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Short and simple, I broke my legs in the middle of nowhere with no morphine and I'm still lost.

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"Attention; certain details and names are being kept from the public"

I spawn into the last server I had on my server list, and there it is..the Mother-load of all looters dream, make a leopard purr type of loot . When I spawned in there was 5 vehicles and a crap load of tents, what seemed like they were duped.

I cautiously scanned the perimeter to make sure it was clear. It was. I then moved into the barracked small fortress like some Metal Gear Solid/Splinter Cell agent..."really cause all I had was a silenced M9". I began my loot and moving the goodies. On my second or third trip back, as I was going through their tents full of ammo.. a person spawned in..running up to the tent I was at and just looked at me. My blood began pumping and was trying to figure out why the hell he didnt shoot me? Then he faced the tent I was rumbling through and it clicked! He thought I was one of the clan members...

Silly boy I thought as I slowly raised my Silenced M9, then shot him in the head. He got on the "Direct Com" channel and said, " DUDE ITS ME WTH?" I giggled.. and continued my rummage, taking as much ammo as I could possibly hold.

When I noticed another clan member was connecting I quickly ran into a bush and took cover.. scanning the ridge. Then... I saw him.. he was in a ghillie suit laying down scanning the tent area. I was in a bush behind some tents and quickly tried to think my way out of this. I equipped the M4 I snagged from them and loaded it.. I then slowly strafed right until he was in plain few of my iron-sights. PANG PANG PANG- he was dead.

When my friend joined in, I gave him the skivvy on what was going on and came up with a plan.. he was going to watch my back as I continued my loot. When we got back to the spot I began my thing, when someone was at the tents, but he didnt see my because I was lying down behind the tents...I told my buddy and like some Secret Sniper, PANG..."tango down" as I watched the guy collapse beside me. Continuing my loot my buddy told me he heard some foot-steps by him...he quickly turned around and dropped the guy sneaking around him. After that, I told him to bug out because I wanted to be a dic*.. I went to their weapons tent and grabbed their M249 SAW with 3 boxes. Layed down and began destroying their trucks they had. "Ultimate sabotage/loot yes I know" I destroyed 3/5 vehicles, but the 2 that were left I shot the tires out and basically were useless.

Out of the whole looting, I grabbed close to 60 mags of 5.56, 20 5.56SD, 8 NVGS, couple rifles.. range finders, GPS's...amazing I know..

Best Story I've had in awhile

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I was guarding the old stone tower from " evil " bandits , suddenly i saw movement in the bushses , i got a fast glimpse of a survivor with crowbar on his hands.

I kept an eye on the survior as he searched for any food / weapons to survive but for his bad luck there wasen't any . Soon he was coming to the tower where i was located , i stopped him at the lower stairs by pointing an Ak 74 at his face , hoping that he wouldnt make a mistake and try to attack me with an crowbar .

I asked him if he was friendly , and well like most of us would have said at that moment, he was :D

I told him that loot was maybe gonna spawn soon that he should wait inside the tower , after that he thanked me and i left the castle area to go search some deer huts .

After a while of doing some searching i found m16 & 1 mag to it , i thought that i wont need that since i had ak + 4-5 mags , but then i remembered the lone survior at the castle tower waiting desperatly for loot.

I tookd the weapon to my bag and sprinted towards the castle , when i got there i immediately heard foot steps from top floor , i asked if it was the same guy just to be sure , and he was .

Then i tookd quite big risk and told him to take the gun from my backbag , hoping that he wouldn't shoot me .

He tookd it and thanked and left :) im just still hoping that i wont get those bullets to my back when going to loot more places later today :s

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I joined a night time server and was wandering around looking for any supplies in Elektro. While at the power station I found a remmington 870 (flashlight). A few mins later I fell off a ladder and lost everything.

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So I was killed by some server hack that made the screen say "Hell hath no furry" and i didnt have my bandages or my morphine so I died proudly and began my journey to a nearby town to began looting. I get to some apartments and an idiot is throwing flares left and right and making a lot of noise shooting zombies and then making more come to him and continuing this routine. I was sick and tired of zombies running past me and swiping at me so I ran up behind the guy making a mess of every zombie he came across and while he was reloading I unloaded my 1911 into his back. Rule one of survival, no flares. Rule two, be quiet. Thanks for the beans

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So i just realised, after playing DayZ last night, when some sneaky dog tried to creep up on me and axe me in the back but failed and i turned around and 3 hit him with my crotches then passed out while bleeding after taking one hit, then getting back up, bandaging, and left with 1.5k blood, that i was crippled in my leg the entire time. Thankfully he had all the medical supplies on him. TL;DR Dont fucking mess with cripples, they have crotches.

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Today was a good day.

Started off bad: I got cornered by a group of zeds in a barn a ways east of Cherno. I fought them with my hatchet, and as I killed the last one it got a hit in, knocking me down and breaking my bones. I had to crawl all the way to a hospital in Cherno. I broke the windows with my hatchet and scoured the supplies until I finally found some morphine. After patching myself up, another survivor came around the corner. I panicked at first, but surprisingly he didn't shoot. The first friendly survivor I've encountered in the week I've been playing. We exchanged blood transfusions, fought off a group of zeds gathered around the hospital, and parted ways.

After stocking up a bit in Cherno, I headed north. Looted the supermarket in Stary Sober and got an ALICE pack. Logged off in a farm to go eat. Came back and found a crossbow. I'd been saving some bolts just in case. Headed to the military camp near the town. Spotted another survivor crawling around on the other end of the camp. I hid behind a tent and spoke to him in direct chat. He was another friendly, and had another guy with him. He'd had his bones broken and was looking for morphine. I felt his pain, so I gave him the spare I'd taken from the hospital earlier. He thanked me and again I just moved on (despite these people not shooting me on sight, I still have a bit of trouble trusting them after seeing some videos of bandits befriending people and later killing them for fun).

So then I decided to push my luck and explore the NW airfield since the server didn't have many players. I moved cautiously, but only found zeds. When I got the barracks in the middle of the strip, I got a little paranoid when I saw two dead survivors outside the door. I carefully made my way in, but found no one. Looted the bodies and found a lot of great gear. Nearly filled my tool belt. My guess is that they killed each other. If someone else had killed them they probably would've picked the bodies clean. After exploring I just left the airfield and logged off.

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Today was hilarious. My friend and community-mate, Unholyknight, was in a bind in Polana. He had a broken leg, no morphine, and there was none to be found in the town. I was just near the Factory east of him, so I slowly made my way into Polana and rescued him with my last Morphine, and then we ran back to the Factory. He started to infiltrate it while I was eating lunch, so I watched over the place with my binoculars.

He spoke up on our Mumble, stating that there was someone else he just caught sight of for a fleeting second. I took up my binoculars and found who he was talking about. The guy had a CZ sniper rifle, so I told Unholy to sneak up on him and cap him if he could. The guy ran to the top floor of the warehouse, and just as Unholy started firing on him, the asshole proned and logged out. Frustrated, he decided to sit and wait, hopefully the guy would log back in (hah.) Meanwhile, I had already eaten, and since there was not really much point in going to help Unholy, I tried to loot the nearby deerstand. I approached it, when suddenly I heard ricochets, and was in shock. I was being shot at from the hill I had just come from. Unholyknight could hear the gunshots but couldn't see any muzzle flashes, so he took cover in the stairwell. Meanwhile, I hobbled over to a pinetree, and, taking cover in its leaves, I bandaged my wounds as I was completely hidden by the treeleaves. Or so I thought.

Apparently, this guy can see through leaves, and shot me in the head in a single shot. I call bullshit, and suspect hacks, but since I can't prove anything I don't really care. Regardless, Unholyknight got the fuck out of there straight after, and then I heard him pipe up.


He joyrode the Jeep to the airstrip, and I made my way there too. When we finally both got there, he just drove up and down the tarmac while I looted the barracks. We got some good gear, but unfortunately he was having too much fun running zombies over and didn't hear me when I asked him to stop and pick me up. So he ran over me and killed me. And then the car broke down. And then he got eaten alive.

The end.

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My group and I were coming back to our camp from a trip to an undisclosed location when we spotted a lone survivor near our camp. We engaged him and he was able to kill one of my mates but we got vengeance on him. Seconds later another thief appears in a tree line with an old hatchback tearing ass out of the trees into the opening. We light the car the fuck up and are able to toss a few grenades and kill the thief, whether it was gunfire or the explosion we will never know. The man on foot is now being hunted and we finally get a drop on him when he cowardly logs out and death dodges right before his execution. Had these thieves made it into our camp they would have been greeted by 5 other heavily armed members of our group and I doubt would have gotten our fucking beans.

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A new spawn, a new life. For me, that was one code I lived by under the DayZ sun. Each life I play differently, fro the Role-model survivor to the treacherous bandit. This story leans more towards the latter.

I spawned just west of Elektro, and slowly made my way into the city. The first house I came to was empty, as was the next. It wasn't until I was deep into the city that I hit the jackpot. Food, soda, a larger backpack, and a G17 with 4 mags.

It wasn't until I emerged from another house that I saw him: two survivors wielding an AKs. From cover, I called out to him, and he responded. Outgunned, I discovered that they were friendly. I joined up with them on a quest to get to the fire station north of town. Slowly but surely, we emerged from Elektro's grasp and found the body of another survivor. They let me take his DMR and Coyete pack, as well as gave me a much needed blood transfusion.

Entering the station, I told them I heard gunshots. They instructed me to search the upper floors while they set up fields of fire to cover both entrances. I was about to head up when I glanced back. Both of them stood with their backs to me, trusting me completely.I switched to my G17...

...and put two bullets into each of their skulls.

I grabbed one of their AKs, as well as 8 mags for it. In addition, I took some other basic supplies from them. As I made haste from that location, an interesting sound reached my ears: a car approaching town. I took my DMR and set up on a nearby hill as the driver stopped at the station. He being of the only survivor in the vehicle, I put a round through his legs. As he crawled for cover, I fired again, catching him in the chest and ending his life.

I slowly crept up to the land rover, expecting shots to come from anywhere. Upon reaching the vehicle, I hopped into the back seat to check its inventory. Lo and behold, it contained a M107 with 4 mags, an M4A1 CCO with 5 mags, and half a dozen DMR mags, as well as tons of supplies.

I hopped into the driver's seat and turned the car northward. But that's where this story ends. I still have some fuel to burn in that car, and a few bullets to spare.

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Just thought I'd post about my first time with Dayz to split up the sarcastic one liners :P

This was a while ago so I may not remember everything.


The barn looked as good a place to scavenge as any. There were a few zed around, but nothing I couldn't sneak past. A few minutes later and not one zed alerted. My instincts were correct. Inside, I find a whopping Winchester 1866! Finally, all that searching has paid off...

"Person inside the barn, friendly?!

That startled me. Friendly? What does that mean? Do people actually kill each other in this hellish world? Are people that desperate that they'll kill you?

"Y..yes" I shout back. I hear screams. Screams of zed. The person nearby enters the barn and comes up to my position. The shooting of the zed begins in earnest. It was a good time to give my new toy a test run. It worked wonders compared to my flimsy Makarov. One shot to the body and that was enough to take one down. The new companion however preferred to use his sidearm and pick headshots off. The onslaught of Zed lasted five minutes. In that time, they were all gone.

"Sorry for leading them to you."

"No worries."

"Where are you headed?"

"Anywhere really. Just surviving."

"I'm going to loot some deer stands, want to come?"

Deer stands? What were they?

"No thanks, I'm alright."

The parting was tense. I could see it in his eyes he was expecting a bullet to fly, his hand hovered around his holster. I disappeared. A city was nearby, I would scavenge some more until the end of the day.

It was getting dark. I didn't find much of use. A few bandages and some ammo for my Makarov. I needed to rest for the night, but the city didn't seem like a good place. Unlike the barn, the zed were everywhere and only patience and a little bit of luck has got me this far. I returned and settled at the top of the barn. I lit a flare and waited.

Big mistake.

A lone figure entered the barn. Another person. I panic, then remember what my friend said to me.


He doesn't reply, but instead darts under the floor. I can't shoot him. He can't shoot me. Stalemate. Putting trust in my Winchester, I believe to have the upper hand.

"Crawl out under and leave. If I find you have popped your head out to shoot at me, I'll shoot it off"

What a stupid thing to say. He popped his head out out from underneath. I didn't shoot it off and instead, he shot at me. Bleeding heavily. Zed coming into the barn. I fire a shot. He fires a shot. More zed attacking my attacker. I pass out to see my attacker suffer at the hands of the dead.

You are dead.

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Walking down the dusty road, or at least it felt like one, can't see a thing, I always thought that meant they couldn't see me either, and by they, I mean the people on the hills, The people who always say that the hills have eyes, are right, anyways, walking down that road, I came across the place everyone calls "Elektro" of course someone had been here, I see all the red light illuminating from sticks of light people have thrown, I hunker down onto the sidewalk and slow down to a crawl, walking and crawling, it seemed like forever, I crawled into a Cafe only to sight, one person holding what seemed like an axe, I panicked, quickly aiming down the sights of my M9 unloading what seemed like BB's, he ran at me with the axe swinging and lashing, Fortunately he only hit me once, I was bleeding majorly as the man with the axe fell down, dead before he hit the floor, I crawl to the back and pull bandages out of my bag to wrap my wounds, then I pass out... Blood loss can do a lot to a man, I wake up, with barely enough time to bandage myself, I'm not in good shape, in fact at that moment, I believed I was going to die... But, I didn't at least, not then... Crawling out the door way and running at the hills, All I see in my eyes, is a bright flash of light next to a tree, then.. I'm falling to the ground, Dead as my body thumps into the grass..

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First time playing this game today! After some discussions with a friend he finally convinced me to buy this mod. Its really nice! through the streams ive been seeing u cant really see that the graphics are quite good! didnt expect that!

Now to my story:

I spawned at Cherno went to podriski i believe its called me and my friends talking through skype we finally meet in a forest. We head north and my friends tells me he knows some good places to get gear going. Indeed i have a Lee Enfield shotgun after 20 minutes of play, some soda, beans, coke so he says lets go for the good stuff. so we head to city that has a big ballon in a building and a church on the left with a golden dome. We suddendly see a car and my friends goes like "oh be carefull now there is players here". after a while while crouched going outside the town to see whats going on, i suddendly die me and my friend so it was all over.

Next try we both head north to cherno as a meeting point, my friends finds a random guy and they party, i arrive, we try going for some more loots, a zombie chases us so we open fire, we kill every zombie that came after us, guy that was with us kills my friends then kills me. FUNNY stuff.

We will continue tomorrow !

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My first story submission...

The sun was cooking my brain. Not like the cooked brains of the walking dead that lay in a heap in front of my newly found rifle. But it was hot as hell. I had found refuge in this barn in a small town just north of the coastline.

After finding a powerful Infield, I dispatched one of the zombies hoping to sneak away. Yeah, right. Hordes came through the doors and I dropped them all with calculated blasts to the face. After reloading and getting my pack adjusted on my aching back, I low-stepped to the barn door and scanned the field above my position.

The brain-dead weren't the only ones my rucous had attracted. Just outside of the yards perimeter, maybe 20 yards away, was a man lying the grass looking right at me.

I hesitated. I knew better, too. I've lost close comrades when they chose not to fire, when they questioned their morals. They chose the high road. And they paid for it with their life. Those that I already know by name, I tell them, "Shoot first, think later." I broke my own code.

But something wasn't right. Maybe it was simply because I was still alive even though he was looking right at me from the tall grass surrounding him. I tucked in behind the door with my shoulders against the wall. The sweat was burning my eyes. "What the hell is wrong with me?"

I pushed my rifle back around the corner ready to fire at the prone figure, but he was on the move, crawling down the hill toward an adjacent ranch worker's bunkhouse to my left. To make matters more interesting, a couple of walkers picked up his scent and had began pummeling him. I expected him to fire back or perhaps try to escape, but he kept crawling.

Was he already turning into one of them? What was his problem? The stress of the situation was replaced by comedy. I took joy in watching this man get accosted by two zombies. I was half hoping he would die right there so I could steal his possessions for myself.

I was already thinking of one liners to yell at him, but this wasn't me. I was raised better than to let a man die like that, hostile or not. I aimed my rifle and fired to bullets. Both zombies dropped.... more dead.

I cautiously made my way to his new position inside the bunkhouse. I could hear him wincing in pain, and breathing through his teeth.

"It's my leg, it's broken. Can you help?"

I felt awful. Lower than the zombies I just dispensed. He had no ammo to fend off his attackers and he was crippled by a previous accident so he couldn't flee. I could have.... should have acted sooner.

I checked my pack. "I don't, but let me check the nearby buildings. Sit tight."

I desperately crawled around another nearby barn but there was nothing. I knew it was unlikely that I would find anything to help him, but I wanted to give the man hope. Without medical assitance, he would certainly die.

I ran back and told him the bad news. "But I know of another warehouse just across the field, I'll go check it." He layed there in agonizing pain, helpless. I was his only hope. I considered just putting him out of his misery right then. He wouldn't even need to know. Quick, painless.

No, that wasn't me. This sick, twisted world we live in now does terrible things to a man if he lets it. I gave him a can of beans and a can of sardines to keep his mind off the pain while I scavanged for relief.

While making my way to the nearby warehouse, I saw another survivor crouching in the grasses just outside the wall. I wonder if this would be the end of me.

"I have a man in the barn over there that needs morphine, do you have any?"

He remained still, looking off into the distance. No response... just a lifeless stare out to sea, almost like he was expecting some miracle ship to sail in and haul all of our asses to safety.

"Hey man, do you have any morphine? My friend needs help!"

He wouldn't make eye contact with me. He stood up and walked away like I wasn't there. That gave me the chills.

I went through the factory like my life depended on it, because my newly found.... friend..... yes, friend.... his life did depend on it. But it was useless. There was nothing here. "Damn it all to hell!"

Should I go back and tell him? What would I say? I don't think I could hand out that sort of disappointment. There were some small buildings nearby. Maybe. Just maybe.

Ah, hell. Who was I kidding. I knew I wouldn't find anything to help him. I'm too much of a coward to go back to him and give him the fateful news. We'd both be better off if I continued on my way. Perhaps I would come across something and I could return to him. But he was too far away for me to tell him my plan, and I had come to far to go out of my way just to tell him there was no hope.

The sky was bright and blue and a cheerful breeze brushed the tall grass back and forth around me. I looked back at the bunkhouse half a mile away, where he lay dying. "Goodbye friend" I whispered. I turned around and began walking down a lonely road, dirty tears running down my cheeks.

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Here's a 24 hour story in a few sentences. I survived my ass off and found some amazing weapons, my blood was great, and I had enough food and drink to last me a while. Little did i know, some asshole had been following me for hours, and when I picked up the M4Holo, he shot me.. The End!

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I spent a good two hours riding around zed world on a bicycle today. It was the most fun I have had since joining this game. I had a pack of about 10 zeds following me at one time. I only saw one survivor, but they were off in the distance being dropped by a single zed. By the time I got nearby, they looked already dead, not like I could have done anything with no weapon (stupid new mechanics in my opinion).

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I met this guy who was crawling around with an ax. I actually thought this was his strategy as a new player to not attract any zombies. Since I was on a fresh spawn I had nothing and kind of used him for protection while he slowly crawled into buildings. He then asked me how to fix broken legs, in which I proceeded to laugh but told him how (and figured out that his crawling was not his strategy...). I accidentally aggro-ed a few zombies and took the zombies off of him because I felt bad for doing so. I noticed I had at least 10 zombies following me and then the next time I turned around I noticed they were all gone. They were all piled up on him beating this handicap man to death as he fruitlessly tries to ax them all. R.I.P.

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It was in the middle of the day. The fresh scent of salty ocean held the rotten stench of rotten, walking bodies away. I had just left the forest I had slept in during the previous night. It hadn't been very comfy, but it was alright I guess.

Anyhow, I was heading down towards the big city, I was fresh out of supplies and I had to get my stomach filled with at least some fucking beans. As I was running down, I notice something move to my right. My first instinct was to dodge a lost dead-man-walking. So I turned my head around to face the zombie, it wasn't a zombie. It was a lady. with a blond pony-tail. You'd think I was happy to finally find a braud, and I would've been if she wasn't aiming a fucking rifle to my head.

I slowly raised my hands, eyeballing her as I did. She flinched, pulled the trigger. As her finger moved I quickly twisted my head to the side and tried to fall to the ground.

She thought she had killed me, so she bugged off quicker than the speed of light. I mean, I don't blame her, I htought I was dead aswell.

Let me continue, I wasn't dead. She had merely shot a piece of my left ear off. I realized I had to keep moving, 'cause there were a bunch of bobbing heads moving towards me, and I could tell these ones were actual zombies 'cause the fresh, salty scent from the ocean had dissapeared.

I got to my feet, I fucking ran. I ran 'til my feet hurt, and my thighs were burning. I reached the yellow crane in the outskirts of the city called Elektro, I think, fuck if I know. Anyhow, as I entered the construction site, I thought I was going to be greeted with a zombie growl, but instead I heard sobbing. Have you ever heard a zombie sob? No, me neither.

I started moving upwards in the building, dodging barbed wire meanwhile. As I reached the top floor, I notice two men. Three legs. One of the men was laid down on the concrete roof. I only had to take a quick glance on him and the blood to know that he was basically dead already.

Not knowing the other dude there on the roof, I approached him silently. I don't know why I did it, but I tapped his shoulder and told him we had to get out of there. The man's name was Dusty. What a suiting name.

We took the dead man's supplies, exactly what I needed, beans and coke. The paradise breakfast served on a plate. We bugged off from the construction site. We headed towards the docks where we thought we could find something of use. Although, when we arrived we only found more zombies.

A crack. A bullet hit the ground. The ricochet hit my new buddy Dusty in the leg, he fell the ground in pain. I went cold, an unpleasant feeling kept coming from my spine. I decided to take cover somewhere, so I ran towards the nearest building.

I heard another shot, then a scream. Then two more shots. But, the thing was, the two later shots wasn't of the same caliber, I could tell. After a minute or two, I crawled out of my little shed and headed towards Dusty. When I got there, he wasn't alone. There were two new dudes there aswell. One of which's brain had exploded. I grunted, approaching Dusty and the new guy.

Dusty told me the new guy had shot our attacker with two shots, the ones I had heard after the second initial shot. I nodded, greeting the new guy. His name was something, can't remember, I called him Nossy.

This new guy had got ahold o some medicinal supplies. I was hoping for weed, but he only had some morphine and blood bags. I was dissapointed, kind of. We looted the dead guy, he took his AKM with no ammo and Dusty got his revolver. Luckily Nossy had some spare revolver ammo.

We decided we'd head over to the hospital to get more supplies. Nossy '' The Doctor '' was running out of shit. So, we started moving. Took us atleast ten minutes of dodging zombies before shit went south again. We were lined up against a wall when we started hearing cracks again, these ones were stronger. The were coming quite rapidly, I ran for the alley near by. Nossy was ahead of me. I noticed that Dusty fell, he didn't make it. Too bad, I wanted that revolver.

Me and Nossy ran for our lives, the shooting stopped after a while, we ran all the way to the international hotel. We laid down on the floor, catched our breath beneath the windows. We waited for five minutes, then we left. The hospital was near now.

We basically crawled rest of the way, keeping out of open areas. When we finally reached the hospital it was empty. I packed my whole bag with blood bags and morphine injectors. Finally.

According to Nossy, there were more crates on the roof. I didn't really need more of that shit, but what the heck, I went for it. I shouldn't have. It wasn't my day, fuck. As I got up, it didn't take more than ten seconds before I felt a horrible sting in my right hip. I fell to the ground. Another sting, along with a crack. This time I fell unconcious. Everything went black and I don't remember anything else.

Running out of inc, this pen was worthless. Anyhow, I'll just fill you in on my latest adventures.

I woke up a in a barn a few days ago. I had a Winchester shotgun next to me. And a strange lookin' guy was looking down on me. He was also holding one of these shotguns in his hands.

The man's name was Martin. Apperantly he had saved me from that roof. Carried me all the way to this house in the outskirts of this fucking town. Kudos to him. He fixed me up whilst I was in some sort of coma. He used all of the supplies I had brought with me though. I guess we're heading back to Elektro.

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First post and first story...

I was playing on an inverse-time server earlier this afternoon. There were only about seven other people on the server and as I was starving to death at the time I decided to try and make the best of the low player count to scavenge some food in some of the more dangerous locations.

So it was that I ended up at Balota military camp with nothing but an AK 74, a handful of magazines for said rifle and several tonnes of assorted chemlights and flares. I proceeded to scatter flares and glowsticks all about the place for visibility so I wouldn't need to constantly switch out my flashlight as I raided the four deer stands in the corners, despite the fact that I had heard gunfire from the airstrip to the North. I was down to about five-thousand blood when I arrived and began to run from one stand to another and through the medical pavilions, dropping every zed I encountered in a last-ditch effort to find food, but had no luck.

Despairing, I picked up a chemlight, hopped a breach in the fence and made a beeline for the airfield. By this time my blood count had hit approximately 2900 and my vision was less than optimal. I reached the airfield without incident however and was surprised to find the place clear of zombies and the hangers empty of loot. Making my way over to the tower I was even more surprised to find the entrance barricaded by no less than three wire barriers. With my hope -and blood- fading fast I shambled around to the ladder and found it clear so I quickly ascended to the top, only to come face-to-face with a man holding a flashlight.

I greeted the man pleasantly and tentatively explained my predicament. He responded by telling me all he had was his flashlight but if I could eat it I was welcome to it. I laughed and looked at my blood count, by this time around 2200 and figured I was pretty much pining for the fjords. With not much else to do I turned to the stranger and asked if he wanted my AK, as I would soon have no use for it and didn't want it to go to waste. He asked if I was sure and I assured him I was going to drop any minute, so I dropped the weapon to the floor with all its ammunition. He picked it up and asked if I wanted him to take it and go look downstairs for food. I laughed and said there was no need: I had my faithful chemlight for protection. With that I made my way down the stairs but stopped abruptly at the bottom where I came upon three corpses. The first thought that came into my mind was that he'd killed them, but then I realized if he had he likely would have shot me as well either before or immediately after I'd given him my rifle. I looked the bodies over, seeing food, soda and a myriad of other supplies and called up what I had found.

The stranger told me that they were actually the bodies of his group, who had been gunned down not long before. I asked if I could take a few supplies as he came down to join me and he assented. As I helped myself to a piece of cooked meat, a can of Mountain Dew, a new rifle and a larger backpack, a third person arrived. After a moment of apprehension on my part the first stranger explained to me that the new arrival was a friend of his and explained to his partner my position. Greetings and promises not to shoot one another were made all around and one of the two even administered a bloodpack to bring me back to normal condition. With the pleasantries dispensed I asked if they wanted any of their supplies back before I headed out and the first stranger told me that because I was willing to give up my gun to someone without one when I thought I was going to die I was welcome to all the supplies I had, save for the last bloodpack. After expressing my gratitude and wishing the two good fortune in their endeavors I made my way back up the stairs and down the ladder and continued on my journey Northward, with a little faith in humanity restored.

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I've had an interesting past few days.

First day I was searching thru a town for supplies (I had no weapons) until I ran into a man with a gun. We exchanged we were both friendlies, and suggested we stick together for the time being. Anyway, during a scavenge in another nearby town, a horde of zombies spotted us, so we ran out of town towards a warehouse. We both climbed a ladder that lead to the roof, however there was no other way down and the infected were occupying the only exit. After about 10 minutes of taking unsuccessful potshots, the man decided he'd climb down and try and lure the zombies away so I could get away. We agreed that we'd meet each other in the forest lining. He climbed down and started to run, but unfortunately a zombie must have hit him and broke his leg as he was now trying to crawl away. I climbed down, and seeing as I didn't have a weapon, I could do nothing but watch him get eaten alive. After the infected finished and started walking off, I crawled over to his body, took his gun (RIP dude) and supplies, then decided to leave.

After following the main road for a while I came across another female survivor and we decided to stick together and repair a bus we had found. After almost completion, we were installing the engine when another survivor came running towards us with 6 zombies attached. We all jumped into the bus to seek protection, but the zombies were attacking the bus now. As I was the only one with a gun, I thought I'd take my luck and jump out to kill the infected. Unfortunately as soon as I exited the bus, it exploded and it broke my leg and left me unconscious. When I finally woke up, I found both my now deceased friends being eaten, so I crawled off while they were distracted. I made it into another town in a surrounding valley, and decided to take shelter underneath a truck waiting for a survivor to come, in hopes of them having a morphine injector. After waiting for ages, I saw a survivor running around the valley with 5 zombies attached. I rolled out from the truck and shot two of them dead. Unfortunately the remainder, along with all the surrounding zombies in the valley that heard my shots faced me, and started chasing me. I rolled back under the truck and the zombies were all now trying to get to me. A zombie decided to crawl underneath and looked like he dragged me out, I got eaten and I died.

Another story is I was following a dirt road in land when suddenly a guy over mic said 'hello pretty lady'. I got down, rolled under a tree and looked around. I couldn't find him! After waiting, I left the tree and followed down the road more. I asked who it was, but for about 20 minutes, this dude was breathing down his mic all creepy like. After that, it stopped and I never heard from him again. Needless to say, the whole experience was terrifying as I never saw where he was coming from

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Last night somewhere in zombie land, 3 of us fought tooth and nail to find a friend that was new to this dog eat dog nightmare. Finally pinpoint him and rescue him just to see him run of a 3rd floor level and die within 5 min of finding him. Just another dark night in zombie land.

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Bandit story

I'm on a fresh spawn after making a big mistake near a deer stand.

Elektro - after scrounging and avoiding 2 guys with ak's and a fair few whizzing bullets I end up with a revolver, a lee enfield and czech backpack.

My friend spawns near elektro, we seek out to find eachother west of elektro in a barn. He has a Czech backpack with a hatchet and makarov. I decide we shall head to Mogilevka. After 10 minutes we hear gunshots above a ridge, shotgun fire. I tell my friend to stay back as I peak ahead. In the distance I see aggroed zombies running in one direction. A civvy in camo is wheeling back trying to switch to his pistol. His legs break, he falls. 2 zombies kneel over him - he dies. Turns out I veered too hard east, we are at Pusta. We check the town, the two story orange building had a civvy outfit on the ground - that guy JUST got to the camo before us. Sonova.

Back to the plan, to Mogi. All clear, we search the area - nothing. Further up ahead is Zub and the few houses next to it. There we find another enfield for my friend. Easy going.

We take a hard right to take the hill next to Vyshnoye, no activity. I say we should check the deerstand north of it. As I climb up it to find nothing but ammo, an army zombie aggros and runs underneath the stand. I climb down and run away, my friend has his hatchet out ready to kill the zombie. Suddenly the zombie breaks my friends legs - the zombie is killed right after. We have no morphine. A sad moment was had, he asks if I should shoot him. I say no. I try to think of a way to get morphine.

Knowing north is Stary Sobor, a pvp area I frequent - I planned to run over there hoping to find pker's. They always have morphine. I run north leaving my friend behind to find some bandits. I feel ill equipped, I usually go to stary with better weapons. After a few minutes I'm just below stary, with novy sobor on my right. Something catches my eye at Novy, zombies.

I begin to work the perimeter, something is in there but I don't know what. I pass a long hedgerow. As the land behind it comes within sight I see a ghillied man proning towards Novy. I stop. Telling my friend I found someone over chat, I see another. One with civvy gear and an enourmous gun in his back. I need morphine. They may have morphine.

A circle behind them crouch running. They are unaware, I get within 80 metres. I stop. I fire. 2 shots, 2 kills. I 360 the area now scared of others in the vicinity. I run over to the Ghillie, MORPHINE. I take his backpack, ak74 kobra, range finder, NVG, gps. the lot. I check his friend. Put his AS50 in the backpack, and also extra compass and map for my friend.

I dart back towards the south road to find my friend laying there. I bring him back to his feet. I give him the spare equipment. We venture north...

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Stupid move of the day

So, Me and my cousin find a bus. "Hey lets cruise down to Elektro"

Cut to Elektro, fly thru, honking like mad. Make it to the outskirts, see a dude, running, getting chased. I... well, I honked, tried to get the zeds to aggro us... I looked back to see the dude, as well as the zeds staring at awe at our awesome bus.


Concrete barrier pops bus's tire off....

"BAIL BAIL BAIL!!!!" We run to the industrial area, to scavenge a tire, seeing as we have no spare parts. LUCK HAS BLESSED US!!!!!

*Starts bus* Nothing to see here *Leaves*

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