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About Notchy44

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Notchy44

    Laggy? Or is it just me

    Aight ill test it out tomorrow Thanks for the help
  2. Notchy44

    Laggy? Or is it just me

    Do you think lowering the graphics would help? I usually preffer playing highest graphcs but i guess its my last resort
  3. Notchy44

    Laggy? Or is it just me

    ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series
  4. Notchy44

    Laggy? Or is it just me

    Alright I have... Intel® Core2Quad CPU Q8400 @2.66GHz 2.67 GHz 4.00GB RAM 64-bit operating system
  5. Notchy44

    Laggy? Or is it just me

    Not sure, how do i check? And is that signature picture of you? Jw
  6. Notchy44

    Laggy? Or is it just me

    I literally lag so hard in cities that i can barely escape from zombies alive! The only time I'm not lagging is when i stare at my legs while running. Is this a common and known problem or does my computer just blow major balls?
  7. Notchy44

    Yeah Buddy....

    Alright so it's been quite some time since I've played this game, that's why I'm so shocked about this... :P I had just logged in at Stary Sobor with my nooby little lee enfield so I decided to head to the NW Airfield since I didnt have much to lose. It took about 30 minutes to get there since I'm not very skilled using a map, but the wait was worth it... Passing the hangars and going right to the bunkers I entered the first one near me. I had been killed here about a week ago so I'm pretty cautious about where I go now... Right when i walked in i saw a man in a ghillie suit, idk wtf he was doing because he was just kneeling there but i was positive he was going to unload a clip in my guts. But not this time! I pulled up my shitty rifle and popped him in the head and he fell over dead just like that. I searched all the rooms for clan members or any other threats but it was just him there. When i looted his body i was blown away (I'm a noob so don't judge). He had NVG's, 2 gps's, 2 guns with grenade launchers attached (i can't remember the names of the guns because im a retard) and a coyote pack with tons of food and supplies. I took all i could and booked it out of the place as fast as i could.. When I walked through the broken fence i kept walking straight and turned to the right and there was a tractor!!!!!! I took all that shit and ran into my own territory ;) This is my first vehicle and pair of night vision goggles ive ever found btw!
  8. Notchy44

    DayZ In Game Training Supplied.

    if i find you guys im shooting you all But fun idea
  9. Notchy44

    Shooting out tires

    Im pretty sure i know how to fix a car... Im just not gonna search for one :/
  10. Notchy44

    Shooting out tires

    already saw 3 vehicles today including a bus right next to elektro church with 1 wheel shot out, i was quite mad.
  11. Notchy44


    So i had just found 2 m24's (i only took 1), an ak, and ghillie suit so i decided to go to Cherno to do a little bit of sniping. I had recently heard that the factory is a good place to snipe since you can see almost all the good loot spots. I headed right to it and upon climbing the huge ladder to the top i already found a victim to shoot but he was running behind some tree leaves so i tried to crouch down but it still wasnt a good shot. I then decided to prone but i fucking ran and dove off the ledge. WTF?!
  12. Notchy44

    Stop Crying.

    I think everyone should stop crying about KOS. If you get shot, shoot back, it's not that hard. Player killing is probably the most interesting part in this mod. It controls some people from being gods with all high-end gear. So stop whining about it... This is all i have to say, Thank you :)
  13. Notchy44

    New Dayz Developer

    I think Bethesda would be able to do something bad ass with this...