing someone. Knowing that those two are probably going to get out of there and start on an epic journey somewhere, only to soon realise that they have no morphine, and wonder where the fuck it went is just wonderful. I say less killing and more stealing.I can't remember what server I was in, but thank you for the morphine whoever you are! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 28 Posted June 30, 2012 You should have stayed and listened to their reaction as they found out they lost their morphine :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vanchrian 2 Posted June 30, 2012 I have official survived my second day in DayZ. This is a new achievement.Granted I was really far inland and I'm actually hopelessly lost, but throughout the whole time I kept hearing gun shots behind me. It feels like someone's following me...Maybe I'm just being paranoid, every gun shot sound came from a different gun... but still... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Garfeild14 0 Posted June 30, 2012 There I was, just outside zeleno sneaking in towards the supermarket. Many infected in my path, it was questionable whether I could sneak through or not. Then from my right a bicycle shoots out into the field, he must have seen me as he passed right by, he drew all the zombies away and into the town. I continued into the store, when I was inside I sprinted for a fraction of a second and attracted a zombie... By the time the fight was over I had broken legs and 5k blood, not bleeding though... I did passout (log out) when I came too I was still in the supermarket and immediately noticed someone, I called out friendly and he replied over mic with an accent something like Swedish "Friendly, friendly, come on out." I slowly rolled out from behind the counter with my broken legs. I told him I was on the verge of death, and while he could have easily killed me and take my better backpack (I had the coyote I found by luck and he had czech) he instead gave me morphine and a blood transfusion, then left the building barely looted.I had never shot on sight before, and bicycle and swedish man have reaffirmed my morals. I will never shoot first to maintain their spirit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
breakingbad 0 Posted June 30, 2012 My best/most exciting day in DayZ so far. :DI am a lonewolf beginner so pretty boring stuff. Started Day 3 with an attack on a deerstand next to Msta, took my Lee Enfield out shot the military zombies but didn't find any good loot :/. Saw something like a barn around the corner, turned out it wasn't accessible though, on my way over there I dropped my Lee Enfield in the grass (Big Mistake :blush:) to sneak up on a zombie and use the hatched to kill him. Zombie was dead but I couldn't find my Lee Enfield anymore. Searched the area for a few minutes, hacked a few more zombies, the Lee Enfield was gone. Raided the barn of Msta no weapons, found a colt m1911 in the shack next to it. Decided to go to the Rog castle, even if I would get shot there but luckily nobody was there found some food, a knife, some ammunition. Next stop Kamyshovo, raided the barn, some food, some ammunition, entered a wood house nothing useful. OK I said to myself lets check out the storage building at the pier before you log out for today. On my way over there I had to kill a zombie with the hatched, unfortunately he fell on me and broke my leg. :dodgy:Man I wished I had a savegame. The last I could do was to check out that storage building turns out it was pretty empty (a hatched and a tank trap).So I decided to crawl to the Hospital in Elektro, if I would meet a new player on the way he could have my stuff, it was getting dark and dodging all the zombies in Elektro was thrilling. In Elektro you could hear sporadic gunfire, just before the Hospital I saw movement on the other side of the road, another player with a hatched, luckily for me he didn't try to kill me (thank you). I had my hatched out so it was 50/50. He passed behind me and was gone. So I crawl to he hospital tried to break the glass but I had flare selected so instead I lit the hole place up. :DFinally I managed to break the glass heal myself and take some of the good medical stuff. Crawled out of the town to live another;dr - Broke my leg in Kamyshova crawled to the Elektro Hospital, healed myself and mad it out alive to live another day Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leno 1 Posted June 30, 2012 It was a desperate situation. Me and my friend were literally starving. We were about to die. Then we spotted him. A man on top of a tall building.We discussed whether we should kill him or not. There was no certainty he would even have food. We only had handguns and were on a hill about 300 meters away from him.But a man has to do a lot to survive, and we were really hungry. We decided to give it a shot. My friend stayed on the hill observing the area with his binoculars while I sneaked in. My heart was pounding as I sprinted towards the building, and luckily I remained unseen. I searched for a staircase, but it was filled with barbed wire. I had no cutters, so I couldn't get up to the roof from there. Now a little bit afraid, I walked out.There it was. A ladder. I asked my friend for his location, and soon he replied with his walkie-talkie: "He's the roof of the building still... Just on top of a ladder. He's observing... something... below him."My heart skipped a beat as I glanced up. I saw some movement. I took aim with my M1911, but couldn't see him anymore. For seconds that seemed like minutes I stood there, waiting, wondering whether he spotted me.Then, suddenly he starts to climb down the ladder. Without thinking, I aimed for his head and squeezed the trigger. I missed. I shot again, now he started bleeding. Again. He dropped dead. "Holy Jesus", I whispered to myself.Soon the adrenaline rush ended and I remembered I was hungry. I went in to investigate his body, and found 2 cans of pasta and some baked beans. I quickly threw them in my backpack and ran back to my friend. We ate the food in silence. I saved our lives by taking it away from an innocent man. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scutticus 14 Posted July 1, 2012 I slowly approach the north-east of cherno after spawning down the coast and search for my comrade after meeting a terrible end in our previous life. In the hopes of acquiring fresh equipment, i head toward the small collection of military/medical tents. Shots ring out and i hit the floor tactically. Not knowing whether the shots were meant for me, i call out friendly into the cool air in hopes of a response. A pale white face slowly moves, looking out of the tents thin windows, followed by more faces in other areas of the encampment. I spring into action as soon as weapon barrels poke out from multiple tents, suppressing the enemy before climbing the nearby ladder to the roof of a hospital. Once up, i take a sniper position with my Lee Enfield rifle and take aim. Two survivors begin to move tactically against me, one flanking right and one providing a covering spray of makarov rounds. Two swift enfield rounds and he falls to the flaw. 1 confirmed dead. I move my attention to the flanking survivor who had began un-slinging his Remington shotgun from his shoulder. I smoothly hit him in the leg, causing him to collapse to the flour. I swiftly adjust my position and hit him clean through the head. 2 confirmed kills. After a quick survey of the area, only the infected remain, who i quickly dispatch and descend down the ladder to scout the rest of the encampment. Satisfied the bandits were finished, i looted what i could from the dead and moved towards the final tents. Suddenly a soldier rolls out from behind a low wall and begins a rapid group of makarov shots aimed at me, i sprint right and flank around him, where i hide waiting for the next move. The latest event had attracted even more undead upon us, and the final member of the enemy group senses this and moves to finish me off. However, clearly having not reloaded his crude weapon, reached the end of his spraying spree, and I swiftly dispatch a single shot which hit him fatally through the heart, making him hit the ground hard. 3 confirmed kills: mission accomplished :) Any survivors out there hating bandits, 3 have now been removed... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
steveba50 0 Posted July 1, 2012 I've been enjoying the game a lot in fact I have 3 accounts really just to provide a means for safer storage while we are in Alpha.I set up a nice sniper camp around NE airfield with the intention of trying to bag some NVG off a player ( seemed a safer way then Barracks ). My plan was to camp nighttime servers in the hope that an NVG player would go to my spot looking for some spare ammo or car parts etc in the quiet hours.Had my laptop next to me and im watching movies while i wait .I had a nice loadout already with Rangefinder binoculars(they have nightvision ) and a trusty (but noisy ) M107 plus GPS and and m4 SD in my backpack as backup and G17 (silenced ammo )Was in my second day of doing this had bagged a few scalps but unlucky with NVG.I decided enough was enough and went to a daytime server to try my luck maybe a small group would come by I could bag and get lucky.So I went to NZ10 full server of 50 people after about 30 mins 2 players are around the ATC Tower I bag the 1st one but as Im about to take my shot on the 2nd she disappears inside.15 mins go by I know she is in there i saw some zombies run in so I wait....and wait.Sure enough she comes out in full view but is moving erratically.( just really dodging to bait me I realised later hehe ) .I take my shot and miss...and miss again 3-4 times.Next the lights go out as i take some shots to the head I am dead.They used her as bait to track the sound of my M107.Since side chat is no more ( at least on NZ 10 ) just wanted to give those guys kudos for a nice trap and being patient to get your reward (my gear and revenge for your fallen ).It was exhilarating even though I died but they were better on the day.So then I logged into my second account which had a DMR and M48 (other side of Map ) and had the idea of working the map to find camps and downed helis to stock up my 3rd account with.Unforunately the game spawned me into debug forest and all my gear was gone again lol.The beauty of this game for me is you write your own story as you go.Yes I lost my sniper to better players but so easy to devise your own plan and make it happen and thats what makes Day Z so good for me.You lose your gear it really doesnt matter it's just a matter of time anyway in fact it's nice to run around without a care in the world whether you die or not ( when starting again ).This game is great and has potential for a lot more I am a very happy supporter of it...looking forward to more fun ahead. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted July 1, 2012 I was out wandering between Nadezhdino and Mogilevka, My intentions were to push forward to the north west air base i was trying to take the safest route possible.After eating my beans and drinking my pepsi at Nadezhdino i set off onward expecting to get to mogilevka, about five minutes into my journey i come across helicopter crash site, although i really wanted to get to north west air base before night fall, i just could not resist.I took out my Winchester and made sure i had a full magazine loaded. The area was surrounded by military zombies. I tried to get back and take the shots from a distance. First shot, hit no agro/ Second shot, hit no agro/ Third shot hit but all the zombies go crazy i try to keep my distance and pull two more kills off before i had to run. i turned as fast as i could and started to sprint there were six zombies chasing me at this point so i turn around shoot two more however one of them manages to break my leg so i quickly shoot out the remaining four.Im bleeding badly, i open my pack and bandage myself up/ But i have no morphine and cannot walk. Frustrated i wanted to die. But out of curiosity i crawled forward slowly but surely i got closer to the crashed helicopter, and much to my pleasure was a medical box full of everything i could ever need. I patch myself up and explore the rest of the helicopter thinking to myself rocket is looking over me this box was a god send.As i walk past the tail end of the helicopter i spot four players just a couple feet beyond the dirt path behind a fence, all carrying some serious fire power all appeared to be LMG type weapons they open up fire on me i was terrified id never heard so much lead being put down i jumped for cover behind the helicopter whilst shouting at them Friendly friendly!!!!!!!! with no effect. about thirty seconds past under this hell fire it seemed like a decade. a cease fire came about.I rolled to my left and saw them still there aiming as i knew they were not friendly i took aim took a second to make sure and BANG, one shot, the guy on the far right goes down but not killed i take another shot at his team mate, i missed and there fire opened up again i rolled back into cover but quickly it stopped i assume they were trying to patch there wounded i role back out to the left two roles this time around, i take aim but note one of them has gone and one of them is aiming at me i take a shot at the guy aiming at me, miss. i take another shot, i missed again i was ready to get back into cover but thought one more shot steady yourself and be patient. i get the shot lined up and bang, he goes down wounded. I role into cover taking no fire, around a minute passes and i role back out, there all gone. That was the last i saw of the four guys who tried to take me out. I didn't get a kill on any of them. but they never shot at me again. weather or not they were still watching over me. I guess its time to continue onto the north west air base. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jokerr (DayZ) 0 Posted July 1, 2012 Me and a few fellow CQF members started our adventure by meeting up in the barn north of elektro.We were 7 people,everyone had a gun and a good backpack but 1 guy who was freshly respawned.We made a plan that we would do a quick raid of the powerplant firestation - supermarket - hospital and we will go north.Oh boy,if we knew what was ahead....We reached the firestation,nothing in there,someone looted it before us.One guy left and went up the hill to provide overwatch,he had a ghillie suit,so we were pretty confident he won't get spotted easily...10 min after he left we are still in the firestation,and we hear gunshots.After a few of them,we see our friend's name "got killed".We knew it was bad.We knew someone knew we were here.We decided to move and proceed to the store.We went in there,nothing there aswell,someone looted it.We proceeded to hospital,when we saw a face pop out of the roof of the hospital,with a gun aiming at us.We quickly ran into the office,luckily no agro on us.We started saying "Friendly,friendly" in chat,no response.We quickly got a "response" when one guy went to the 3rd floor and got out on the roof.He was shot dead on sight.We then knew we had bandit problems.Everyone took positions,and me and a friend went on the 3rd floor roof,behind the walls crouching.We hear gunfire,this time from behind and the side.We quickly spot a guy on the firestation on the roof and a guy on the powerplant firestation roof.They both got AK's,and it was pretty intense.Most of us had shotguns,only 1 guy had a M16 and another had a Lee Enfield.The M16 guy and I went to try and kill the guys in the firestations,staying on the same roof of the office.We get shot at - i drop down with a bullet in my back,wounded,my friend drops dead in the second,a fatal wound in the head.He says to me over TS "Grab my gun and backpack,defend yourself guys - a pause - Good luck!"I grab his M16 and his coyote backpack(the biggest one).Steady and calm from the adrenaline,i stand up,take aim at the one of the firestation's,spot the guy,we can see we both aimed at each other.For a second,we just stayed there,aiming at each other,i didn't want to shoot,probably he regretted shooting too...And then 3 shots of my M16 emerge from the quiet town.He drops dead.3 Fatal shots in his body,i see it with my binoculaurs.I had to do it.In the mean time,the other guy at the other firestation,had left his spot.I then come back in the 3rd floor,and see 2 guys are missing,now only 5 of us are left inside.They told me the 2 guys tried to climb the hospital in order to kill the bandits on top of it,they failed and met their death instead.We then decided we will just die cause these shots had so much agro,we had to kill around 50 zombies probably.We quickly regroupped in the ground floor,5 of us alive,one needed morphine and blood transfusion.We gave it to him,and started movign towards the powerplant firestation - upon leaving the offices,i throw a smoke grenade to make way for us to leave as quick as possible.We leave what was the last stand for some..We then meet up with 2 of the dead guys and 1 more who joined in the powerplant.We are now 7 guys.We regroup and plan to head north to Stary,while raiding deer stands and looking for crashed heli's on the way to stary...That was our story.That was our firefight.For some,that was the last stand....P.S.This entire "siege" if you call it on us,took 1.30 hours. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Barrwg 5 Posted July 1, 2012 I slowly approach the north-east of cherno after spawning down the coast and search for my comrade after meeting a terrible end in our previous life. In the hopes of acquiring fresh equipment' date=' i head toward the small collection of military/medical tents. Shots ring out and i hit the floor tactically. Not knowing whether the shots were meant for me, i call out friendly into the cool air in hopes of a response. A pale white face slowly moves, looking out of the tents thin windows, followed by more faces in other areas of the encampment. I spring into action as soon as weapon barrels poke out from multiple tents, suppressing the enemy before climbing the nearby ladder to the roof of a hospital. Once up, i take a sniper position with my Lee Enfield rifle and take aim. Two survivors begin to move tactically against me, one flanking right and one providing a covering spray of makarov rounds. Two swift enfield rounds and he falls to the flaw. 1 confirmed dead. I move my attention to the flanking survivor who had began un-slinging his Remington shotgun from his shoulder. I smoothly hit him in the leg, causing him to collapse to the flour. I swiftly adjust my position and hit him clean through the head. 2 confirmed kills. After a quick survey of the area, only the infected remain, who i quickly dispatch and descend down the ladder to scout the rest of the encampment. Satisfied the bandits were finished, i looted what i could from the dead and moved towards the final tents. Suddenly a soldier rolls out from behind a low wall and begins a rapid group of makarov shots aimed at me, i sprint right and flank around him, where i hide waiting for the next move. The latest event had attracted even more undead upon us, and the final member of the enemy group senses this and moves to finish me off. However, clearly having not reloaded his crude weapon, reached the end of his spraying spree, and I swiftly dispatch a single shot which hit him fatally through the heart, making him hit the ground hard. 3 confirmed kills: mission accomplished :) Any survivors out there hating bandits, 3 have now been removed...[/quote']You forgot the part where you very slowly and painfully bled to death and was eaten by zombies shortly afterwards xD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EQandcivfanatic 0 Posted July 1, 2012 A quick introduction: My wife and I found this mod three days ago, and we both bought ARMA 2 just to play it. Now we're both incurably hooked. We typically have an epic-story worthy, movie rights pending, adventure just trying to meet up each time one or both of us die. This story though is perhaps one of the most strangely intensely emotional manipulations which has ever been perpetrated upon me in a video game since I lost Lydia in Blackreach.Anyhoo, I recently discovered the bountiful joys of wielding a crossbow. Screw firearms, I'm sticking with the 13th Century! As we had only found one Compound Crossbow to date, my wife was using a hatchet, in order to finish up any I couldn't get while reloading. Our system was that I'd clear a route into an inland town (as we stay out of the big cities) and she'd clear the buildings' interiors, if need be. It was a good system, we had more than enough food, and FOUR water bottles. Our main weakness was medical supplies, so we were working our way northeast to hit up Berezino. Well, we camped out in the forest just north of Dolina, and I was the first to log back in, and started hunting zombies surrounding our campsite. It was good fun, though I only had one crossbow bolt left. I brought down at least a half dozen zombies and I saw one more to take out, despite my wife's protestations that we focus on our usual strategy. Instead, I fired at this last zombie, and to my horror, missed, leaving my crossbow empty. Well, the zombie spotted me, and my wife moved in with her hatchet. She only took one hit before killing the walker, but that was enough to start her bleeding.We had run out of bandages earlier in the day during a fight in Mogilevka, and with no more ammo for the crossbow, and no way to get through the zombie horde around Dolina, all we could do is transfer her stuff to me and wait for her to die. It took her a good minute to bleed out, and that was that, I stayed until the end, at which point I hightailed it out through the mountains, with zombies just barely behind me, losing them in a pursuit. Still had plenty of supplies, but no one to share them with... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tranqlusion 0 Posted July 1, 2012 A quick introduction: My wife and I found this mod three days ago' date=' and we both bought ARMA 2 just to play it. Now we're both incurably hooked. We typically have an epic-story worthy, movie rights pending, adventure just trying to meet up each time one or both of us die. This story though is perhaps one of the most strangely intensely emotional manipulations which has ever been perpetrated upon me in a video game since I lost Lydia in Blackreach.Anyhoo, I recently discovered the bountiful joys of wielding a crossbow. Screw firearms, I'm sticking with the 13th Century! As we had only found one Compound Crossbow to date, my wife was using a hatchet, in order to finish up any I couldn't get while reloading. Our system was that I'd clear a route into an inland town (as we stay out of the big cities) and she'd clear the buildings' interiors, if need be. It was a good system, we had more than enough food, and [b']FOUR water bottles. Our main weakness was medical supplies, so we were working our way northeast to hit up Berezino. Well, we camped out in the forest just north of Dolina, and I was the first to log back in, and started hunting zombies surrounding our campsite. It was good fun, though I only had one crossbow bolt left. I brought down at least a half dozen zombies and I saw one more to take out, despite my wife's protestations that we focus on our usual strategy. Instead, I fired at this last zombie, and to my horror, missed, leaving my crossbow empty. Well, the zombie spotted me, and my wife moved in with her hatchet. She only took one hit before killing the walker, but that was enough to start her bleeding.We had run out of bandages earlier in the day during a fight in Mogilevka, and with no more ammo for the crossbow, and no way to get through the zombie horde around Dolina, all we could do is transfer her stuff to me and wait for her to die. It took her a good minute to bleed out, and that was that, I stayed until the end, at which point I hightailed it out through the mountains, with zombies just barely behind me, losing them in a pursuit. Still had plenty of supplies, but no one to share them with...I think there was a bandit that wrote something around 3 days ago that he killed both of you and you both raged :D I dough it is you, just wondering if it is though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EQandcivfanatic 0 Posted July 1, 2012 Not the same couple, read that story too and thought "Damn, that could have been us!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thorgold 91 Posted July 1, 2012 I sat, quietly, in the finer of the Elektro firehouse. Gunshots rang outside and zombies screeched in agitation; a big fight was on. Gripping my trusty enfield, I did the only thing I could be expected to: I closed the doors and hid in the tower.Soon, the gunfire died down. As I poked me head out tenuously, zombie yells again flared up. Suddenly, a survivor crashed right into me - completely unarmed and bleeding profusely.We retreated into the firehouse, where he expired before I could bandage him. His pursuers didn't mind switching to me, though, for dinner. A dozen zeds purée through the doors, dropping as I emptied .303 rounds into their skulls.I thought it all for naught - ammunition lost, position compromised, until I searched the fallen zeds. Beans. 6 cans of beans for a starving survivor. As for the fallen man, I left it be for his return. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UKA Harrysoon 67 Posted July 1, 2012 Killed my first bandit/player today.I'd been hanging around Berezino for a few days now. Not seen many players there. Logged in today and headed over to the military tents, but nothing of interest was there. As I was heading up to the supermarket, I heard gunshots from the apartment blocks. Got binocs out and saw zombies running to the blocks, so I knew which building the shots were coming from.I scouted out the building waiting for the player to leave, but nothing after 10 mins, so thought I'd check the supermarket out. As I got in to the supermarket, I heard the faint noise of flies on a dead body, and figured the guy in the apartment block must have died, so I went in to the apartment block I heard the gunshots from.I slowly made my way to the top floor, and to the room the noise of flies were coming from and there I saw a player in a gillie suit prone. I had my 1911 out and without thinking I put 3 rounds in to his head and received a couple of shots myself and fell unconscious. I'd lost 8000 blood, but wasn't bleeding heavily, and by the time I got up, I had enough time to bandage myself etc. The bandit died, and had some nice stuff on him like NVG, GPS, Coyote backpack etc. I wasn't greedy with what I took, just the backpack, the tools, and food he had on him to get my blood back up. Weapons I wasn't too fussed about, so I hid the body and got out of Berezino as fast as I could. I didn't have the blood levels to defend myself any further, and thought he could be on his way back, or may have sent any nearby friends over to his body.When I found safety in a nearby forest, I got a fire lit and some meat cooked up. Looked at the map now I have a GPS and he's marked some POIs that seem important to him over to the West, so going to have a look at these.I've been playing this game for nearly 2 months now, and this is the first time I've killed a player. They say the first player kill is the hardest Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
irbab00n 21 Posted July 1, 2012 Here's a little bit of a hodge-podge of stories from my latest survivor. I have altered the stories just slightly to add entertainment value. However these events were based off of true moments that occurred while me and my IRL bud were playing. Keep in mind, we were on Skype coordinating our movements and our tactics. Besides all that, enjoy! :D1.) PATIENCE IS A VIRTUEMe and my buddy, Lt. Dan spent a fairly good amount of time scouting out the deer stands around Stary Sobor and were lucky enough to find some decent equipment. Upon our travels, we came across not 1, but 2 helicopter crashes on opposite sides of a small dirt road. Now before I get too far ahead, let me describe some of the weaponry we were packing at the time. Having played around on my own at night, I happened across another helicopter crash, and found myself an MK 48 Mod 0. Lt. Dan had with him an M16A2 he had found from a few deer stands before we happened upon the downed choppers. So we definitely could make some serious noise if we wanted to, me especially.So as we crept up to the first helicopter, I counted how many zeds we will need to take down in order to advance and loot the crash site. Little did I know, there were double the amount due to the other helicopter on the other side of the road out of my vision. So as Lt. Dan counted down to engage, he got down all the way to 1 before he yelled "stop" due to more zeds being spotted. However, it was too late. *BAM* I unloaded one 7.62 round into the skull of a zed. It wasn't until I saw a rush of around 13 zeds rushing towards our position, that I had realized I made a huge mistake. What was to follow could only be described as an Armageddon of fully automatic fire, and 13 dead carcasses strewn about the clearing. After gathering our wits, and composing our strained nerves, we proceeded cautiously forward. The reward: an M249 SAW with 2 belts, an M14, and an understanding that before engaging, fully scout your target to avoid mistakes. After all, it's the mistakes that get you killed in the end.2.) SHOPPING TRIP FROM HELLAs me and Lt. Dan began to control the area around Stary Sobor, we decided that taking a look at the small military camp on the northeast side would be a smart idea. Little did we know how poorly prepared our combat skills were. After crawling through the town carefully avoiding zeds on our way to the supermarket, we made our first mistake of the day. We didn't look both ways before crossing a small dirt road. Lo and behold we had a zombie running feverishly in our direction. We were forced to get up and run to the nearest building, which by luck was the supermarket.After entering the dismally empty supermarket, we turned around and were forced to hunker down and engage. Using my MK 48 was probably not the smartest idea, as after the first few rounds went off, a flood of zeds came bolting up to the front door. Lt. Dan at the time decided to take a look in the back rooms to see if the coast was clear enough for us to run. That's when I heard a snap, a scream, and the sudden realization my buddy had his legs broken by a zombie who punched through the wall.After taking out about a dozen or so, I found him and immediately began treating his wounds with the only bandage I had at the time, when the same zombie who caused the wounds appeared in the doorway. Motivated by anger and by fear, I struck it down with a flurry of lead that spent my remaining ammunition; all the while momentarily forgetting the amount of noise that resulted. After his wounds were patched and he was awake from his shock induced slumber, the bone chilling sound of another small horde of zeds approaching through the small hallway behind me signaled I had made the second, and unfortunately fatal mistake of the day: continuing to use my loudest gun. I was forced to run, leaving Lt. Dan to fend off what he could. As I ran down the street, all I remember is the momentary sound of screaming and gunfire. Soon after, there was silence... I had to carry on my journey alone. However, a small voice in my head told me that was not the last I would see of Lt. Dan. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thedemonmelon 0 Posted July 1, 2012 I feel terrible!I had just logged in with my week old character, and I was at the bridge just outside berezino. Thinking there may be some loot as the server had reset since I last logged in, I headed back into the town. I was in a restaurant by the main square when I heard footsteps outside. I ran upstairs, checked the rooms, and got into position with my M1014 at the top of the stairs. I waited for 10 minuets, the only thing I heard was a zombie outside. I started to creep down the stairs, but heard more movement as I did and retreated again. Reassuring myself I would be fine if there was somebody (Twice I had been below 6k health and fully recovered without any blood bags), I went downstairs. A quick survey found nobody was in the building, and it was all in my head...... Or was it? I crossed the road, and went east towards the sea. I headed along the coast and was about to enter a supermarket when a zed spotted me, the blighter. I shot him with my M1014, but realised I let the whole world know where I was. Some zeds came inside the supermarket after me, but I was hidden right at the back. Nothing saw me, and they left me be. At this point I was sure I was not alone, after the sounds I heard and the fact I had probably attracted people like I had the zeds. Darting across the road when the zeds had their backs turned, I crept behind the back wall of the camp by the hospital. Thats when I heard scurrying on the other side of the wall. Hurrying into a back garden where I would see anybody coming, I waited for 2 minuets. No sign of anyone or anything. I slowly crept around through the gardens, glanced at where I heard the sounds, and looked inside the hospital. Inside, I heard a noise, so I believed there was somebody behind one of the walls. I darted outside and thought of how I could escape silently. I slowly crept around the back of the hospital and thats where I saw him.He had a pistol, possibly a makarov, and was looking at the ladder for some reason. I still thought he was a threat, I was not sure if HE was alone either. Hiding behind the rubble pile about 8m away from him, I slowly stood up, lined up a shot, and shot him 3 times in the back of the head with my M1014. He crawled behind a bin, and I did not see him again. Just then, out of the bush besides him, a person in a ghillie suit jumps out with a very quiet machine gun. I get shot repeatedly. Also a zed is on the scene attacking me. Killing the zombie and then killing the ghillie suit man, I scurry inside the hospital. I am at 2k blood, and my vision is blurred. I bandage myself and fight the other zombies. After the last zed was dead, I faint. I was literately shaking IRL, I did not know the fate of the first man I shot, and if he was alive he would show NO mercy. I was carrying a lot of loot I had never even laid eyes on before, and this was only my second character that lived longer than a couple of days (He had lived a week).I awaken, shaking (In game) and almost blind. I take some painkillers, and the 3 cooked meat in my bag. Only up to 4.5 k blood, not in good shape at all. Dreading what I might find, I sneak around the back. The first thing I check is that the ghillie suit man is still there, as he may have fallen unconscious and survived. He was there. The second thing I check is the other man, the one I shot first. I saw him dead. I felt so happy that I was not about to be killed by him but so sad he was dead. Looting their corpses, I found enough cooked meat to restore me to 12k blood, and have leftovers. I found his Bizon SD, and the pistol the non ghillie suit guy had was an M1911, not a makarov.I feel very good, I have got reasonable gear now, a quiet gun will come in handy, I am no longer in a food crisis and this makes up for everything I lost when my tractor got stolen. But I feel remorse. I had always wanted to be a bandit (My first attempt was 20m from the same spot, behind the supermarket. I shot at somebody with an AKM but forgot to set it to full auto, and it wasn't a case of han shot first...) but I expected it to be glorious. I have 2 murders and I feel their pain...Buuuuuuuut I got good loot! Sorry 'Thomas' and friend who I did not see from UK34!They say the first player kill is the hardestAnd the first 2 at the same time is?EDIT: These were not my first 2 kills! Just remembered a couple of weeks ago somebody named 'Josh' on a UK server asked me to stick with him just after spawning. I did. After we had a stand off with somebody, ending in no spilt blood, I was told 'He is going to betray you'. 'I trust him' I replied. Later he said 'Its too dark to follow you into the forest, you go on'. As I walked away, he shot at me. Hiding in the dark behind a tree he ran past and I shot him, and after a game of hide and seek, I hear VERY close footsteps. Keeping still, I hear a hiss, and he throws a flare AWAY from me. I know exactly where he is and bang I get a bandit kill, but only 5k blood remain and I die half an hour later... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JackDaniels (DayZ) 1 Posted July 2, 2012 Today was my third day of Survival in Chenarus, I had ARMA but never quit got a lay of the land. The fact I had no Map made matters worse. However upon entering the looking for Group Teamspeak channel, I came across the Danish Math, The Noble Striker, and The Mischevious Mayhem. They discussed the meet up in Cherno and I decided to ask for help in directions. Striker set me on the path rightward and so for about 30ish minutes I ran the road to Cherno from the west.I also experienced a power outage halfway through and waited 5 minutes to find if the zombie chasing me did me in, it didn't. Eventually I made my way into the trainyard of Cherno as a horde (9 Zed) followed me. Mayhem was the first responder and used his mighty Axe to slay the infected and help me escape. With no weapon and only the gear I started with in the land of Chenarus, and with a thirst and great hunger, I regrouped at the hospital with the others.Striker was our leader, he had his Enfield always loaded. when I met my Danish friend, he had on him an Axe and medical equipment. Mayhem had a similar loadout to Striker bar the bloodpacks and Axe.We set out from Cherno to the mountains. As we crossed the outskirts of Cherno, and as soon as I crossed the traintracks (Mayhem and Striker in front, me n Math side by side). I heard a shot rang out, and immediately passed out in the dead of the traintracks bleeding profusely from a Rifle shot."SNIPER!" cried out Striker as he and mayhem took cover in the sole tree in the vicinity. Maths dropped to a crouch and dragged me to the psuedo safety of the tree. He patched me up, yet somehow Mayhem managed to loose his bloodpacks. After a minute of tension we ran for it into the woods up the hill. I collapsed halfway there but wasn't abandoned.We luckily came across an fully intact and fuelled 5 person Jeep as soon as such and took it to the barns that Striker had mapped out. When we got there I finally got my first enfield and ammo. I opted to carry the Jerries for the team as we had yet to realize that the jeep carried cargo.That was the beginning of The Apocalyptika....and the story of Jack and The Trollzor Bandito of US4.(funny because they swore I got shot in the chest, and I was under the assumption I would have died from a chest shot. Never encountered the sniper again either) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NicoTheUnique (DayZ) 0 Posted July 2, 2012 This is the most tense moment i have had in Day z....Recently i got my friend into the game, he has a "kill-all" bandit mentality, that i respect, he loves his gear, and the game..after a failed death(another good story) we both spawned close to cherno, we decided to meet up there.On the way, my friend came across a player, and for almost the first time, he actuly did not kill him at his first chance, they teamed up, and headed into electro, Revolver and axe in hand.I had found a crossbow, and meet up with them. I was quite shocked when my friend stopped me from killing his new partner. So we headed into cherno. Our new friend(Chris), headed into town, all of us were talking on the mic and having a good time, we entered a station, were we found ourself pinned down by zombies. At this time we meet a fourth survivor(darksoul i think?) a friendly guy, who just wanted to grab what we left behind. Little did he know the fire station was about to be flocked by about 20 zombies. We were about to run, all four of us. Then my friend suddently turned around, shot chris and Darksoul in the knees, and ran. I was so shocked what had happend, he did not kill them, only break their legs and feelt so cheap, but funny at the same time....We tried to outrun some zombies, and i made a lap into the firestation, were Chris and Darksoul layed dead....i almost laugted myself to death but we both got picked off shortly after by some bandits outside....i guess karma's a bitch if you are rigth? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mech__Warrior 6 Posted July 2, 2012 Today was the first day I've played in quite some time after I talked to my clan about DayZ. I didn't know they had a server going and thought, "Hell, I'd probably last longer if I played on there anyway. I've got some friends in high places and they'd be happy to help me." But it turns out that I didn't exactly need their help. Spawned at Cherno and since the last time I played, I expected to have a gun, morphine, painkillers, etc, like I usually did. Nope, I was stark naked but it was day time! I wasn't completely screwed...yet...But I found the grocery store of Cherno and the first thing I found was an M1911 and a lot of ammo. A good start, but the more I looted the store, I found a hunting knife, Czech pack, hatchet, watch, food, soda, and other things to get me going. 'Pretty bad ass. I've never had this kind of luck. Usually, the zombies would have found me and got me, but I'm doing well.' I thought to myself again before running into a zombie in front of me. One shot and he's down. Thus began a mini-love affair with the M1911 and it's one-shot kill glory. I continued around the town, looting like I normally did and the entire city was vacant. No snipers, no survivors and barely any zombies. It was downright strange, but I didn't mind it at all. At some point, I came across an AK74 with two clips of ammo, had an accident and changed my pants. Then, behind the apartment that I was about to look into, I saw a cardboard box. I didn't think anything of it, thinking it was just a prop and approached it anyway. What I found was 10 bandages, 5 painkillers, 5 shots of morphine, 5 blood packs, and 5 epipens! 'HOLY FUCKING SHIT! GAIZ! GAIZ! GET OVER HERE BEFORE I DIE!' I yelled on Teamspeak, because that's something that happens to me; zombies find me, knock me down and eat my delicious brains because, well, that's what they do. I grabbed what I could, mainly blood packs, morphine, epipens and painkillers and hoped that I could help my clan out with the newly-found supplies. They didn't want any, which was odd but I kept them anyway.I then followed the road north, to Kozlovka so that I could find a bus that I could drive around, but it didn't spawn so I continued to Drozhino. I looted a barn I found there, which had an M3 Lee and three clips of ammo. Then I became incredibly stupid and thought, 'Hurrf durrf, I'm gonna kill me some zombies with this extra ammo and leave my AK behind.', which would have been good had I remembered how loud the Enfield was. My first two shots were fine, but the third one aggro'd the entire town and I could only chuckle like a fool as I ran back to the barn, giggling to myself as I went up the wrong flight of stairs to find my gun. I didn't find it, but the zombies were polite enough to walk up the stairs as I shot them. I promptly ran out of ammo, quick grabbed the Winchester that was conveniently there, along with fresh ammo and finished the rest of the zombies off. With only 2000 or so blood left and fifty zombies dead, I crawled to the other side and told my buddies on TS that I needed help. Within ten or so minutes, they came by and got me going again. Again, I offered blood packs as payment, but they refused.Finally, I wandered to Zelenogrosk to look for more ammo for my M1911, but quickly found out that going there is usually a bad decision. I did manage to lose the zombies chasing me by running in between buildings, but that was pretty much it. I made it to the grocery, again, for some more ammo and food, and also found a map. But now, I was worried about my AK ammo and went to the power plant south of it for some. That was a mistake. As soon as I aggro'd one and shot, I got the entire yard of zombies barreling towards me! I couldn't draw my AK in time to help deal with them, and died trying to change weapons. My buddies were nice enough to drive to where I died, but the only thing they recovered was my pack, none of my other goodies made it. :<But this leads me to my second life where they picked me up in their jeep and drove me to their base camp! I got restocked, rearmed and seems how I was probably going to get myself killed anyway, they just gave me a Winchester. They dropped me off at Palvovo again and I didn't realize the jeep aggro's zombies, so as soon as I got out, they attacked me. My friend made a second pass and ran over some of them while I made my daring escape...which I did. I got away and then meandered around the area, just goofing off when I found her...the bus... I got in there as fast as I could but her engine was out and she had no fuel. I told everyone I could on there, asking for parts but they didn't have any, so I set out again to the power plant in Zelenogrosk again, and managed to get all the zombies this time. But when I decided when the gas station was a good place to look, I got swarmed again after I opened fire and died yet again.So what did I learn from all of this? Well, I lack a lot of foresight and when zombies start chasing me, I shouldn't exactly fire at them to ensure my safety.But wait! There's more! The last time I spawned, I decided to just hit up tree stands...well, aside from just getting general supplies. After I finished up looting the three around Bor, I run South like an idiot so I could raid the airfield at Balota...but a quarter of the way in and down a hill, I found some tents! Five of them, and among the things I found, there as a M107, ghille suit, M4 CCO, DRM, GPS, Coyote Backpack and a motorcycle was hidden nearby. My reaction; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeathHaze420 0 Posted July 2, 2012 And now for my horrible horrible story..... Goddamn this is embarrassing, but it goes to show, Vehicles can be bad.So, it all started this morning. I went out on mine and my cousin's "good" atv. Figured I haven't ever seen a boat, may as well go look for one. Near the wrecked ship, south towards Berez there was a boat!!!! Ok, I'ma hop off and hide my atv, put my stuff in it in case I have to swim at all. This is where I made my first mistake lol. Overfilled the ATV and lost my flipping Night Vision Goggles..... Such a dumb mistake. But, I got a boat now. Gonna go hide it so me and my cousin can come back and figure out what to do with it. I got around the corner of the sunken ship and found the second boat there!!! Figured good enough, I drove right by here and didn't see this, plus even if someone takes one, there's another.Back to my atv, heading into Berez. We need to fix up the other atv so we can roll out together in style. (Also seeing 2 atv's may trick people into thinking that there is four of us and not two) So I head to the warehouses next to the harbor. Did you know that the Harbor is also glitched for the atv's? Lmao me neither. Up in the air I went. To quote Joel from Rooster Teeth Podcast, it was "THE SKY! THE GROUND! THE SKY! THE GROUND! THE SKY! THE GROUND!" WHAM! On my side, broken legs, bleeding, shock, and needing pain killers. Thank god I have all that. After emptying my atv I head back to the boats with some gas tanks I scavenged. Head down south to our base (yes, we don't hide our stuff in the north/west off the map) Just as I make it back to camp my cousin wakes up, hops on and I tell him how much of a dumbass I am, As I put it "I got Good news, Bad news, Good news, and Bad news.." "Oh?" "Found a boat, lost the nvg's, found a second boat, lost the atv" hahahahaSo we decide to go collect the last boat. Take the atv out, and guess what? I forgot about the trench by that ship. "THE SKY! THE GROUND! THE SKY! THE GROUND! THE SKY! THE GROUND!" Wham and FIIIIIIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!! My cousin's unconscious. I'm bleeding from the top of my head (Love the blood spray Rocket!) heal myself, pull him from the wreckage, he has an epi on him so I make him all 100% We lick our wounds, lamenting the loss of our last atv, and head to the boat. Now I was under the impression that A- the boat was full of gas, and B- I had spare tanks on me anyway.... Nope.....We got stranded out at sea.... Had to make the swim.... I told him about the horrible horrible glitch and how we had a 1 in 100 shot of making it to shore with our gear..... we both lost our gear at the exact same spot too deep to get..... Rangefinders, His NVG, his sniper rifle (heli loot) my 24 slot backpack, everything in our backpacks we had worked towards.... All because of my goddamn assumption....At this point my cousin got a liiiiiiitle bit angry. Realized he still had his sidearm and killed me. And All I could say was "I deserve that. I'm gonna go sit in my closet so I don't break anything else"TL;DR: Lost all vehicles and loot in a bad string of unfortunate events all before the first pot of coffee was even finished in the morning. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thorgold 91 Posted July 2, 2012 The Journey of a (30 minute) LifetimeRog Castle, Chicago 48. I stockpiled the spoils of a particularly successful loot trip that had taken me up and down the west coast, culminating in the fleecing of Rog Castle. Countless bandages and a pair of binoculars later, I was ready to leave when I noticed I'd forgotten to check the gatehouse room.Someone had set up barbed wire across the door, no doubt a server hopper or a man obsessed with safe spawning. I couldn't remember if I still had a toolbox, so I opened up my inventory to check... whoops. That G key is very close to the V key. I watched, helplessly, as I attempted to vault a barbed wire barrier. Soon, I was unconscious, bleeding profusely, and nursing broken legs.When I woke up, I bandaged myself, but to my chagrin I realized I had no morphine. Frantically, I cried out for a medic on the forum, but to no avail - all busy elsewhere with other broken-leg and 5000-blood victims. Most survivors in this situation would give up - wait hours for assistance to come or commit suicide to reincarnate in an more mobile body. However, death wasn't an option for me - I was going to live. So, I only had one choice - crawl 3km to Elektro with naught but a Winchester and a revolver to raid the hospital there.So, I crawled, rolled, and crawled some more. Whether luck was on my side and no snipers were present or the ghillied bandits were dumbstruck by the odd sight of a survivor barrel rolling down the hill to Elektro, I do not know. However, I do know I managed to make the 3km crawl with no ill harm whatsoever.I found two syringes of morphine, a blood pack, and a knife during my brief tenure in Elektro. In contrast to my stealthy entry, my exit from Elektro was heralded by pyrotechnics and gunfire as I threw some superfluous smoke grenades around the hospital as I made my;dr Crawled through the streets of Elektro like a baws. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scutticus 14 Posted July 2, 2012 I slowly approach the north-east of cherno after spawning down the coast and search for my comrade after meeting a terrible end in our previous life. In the hopes of acquiring fresh equipment' date=' i head toward the small collection of military/medical tents. Shots ring out and i hit the floor tactically. Not knowing whether the shots were meant for me, i call out friendly into the cool air in hopes of a response. A pale white face slowly moves, looking out of the tents thin windows, followed by more faces in other areas of the encampment. I spring into action as soon as weapon barrels poke out from multiple tents, suppressing the enemy before climbing the nearby ladder to the roof of a hospital. Once up, i take a sniper position with my Lee Enfield rifle and take aim. Two survivors begin to move tactically against me, one flanking right and one providing a covering spray of makarov rounds. Two swift enfield rounds and he falls to the flaw. 1 confirmed dead. I move my attention to the flanking survivor who had began un-slinging his Remington shotgun from his shoulder. I smoothly hit him in the leg, causing him to collapse to the flour. I swiftly adjust my position and hit him clean through the head. 2 confirmed kills. After a quick survey of the area, only the infected remain, who i quickly dispatch and descend down the ladder to scout the rest of the encampment. Satisfied the bandits were finished, i looted what i could from the dead and moved towards the final tents. Suddenly a soldier rolls out from behind a low wall and begins a rapid group of makarov shots aimed at me, i sprint right and flank around him, where i hide waiting for the next move. The latest event had attracted even more undead upon us, and the final member of the enemy group senses this and moves to finish me off. However, clearly having not reloaded his crude weapon, reached the end of his spraying spree, and I swiftly dispatch a single shot which hit him fatally through the heart, making him hit the ground hard. 3 confirmed kills: mission accomplished :) Any survivors out there hating bandits, 3 have now been removed...[/quote']You forgot the part where you very slowly and painfully bled to death and was eaten by zombies shortly afterwards xDActually, i died from 1 zombies punching me once in the face and instant killing me due to the 200 blood i had left xD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites