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About gankaskon

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  1. gankaskon

    Zombies are normal humans with virus?

    DayZ is not a game built on what previously happened. The purpose to not giving a background is so you focus on your character in the present. The game is about character interaction, not the zombies (or infected, if we are incapable of using "zombie" as a practical term). The main mechanic of the game is literally that you create the story. It is a game that holds no story but encourages players to encounter one another, it's one of few games that get's rid of ludonarrative dissonance without having to turn into a competitive format or puzzle. It doesn't rely on it's mechanics as a motivator like a game like Braid, and it doesn't rely on a framed narrative like any RPG, MMO, etc..
  2. gankaskon

    Logging out idea from Reign of Kings

    It wouldn't be an item, just a state. When you log, you are on the ground sleeping. The bag is just a part of that model
  3. In Reign of Kings, when you log out your body appears on the ground in a sleeping bag. Would this kind of thing work (or be wanted) in DayZ? I figure it would make people much more conscious about where they log and would effectively stop combat logging. I just pictured earlier silently robbing someone as they slept, because in a real survival situation you are your most vulnerable when you sleep. However, in Reign of kings you have a bed you respawn at and DayZ doesn't have that feature so it makes sleeping a much more dangerous thing
  4. Why is everyone in this thread assuming that's the case? These guys shot at us first and got themselves in a bad situation when we trapped them and were trying to negotiate something. People in here are digging up every reason to not admit it's a problem like saying we are bandits. I regret creating this thread and I hope it gets deleted. People are content with mid combat logging as an acceptable practice. Just further proves KoS is the only way to do things because if you don't you'll just get ghosted on
  5. Yes you can.. Our server owner owns a public server but can't afford a private. It's sad that only 1 person offered a suggestion to fixing the problem (adding a log out sound that comes when your character disappears). I expected more from these forums than the same mentality there is on reddit
  6. Again, that is saying "deal with it" That means if you want to host events you can't send out server messages. It means you can't ban hackers or people who abuse glitches like hiding in the prison walls. Players shouldn't be given a worse version of the game just because they want a public server
  7. "deal with it" isn't really an answer, all it does is force players to spend more money. Recently there were 2 guys in a building and one was talking to us while his buddy ghosted out and behind us and shot several people. I don't see how that issue should be ignored and players should be told to deal with it while other players abuse it for an advantage. Why even interact with other players if they can exploit like that
  8. A lot of things my group wants to do are ruined by ghosting. It makes it pretty much impossible to trap someone in a building or hold someone hostage when they can just ghost to a different location. What can be done to stop ghosting? I know you can buy a private server but I'd hope the only solution planned is to force users to buy private shards
  9. I've been a part of Green Mountain Sanctuary since the summer and when it ran, it ran really well. We'd have a constantly full 40 and most of the server would be at or near Green Mountain. The problem we ran in to was at first, ghosters logging in hidden locations and killing everyone. Then the hackers came and everything went to shit. Our group got labeled as hacking bandits who lured players in just to take their gear, so we just shut the whole thing down for months. We are throwing the idea of getting back up and running around since a lot has happened with the group since then (weeding out bad apples mainly) but there are still a few problems. Ghosting mainly, and a private server is too much for our owner to drop right now
  10. I kind of agree with this. While I have played in groups of 15ish, it is completely stupid. Everything takes 10x as long to do and there is no mic discipline. I think a group of 6ish players who know when to talk and not talk is ideal. Any bigger than that you need just one or two priority speakers giving orders but that doesn't work well in a game like DayZ
  11. I think it will be server/clan wars. Most people find this game much more enjoyable with even just one friend to play with and I agree with that. Even since I found a group who regularly plays my enjoyment has increased exponentially and my experience have varied in the same way. After a while however doing the same old with your buddies loses it's freshness. Of course the game is only limited by your imagination, but if you only have a group of 4 you are still limited to things a group of 4 can do. You can never get in to a 15 v 15 firefight when all you have is 4 (assuming the entire 15 on your side are friendly and coordinated). You can't do things like large convoys (when vehicle types get implemented), you can't set up giant ambushes, huge raids, etc... but when you have a large group you can always parcel off and still do the small group stuff. Clan wars will also give group members a common enemy and something to participate in other than your own character development. Say you have a clan of 20 people warring against a similar sized clan. Even if it's a quiet day, you can still contribute to your group by doing things like looking for supplies, ammo, weapons, backup clothes, med supplies, etc and add it to the clan camp (when that stuff all works). You'll be able to contribute to the bigger cause even if you can't actively be in that firefight while you're at work or in class. I can't even list the possibilities of a healthy community of clans working with and against each other, even better if that clan has camps on their servers that they can add to, raid camps on other servers, take enemies hostage and torture them, get in to huge fights, deal with betrayal and sabotage, etc.. It would just be awesome There are a few problems, ghosting is the main one I know of. Ghosters ruin anything you try to do thats organized if you don't want to constantly be on the move. If you want to make any building/town/location on the map with structures your home you must abandon it when people find out where it is because they will just ghost in and ruin everything in an unfair way, this especially applied if your clan invites friendlies to their location. It's one thing to pretend to be a friendly, make your way in a kill everyone. It's another to circument that process and get aground structural chokepoints by logging in behind a building. Persistance is obviously another issue. Being able to contribute to a camp is an important part of contribution outside of running missions and makes the dayz experience much nicer. So this is kind of mental vomit, but I think this is also an important part int he future of DayZ edit: I forgot to say obviously base building will HUGELY change how camps and clans operate
  12. Anyone? I don't get why I seem to be the only one who can't get past this. Even Battleye didn't give me an answer when I emailed. They just said it was my firewall, which it isn't It's really disappointing that an anticheat has made my game unplayable edit: Ended up having to format my drive. So frustrating
  13. this doesnt work for me at all. I keep getting the same error
  14. When I try to start DayZ after the recent .53 patch I get this error. The battleye window says Installing Battleye Service Successfully installed Battleye service Failed to start battleye service This message repeats. I have uninstalled and re installed. Deleted every DayZ and Battleye folder off my computer. I've restarted. I've tried running everything as admin and allowed everything to do with BE through my firewall. I've tried everything I can think of or find online to fix the problem.
  15. I'm working on a project to make a really cool DayZ video but I need you best cinematic DayZ screenshots. Cinematic meaning it looks like it could have been pulled out of a movie. High quality (good graphic settings and 1920x1080), framed well, something that looks like there is more to the story than the picture itself can tell. Shots that you feel capture the essence of DayZ in one photo are what I'm looking for. A hostage situation, a shot of someone fighting zombies, looking over a beautiful landscape or sitting with friends by a campfire, people in a firefight, etc. Anything goes as long as it is a high quality shot.