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Pending Update: Build 1.7.3 (community edition)

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they already can disable alt f4 and abort, but not ctrl alt del =D, when a hacker put tou in a arena you cant abort or alt f4 xD nice feature!

I always have the "Do you want to end 'arma2oa.exe'?" dialog opened and have the "End Process" button selected so that if a hacker comes on, all I have to do is hit Alt+Tab then Space to abort the process. Takes 3 seconds.

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This is a great move; the community's chance to "test" their great ideas, and maybe see it ported to the standalone. Awesome there's so much interest in contributing as well, wish I could find more people to help in Source development! :)

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Anyone what timezone Rockets in? I really wanna try the update!

Awesome work Community Guys!!

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whell how much time left for release ? :rolleyes:

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I don't like the Combat Loggin system. Killing a character?! Really? Just for one abort that can bug out?! The body should just be left on the server not killed!

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Just wondering if the combat logging is tested against server restarts/shutdowns. I understand it won't kill you *yet* with this update, but I'd hate to see an unannounced restart harm players duking it out.

Otherwise - thanks for making me eat my words that there would be no updates until the standalone. They are salty, and taste bitter in retrospect. :)

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Please make crossbow bolts stack before you release this! That'll make it 100% more awesome.


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I don't like the Combat Loggin system. Killing a character?! Really? Just for one abort that can bug out?! The body should just be left on the server not killed!

This is the exact reason why I went with killing combat loggers in my mod. The "ghost" system is still acceptable enough to a lot of combat loggers to risk it. With the insta-kill, there's nobody who would willingly combat log.

But, your tears are misplaced TSAndrey, as you didn't read the replies to the thread indicating that the "kill player" portion is not in this update. It's potentially not being ever implemented in favor of just putting in the server logs that you combat logged (so the admins can just ban you for it if they wish) and broadcasting your combat log server-wide so that people know you did it.

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Just wondering if the combat logging is tested against server restarts/shutdowns.

During a restart/shutdown, the disconnect code isn't called upon since nobody "disconnects". The server just halts. Therefore it's impossible for the combat log logic to run and do anything. Anybody in combat during a restart/shutdown would have no ill effects claimed against them.

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During a restart/shutdown, the disconnect code isn't called upon since nobody "disconnects". The server just halts. Therefore it's impossible for the combat log logic to run and do anything. Anybody in combat during a restart/shutdown would have no ill effects claimed against them.

Fears dismissed, and concern allayed. Thank you sir.

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Did you just steal that whole code from Dayz Redux not giving the actual creator any credit?

Beans removed from OP.

Edited by root`

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I got a question does the save fuel properly and what not about vehicles does that go for Heli's also because we all know that Heli's are a pain in the ass when not fixed and we don't know whats wrong with it.

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I'll have it on dayz commander ASAP after it's released.

hell yeah, thanks again Josh. I'm savvy enough to do the installs manually, but I appreciate the hell out of the efforts you've put into DayZCommander. One click installs are the bomb.

You do good work.

Edited by Prion

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I don't like the Combat Loggin system. Killing a character?! Really? Just for one abort that can bug out?! The body should just be left on the server not killed!

Pls read the patch notes again about COMBAT log.

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During a restart/shutdown, the disconnect code isn't called upon since nobody "disconnects". The server just halts. Therefore it's impossible for the combat log logic to run and do anything. Anybody in combat during a restart/shutdown would have no ill effects claimed against them.

Except staying on the server until the server haults increases the liklihood of corrupting player data. (at least in my experience)

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[FIXED] You can no longer change clothes/eat/drink/etc. while in a vehicle

Serious problems with this. I eat and drink in a vehicle all the time while driving. Should make it a scroll menu option to eat food or drink what is in your primary inventory. Also, we should have to have a can opener to open certain types of cans. Or just have a knife. I don't know about you but I can't open a can with my bare hands. Maybe with a rock... or the hunting knife.

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I don't know about you but I can't open a can with my bare hands. Maybe with a rock... or the hunting knife.


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I opened a can of beans with a knife once. Won't go into details but a friend of mine had to go to the hospital and stitch his toe back together.

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