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About steveba50

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. steveba50

    Game is flat out UNPLAYABLE

    Great post i agree with all the points you made.
  2. During this alpha phase i've noticed a lot of game mechanic glitches that have never really gone away such as: * Falling off ladders/steps a few feet off the ground an breaking legs/dying *doors crushing me to death * dead bodies melting into the floor * logging into the game fully equipped but now in debug forest and the game killing me *Inventory bugs *someone mentioned their vehicle having a head on with a rabbit and dying Just some i can think of off the top of my head. Can these issues ever be resolved with the Arma 2 engine at the core of this game? Seems most problems are related to this not the actual mod but I have no technical knowledge in this area i admit. Would the people with more expertise mind chiming in on this. I love the mod and have purchased 3 copies and I want a good future for this game but the engine runniing it concerns me a bit
  3. steveba50

    Bodies disappear after kill

    I saw this in NW barracks the player slowly sunk through the floor flys buzzing and all
  4. steveba50

    DayZ Stories

    I've been enjoying the game a lot in fact I have 3 accounts really just to provide a means for safer storage while we are in Alpha. I set up a nice sniper camp around NE airfield with the intention of trying to bag some NVG off a player ( seemed a safer way then Barracks ). My plan was to camp nighttime servers in the hope that an NVG player would go to my spot looking for some spare ammo or car parts etc in the quiet hours.Had my laptop next to me and im watching movies while i wait . I had a nice loadout already with Rangefinder binoculars(they have nightvision ) and a trusty (but noisy ) M107 plus GPS and and m4 SD in my backpack as backup and G17 (silenced ammo ) Was in my second day of doing this had bagged a few scalps but unlucky with NVG. I decided enough was enough and went to a daytime server to try my luck maybe a small group would come by I could bag and get lucky. So I went to NZ10 full server of 50 people after about 30 mins 2 players are around the ATC Tower I bag the 1st one but as Im about to take my shot on the 2nd she disappears inside. 15 mins go by I know she is in there i saw some zombies run in so I wait....and wait. Sure enough she comes out in full view but is moving erratically.( just really dodging to bait me I realised later hehe ) . I take my shot and miss...and miss again 3-4 times. Next the lights go out as i take some shots to the head I am dead. They used her as bait to track the sound of my M107. Since side chat is no more ( at least on NZ 10 ) just wanted to give those guys kudos for a nice trap and being patient to get your reward (my gear and revenge for your fallen ). It was exhilarating even though I died but they were better on the day. So then I logged into my second account which had a DMR and M48 (other side of Map ) and had the idea of working the map to find camps and downed helis to stock up my 3rd account with.Unforunately the game spawned me into debug forest and all my gear was gone again lol. The beauty of this game for me is you write your own story as you go.Yes I lost my sniper to better players but so easy to devise your own plan and make it happen and thats what makes Day Z so good for me. You lose your gear it really doesnt matter it's just a matter of time anyway in fact it's nice to run around without a care in the world whether you die or not ( when starting again ). This game is great and has potential for a lot more I am a very happy supporter of it...looking forward to more fun ahead.
  5. steveba50

    Day Z Movie

    Came across this movie on You Tube last night while i was playing Dayz some elements look remarkably similar and some ideas in this movie I would love to see in the game. Good way to pass time in between Day Z sessions enjoy. mmm Samurai sword for melee weapon please! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFuA_CFvmFY&feature=related
  6. If the server has tags on then a Ghillie doesnt help at all....being hidden and sniping with tags on makes you an even juicier target as people will think you are a loot piniata.
  7. I'm interested in joining im playing lone wold since the game out and looking for more to do. I have 3 accounts which i use as a reliable way to store items. I have teamspeak/vent/mumble etc steam ID is steveba50/steveba57/steveba67 any of those or PM here. Cheers