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Perma-identity. Nickname is permanent. Nickname as face. Cover face - conceal nickname.

What do you think about this?  

  1. 1. What do you think about this?

    • Bullshit. Hope it never gets into DayZ standalone.
    • Not very good.
    • Can't decide. Seems ok and doubtful at the same time.
    • I like it.
    • Definitely a must have for DayZ standalone.

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I'll just leave this here:

CU soon:)



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Thanks. I die to know whether Rocket at least briefly saw this topic...

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I'm reviving this topic because I think it merits viewing by the general public. Enough said.

I do to, ipI think its a needed feature.

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my take on this delicate topic:


this is the perfect reality vs. authenticity and how it affects immersion example.

Problem and solution:

Floating Names may seem totally out of place and destroy immersion completely and moreover the dev-team tries to implement as much customization options as possible to guarantee a unique appearance.

However, what if you lose or change your clothes/items - the identification aspect goes down the drain right at that moment.


you recognize a person by far more than his/her looks. its the whole appearance, gestures, movements and of course the obvious things like facial features and expressions, smell etc.


So if we can't depict reality in the game by e.g. adding a whole character creator as in skyrim or sims or whatever we should try to bring the whole concept of perception and recognition of a person into the game by using the authenticity aspect. In this game, yes maybe a rather cheap but nevertheless very effective choice, would be simple name tags.

Name Tags?

some simple suggestions:

  • use player-name as tag
  • don't show opponents attitude by using any sort of signal colors
  • show tag only in "close" vicinity - arguable (close would also mean: zooming in with binoculars/weapon)
  • trigger identification process by using a button (prevents accidental detection of maybe hidden player)
  • trigger identification only when head is in direct line of sight
  • repeat whole procedure each and every time to get name tag of opponent
  • if face is conceiled -> name tag won't pop up (the "bandit"-aspect)

some of the ideas are basically the same as from the famous "perma-identity" idea from the forums

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I do like the idea of having a button press of some kind to identify players. That seems like the most effective way to prevent cursor scanning.


And seriously, this has to be one of the single most authentic ideas we have on the suggestion forum. In reality people recognize each other through a vast number of factors, including height, weight, stature, posture, body movement, behavior, hair color, facial features, eye color, and the way they dress. We take in a huge amount of information whenever we are actually looking at another person, because every person is physically a little bit different. Of course we can't imitate those unique features in the game, so the nameplates are a logical gameplay device to emulate the same effect.

Edited by SalamanderAnder
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I don't like the idea. It is just very unrealistic and unauthentic.


If you die, you are dead. There is no way that you can recognize a person after death, well because you are dead. With this system, even after 20 deaths you always know the name of the other guy.

If you met the person once in real life, you surely will recognize him if you see him again. But how are the odds for that? It is a survival scenario. The whole concept is that at some point I will die anyway. But adding a permanent feature into a game is in my opinion very unauthentic. The probability that you die and never see him again, or that he dies and you never see him again is way higher then the probability that you will at some point see him again, with his name changed.


Just because there are like 0.01% who change their names, within the characters life, just to troll some other people, that doesn't mean that we have to add something that complicated and permanent. I mean, what if I want to play as a bandit and after a month or so I have another character and I want to play a hero? The fact that everyone knows my name and knows that this character is just evil, is kind of unfair for me. It is still a game and why would I be forced to keep my playstyle, even if I got bored by it?


Nope, don't like that idea at all. Ask yourself, what was DayZ all about? Is it about collecting names and creating list "who I can trust" and "who I can't trust", or is it about the player interaction, the moment where you have to decide if you trust someone or not, the not knowing if this guy is someone who is wanted by 20 clans and FrankieOnPC or just some bambie running around?

Edited by Wayze

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  1. If you die, you are dead. There is no way that you can recognize a person after death, well because you are dead. With this system, even after 20 deaths you always know the name of the other guy.
  2. If you met the person once in real life, you surely will recognize him if you see him again. But how are the odds for that? It is a survival scenario. The whole concept is that at some point I will die anyway.
  3. But adding a permanent feature into a game is in my opinion very unauthentic. The probability that you die and never see him again, or that he dies and you never see him again is way higher then the probability that you will at some point see him again, with his name changed.
  4. Just because there are like 0.01% who change their names, within the characters life, just to troll some other people, that doesn't mean that we have to add something that complicated and permanent.
  5. I mean, what if I want to play as a bandit and after a month or so I have another character and I want to play a hero? The fact that everyone knows my name and knows that this character is just evil, is kind of unfair for me. It is still a game and why would I be forced to keep my playstyle, even if I got bored by it?
  6. Nope, don't like that idea at all. Ask yourself, what was DayZ all about? Is it about collecting names and creating list "who I can trust" and "who I can't trust", or is it about the player interaction, the moment where you have to decide if you trust someone or not, the not knowing if this guy is someone who is wanted by 20 clans and FrankieOnPC or just some bambie running around?


I'm sorry I lack time and I will have to write fast and effective, may be it will be a bit harsh or impolite, but I see you encountered logical problems while assessing my suggestion. I understand what you mean and I'll try ti solve your issues.


  1. Using your words with my arguements. "If you die, you are dead. There is no way you can know Chernarus or remember your past experience after death. With present system even after 20 deaths you always know where to run and what to do." It's a game. It cannot have an ability to erase your memory or kill your brain to start over. So, character dies and player does not. Character IS A BODY, the avatar, the representation of a player in the digital world. The mind, intelligence and memory of this character IS PLAYER. It's a solid fact, and you can't reject it. If you accept it, then your statement is false. It's a sad gameplay limitation that you can play again and game doesn't kill you to simulate "if you die, you're dead" at 100% authenticity, sorry.
  2. I was always sure a survival scenario is about doing all your best to not die, to continue existence and life O_o If you play DayZ just to die, I think we'll never find agreement on any issues you propose.
  3. I already stated in the firs post, that permemnent state of you identity is not necessarily locked from first moment till forever. We can have lots of options, depending on common sense. I suggested the most ultimate shape of this feature. Of course a game designer will never take an ultimate shape of a feature and will balance it all out. And of course for the sake of fun and gameplay we can have ability to change name during, e.g., first 2 months of the gameplay, then you can change it again only once and it gets permanent. Of we can have difficulty modes with one character per each: Hardcore - Identity is permanent after a month (no way to change forever), Normal - PID is permanent after 3 months (can change PID once in 6 months, 3 changes allowed in total), Easy - PID can be changed after death (DayZ Mod style). Options are infinte to satisfy almost everyone. But I want people to bear responsibility for their actions and be careful with their identity. It's a choice, not a random anonymous recursive deathmatch you want.
  4. Gosh, why is it complicated? It's my huge wall of text original post that is complicated, it's the issues I underline that are complicated, it's the concept that is complicated, it's the consequences that are complicated - the feature itself is plain and simple. Your identity - YOUR FACE. Want to hide identity - COVER YOUR FACE. Identity is not seen from distance. Period. That all that I want to introduce. It's as authentic as real life is. Visually it is not, because of the hated floating username, but for the sake of hungry children in Africa, hear me: In terms of authenticity and realism - HUMANITY SYSTEM AND USERNAME CHANGING ARE FAILURES - they have nothing in common with real life, not a single point of authenticity. So how can my simulation of identity be less authentic and worse than present system? You want freedom of anonymity and like running killing? You like short gameplay cycles? I mean in 20 minutes, spawn, find problems, die, try again? You don't want to waste time and nerves because you die in any case? You don't want game to get social? You don't think social life and social problems are not a part of a survival scenario? There is something wrong here. Individual survival is always getting social after you won a firefight with bandits, because after you survived, you want to live further. And you either live alone - and my Permaidentity will not be of any trouble to you, or you find a group to play with - and my Permaidentity will aid you to find reliable people you can trust in  roleplay immersive world, not just your friends on Skype\TS\RC.
  5. Who told you you will have only one character. See point #3 for details. And by the way, why is that a problem to be a hero after playing bandit? Good bandits never expose their identities if they need them to be out of record. Cover your face while doing something bad. Reveal you face and act as if it wasn't you. What? They killed you, saw your face and know your identity? You're not very good bandit then. It's always sad to lose and do mistakes. But is it unfair? No, seems perfectly balanced for me. Your actions make your reputation. Much more authentic than starting new life with new name every time you messed with wrong guys :) But I repeat, my feature is not suggesting there can't be more than one characters. I think 3 chars are enough. One if for evil, 2nd for hero, 3rd for recon :) Problem solved? 
  6. Omg, yes, DayZ is about "whom can I trust and whom can I not, whom will I spare and who will be shot, with whom will I share and whom will I loot." I'm doing poetry for you here!!! =D So what is DayZ all about if not about trust and interactions with players? Geeez, this is the social aspect man. I propose adding social simultion with real life like identities. I can't understand why you resist it. But it's you right of course. We want the games we will love to play and tastes differ. But please, don't tell permidentity is unauthentic. I jsut can't understand you: "It is just very unrealistic and unauthentic." compared to what actually? To bandit skin? To anonymous clonefarm shootout? To robotic frag statistics-driven humanity, which is not evaluating self defence, vehicle kills or abusing blood transfusion? Sorry. I'm not convinced by any of your arguements.
Edited by -=PA=-Mikhail
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I do like the idea of having a button press of some kind to identify players. That seems like the most effective way to prevent cursor scanning.


Explain please, how can you cursor scan when username starts slowly appearing only after you hold cursor over character for one second, provided his face is not covered, his face is facing you, his face is less than 35 optical metres from you, his face is not obstructed by plants, his face is not in darkness...


If you cursor scan in 35 metres radius - you're probably in a close combat already. Stopping for a second at each inch of hostile environment to scan for an enemy will kill you. And I suggest everyone to COVER your face before any encounter - this will prevent your username to be revealed at all in any case, until you're killed and your mask is pulled off. Many soldiers, especially SWAT officers cover their face to save their identity. Many bandint cover their face before crime for the same purpose. Why you wouldn't do that in such a situation?


So I can't imagine cursor scanning with permaidentity feature. It's NOT designed to cursor scan, it's designed to make authentic and effective social interactions.

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Explain please, how can you cursor scan when username starts slowly appearing only after you hold cursor over character for one second, provided his face is not covered, his face is facing you, his face is less than 35 optical metres from you, his face is not obstructed by plants, his face is not in darkness...


If you cursor scan in 35 metres radius - you're probably in a close combat already. Stopping for a second at each inch of hostile environment to scan for an enemy will kill you. And I suggest everyone to COVER your face before any encounter - this will prevent your username to be revealed at all in any case, until you're killed and your mask is pulled off. Many soldiers, especially SWAT officers cover their face to save their identity. Many bandint cover their face before crime for the same purpose. Why you wouldn't do that in such a situation?


So I can't imagine cursor scanning with permaidentity feature. It's NOT designed to cursor scan, it's designed to make authentic and effective social interactions.


Yeah, actually you're right. Having to press a button would kind of negate the effectiveness of the mask feature quite a bit.

Edited by SalamanderAnder

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Explain please, how can you cursor scan when username starts slowly appearing only after you hold cursor over character for one second, provided his face is not covered, his face is facing you, his face is less than 35 optical metres from you, his face is not obstructed by plants, his face is not in darkness...


That sounds like a lot of variables, considering how buggy the engine can be with simple things lol. Overall I support this, even though I think its nice to reinvent yourself with each new life. But living with choices should be a part of dayz.

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considering how buggy the engine can be with simple things lol

DayZ Sa using the new engine. Forget the clunky monster engine of Arma2. Possibilities are much more awesome now.

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DayZ Sa using the new engine. Forget the clunky monster engine of Arma2. Possibilities are much more awesome now.

Well they aren't rewriting the engine from scratch FYI.

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If you look on the last page there is a video of this idea working as a mod for the current build of DayZ, so I don't think the engine is really relevant. This is totally possible, and it should be done in the standalone.

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Since the standalone will be on steam, the server would have access to players Steam ID's , which is permanent and links to your Steam profile.

It should be possible to load a script on a server that remembers your nickname the first time you join and implement this feature that way.  But that would mean the server is modded and the nickname only applies to that server.

If Rocket doesn't implement this globally on the hive, I feel it is our duty to test this on a small scale. Meaning to write a script that can be installed on a single server.

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Since the standalone will be on steam, the server would have access to players Steam ID's , which is permanent and links to your Steam profile.

It should be possible to load a script on a server that remembers your nickname the first time you join and implement this feature that way.  But that would mean the server is modded and the nickname only applies to that server.

If Rocket doesn't implement this globally on the hive, I feel it is our duty to test this on a small scale. Meaning to write a script that can be installed on a single server.

Do we know if it will be "only" on steam?

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Horrid concept.


Please elaborate. It is nonconstructive otherwise. 

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Please elaborate. It is nonconstructive otherwise. 

I don't like to elaborate for people who choose not to listen. Too much effort, not enough return.

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I don't like to elaborate for people who choose not to listen. Too much effort, not enough return.


Why don't you stop being negative all the time?

See, you don't even have a REASON to hate, you just do it because you feel like it.

I bet my ass you didn't even read the damn OP, did you?

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Well this idea IS a mess in a way, this is not a competitive game, this is not a game where you should have something like "player accountability", this is a zombie survival adventure game after all. I know you don't like douchebags that ruin the game for everyone, and neither do I. But this is also a game about roleplaying, and being able to decide to play someone different every now and then. Should a player be straitjacketed in his reputation to a point where playing differently won't be an option to him?


Everytime we die we come back on the shore, empty handed, this does imply to some degree that we are playing a new character and that the previous character is dead and buried.


Hell, here is a crazy idea, when you die your name should be picked randomly and you should be removed from any groups you where in (if we ever get groups), which means if you where a group leader, your next in command becomes leader.

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