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About Sula

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    PC computer games. Science Fiction books, films and tv.

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  • Bio
    I'm 46, female and been playing computer games for longer than you've been alive, young-fella-m'lad! :D Since 1986. I'm not married, don't have kids, so my time is my own. And I choose to spend it on DayZ.

    And no, I don't have wrinkles or grey hair yet because I don't have kids like you to worry about and drive me into premature old age! So I still feel the same as I did when I was 16 in many ways. :)

    I'm friendly and helpful and try to be kind even when my instincts want to tell someone how childish and cruel they're being.

    Life is so short and then you're just a memory of somebody that someone else used to know. I don't want to leave anyone with a bad memory of me. Too many already.

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  1. Sula

    How can i mod my arma 2?

    Can you confirm that you did not make the first post in this thread, in other words, you didn't create the thread? Perhaps someone else has access to your account? Brother/friend/fellow-student for example?
  2. If people don't keep things civil and mature, I can hand out bans, if that helps. Sula
  3. It's very difficult to play without a mic because people assume you are going to kill them and so they shoot first. I wish you luck. :thumbsup:
  4. Sula

    Some questions

    Anyone telling you they are using DayZ Commander, is lying. It's gone. You should use DayZ Launcher, I find that still works, and finds servers. These fora support the standalone and the mod (but it gets confusing here, as "the mod" means the vanilla mod. But Overpoch and Epoch are not supported. Overwatch is almost dead. There might be one server left but again, these fora do not provide support). Good luck. Ask if you've any other questions. Oh and on Launcher I see some servers that 60 and 70 players every day. So people are still playing :thumbsup:
  5. Sula

    Me And My Friend Banned For No Reason

    Closing thread. You have issues with being banned, then take them up with Battleye or the server admins concerned if server is private.
  6. Sula

    New 3PP Camera

    Keep it on topic and civil, everyone. That way we can carry on the discussion.
  7. Sula

    How do I build a wooden wall

    Double check all the glass windows are entirely 100% fixed or the helis can, indeed, leak. :thumbsup:
  8. Sula

    Is it dead?

    I play daily, and the best way to play is just however you want to play it. As to sniping, well that's just one way though I would never snipe anyone other than AI. I play as a survivor, which can be hard with the mods because you think you're doing great, you've survived four months and suddenly the server changes to another mod and your survival is gone! Argh! Got to love DayZ. :thumbsup:
  9. I just tried downloading this as my favourite overwatch server (Dreist) swapped to overpoch but I still can't find any instructions on what to do to download it. It's all about vague. Do this is if you that, go here and get this if you don't use that. Argh! I know this is an old server and might not still be running but I thought the instructions would be the same wherever you download it to play on most servers. And now I'm regretting posting here.
  10. I've no idea who posts when the latest updates are released but I will close this thread as, so far, it doesn't seem to have much use. Feel free to continue posting about subjects, it's just this one doesn't seem to have anything specific to discuss. thanks, Sula
  11. Sula

    DayZ Mod 1.8.5

    The server you mention, Razor, is the one running this illusive, which isn't in my list of versions. It isn't 1.8.5.
  12. Sula

    Need some help, apologies from a noob.

    That sounds like good advice, though I'm no expert on Arma 3. I do have it but only tried it once. I play Arma 2 and the DayZ mod too. No, I don't think you can play on Arma 3 servers without Arma 3. They are mutually exclusive, as are their mods. I know because I can't play with my mates when they are in DayZ mods for Arma 3. If we can clarify anything more, let us know.
  13. Isn't Steak a lovely guy? :thumbsup: Welcome to the game, Druringtons. ;)
  14. Sula


    Sweet Jebus, the horror! The HORROR! You lot would be eating each other the first chance you got, wouldn't you? :o Well done to those who gave helpful answers. Nice work. :thumbsup: