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Found 2842 results

  1. Just deal with it! Jokes aside... What kind of ghosting are you are guys talking about? LIke using Skype and such to comminicate while in game you don't have a radio to report to your friends? Or some kind of scripting?
  2. Private Servers eliminate two things I really hate in DayZ.... 1. Ghosting. 2. Server hopping for loot. So I don't play on Public Servers. Simple solution to both problems.
  3. Calvin Candie

    What can be done about ghosting on public servers?

    Yes, ghosting is a real big problem. But for who? Are you chatting 10 minutes with your future hostages? And do that many people actually ghost? And btw dude. It is a part of Dayz. So...that ship has sailed. If theres one thing I do not like, it is a butt hurt bandit crybaby.
  4. Pretty much this; I know it isn't what you want to hear, but at the moment, it's to most viable option you have. They actually increased the spawn time fro joining a new server for just this reason. In order to ghost out of a spot, they need to join a different serer, move to a new spot, and then rejoin the first server. With the logout/login timers they have now, this process would take someone at least a few minutes to do, so if you're smart and pay attention, you can know when someone is potentially ghosting. One way to avoid this is to get both players talking, either on VOX or in Direct chat; when you don't get a response from one of them for 30 seconds to a minute, it's possible they logged out to try and ghost you, at which point the remaining player is totally outnumbered, so you should be able to move in and take him hostage and wait for the other one to return, only to find his friend either dead or possibly soon-to-be. It's risky, yes, but life is full of risks. Depending on how many people you have with you, you could also potentially fan out and watch in all directions, in case they try to sneak up on you. Not to be a dick, but IMO, you guys essentially put yourselves in this position by not paying attention and taking proper precautions. Alternatively, sometimes it's just best to move on and let people be.
  5. SaveMeJebus

    What can be done about ghosting on public servers?

    My apologies I wasn't under the impression you were speaking as a server owner. That being said the tools you have to "deal with it" are 1. to post a scrolling message stating that ghosting will get you banned 2. Ban away. And always be sure to restrain your hostages so they can't log out on you lol.
  6. Jesus Christ The Goblin

    What can be done about ghosting on public servers?

    They could add a log out sound and not a log in sound. I would make the sound play only when they successfully log out so you don't hear the sound and instantly try rush the logging out player, While it wont prevent ghost log outs it would reduce the chance of people using the sound to gain an in game advantage. It would provide warning that someone has logged out nearby and you could prepare for someone to ghost you rather than only preparing for players who are legitimately entering an area. It still allows players to still log in unnoticed so ghosting could occur but it would at least give you warning. Could also make your character get linked to the server for 10-15mins when you first log in. This means that if you play on that server for 10-15minutes you will have no trouble changing server but if you want to change server, change location then log back into the original server for tactical advantages you will be inconvenienced. It would also make people play properly rather than just server hop as fast as possible. I don't mind people server hopping but when its for one specific helicrash or one building that seems a bit cheap. I mean if you just server hop one place as quickly as possible to check for good items then the game might as well flood every building with items so at least its intentional
  7. SaveMeJebus

    What can be done about ghosting on public servers?

    You can't do these things on a public server either ... again go play on a private shard server and avoid ghosting/hoppers, that is the answer "deal with it"
  8. I really think you should go private anyways as i haven't encountered a hacker in a week after starting playing on one. As before in public i met them all the time. No ghosting, server jumpers, and the experience is very different. Better dynamic and more groups. Public is dead for me now. I really can't see any upside to public anymore.
  9. hekp

    How was your Day(Z)?

    We decided it's time to die on a certain private server that is no longer persistant, so we headed pavlovo-zeleno-veresnik. We dont really enjoy being one of those KOS agressor guys, so we head to locations where trouble should be guaranteed. Pavlovo and zelene were stripped to the ground. At veresnik we quickly searched the hill, prison & the barracks and head towards vybor/NWEAF. Right after we left the walls i spotted a player, not more than 300m away coming from vybor. He spotted me and dropped himself on the ground. Now this costed him a life; As he hit the ground, his body sunk. I was 100% he's got a ghillie suit on and will snipe us both. My arm swing didnt calm down as ive seen him looking in our direction. I dont want to risk putting my head over the small rocky fence cover.He was pretty fu*ked, he had no cover and was lying on the middle of a field, but i couldnt take the shot nor disarm him uppon spotting and now, we all caught on breath. He was too far to establish any kind of communication. I spray my AKM in general direction, hoping the hail of bullets will scare him off. I knew i cant hit him, but my friend can. Im all for the supressing/drawing fire. He stands up and tries to make a run for it when my friend lands a shot on him. Sad part: he had no ghillie and only a double blaze. I would never shoot the guy if he turn for 180 and ran off, but hitting the ground and pointing his barrel at my general direction, combined with my low settings that gave me an illusion of a gillie suit, that unfortunate guy had it comming. I assume he was quite new to the game and got the vybor spawn; lots of useless loot in his drybag and running straight across the field for the mil base should only confirm this. Nevertheless, im somewhat glad i wasnt the one shooting him in the back and i hope he learned something. What would you do? How would you disarm a guy in the open field without any confirmation on his gear? We headed towards NWEAF. Restart. Heli site! M65Jacket! We move towards the tent base at the end of the airfield. I hear sks gunshots. It was a double tap. Pretty sure someone just shot a zombie, we were monitoring the area for quite some time. Time to set a patient bear trap. I see the guy looting the tents in columns. I position myself at the last tent he will enter, so i could rush&surprise him from behind. I Was thinking of disarming him, taking his sks ammo and letting him go. Problem was he would always have his sks drawn out. He was two tents away from me when he suddenly starts aiming down his sights in my general direction. He looked so sure something is here, i assumed a part of me must've glitched thru the tent. I changed position to get the upper hand again and flank him.I see him enter the tent and soon after i hear the eating sound.He doesnt know im here ! I don't wait for my friend but rush right in. F***!!!!! He's not here and i know he's close enough that he heard my elephant footsteps. I run like a chicken thru another two more tents but fail to spot him. God damn, this isnt happening D:, i need to calm the situation down. I back 5m away behind the BMP wreck, knowing im very well covered with excelent view on the tents. My friend is seconds away as i make an eye contact with the guy. I tell him to drop the gun and he will come out alive. Than shit happend... My friend crashed right there and moonwalked right between us whilst we were aiming at each other.. he didnt fire, i didnt fire, it was just a huge WTF momment as he was ghosting thru objects aswell lol. I started running along with my friends disconected character and try to protect him as the guy in the tent ran off. I waited for my friend to reconect. In that time zombies at the baze respawned and i suddenly see a horde of 5 running towards my friends connecting character. pewpewpew. I heard another pew, An sks pew. He's still here so we start searching for him. Guy hid himself in another tent. He had no intention to communicate, he was lying on the floor shooting on sight. I really had no fun in killing him, was rather dissapointed he did that. I completely forgot i had grenades from heli sites, i could learn him a valuable lesson. We also saw two boars. Or should i say, they saw us.
  10. chickenmcfuggits

    Server Hoppers Plus A Video On Peaches.

    I play on private servers, not because its gets rid of the server hoppers, but its a nice side effect because I don't have 5 people spawning in behind me when I hit a military base and 50 people haven't looted it already. Still even I am guilty of it somewhat, when I know the server is going to restart soon I head for an area with gear I want and log out until the restart. This isn't exactly server hopping, but at least I'm not sort of ghosting into peoples locations, whoever was or wasn't there before restart it will still be the same.
  11. Whyherro123

    Server Hoppers Plus A Video On Peaches.

    Nope. Disconnecting from a server, then being able to jump right back onto that server, no timer? That would lead to ghosting.
  12. blowurselfup

    Server Hoppers Plus A Video On Peaches.

    I don't really concern myself with players that change servers to gear up faster. I don't play like that but its just another exploit that we cant do anything about unless each character is tied to one server. The problem is ghosting. players that change servers in groups to gain an advantageous position for a firefight.
  13. albinoclock

    Trading Post

    I'm pretty sure your name was Shaft. That'd make sense because it links back to a steam profile associated John Browning (who was in my TS) whose current steam name is Honey Badger (HoneyB-John) and all the attackers are friends with John Browning on Steam. In other words you're that guy who was in my TS and then came and attacked with all his friends. Now let's talk about why we held you up and had you get on the ground though. You weren't in the teamspeak like you were supposed to be so we weren't expecting you. You also ran through the tunnel without stopping to be searched. (Actually, I've been informed that contrary to his assertion he logged in in the middle of the yard where I was shot) This while we were in the middle of being attacked by a team that was ghosting in on us. In fact, I got killed while you were lying on the ground there by someone who did manage to spawn in unseen upstairs while you provided a distraction. If you hadn't come barreling through the tunnel building before you were told to the guards upstairs wouldn't have shifted downstairs and the top floor would have been clear. "Everyone" wasn't mowed down there. Just the two of us, and to my estimation you were acting a hell of a lot like bait. If you hadn't provided a perfect diversion for the shooters neither of us would have died. Of course, you're not an innocent trader at all, you're an ambusher. Shame on you John Browning, trying to give us a bad name just because we foiled your attack. -REMOVED-
  14. Krawallkurt

    Server Hoppers Plus A Video On Peaches.

    i liked the old 300 sec timer. Made hopping and ghosting way harder.
  15. Lonebeard

    Dethcap.com - Apply Now - Whitelist

    The DETHCAP server is meant to be played how you wanna play. Whether you are lonewolf, clan member, cannibal, bandit or an RPer we don't care! Website: www.dethcap.com Server Info: Name: Dethcap.com - Apply Now - WhitelistIP: VilayerLocation: ChicagoPlayers: 30 (Upgrading Later)Persistence: OFF (Temporary)View: 1st/3rd ONTime: 24/7 Day Rules: No HackingNo Admin AbuseNo Ghosting Streamers Features: WhitelistedServer Events: CTF/Downed Pilot... Ect (Coming Soon)Website/Forums Active Clans: [HWY] Admins: Lonebeard Please APPLY on our website to be whitelisted!
  16. I think it will be server/clan wars. Most people find this game much more enjoyable with even just one friend to play with and I agree with that. Even since I found a group who regularly plays my enjoyment has increased exponentially and my experience have varied in the same way. After a while however doing the same old with your buddies loses it's freshness. Of course the game is only limited by your imagination, but if you only have a group of 4 you are still limited to things a group of 4 can do. You can never get in to a 15 v 15 firefight when all you have is 4 (assuming the entire 15 on your side are friendly and coordinated). You can't do things like large convoys (when vehicle types get implemented), you can't set up giant ambushes, huge raids, etc... but when you have a large group you can always parcel off and still do the small group stuff. Clan wars will also give group members a common enemy and something to participate in other than your own character development. Say you have a clan of 20 people warring against a similar sized clan. Even if it's a quiet day, you can still contribute to your group by doing things like looking for supplies, ammo, weapons, backup clothes, med supplies, etc and add it to the clan camp (when that stuff all works). You'll be able to contribute to the bigger cause even if you can't actively be in that firefight while you're at work or in class. I can't even list the possibilities of a healthy community of clans working with and against each other, even better if that clan has camps on their servers that they can add to, raid camps on other servers, take enemies hostage and torture them, get in to huge fights, deal with betrayal and sabotage, etc.. It would just be awesome There are a few problems, ghosting is the main one I know of. Ghosters ruin anything you try to do thats organized if you don't want to constantly be on the move. If you want to make any building/town/location on the map with structures your home you must abandon it when people find out where it is because they will just ghost in and ruin everything in an unfair way, this especially applied if your clan invites friendlies to their location. It's one thing to pretend to be a friendly, make your way in a kill everyone. It's another to circument that process and get aground structural chokepoints by logging in behind a building. Persistance is obviously another issue. Being able to contribute to a camp is an important part of contribution outside of running missions and makes the dayz experience much nicer. So this is kind of mental vomit, but I think this is also an important part int he future of DayZ edit: I forgot to say obviously base building will HUGELY change how camps and clans operate
  17. I've been a part of Green Mountain Sanctuary since the summer and when it ran, it ran really well. We'd have a constantly full 40 and most of the server would be at or near Green Mountain. The problem we ran in to was at first, ghosters logging in hidden locations and killing everyone. Then the hackers came and everything went to shit. Our group got labeled as hacking bandits who lured players in just to take their gear, so we just shut the whole thing down for months. We are throwing the idea of getting back up and running around since a lot has happened with the group since then (weeding out bad apples mainly) but there are still a few problems. Ghosting mainly, and a private server is too much for our owner to drop right now
  18. McWendy

    What do you want to see in .54

    Trujuice... yes your way not flexy's way. Flexy's way will lead to abuse and exploit of the mechanic. Ex: fighting 2vs2 and suddenly its 2vs8... wait wut.... Ghosting in is allready bad. Being able to spawn on a friendly/clanmember is top tier Ghosting.
  19. SaveMeJebus

    Game won't recognize multiple keys pressed

    I snipped this straight from an article that popped up on google .. I have no experience with the x6 personally. SNIPPED FROM ARTICLE It is probably about time to give an example to bring things into context. The Microsoft Sidewinder X6 keyboard is a fairly recent gaming keyboard that is frequently criticized for its anti-ghosting capabilities or lack thereof. With this particular keyboard, the common complaint is that gamers can't press certain 3-key combinations like: Ctrl + W + R (Crouch + Forward + Reload)In this case, after pressing the first two keys (Ctrl + W), the third key ® doesn't register. While key combinations like this may not be used by every gamer, it is a real problem...even with keyboards like this marketed towards gamers. SNIPPED FROM ARTICLE
  20. B4GEL

    Logging in and out of Servers

    A sleeping animation is not a bad idea, I definitely agree that it would be a more immersive way of logging off. I don't think the sleeping bag and health bonus are necessary though. Perhaps logging off could also trigger a snoring sound and logging on a yawn, to further discourage ghosting and combat logging.
  21. While it's true TN panels are not as accurate in colours and contrast compared to their IPS counterparts. A quality TN panel that is calibrated correctly will outperform a IPS in other areas. Now it is just a matter of what we want in a monitor. I know that I care most about having a fluid experience, not a perfect colour experience. You can't beat a quality TN panel in the motion flow/ghosting department. There is a big difference in the fluidity of everything you do when you run at 120hz+ upwards. From running your mouse pointer over your screen to dragging windows to tracking players in game. It all helps with the feel. caveat; you do need to be running high fps in game to see the most benefit! I agonized over picking out monitors, whether to go TN 120/144hz or IPS 60hz. Once I had a go at 120/144hz. I just couldn't go back. That's me though. I was disappointed when I setup my benq's. The colours were ugly and washed out, the gamma curve was way off. Took me awhile to calibrate properly and use a corrected ICC profile. I then finished off with using blurbuster and tuning my strobes and crosstalk. the final result was quite amazing. Most people just complain about the asus & benq TN monitors due to lack of calibration and their older IPS looks better. I myself, would pick a high refresh quality TN over an IPS monitor for gaming, but the next person may just not care about that and prefer to have the truest colours. No monitor panel is better, there just more suited to different applications. I would never pick a monitor just because it is awesome over another without first finding what makes it awesome. It may turn out that the thing that made it awesome, was the one thing I don't care about :D
  22. After playing dayz for serveral hunderd hours, I seeing more and more that dayz is not 100% realistic about anything. Everything from weather mechanics, to weapons to surviving. It really just isn't. It's losly based off reality...Id say much more realistic the then some games but still its losely based....But is that a bad thing? Do we really want to get hung up on realism? The truth is based off my exp backpacking, outdoor sports and serving in the military, I can tell dayz and the world it simulates is more dangerous then reality and sometimes its not all. Its really warped, infact real world knowlege will only go so far. Also tacticly its off too, I can tell you real world tactics don't always apply. Theres missing elements and added elements, like for ex ghosting. But is it something that is negative? Or is what makes dayz.....well dayz? Infact after a a while playing I think dayz is 50% tactics/common since and 50% knowing the mechanics of the game. Thats right 50 50. I apply "DayZ skills" to the game not real world. You can really drive your self crazy playing dayz and holding it to a 100% realism standard. Does it really need to be 100% realistic or can we get be ok with the way its the development is going now?...I think I'm ok with it. What does everyone else think?
  23. Intro The first time you play the game, or if your previous server is offline, or if you just click "Change Server" you will see the "Servers:" screen. There's a lot of information here and not much explanation of what it all means so this guide is designed to explain the various server options to newer players, to help them understand why sometimes their character appears to be reset and, perhaps most importantly, to assist them in getting a more rewarding DayZ experience. Throughout this article I may refer to various server hosting rules and guidelines, all of which are taken from the official thread located here. Otherwise, I mainly draw on my experience of playing 200 plus hours of DayZ SA. At the top of the screen is a row of buttons: Internet (largest section so placing in a spoiler) Column 1 is either a green circle or a gold key. The green circle means it's not password protected, the gold key means it is. Trying to join a password protected server will prompt you to enter the password - get it wrong and you cannot join. Note that it is against the server hosting rules to put a password on a public server, only private servers should be password protected. Column 2 is Host. This is a description of the server that the server admin chooses, and ideally should be something that is easy to remember (in the above screenshot I always remember one server - guess which one...hmm bacon) and should also provide 2 key pieces of information not displayed elsewhere - whether persistence is on and how often the server restarts. However, the server admin may not include this information in the description, in which case you will need to work it out for yourself. Persistence on means that most gear dropped on the floor should stay there after a regular server restart (but still not a Wednesday morning server maintenance) but can also lead to odd loot distributions and will not feature helicopter crash sites. Persistence off means that loot will be respawned after every server restart (so a tent or backpack left on the ground will disappear) but has the advantage of spawning helicopter crash sites where you can find some of the top end military loot.Server restarts will tell you how regularly the server is restarted which controls the respawn of loot. This is particularly important on persistence off servers (for finding helicopter crash sites) and just generally for getting a feel for how hard your game might be - join a high pop server 3 hours into a 4 hour restart cycle and don't expect to find much loot! Server restarts are typically 1, 2 or 4 hourly, but almost anything is possible.Note - Many server admins will chose descriptions that actually break the server hosting rules, either to attract more players or to try and warn them away. The most common of these is by promising different amounts of loot ("high loot" to attract more players or "low loot" to try and keep people off of the server) or put warnings in the descriptions like "Join=kick", "server not working", "Character reset if join" etc... The server admin has no control over loot spawn (outside of how regularly they restart the server which might help a little) and kicking players without just reason is against the rules. Column 3 is Hive and is a very important piece of information. There are 2 types of hive, public and private. In DayZ every private server you join will have its own character. So if you join a private server you have never been on before you will start as a fresh spawn on the coast. If you then switch to another new private server you will create another new character. Each character exists only on the private server they were created on. If you want to be able to play the same character across servers you will need to play on Public servers - however you also need to consider the mode of the public derver (1PP or 3PP - see "Mode" below). One final consideration when deciding between a private or public hive is that because characters on private servers only exist on that specific server, if the server is offline you cannot play that character and, even worse, if the server admin ever stops paying the bill you will lose that character forever. Column 4- Mode. This shows whether the server is a 1st Person view only server (1st Person or just generally referred to as 1PP) or a 1st Person and Third Person server (1st/3rd Person (or simply 3PP)). 1st person only mode is considered a more hardcore mode and requires significantly greater situational awareness. Switching to a 1PP server for the first time after playing a lot of 3PP is a very disorientating experience. However, it is also more rewarding. Note that you have a different character on Public 1PP servers from Public 3PP servers. Therefore, you effectively have 1 character for 1PP Public servers, 1 for 3PP Public servers and then one character for each Private server. 3PP Public servers are by far the most common and popular. 1PP servers (be they public or private) are considered "hardcore". Column 5 shows the current version of the game that the server is running. Column 6 is the in-game time - most servers are daytime so this is useful if you specifically want to play on a night time server (which is a great experience!) Column 7 shows if you have any friends currently playing on that server. Unfortunately, it doesn't tell you who the friend is, so if you have 2 friends playing on 2 different servers you'll just have to guess which one is which if they can't tell you. Column 8 shows the number of players on a server and the maximum number that can play on that server at the same time. Obviously, the more players the greater danger, but also the more opportunity for interaction. Some people also find high population servers "laggier" due to the server having to calculate more objects and items (the players and their bullets) especially when some very high ping players are on. Note that even on servers with a low number of players or even zero, the main hotspots such as the North West Airfield can still be very dangerous as people hop in and out of servers to repeatedly loot the same location across multiple servers. Even on a zero pop server you should regularly press "P" to open the player list and see if someone else has joined. Chernarus may be 225 sq km but there are lots of stories where there are only 2 players on a server and they run into each other in the middle of nowhere... Column 9 is the ping - the lower the better, obviously. Favourite When you select a server (by clicking on it once to highlight it) you'll get the option to add it to Favourites. Once you've done this, it will appear under this tab. History For me this is a bit buggy - when I switch to this tab it shows my Favourites list, then after about 15 seconds it fills up with a load more servers but not really with any that I recall playing on and certainly not in the manner that it should, i.e. most recently played server first. Friends This view lists only servers which you have friends playing on. Unfortunately, it doesn't tell you who the friend is, so if you have 2 friends playing on 2 different servers you'll just have to guess which one is which if they can't tell you. LAN Presumably it is possible to play the game over a LAN if you can find someone to host it - I've never used this. Remote This is a really useful tool for connecting directly to a server if you know the IP Address and Port. These can be found by highlighting a server in the server list and clicking on details at the bottom of the screen. Note the IP and port and put them directly into the Remote screen and you can connect in without having to search through the full list of servers. Sadly the "add to favourites" option does not currently work if using the Remote tab to find it. Finding a server - tips Another way of finding a specific server is to use the "Filter" option at the bottom of all of the screens except LAN and Remote. However, using Remote is generally easier and more reliable. If you've just played on a server but cannot remember which one it is you can check your C:\Users\yourUSERid\Documents\DayZ folder for a file called YourDayZName.DayZProfile file - open this in notepad\word\whatever and you will see the name, IP and port of the last server you played on near the bottom of the text file. So...which server should I play on? This is the big question. Ultimately, it really depends on what gaming experience you want. Public 3PP By far the most common and most popular choice, 3PP public servers undoubtedly offer the "easiest" and "quickest" game mode - whether it is frowned upon or not, the ability to transfer your character to any other public server allows people to raid the same military site across multiple servers in rapid succession and thus quickly accumulate a lot of high tech gear. It also allows ghosting and combat logging. The 3PP mode itself is also significantly easier to play than 1PP mode, offering the ability to see around corners and over walls. This sort of gameplay naturally appeals to the less patient\hardcore\serious player and thus KoS (Kill on Sight) is much more common on this sort of server. Life is just cheaper here and thus these servers, whilst offering the potential for great reward, are incredibly dangerous, especially the high pop ones. Public 1PP In my opinion, this may actually be the hardest game mode to play on since 1PP public servers are much less likely to have casual players on (becuase 1PP is "harder" than 3PP) meaning that those players you do meet will probably be more experienced players, possibly groups or clanners on team speak - this will put individual players at a serious tactical disadvantage. Also, because this is still a public server hive, these players can still gain military tech quite quickly by hopping. Private 1PP If you want a slower paced, more serious and challenging game, a 1PP private server is more likely to reward you. Since this hardcore mode is less appealing to the majority, you are more likely to find a more serious gamer, possibly an RP (Role Player) and thus less likely to be KoS - though you should always exercise extreme caution around any other player on any server. Typical player numbers on these servers are very low. This is my current favourite type of server. Private 3PP However, perhaps the best balance is the 3PP private server. This offers the easier 3PP mode but combined with the inability of people to server hop (because it's a private server) which means you are less likely to run into gangs of 5 fully kitted out military types who just want to torture bambis in Electro. However, as with all private servers, the gameplay can be a bit slower - just raided a barracks and not found anything? Tough luck, either wait for the next restart or start running for the next installation. If you are sick and tired of getting gunned down with minutes of spawning in Electro or Cherno a Private 3PP server *might* well be the answer to your problem. I hope this guide is helpful to people and feel free to make comments on where you think I can improve it. Thanks, krazypenguin
  24. "The FOG Awaits!" In FOG We Trust, The Rest We Dust." Be sure to check out our Public TS: ts58.teamspeak3.com:8037 (We've Added More Slots To Accommodate Our Public Community, Enjoy!) Server Discussion Page - Musty Gaming (Go Tohttp://mustygaming.com/Forum/index.php?/topic/3106-for-older-gamers-the-fog-awaits-private-shard-discussion-page/ to View/Share FOG Server Experiences.) FOG will be celebrating it's 6 month Anniversary and will be hosting a Community Meet & Greet. We hope to see you all there! Sign up to be added the list of Attendees. (http://forums.dayzga...g-jan-18th-sun/) .:FUN FACTS:. Private Hive (Eliminates Server Hopping/Ghosting.) Persistence Disabled (Due To Inconsistency. Stay tuned.) 2 Hour Restarts (Find That V3S Asap, Before We Do.) Zero Admin Abuse (Besides Obvious Exploiters, With Video Proof.) Community TeamSpeak3 (3 Separate Lobbies For Chatting With Fellow Survivors.) Community Media Gallery (Go Here To View/Share Photos and Video of FOG Server Experiences.) Community Server Discussion for Public Users (Go To http://mustygaming.com/Forum/index.php?/topic/3106-for-older-gamers-the-fog-awaits-private-shard-discussion-page/ to View/Share FOG Server Experiences.) Killer FOG On The Western Front (Adds To The Intensity Of It All. We Can't ALL Be Nice Guys.) Cannibals At Novodmitrovsk (The "Absolution Clan" Have Marked Their Territory. Claim And Defend Yours?) Tomatoes Galore (Ol' Man Cooter's Farm. Eat At Own Risk.) V3S's For All (Ok, Not True, This Ain't OprahZ.)
  25. archamedes

    The "new" cheating.

    not all private servers, I said All public and private, so you have the one character on whatever server you decide to use. yeah people don't like it because they want to gear up on a dead server and then jump onto high pop and give it large. That is probably the only reason, asside from hopping servers in popular heli crash locations to improve their chances of finding one and claiming an m4.... so they can then jump onto high pop and use it. But Still i think it would be a good idea when proper base building/barricading come into play. As i said it will prevent people ghosting into your base